Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Rune Mechanisms are an exploration mechanic in Sumeru.

The player can use them to remove sand piles by hitting them to change their direction.


Rune Mechanisms and Sand Piles[]

Rune Mechanisms and Sand Piles
Tutorial Rune Mechanisms and Sand Piles 1
Mysterious devices found within the ancient ruins. Can generate energy that can ablate sand piles when unlocked. When attacked, one such device can change the direction in which it projects this energy.

Tutorial Rune Mechanisms and Sand Piles 2
Mysterious devices found within the ancient ruins. Can generate energy that can ablate sand piles when unlocked. When attacked, one such device can change the direction in which it projects this energy.

Large Rune Mechanisms[]

Large Rune Mechanisms
Tutorial Large Rune Mechanisms 1
Mysterious devices found within the ancient ruins that are larger than the Rune Mechanisms. Can generate energy that can ablate sand piles when unlocked. When attacked, one such device can change the direction in which it projects this energy.

Tutorial Large Rune Mechanisms 2
Mysterious devices found within the ancient ruins that are larger than the Rune Mechanisms. Can generate energy that can ablate sand piles when unlocked. When attacked, one such device can change the direction in which it projects this energy.

Rune Mechanisms and Slide Rails[]

Rune Mechanisms and Slide Rails
Tutorial Rune Mechanisms and Slide Rails
Some Rune Mechanisms can move along paths and change positions.

Runic Window and Runic Pane Switch[]

Runic Window and Runic Pane Switch
Tutorial Runic Window and Runic Pane Switch
These triangular panes can sometimes be found within ancient ruins. You can pull the switch to open such panes and allow Rune Mechanism energy to pass through.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRune Mechanism
Fúwén Jīguān
Rune Mechanism
Fúwén Jīguān
Fumon Souchi
Rune Mechanism
Korean 문자 장치
Run Munja Jangchi
Rune Letter Device
SpanishMecanismo rúnicoRunic Mechanism
FrenchMécanisme à runeRune Mechanism
RussianРунный механизм
Runnyy mekhanizm
Rune Mechanism
VietnameseCơ Quan Phù Văn
GermanRunenvorrichtungRune Mechanism
IndonesianMekanisme RuneRune Mechanism
PortugueseMecanismo rúnico
TurkishRun MekanizmasıRune Mechanism
ItalianMeccanismi runiciRunic Mechanisms

Change History[]

