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Nightsoul's Blessing is a combat and exploration mechanic related to Natlan.

It allows characters from Natlan to utilize Phlogiston Engraving to communicate with the tribe's Wayob and Ley Lines and enhance their strength.

Nightsoul's Blessing[]

When in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, the character's movement and combat capabilities will be enhanced. When entering the state, a certain number of Nightsoul points will be received.


There are 3 Talents that match the category selection:

Canopy Hunter: Riding High Canopy Hunter: Riding High
Kinich Kinich
Kinich uses his big-game hunting skills to either move swiftly or attack his opponent.
When there is an opponent or object that can be attacked nearby, he will attach a grappling hook to the target and enter Nightsoul's Blessing with 0 Nightsoul points. If neither is nearby, he fires a grappling hook forward and swings in mid-air, and this Skill's CD is decreased by 60%.
This skill can be Held to release. When it is Held, Kinich can aim the grappling hook.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Kinich
Kinich's Nightsoul's Blessing lasts 10s and generates 2 Nightsoul points every second.
In this state, Kinich will hook onto a nearby opponent and perform a variable attack:
  • When using a Normal Attack, Kinich will fire Loop Shots as he loops around the grappled target based on his current movement direction, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Dendro DMG and generating 3 Nightsoul points. Loop Shot DMG is considered Elemental Skill DMG.
  • When Nightsoul points are at max, he can use the Elemental Skill "Scalespiker Cannon": Consume all Nightsoul points to deal Nightsoul-aligned Dendro DMG. When "Scalespiker Cannon" is Held, Kinich can aim this shot. After firing the Cannon, Kinich will try to grapple to its target.
While in Nightsoul's Blessing, after grappling an opponent or firing "Scalespiker Cannon," a Blind Spot will be generated next to the opponent. When Kinich enters this Blind Spot, it will disappear and he will generate 4 Nightsoul points.
If the grapple connection should snap due to exceeding the maximum distance or some other reason, using a Normal Attack will establish a new connection with a nearby opponent before performing Loop Shots.
Elemental Skill
Go, Go Turbo Twirly! Go, Go Turbo Twirly!
Kachina Kachina
Fight alongside the turbo trusty Turbo Twirly!
Summons Turbo Twirly. When the skill is Held and released, Kachina will summon and ride Turbo Twirly.
After the Skill is used, Kachina will gain 60 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Kachina
Turbo Twirly's various actions consume Kachina's Nightsoul points.
The Nightsoul's Blessing state will end when these points have been depleted.

Turbo Twirly
Can exist independently or be ridden and operated by Kachina. When Turbo Twirly is present, Kachina's Elemental Skill, "Go, Go Turbo Twirly!", will change to an option to Mount/Dismount Turbo Twirly.
  • When present independent of Kachina, it will slam the ground at intervals, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Geo DMG based on Kachina's DEF.
  • When Kachina is riding Turbo Twirly, she can control it to move and climb swiftly, and use Normal Attacks to slam the ground, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Geo DMG based on Kachina's DEF.

Turbo Twirly will disappear once Kachina's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends, and it is considered a Geo Construct. 1 Turbo Twirly can exist on the field at any one time.
Elemental Skill
Surfshark Wavebreaker Surfshark Wavebreaker
Mualani Mualani
Combining her mastery of speed and the waves and water, Mualani can surf anytime, anywhere.
After using this skill, Mualani will gain 60 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Mualani
Continuously consume Nightsoul points. When they are depleted or when the skill is used again, Mualani's Nightsoul's Blessing will end. The state itself has the following traits:
  • Mualani mounts her Sharky Surfboard, increasing Mualani's Movement SPD and interruption resistance. Mualani can move on water and Liquid Phlogiston while this state is active, and she will take no DMG from the latter.
  • Normal Attacks will be converted to Sharky's Bites, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Hydro DMG based on Mualani's Max HP. Sharky's Bites can be used in mid-air. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
  • When she makes contact with opponents in this state, Mualani applies "Marked as Prey" to them and gains 1 Wave Momentum stack. Max 3 stacks. 1 stack can be gained from the same opponent every 0.7s.

Wave Momentum and Marked as Prey
When Mualani uses Sharky's Bite, her DMG dealt increases based on Wave Momentum stacks. When she has 3 stacks, a Normal Attack will use Sharky's Surging Bite instead, further increasing her DMG and removing all her stacks afterward.
When Sharky's Bites hit opponents Marked as Prey, that mark is removed, and she will fire Shark Missiles at up to 5 nearby opponents Marked as Prey, dealing DMG to them equal to this Sharky's Bite instance and clearing their Marks. If more than 1 opponent is the target of Sharky's Bite and Shark Missiles, the DMG dealt will decrease, with 28% being the maximum decrease when at least 3 opponents are targeted.
Elemental Skill


2 Artifact Sets match the category selection:

Set Rarity Pieces Bonuses
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City 4-5★ Beast Tamer's TalismanMountain Ranger's MarkerMystic's Gold DialWandering Scholar's Claw CupDemon-Warrior's Feather Mask 2 Piece: When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, the equipping character regenerates 6 Elemental Energy.
4 Piece: After the equipping character triggers a reaction related to their Elemental Type, all nearby party members gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the elemental reaction for 15s. If the equipping character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state when triggering this effect, all nearby party members gain an additional 28% Elemental DMG Bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the elemental reaction for 20s. The equipping character can trigger this effect while off-field, and the DMG bonus from Artifact Sets with the same name do not stack.
Obsidian Codex 4-5★ Reckoning of the XenogenicRoot of the Spirit-MarrowMyths of the Night RealmPre-Banquet of the ContendersCrown of the Saints 2 Piece: While the equipping character is in Nightsoul's Blessing and is on the field, their DMG dealt is increased by 15%.
4 Piece: After the equipping character consumes 1 Nightsoul point while on the field, CRIT Rate increases by 40% for 6s. This effect can trigger once every second.

Nightsoul Burst[]

Nightsoul Bursts are triggered when dealing Elemental DMG to an opponent while the party contains a Natlan character. Depending on the number of Natlan characters in the party, the CD will be 18 seconds for 1 character, 12 seconds for 2 characters, and 9 seconds for 3 or more characters. Other effects from Talents, Artifacts, etc. can be triggered by Nightsoul Bursts to grant effects.


There are 2 Talents that match the category selection:

Mountain Echoes Mountain Echoes
Kachina Kachina
When nearby party members trigger a Nightsoul Burst, Kachina's Geo DMG Bonus increases by 20% for 12s.1st Ascension Passive
Natlan's Greatest Guide Natlan's Greatest Guide
Mualani Mualani
When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, Mualani will gain 1 stack of Wavechaser's Exploits, which lasts for 20s. Max 3 stacks. When she uses Boomsharka-laka, Mualani will clear all Wavechaser's Exploits stacks and increase the DMG of this Boomsharka-laka by 15%/30%/45% of her Max HP based on the number of stacks cleared.4th Ascension Passive


1 Artifact Set matches the category selection:

Set Rarity Pieces Bonuses
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City 4-5★ Beast Tamer's TalismanMountain Ranger's MarkerMystic's Gold DialWandering Scholar's Claw CupDemon-Warrior's Feather Mask 2 Piece: When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, the equipping character regenerates 6 Elemental Energy.
4 Piece: After the equipping character triggers a reaction related to their Elemental Type, all nearby party members gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the elemental reaction for 15s. If the equipping character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state when triggering this effect, all nearby party members gain an additional 28% Elemental DMG Bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the elemental reaction for 20s. The equipping character can trigger this effect while off-field, and the DMG bonus from Artifact Sets with the same name do not stack.

Nightsoul Points[]

Nightsoul points are consumed while in the character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state. Once all Nightsoul points are consumed and the player is in Natlan, Phlogiston will be consumed instead.


There are 7 Talents that match the category selection:

Canopy Hunter: Riding High Canopy Hunter: Riding High
Kinich Kinich
Kinich uses his big-game hunting skills to either move swiftly or attack his opponent.
When there is an opponent or object that can be attacked nearby, he will attach a grappling hook to the target and enter Nightsoul's Blessing with 0 Nightsoul points. If neither is nearby, he fires a grappling hook forward and swings in mid-air, and this Skill's CD is decreased by 60%.
This skill can be Held to release. When it is Held, Kinich can aim the grappling hook.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Kinich
Kinich's Nightsoul's Blessing lasts 10s and generates 2 Nightsoul points every second.
In this state, Kinich will hook onto a nearby opponent and perform a variable attack:
  • When using a Normal Attack, Kinich will fire Loop Shots as he loops around the grappled target based on his current movement direction, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Dendro DMG and generating 3 Nightsoul points. Loop Shot DMG is considered Elemental Skill DMG.
  • When Nightsoul points are at max, he can use the Elemental Skill "Scalespiker Cannon": Consume all Nightsoul points to deal Nightsoul-aligned Dendro DMG. When "Scalespiker Cannon" is Held, Kinich can aim this shot. After firing the Cannon, Kinich will try to grapple to its target.
While in Nightsoul's Blessing, after grappling an opponent or firing "Scalespiker Cannon," a Blind Spot will be generated next to the opponent. When Kinich enters this Blind Spot, it will disappear and he will generate 4 Nightsoul points.
If the grapple connection should snap due to exceeding the maximum distance or some other reason, using a Normal Attack will establish a new connection with a nearby opponent before performing Loop Shots.
Elemental Skill
Crests and Troughs Crests and Troughs
Mualani Mualani
After her Nightsoul points are depleted, Mualani will switch to consuming Phlogiston to maintain her Nightsoul's Blessing.
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, she can use Nightsoul Transmission: Mualani. When the active character is currently sprinting, swimming, in a movement mode caused by certain Talents, or at a certain height in the air, the following will trigger when switching to Mualani: Mualani will enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state and gain 40 Nightsoul points. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own team.

Additionally, Mualani's Nightsoul point or Phlogiston consumption while moving on water and Liquid Phlogiston during Nightsoul's Blessing is decreased by 75% while in Natlan, and her Nightsoul point consumption is decreased by 35% while doing the same outside Natlan.
Night Realm's Gift Passive
Go, Go Turbo Twirly! Go, Go Turbo Twirly!
Kachina Kachina
Fight alongside the turbo trusty Turbo Twirly!
Summons Turbo Twirly. When the skill is Held and released, Kachina will summon and ride Turbo Twirly.
After the Skill is used, Kachina will gain 60 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Kachina
Turbo Twirly's various actions consume Kachina's Nightsoul points.
The Nightsoul's Blessing state will end when these points have been depleted.

Turbo Twirly
Can exist independently or be ridden and operated by Kachina. When Turbo Twirly is present, Kachina's Elemental Skill, "Go, Go Turbo Twirly!", will change to an option to Mount/Dismount Turbo Twirly.
  • When present independent of Kachina, it will slam the ground at intervals, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Geo DMG based on Kachina's DEF.
  • When Kachina is riding Turbo Twirly, she can control it to move and climb swiftly, and use Normal Attacks to slam the ground, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Geo DMG based on Kachina's DEF.

Turbo Twirly will disappear once Kachina's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends, and it is considered a Geo Construct. 1 Turbo Twirly can exist on the field at any one time.
Elemental Skill
Heart of Unity Heart of Unity
Kachina Kachina
After her Nightsoul points are depleted, Kachina will switch to consuming Phlogiston to maintain her Nightsoul's Blessing.
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, she can use Nightsoul Transmission: Kachina. When the active character is currently sprinting, climbing, in a movement mode caused by certain Talents, or at a certain height in the air, the following will trigger when switching to Kachina: Kachina will enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state and ride Turbo Twirly when taking the field while gaining 30 Nightsoul points. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own team.

Additionally, while in Natlan, Kachina will consume 90% less Stamina when climbing while riding Turbo Twirly.
Night Realm's Gift Passive
Heat-Resistant Freshwater Floater Heat-Resistant Freshwater Floater
Mualani Mualani
When Sharky's Surging Bite hits an opponent, a Puffer will be generated nearby. Mualani will restore 20 Nightsoul points when she picks up a Puffer. Only 2 such Puffers can be created in this way during a single instance of being in Nightsoul's Blessing.1st Ascension Passive
Surfshark Wavebreaker Surfshark Wavebreaker
Mualani Mualani
Combining her mastery of speed and the waves and water, Mualani can surf anytime, anywhere.
After using this skill, Mualani will gain 60 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Mualani
Continuously consume Nightsoul points. When they are depleted or when the skill is used again, Mualani's Nightsoul's Blessing will end. The state itself has the following traits:
  • Mualani mounts her Sharky Surfboard, increasing Mualani's Movement SPD and interruption resistance. Mualani can move on water and Liquid Phlogiston while this state is active, and she will take no DMG from the latter.
  • Normal Attacks will be converted to Sharky's Bites, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Hydro DMG based on Mualani's Max HP. Sharky's Bites can be used in mid-air. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
  • When she makes contact with opponents in this state, Mualani applies "Marked as Prey" to them and gains 1 Wave Momentum stack. Max 3 stacks. 1 stack can be gained from the same opponent every 0.7s.

Wave Momentum and Marked as Prey
When Mualani uses Sharky's Bite, her DMG dealt increases based on Wave Momentum stacks. When she has 3 stacks, a Normal Attack will use Sharky's Surging Bite instead, further increasing her DMG and removing all her stacks afterward.
When Sharky's Bites hit opponents Marked as Prey, that mark is removed, and she will fire Shark Missiles at up to 5 nearby opponents Marked as Prey, dealing DMG to them equal to this Sharky's Bite instance and clearing their Marks. If more than 1 opponent is the target of Sharky's Bite and Shark Missiles, the DMG dealt will decrease, with 28% being the maximum decrease when at least 3 opponents are targeted.
Elemental Skill
The Price of Desolation The Price of Desolation
Kinich Kinich
When Kinich is in Nightsoul's Blessing state, opponents hit by his Elemental Skill will enter the Desolation state, and when affected by Burning or Burgeon reaction DMG, they will restore 7 Nightsoul points to him. Nightsoul points can be gained this way once every 0.8s. The Desolation state will persist until this instance of Kinich's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends.1st Ascension Passive


No Artifact Sets match the category selection.

Nightsoul Transmission[]

When a Natlan character's avatar lights up, switching to them will trigger Nightsoul Transmission, which allows swift movement depending on the character's Night Realm's Gift Passive. This can occur during certain movement modes such as sprinting, climbing, swimming, or jumping.


Natlan's Nightsoul's Blessing
Tutorial Natlan's Nightsoul's Blessing 1
The Nightsoul's Blessing state that characters from Natlan can engage will usually increase their mobility and combat prowess. For most characters, their Elemental Skills are the most convenient way of entering this state.

Tutorial Natlan's Nightsoul's Blessing 2
Nightsoul's Blessings are usually closely related to the resource known as Nightsoul points. For example, Kachina will consume these points to ride Turbo Twirly or attack using it, and when the points run out, the Nightsoul's Blessing state will end and Turbo Twirly will disappear.
"Nightsoul Burst"
Tutorial Nightsoul Burst 1
When your party contains a character from Natlan, when a character deals Elemental DMG to an opponent, a Nightsoul Burst will be triggered. The more characters from Natlan you have in your party, the shorter the CD before another Nightsoul Burst may be triggered: When you have 1/2/3 or more characters from Natlan in your party, the CD between Nightsoul Bursts will be 18/12/9s respectively.

Tutorial Nightsoul Burst 2
Nightsoul Burst can trigger other effects, such as Character Talent and Artifact effects.
Nightsoul Transmission
Tutorial Nightsoul Transmission
In areas where Phlogiston Mechanics are present within Natlan, when you switch to Natlan characters while in certain movement modes, a Nightsoul Transmission will be triggered: When this character from Natlan takes the field, they will engage in a unique type of movement based on their abilities. For more details on Nightsoul Transmission trigger methods and effects, please see the "Night Realm's Gift" Talent of each character.


Other Languages[]

Nightsoul's Blessing

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishNightsoul's Blessing
Korean밤혼 가호
Bamhon Gaho
SpanishBendición noctámbula
FrenchBénédiction noctâmeNightsoul Blessing
RussianБлагословение Ночного духа
Blagosloveniye Nochnogo dukha
Night Soul's Blessing
VietnameseDạ Hồn Chúc Phúc
IndonesianNightsoul's Blessing
PortugueseBênção do Espírito da Noite
TurkishGece Ruhunun Lütfu
ItalianGrazia dell'Anima della Notte

Nightsoul Burst

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishNightsoul Burst
Korean밤혼 발산
Bamhon Balsan
SpanishExplosión noctámbula
FrenchÉruption noctâmeNightsoul Eruption
RussianВспышка Ночного духа
Vspyshka Nochnogo dukha
Night Soul Flash
VietnameseDạ Hồn Bùng Nổ
IndonesianNightsoul Burst
PortugueseExplosão do Espírito da Noite
TurkishGece Ruhu Patlaması
ItalianImpeto dell'Anima della Notte

Nightsoul Point

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishNightsoul Point
Korean「밤혼」의 수치
"Bamhon"-ui Suchi
SpanishPunto de noctambulismo
FrenchPoint de noctâmeNightsoul Point
RussianОчко Ночного духа
Ochko Nochnogo dukha
Night Soul Point
VietnameseĐiểm Dạ Hồn
IndonesianPoin Nightsoul
PortuguesePonto de Espírito da Noite
TurkishGece Ruhu Puanı
ItalianPunto Anima della Notte

Nightsoul Transmission

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishNightsoul Transmission
Korean밤혼 전달
Bamhon Jeondal
SpanishTransmisión noctambular
FrenchTransmission noctâmeNightsoul Transmission
RussianПередача Ночного духа
Peredacha Nochnogo dukha
Night Soul Transmission
VietnameseDạ Hồn Chuyển Hóa
IndonesianNightsoul Transmission
PortugueseTransmissão do Espírito da Noite
TurkishGece Ruhu Aktarımı
ItalianTrasmissione dell'Anima della Notte

Change History[]

