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An Elemental Infusion changes the damage from the Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks of a Sword, Claymore, or Polearm user into elemental damage. Different sources of Elemental Infusions may override each other.

This is not to be confused with Conversions which can also change Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks to elemental damage. The latter functions by replacing a character's Normal Attack moveset and therefore cannot be overridden. Conversions also typically involve more detailed visual and sound effects than infusions, and can be utilized by characters with weapon types other than the three listed above.

Overriding Infusions[]

When multiple infusion skills are used at once, some infusions can be overridden by others. The mechanism is complex and can be explained via Elemental Gauge Theory.

Elemental Infusions function by applying an elemental aura onto the player's weapon. This can be observed using Elemental Sight, as infused weapons are highlighted in the corresponding element's color. When multiple infusions are applied to the same weapon, the multiple elements will react and override each other through aura consumption.

Weapon auras function like Self Auras and have the following special properties compared to regular auras:

  • Their decay rates are fixed and are not determined by gauges.
  • There is no Aura Tax on them.
  • When weapon auras react, if the trigger element fully consumes the existing aura, the remaining trigger element will not be lost, and weapon aura will transition directly to the trigger element.

When multiple sources of infusion react, there are multiple factors that will affect which infusion overrides which:

  • Infusion Frequency: Certain characters will re-apply their infusions at fixed intervals (e.g., Bennett, Chongyun, Diluc), while others only apply them once (e.g., Kamisato Ayaka, Kaedehara Kazuha, Keqing). Infusion sources with higher frequencies are more likely to take over.
  • Reaction Cost: As with normal Elemental Reactions, Reactions caused by multiple weapon auras also have different aura costs depending on the reaction.
    • For example, when Pyro is applied onto a Cryo aura, the Reaction Coefficient is 2, meaning every gauge of Pyro can consume 2 gauges of Cryo. However, when Cryo is applied onto a Pyro aura, the Reaction Coefficient is 0.5, meaning every gauge of Cryo will only consume 0.5 gauges of Pyro. Therefore, between Pyro and Cryo, the Pyro aura is easier to maintain than the Cryo aura. If both Pyro and Cryo infusions are applied at equal frequencies, the Pyro aura is more likely to take over due to its Reaction Cost advantage.
    • A table of Reaction Coefficients can be found in Elemental Gauge Theory#Most Elemental Reactions.
      • A special case of reaction not listed in the above table occurs with Kazuha's Anemo infusion. When Pyro/Cryo/Hydro is applied to an Anemo aura, the Reaction Coefficient is 2.

With the above factors combined, it can be observed that certain sources of infusions are more likely to override others:

  • Bennett, Chongyun, and Candace's infusions almost always successfully override Ayaka, Dori, Kazuha, Keqing, and Lynette's infusions, due to their massive frequency advantage.
  • Bennett's infusion will quickly override Chongyun's due to the Reaction Cost advantage of Pyro against Cryo.
  • Diluc's infusion overrides Chongyun's with exceptional ease, as it has both a Reaction Cost advantage and a frequency advantage.
  • Candace's infusion will quickly override Bennett and Diluc's due to the Reaction Cost advantage of Hydro against Pyro.

The above observations may create an illusion of "infusion priority," but it is in reality a result of standard element interaction. In addition, since elemental reactions can consume gauge units, additional infusions can cause an existing infusion's aura to finish decaying early, leaving the weapon with no infusion until the next time an infusion aura is applied. This makes it possible for a character to deal Physical DMG even while persistent infusions are active.

Coexisting Infusions[]

Electro + Hydro[]

When Electro and Hydro infusions are applied to the same character, no reaction will be triggered, and both weapon auras will coexist without being consumed. However, in this scenario, the Hydro infusion will take priority when attacking. If the Hydro infusion runs out before the Electro infusion, the Electro infusion can immediately resume without needing to be reapplied.

Geo + Cryo/Hydro/Pyro[]

When infused to a weapon, Geo is completely non-interactive with other elements that it normally reacts with. While a Cryo/Hydro/Pyro infusion and a Geo infusion exist at the same time, no reaction will trigger and the Cryo/Hydro/Pyro infusion will take priority when attacking. If the Cryo/Hydro/Pyro infusion runs out before the Geo infusion, the Geo infusion can immediately resume without needing to be reapplied.

Frozen Infusion[]

When Cryo and Hydro infusions are applied to the same character, the Frozen reaction will be triggered, leaving a Frozen aura on the weapon. A weapon with a Frozen aura will deal Cryo DMG.

Infusion Properties[]

The below table lists the Infusion Frequencies, Durations, and Gauge Units of different sources of weapon auras:

Character Ability Element Application Frequency Duration Per Application Infusion Gauge Units
Bennett Bennett Fire Ventures With Me Fire Ventures With Me Pyro Once per 1s 2.1s 1
Candace Candace Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide Hydro Once per 0.5s 1s 1
Chongyun Chongyun Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered Frost Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered Frost Cryo Once per 1s Varies by Talent Level 1
Chiori Chiori Tailor-Made Tailor-Made Geo Once per Use 5s —
Diluc Diluc Dawn Dawn Pyro Once per 0.5s 10.2s[Note 1] 1
Dori Dori Sprinkling Weight Sprinkling Weight Electro Once per Use 3s 1
Kaedehara Kazuha Kaedehara Kazuha Crimson Momiji Crimson Momiji Anemo Once per Use 5s 1
Kamisato Ayaka Kamisato Ayaka Kamisato Art: Senho Kamisato Art: Senho Cryo Once per Use 5s 1
Keqing Keqing Thundering Penance Thundering Penance Electro Once per Use 5s 1
Lynette Lynette Watchful Eye Watchful Eye Anemo Once per Use 6.4s 1
  1. ↑ Diluc's weapon aura lasts for 10.2s by itself, but when the 8s or 12s duration restricted by his talents ends, the weapon aura is forcibly removed.

Weapon Reaction Damage[]

When Weapon Auras react, they may create damaging reactions such as Overloaded, Superconduct, and Swirl. The damage dealt by these reactions scale with the character responsible for the latest application of an infusion. For example:

  • If Kazuha enters Chongyun's field, receives the Cryo infusion, then activates his Anemo infusion, the Swirl reaction triggered will scale with Kazuha's stats.
  • If Kazuha activates his infusion first, then enters Chongyun's field to receive the Cryo infusion, the Swirl reaction triggered will scale with Chongyun's stats.


Unlike Infusions, Conversions do not apply a weapon aura. They instead replace the character's Normal, Charged, and Plunging attacks with a separate moveset. They do not interact with regular infusions and cannot be overridden. When observed in Elemental Sight, characters under Elemental Conversion will not have their weapons highlighted in the corresponding color.

Infusions by Element[]

Element Character
Kaedehara KazuhaAnemo Kazuha
LynetteAnemo Lynette
ChongyunCryo Chongyun
Kamisato AyakaCryo Ayaka
DoriElectro Dori
KeqingElectro Keqing
ChioriGeo Chiori
CandaceHydro Candace
BennettPyro Bennett
DilucPyro Diluc


There are 6 Talents that match the category selection:

Dawn Dawn
Diluc Diluc
Releases intense flames to knock back nearby opponents, dealing Pyro DMG.
The flames then converge into the weapon, summoning a Phoenix that flies forward and deals massive Pyro DMG to all opponents in its path. The Phoenix explodes upon reaching its destination, causing a large amount of AoE Pyro DMG.
The searing flames that run down his blade cause it to be infused with Pyro.
Elemental Burst
Kamisato Art: Senho Kamisato Art: Senho
Kamisato Ayaka Kamisato Ayaka
Alternate Sprint
Ayaka consumes Stamina and cloaks herself in a frozen fog that moves with her.

In Senho form, she moves swiftly upon water.
When she reappears, the following effects occur:
  • Ayaka unleashes frigid energy to apply Cryo on nearby opponents.
  • Coldness condenses around Ayaka's blade, infusing her attacks with Cryo for a brief period.
Alternate Sprint
Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide
Candace Candace
Raising her weapon on high, Candace calls upon a divine blessing that deals AoE Hydro DMG based on her Max HP and continuously confers the Prayer of the Crimson Crown on your active character.

Prayer of the Crimson Crown
This effect has the following properties:
  • Characters deal increased Elemental DMG with their Normal Attacks.
  • Whenever a character takes the field, they will unleash a rippling wave of water that deals Hydro DMG to nearby opponents. There is a limited number of waves that can be triggered in the duration of this skill.
  • Sword, Claymore, and Polearm-wielding characters under this effect will obtain a Hydro Infusion.
Elemental Burst
Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered Frost Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered Frost
Chongyun Chongyun
Chongyun strikes the ground with his greatsword, causing a Cryo explosion in a circular AoE in front of him that deals Cryo DMG.
After a short delay, the cold air created by the Cryo explosion will coalesce into a Chonghua Frost Field, within which all Sword, Claymore and Polearm-wielding characters' weapons will be infused with Cryo.
Elemental Skill
Tailor-Made Tailor-Made
Chiori Chiori
Gain different effects depending on the next action you take within a short duration after using Fluttering Hasode's upward sweep. If you (PressPress/TapTap) the Elemental Skill, you will trigger the Tapestry effect. If you (PressPress/TapTap) your Normal Attack, the Tailoring effect will be triggered instead.

  • Switches to the next character in your roster.
  • Grants all your party members "Seize the Moment": When your active party member's Normal Attacks, Charged Attacks, and Plunging Attacks hit a nearby opponent, "Tamoto" will execute a coordinated attack, dealing 100% of Fluttering Hasode's upward sweep DMG as AoE Geo DMG at the opponent's location. DMG dealt this way is considered Elemental Skill DMG.
  • "Seize the Moment" lasts 8s, and 1 of "Tamoto"'s coordinated attack can be unleashed every 2s. 2 such coordinated attacks can occur per "Seize the Moment" effect duration.

  • Chiori gains Geo infusion for 5s.

When on the field, if Chiori does not either (PressPress/TapTap) her Elemental Skill or use a Normal Attack within a short time after using Fluttering Hasode's upward sweep, the Tailoring effect will be triggered by default.
1st Ascension Passive
Thundering Penance Thundering Penance
Keqing Keqing
After recasting Stellar Restoration while a Lightning Stiletto is present, Keqing's weapon gains an Electro Infusion for 5s.1st Ascension Passive


There are 4 Constellations that match the category selection:

Constellation Description Level
Fire Ventures With Me Fire Ventures With Me
Bennett Bennett
Sword, Claymore, or Polearm-wielding characters inside Fantastic Voyage's radius gain a 15% Pyro DMG Bonus and their weapons are infused with Pyro.6
Crimson Momiji Crimson Momiji
Kaedehara Kazuha Kaedehara Kazuha
After using Chihayaburu or Kazuha Slash, Kaedehara Kazuha gains an Anemo Infusion for 5s. Additionally, each point of Elemental Mastery will increase the DMG dealt by Kaedehara Kazuha's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks by 0.2%.6
Sprinkling Weight Sprinkling Weight
Dori Dori
Dori gains the following effects for 3s after using Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon:
  • Electro Infusion.
  • When Normal Attacks hit opponents, all nearby party members will heal HP equivalent to 4% of Dori's Max HP. This type of healing can occur once every 0.1s.
Watchful Eye Watchful Eye
Lynette Lynette
When Lynette uses Enigmatic Feint's Enigma Thrust, she will gain an Anemo Infusion and 20% Anemo DMG Bonus for 6s.6


When infused, some enemies themselves, or their weapons will be inflicted by the element in question, and are able to react with other elements, or be absorbed by certain Anemo abilites. Infused entities, whether an enemy or a weapon used by an enemy, function similarly to shields, and their elemental status can be removed after sufficient gauges of the correct elements are applied, removing the infusion as a result. Such enemies include:

Common Enemies

Elite Enemies


  • Infused melee attacks cannot chop trees for wood, and cannot destroy bushes.
  • The Viridescent Venerer 4-piece set uses the word "infused" to describe Anemo coming into contact with another element to trigger the Swirl reaction. However, this is different from both Elemental Infusion and Elemental Absorption.

