Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Water is a ubiquitous Environmental Hazard that allows for a variety of movement through and on top of it. When touching the water, any character will get the Wet status. Water can usually be Frozen by attacking the surface with Cryo (the duration of which varies on the method that produced the ice).

It is possible to swim underwater in Fontainian inland waters, and only therein.


There are various forms of movement that can be used to traverse water:

Normal Traversal[]

Shallow water can be normally traversed, only applying the Wet status.

Waist deep water forces the character to wade through the water: sprinting and dashing are disabled, but running, walking, and jumping are unaffected. The depth of water that characters can wade through is based on the characters' heights.


When the current character can no longer touch the floor of the body of water, the character will start to swim. Actively swimming in any direction will consume stamina. Treading water will not consume stamina but will also not allow stamina to recharge naturally (certain foods can be consumed to replenish stamina). In this state, the player cannot switch their active character.

The player can sacrifice stamina inefficiently to swim faster using a front crawl method.

If the player runs out of stamina while swimming, the active character will go through a drowning animation and be teleported back to the location they were standing or the location their stamina was last at full capacity. All party members will proceed to lose approximately 10% of their health and all energy should this occur. It is possible to drown in shallower water, but this is usually as a result of poor ping.

Swimming in Fontaine[]

In Fontaine, when players have the blessing of the Transoceanic Sourcewater, swimming will not consume Stamina but Aquatic Stamina. Unlike regular Stamina, Aquatic Stamina can be recharged while the character is floating still, like on the surface. When Aquatic Stamina is expended, the character will not drown.

Players can enter Diving mode by pressing the crouch control (Left Ctrl by default on PC) while swimming in deep water. If attempting to dive in shallow water, an Error message "Too shallow to dive here" will appear.

Water Traversing Talents[]

These are talents that allow the character to traverse over the surface of water (without directly freezing it).

There are 11 Talents that match the category selection:

As Water Seeks Equilibrium As Water Seeks Equilibrium
Neuvillette Neuvillette
Normal Attack
With light flourishes, Neuvillette commands the tides to unleash a maximum of 3 attacks, dealing Hydro DMG.

Charged Attack Empowerment: Legal Evaluation
While charging up, Neuvillette will gather the power of water, forming it into a Seal of Arbitration. In this state, Neuvillette can move and change facing, and also absorb any Sourcewater Droplets in a certain AoE.
Every Droplet he absorbs will increase the formation speed of the Seal, and will heal Neuvillette.
When the charging is stopped, if the Symbol has yet to be formed, then a Charged Attack will be unleashed. If it has been formed, then a Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment will be unleashed.

Charged Attack
Consumes a fixed amount of Stamina to attack opponents with a rupturing blast of water, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.

Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment
Unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of him.
Equitable Judgment will not consume any Stamina and lasts 3s.
If Neuvillette's HP is above 50%, he will continuously lose HP while using this attack.

Plunging Attack
Gathering the might of Hydro, Neuvillette plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in his path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.
Normal Attack
Hanega: Song of the Wind Hanega: Song of the Wind
Wanderer Wanderer
Concentrates the power of the winds to break free from the shackles of the earth, dealing AoE Anemo DMG before leaping into the air and entering the Windfavored state.

The Wanderer cannot perform Plunging Attacks in this state. When he uses Normal and Charged Attacks, they will be converted into Kuugo: Fushoudan and Kuugo: Toufukai respectively; the DMG they deal and their AoE will be increased, and their DMG will be considered Normal and Charged Attack DMG respectively. Kuugo: Toufukai will not consume Stamina.
The Wanderer will hover persistently during this time. While this state is active, the Wanderer's movements gain the following properties:
  • Persistently consumes Kuugoryoku Points to maintain this hovering state.
  • When sprinting, additional Kuugoryoku Points will be consumed for the Wanderer to accelerate mid-air. Holding sprint will cause persistent Kuugoryoku Point consumption to maintain speed. This effect will replace his default sprint.
  • Jumping expends extra Kuugoryoku Points to increase hovering height. Holding jump will cause persistent Kuugoryoku Point consumption to keep increasing hovering height.

Running out of Kuugoryoku Points will end the Windfavored state.
A second cast during the duration of Windfavored will also end it.
Elemental Skill
Illusory Torrent Illusory Torrent
Mona Mona
Alternate Sprint
Mona cloaks herself within the water's flow, consuming stamina to move rapidly.

When under the effect of Illusory Torrent, Mona can move at high speed on water.
Applies the Wet status to nearby opponents when she reappears.
Alternate Sprint
Invitation to a Beheading Invitation to a Beheading
Arlecchino Arlecchino
Normal Attack
Performs up to 6 consecutive spear strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a fixed amount of Stamina, dashing toward a nearby opponent and cleaving once.
Continuously holding this button will cause Arlecchino to consume Stamina and engage in up to 5s of high-speed movement.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Masque of the Red Death
When Arlecchino has a Bond of Life equal to or greater than 30% of her Max HP, she will enter the "Masque of the Red Death" state, where her Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will be converted to deal Pyro DMG. This cannot be overridden.
When in the "Masque of the Red Death" state, Arlecchino's Normal Attacks will deal extra DMG to opponents on hit that scales off her ATK multiplied by a certain ratio of her current Bond of Life percentage. This will consume 7.5% of said current Bond of Life. Her Bond of Life can be consumed this way every 0.03s. When her Bond of Life is consumed in this manner, All Is Ash's CD will decrease by 0.8s.
Normal Attack
Kamisato Art: Senho Kamisato Art: Senho
Kamisato Ayaka Kamisato Ayaka
Alternate Sprint
Ayaka consumes Stamina and cloaks herself in a frozen fog that moves with her.

In Senho form, she moves swiftly upon water.
When she reappears, the following effects occur:
  • Ayaka unleashes frigid energy to apply Cryo on nearby opponents.
  • Coldness condenses around Ayaka's blade, infusing her attacks with Cryo for a brief period.
Alternate Sprint
Midnight Phantasmagoria Midnight Phantasmagoria
Fischl Fischl
Summons Oz to spread his twin wings of twilight and defend Fischl.
Has the following properties during the ability's duration:
  • Fischl takes on Oz's form, greatly increasing her Movement Speed.
  • Strikes nearby opponents with lightning, dealing Electro DMG to opponents she comes into contact with. Each opponent can only be struck once.
  • Once this ability's effects end, Oz will remain on the battlefield and attack his Prinzessin's foes. If Oz is already on the field, then this will reset the duration of his presence.
Elemental Burst
Nereid's Ascension Nereid's Ascension
Sangonomiya Kokomi Sangonomiya Kokomi
Summons the might of Watatsumi, dealing Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents, before robing Kokomi in a Ceremonial Garment made from the flowing waters of Sangonomiya.

Ceremonial Garment
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi's Normal Attack, Charged Attack and Bake-Kurage DMG are increased based on her Max HP.
  • When her Normal and Charged Attacks hit opponents, Kokomi will restore HP for all nearby party members, and the amount restored is based on her Max HP.
  • Increases Sangonomiya Kokomi's resistance to interruption and allows her to walk on the water's surface.

These effects will be cleared once Sangonomiya Kokomi leaves the field.
Elemental Burst
Salon Solitaire Salon Solitaire
Furina Furina
Invites the guests of the Salon Solitaire to come forth and aid in Furina's performance. Will summon either the Salon Members or the Singer of Many Waters based on Furina's current Arkhe alignment.

Foaming bubbles like celebrants shall dance, dealing AoE Hydro DMG based on Furina's Max HP and summoning 3 Salon Members: the Ball Octopus-shaped Gentilhomme Usher, the Bubbly Seahorse-shaped Surintendante Chevalmarin, and the Armored Crab-shaped Mademoiselle Crabaletta.
They will attack nearby opponents at intervals, prioritizing the target of the active character, dealing Hydro DMG based on Max HP.
When they attack, if character(s) with more than 50% HP are nearby, the Members will increase their current attack's power based on the number of such characters, and consume said characters' HP. If the characters who meet these requirements are 1/2/3/4 (or more), the Members' attacks will deal 110%/120%/130%/140% of their original DMG.

Summons the Singer of Many Waters, who will heal nearby active character(s) based on Max HP at intervals.

The Salon Members and Singer of Many Waters share a duration, and when Furina uses her Charged Attack to change the guest type, the new guests will inherit the initial duration.
While the Salon Members and the Singer of Many Waters are on the field, Furina can move on the water's surface.
Elemental Skill
Super Saturated Syringing Super Saturated Syringing
Sigewinne Sigewinne
Take out a special Fortress of Meropide-made syringe and assault the area in front with waves of kindness and medicine, dealing AoE Hydro DMG based on Sigewinne's max HP.
In addition, Sigewinne absorbs up to 2 nearby Sourcewater Droplets within a certain range right before using the skill.
Elemental Burst
Surfshark Wavebreaker Surfshark Wavebreaker
Mualani Mualani
Combining her mastery of speed and the waves and water, Mualani can surf anytime, anywhere.
After using this skill, Mualani will gain 60 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Mualani
Continuously consume Nightsoul points. When they are depleted or when the skill is used again, Mualani's Nightsoul's Blessing will end. The state itself has the following traits:
  • Mualani mounts her Sharky Surfboard, increasing Mualani's Movement SPD and interruption resistance. Mualani can move on water and Liquid Phlogiston while this state is active, and she will take no DMG from the latter.
  • Normal Attacks will be converted to Sharky's Bites, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Hydro DMG based on Mualani's Max HP. Sharky's Bites can be used in mid-air. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
  • When she makes contact with opponents in this state, Mualani applies "Marked as Prey" to them and gains 1 Wave Momentum stack. Max 3 stacks. 1 stack can be gained from the same opponent every 0.7s.

Wave Momentum and Marked as Prey
When Mualani uses Sharky's Bite, her DMG dealt increases based on Wave Momentum stacks. When she has 3 stacks, a Normal Attack will use Sharky's Surging Bite instead, further increasing her DMG and removing all her stacks afterward.
When Sharky's Bites hit opponents Marked as Prey, that mark is removed, and she will fire Shark Missiles at up to 5 nearby opponents Marked as Prey, dealing DMG to them equal to this Sharky's Bite instance and clearing their Marks. If more than 1 opponent is the target of Sharky's Bite and Shark Missiles, the DMG dealt will decrease, with 28% being the maximum decrease when at least 3 opponents are targeted.
Elemental Skill
Wondrous Trick: Miracle Parade Wondrous Trick: Miracle Parade
Lyney Lyney
Unleashing his magic, Lyney turns himself into a Grin-Malkin Cat that can move around quickly. (Not to be mistaken for the Grin-Malkin Hat. They're two different props!)
When the Grin-Malkin Cat gets close to opponents, it will send flames falling down on them, dealing at most 1 instance of Pyro DMG to each opponent. When the duration ends, he will dismiss the Grin-Malkin Cat and ignite fireworks that deal AoE Pyro DMG, summon 1 Grin-Malkin Hat, and grant himself 1 Prop Surplus stack.

Grin-Malkin Cat can be actively canceled.
Elemental Burst

Alternate Sprints[]

Certain character talents, like Mona's Illusory Torrent and Kamisato Ayaka's Kamisato Art: Senho, alter the characters' sprint. These special sprints allow them to efficiently travel over the surface of water while they have stamina.

Canceling this sprint will cause the character to exit their sprint animation and apply sprint effects. For instance, Kamisato Ayaka applies Cryo to water (see #Combat). Otherwise, they will drop into the water and transition to a swimming animation.

If the character has no more stamina left, the character will automatically exit the sprint and can still drown.


This waterborne vehicle allows for travel through bodies of water that is connected to a Waverider Waypoint. It was introduced in the Golden Apple Archipelago in Version 1.6, along with hazards like the whirlpools, bodies of fog, and water events like mist bubbles.

Element Interactions[]

Applying various elements to water can cause various reactions:

  • Cryo - Causes a sheet of ice to form in the approximate shape of the damage area. Depending on the source of the Cryo application, the sheet of ice will last a certain amount of time before melting away. All characters and enemies can stand on top of this sheet of ice as if it were land. The sheet of ice behaves like a Frozen object and can therefore affect or be affected by additional mechanics and elements.
    • The Frozen water's duration is determined by the amount of Cryo gauge units that an ability applies. Frozen water duration is calculated as:
      • Therefore, 1U Cryo attacks freeze water for 2.5s, 2U Cryo attacks freeze water for 5s, and 4U Cryo attacks (currently exclusive to Kaeya's Frostgnaw) freeze water for 8s.
    • Some talents with Elemental Absorption, such as Palm Vortex, may absorb Cryo from the ice and therefore deal Cryo DMG, which can cause more ice to appear. This ice is considered separate from the original ice despite appearing to "extend" the original ice.
    • Electro - Causes a non-damaging Superconduct reaction that shortens the time until the ice melts.
    • Pyro - Causes a Melt reaction that immediately melts the ice. Characters and enemies who were on top of the ice will immediately drop into the water, except for the enemies such as Hydro Slimes and characters such as Furina who can walk on water.
  • Electro - Causes the area to be electrified for a short amount of time, dealing Electro DMG over time to characters, enemies, and wildlife in the area.
  • Pyro - Causes a visual Vaporize reaction (water vapors appear).

Water also applies Wet on contact, which may cause certain reactions:

  • Cryo - Characters and enemies who are already affected by Cryo will become frozen upon touching water.
  • Electro - Characters and enemies who are already affected by Electro will not become Electro-Charged upon touching water. Instead, the Hydro and Electro auras will coexist.
  • Pyro - Characters and enemies who are already affected by Pyro will have a Vaporize reaction occur. This does not deal DMG.
  • Dendro - Characters and enemies who are already affected by Dendro will have a Bloom reaction occur.

If the water is deep enough to the enemy's height, they will drown, instantly killing them and generally placing their loot on the last safe location they were on. Heavier enemies, while not being displaced as easily, can still be manipulated into drowning by luring them across frozen water and then letting the ice melt.

Water is also a Hydro object, which allows it to serve as a source for Elemental Absorptions.

Special Bodies of Water[]

Decorative Water[]

Fountains, waterfalls and various other bodies of decorative water in Main Cities cannot be Frozen, nor will they become Electro-Charged when in contact with Electro. The same is the case for the water in the realm layout Silken Courtyard, and the water in various Furnishings.

Waterfalls will force characters caught in them downwards, making climbing difficult, if not impossible. Repeatedly opening one's Wind Glider will slow one's fall when caught in a waterfall.

Waterfalls that fall through air and not against a cliff face, such as many of the waterfalls in Watatsumi Island, will not apply the Wet effect to characters.

Damaging Water[]

Damaging water is too dangerous to swim through. This include water with spikes (found in Crash Course) and electrified water. When inside damaging water, the active character will lose large amounts of HP at a time, dying in approximately 6–8 seconds.

Electrified Water[]

Certain bodies of water in Inazuma are energized with Electro. Coming into contact with Electrified Water[1] by swimming or standing in it will make the active character Wet but will not apply Electro to them, and the active character will lose HP, even if they are only standing in shallow Electrified Water. As is the case with other environmental hazards in Inazuma, carrying an Electrogranum is recommended, as it blocks some of the HP loss from coming into contact with Electrified Water.

The HP loss inflicted by Electrified Water is calculated as .

HP loss is inflicted every 2 seconds. Increase Factor starts at 1, increases by 1 every time a character suffers HP loss from Electrified Water, and caps out at 6. It will be reset to 1 every time the active character leaves Electrified Water (including switching to another party member).

While these bodies of water are similar to areas affected by Balethunder and are sometimes found in Balethunder-affected areas, they are not the same. The Balethunder climate icon will not appear next to the minimap even while swimming in Electrified Water if the rest of the area is not affected by Balethunder, and dying due to Electrified Water will not award the Wonders of the World achievement Shocking... Positively Shocking. Similarly, completing Tatara Tales clears the Balethunder in Tatarasuna but the Electrified Water will remain.

Electrified Water cannot be Electro-Charged or Frozen. However, despite the lack of ice, Cryo Slimes can bounce on top of Electrified Water and will not drown.

  • Cryo DMG that contacts Electrified Water causes Superconduct, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
  • Pyro that contacts Electrified Water will cause Overloaded.

Electrified Water can be found in the following locations:

Hot Water[]

Certain bodies of water in Fontaine are superheated with Pyro. Coming into contact with Hot Water[1] by swimming or standing it will make the active character Wet but not apply Pyro to them, working similarly to Electrified Water.

Hot Water can be found in the following locations:

Liquid Phlogiston[]

Liquid Phlogiston is an exploration mechanic in Natlan. While in contact, it applies Pyro to characters and enemies, and causes them to lose 5% of their Max HP every 0.25 seconds.

Liquid Phlogiston can be found in following locations:


  • When a character jumps in a direction such that they will land in deep water, their jump animation is changed into a diving animation. Shorter characters will cannonball instead of diving.
    • Characters will automatically enter Diving mode if the body of water is in Fontaine and players have the blessing of the Transoceanic Sourcewater.‍[If they don't have the blessing?]
  • The water over whirlpools and mist bubbles can be frozen over, and characters can walk on the ice layer without taking damage. The animation of the whirlpool and mist bubbles are unaffected.
  • If the player is abnormally under a surface of water, they will be teleported up to the surface.‍[elevation distance needed]
  • If an enemy dies below the water, the items may sometimes drop below the water (where it is too far for a swimming character to reach). They can still be obtained by the player via various methods:
    • Leave the area and come back: the items will be on the water's surface.
    • Skills that can pull items like Venti's Wind's Grand Ode can drag items to the water's surface.
    • Intentionally drowning to reach a loading screen will also relocate the items to the water's surface.
    • A dive, fall, or Plunging Attack over the loot may momentarily send the character down far enough to reach them.
  • On PC there is a bug that allows you to travel fast (but not efficiently)
    • While sprinting, open the map, stop sprinting, close the map, and repeat.


  • Males slowly swim with a breaststroke pattern, while females slowly swim with a breaststroke variant: using a slow flutter kicking in their legs.
  • Certain bodies of water have glowing blue waves, for example, at the beach north of the Statue of The Seven on Tatarasuna. This is a reference to bioluminescence emitted by marine organisms.
  • The water found in The Orchard of Pairidaeza is unique in that, due to the location being frozen in time, is a solid surface the player can stand on and cannot swim in, and does not apply Hydro to the character upon contact.

Change History[]

Version 5.0
  • Liquid Phlogiston was released.

Version 4.0

  • Hot Water was released.

Version 2.0

  • Electrified Water was released.

Version 1.0

  • Water and Decorative Water (unofficial name) was released.

