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Operable Mechanisms are an exploration mechanic in Fontaine. There are two types of Operable Mechanism puzzles, Eliphas Beam puzzles and Track Assemblage puzzles.

Eliphas Beam Puzzles[]

The goal of this type of puzzle is to ensure every Bean Receiver is lit up by the Eliphas Beam. There are various types of nodes that may redirect or block the beam. These nodes can be controlled with valves, and the player must operate the valves using the ability of the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus to lead the beam to its destinations.

The Eliphas Beam

  • Bean Generators: These nodes generate the Eliphas Beam.
  • Bean Receivers: These nodes receive the Eliphas Beam. The goal is to light up every receiver.

Beam blockers
Bean blockers will block the path of the beam and must be interacted with in some way to ensure the beam can move on.

  • Lifting Column: these columns can block the path of the beam. Use the ability of the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus to lift the column up or down to ensure the beam can move on. Alternatively, some columns may have beam relays attached to them.
  • Track Assemblage: various nodes can be attached to the track and may be moved along by operating some valve. When activated, dispatch switches may block the track.

Beam relays
Beam relays are nodes that can receive a the Eliphas Beam and redirect it off in another direction.

  • Track Assemblages and Eliphas Beams: these relays are on a track and can be moved along the track.
  • Vertical Lifting Columns and Eliphas Beams: these relays are on a column that can be lifted up an down

Track Assemblage Puzzles[]

In this type of puzzle, there are various crystal chunks along various tracks. The goal is to bring all of the crystal chunks to a crystal pedestal.

  • Crystal Chunks: Objects along the track that can be moved by interacting with valves using the ability of the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus.
    • Chunks controlled by a feather valve will slowly return to the original position in the track when the valve is not being operated, unless blocked by a dispatch switch.
    • Chunks operated by a regulating valve will stay in their current position when the valve is not being operated.
  • Crystal Pedestals: Stationary pedestals at some point in the track. The goal is to bring every chunk to a pedestal.
  • Dispatch Switches: When activated, these switches will block the track and prevent crystal chunks from passing through.


These valves are involved in both puzzles types and are used to control different nodes. The valves must be operated using the ability of the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus.

  • Feather Valve: Use the Xenochromatic ability to turn this valve. When the ability is not being used, the valve will slowly turn back to its original position. For example, a gate may be opened by a Feather Valve, and once the player stops using the Xenochromatic ability on the valve, the gate will slowly close as the valve turns back.
  • Regulating Valve: A valve that can be turned clockwise or counter-clockwise. Unlike the Feather Valve, this valve will stay at its current position when the player stops using the Xenochromatic ability. These valves will typically control some type of node.

Some of these valves may be found outside of puzzles and are used to operate various gates in general.


Operable Mechanism: Eliphas Beam
Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Eliphas Beam
This device was the result of early forays into optical science by the Institute of Natural Philosophy while they were still a budding academic organization. Its basic components include "beam generators" and "beam receivers."
The beam generator must sometimes be installed on a "beam receiver" base similar to a regulating valve, and can be controlled and rotated through the use of energy from a Xenochromatic Ball Octopus.
Energy Flow (I)
Tutorial Energy Flow (I)
Within these ruins, there are strange, water-colored energy flows, that seem to follow established "channels" as they flow along.
Additionally, there are devices on the tracks that can gather these energy flows. These strange devices can even use lifts to transfer these flows to high or lower-level "channels." The final goal seems to be to guide this energy into the large machine in the middle of the ruins.
Energy Flow (II)
Tutorial Energy Flow (II)
On the "channels" required for energy to flow, sometimes corners will have dispatch devices that can adjust energy flow direction. Based on their shape, you may be able to determine the direction energy will flow.
And there are often mechanisms to change the direction of these dispatch devices nearby...
Operable Mechanism: Feather Valve
Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Feather Valve
Use one crystal "receiver node" to create a bidirectional valve. Though it is not the original design or intended use, the energy of the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus can push the receiver nodes, pushing the feather valve to operate in one direction. After the current stops, the feather valve will automatically revolve back to its original position. Associated or connected mechanisms will operate along with the valve.
Sometimes the missing receiver nodes need to be found.
Operable Mechanism: Lifting Column
Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Lifting Column 1
A movable column that can be raised and lowered through the crystal receiver node on the base. Though it is not the original design or intended use, the energy of the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus can control the receiver nodes, allowing it to be raised and lowered depending on its base.
Normally, when the base has one receiver node, after the column is raised it will slowly fall again over time, but with two receiver nodes, raising and lowering the column can be controlled separately.

Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Lifting Column 2
Sometimes, the lifting column can extend to the other side of the ground or the wall.
Operable Mechanism: Regulating Valve
Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Regulating Valve
Use two crystal "receiver nodes" to create a bidirectional valve. Though it is not the original design or intended use, the energy of the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus can push the receiver nodes, adjusting the valve direction clockwise or counterclockwise, and operating it and associated mechanisms in this way.
Sometimes the missing receiver nodes need to be found.
Operable Mechanism: Track Assemblage
Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Track Assemblage 1
A set of mechanisms. Normally, the constituent components include:
Tracks, crystal chunks, crystal pedestals, and a device to operate the crystal chunks (such as regulating valves and feather valves), and sometimes the tracks will also have dispatch switches.
Using the regulating valves to place all the crystal chunks on the crystal pedestals is the goal of the challenge.

Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Track Assemblage 2
When the dispatch switch is activated, it will block the tracks, and ensure nothing on the tracks can pass through. Using the dispatch switch, you can coordinate the locations of multiple crystal chunks, and ensure they come to a stop on the crystal pedestals.
Operable Mechanism: Track Assemblages and Eliphas Beams
Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Track Assemblages and Eliphas Beams
There will sometimes be spherical beam relays on the tracks, and their movement can be controlled by regulating valves.
When they receive a beam, the beam relays will fire off another beam in a certain direction.
Operable Mechanism: Vertical Lifting Columns and Eliphas Beams
Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Vertical Lifting Columns and Eliphas Beams 1
Sometimes, there will be a beam receptor mirror and an associated beam projector mirror on a lifting column. When a beam shines on the receptor mirror, it will be emitted from the convex projector mirror.

Tutorial Operable Mechanism: Vertical Lifting Columns and Eliphas Beams 2
Sometimes, lifting columns will have spherical beam relays. When they receive a beam, they will transfer it to the associated beam generator, which will project a beam outward. Receiver nodes can control the direction of the beam generator.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishOperable Mechanism
Kadou Souchi
Korean움직이는 장치
Umjigineun Jangchi
SpanishMecanismo movibleMoveable Mechanism
FrenchMécanisme actionnableOperable Mechanism
RussianУправляющий механизм
Upravlyayushchiy mekhanizm
Control Mechanism
VietnameseCơ Quan Điều Chỉnh
GermanBewegliche Vorrichtung
IndonesianMekanisme BergerakMoving Mechanism
PortugueseMecanismo de Movimento
TurkishHareketli Mekanizma
ItalianMeccanismo azionabileOperable Mechanism

Change History[]

