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The nation of oaths situated in the western regions of Teyvat.
Guided by the flame, you pass through lengthy gorges and valleys to reach the land where the torches blaze, where all fires converge. Upon the blazing fields where Saurians roam, witness the end of the ancient war alongside the valiant warriors who resist the darkness.

Natlan is one of the seven regions of Teyvat. It is the nation that worships Mavuika, the Pyro Archon and God of War.

Archon Quest Chapter V takes place in this region.


The warriors of the mountains lead the path unto flowers splendorous, and the swimming Saurians of the springs bring news all night. On the far shore from sand and sea, the blazing epic hymn echoes through the land where the Sacred Flame blazes eternal.
Beyond the fiery altars and the mysterious realm of night, an unprecedented adventure is about to unfold in the land where humans and Saurians dwell together.

Land of Vibrant Stone and Flaming Springs: New Area Unlocked

Natlan is located beyond the west side of Sumeru's desert region, the Great Red Sand, from the Desert of Hadramaveth. It is also home to natural hot springs created from volcanic activity.[3][4] Its people are grouped into tribes, and each tribe follows different rules.[5] During Tenoch's era, which happened prior to the creation of Mare Jivari over 1,000 years ago, there were at least six major tribes in Natlan, of which all are extant by the time the Traveler arrives there.[6]

According to Neuvillette, dragons in Natlan, called Saurians, have undergone long-term development and evolution with a large number of them coexisting with humanity. He also details that war is a constant in Natlan that ravages the land like an undying flame. Il Capitano, the First of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, was also noted to be present in the region participating in the conflicts.[7]

According to Ranjit, people in Natlan have a lot of reservations about leaving their homeland, but he doesn't feel comfortable talking about it as a foreigner. He does not believe it is due to a fear of unfamiliar environments.[8] On the other hand, Mavuika states that the reason is due to the people's survival being tied with the Wayob against the Abyss; even if left with no choice, those departing Natlan must seek their tribal chief's approval with the Wayob in order to grant them leave.[9]



Basin of Unnumbered Flames[]

Coatepec Mountain[]

Tequemecan Valley[]

Toyac Springs[]


Playable Characters[]

3 Characters match the category selection:

Icon Name Quality Element Weapon Model Type
Kachina Icon Kachina 4 Stars Element Geo Geo Weapon-class-polearm-icon Polearm Short Female
Kinich Icon Kinich 5 Stars Element Dendro Dendro Weapon-class-claymore-icon Claymore Medium Male
Mualani Icon Mualani 5 Stars Element Hydro Hydro Weapon-class-catalyst-icon Catalyst Medium Female

Upcoming Characters[]

1 Character matches the category selection:

Icon Name Quality Element Weapon
Xilonen Icon Xilonen Element Geo Geo


There are 238 NPCs who appear in Natlan:

Related NPCs

There are 2 additional NPCs related to Natlan:

Mentioned Characters

There are 19 mentioned characters related to Natlan:

Upcoming NPCs

There are 1 upcoming NPCs related to Natlan:

Notable Features[]

Natlan features many unique mechanics and environmental hazards:

Saurian Indwelling[]

When approaching a Spiritsconce or adult Saurian enemies, the player can tap a button to temporarily "indwell" a Saurian. This allows the player to use the Saurian's special abilities which are useful for interacting with various exploration mechanics in Natlan. These abilities can also be performed by Natlanese playable characters' Elemental Skills.

Nightsoul Abilities[]

  • Natlanese characters can enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state by using their Elemental Skills, which increases their movement and combat abilities. Using these abilities consumes Nightsoul Points; once they are exhausted, Phlogiston is used instead. The abilities of indwelled Saurians behave in a similar fashion, as mentioned above.
  • Having a Natlanese character in the player's party causes a Nightsoul Burst to be triggered when any character in the part deals Elemental DMG to an enemy. Nightsoul Bursts may enhance character abilities through certain Talents or Artifacts.
  • Within Natlan, during certain movement modes (sprinting, climbing, swimming, jumping), the player can seamlessly switch to another Natlanese character without having to exit the movement mode in question. The availability of this Nightsoul Transmission ability is indicated by the character's on-screen avatar lighting up.


  • Phlogiston is an advanced form of Pyro unique to Natlan. It can be collected by a variety of means throughout the nation, and can be used to power Nightsoul's Blessing and Saurian abilities. The amount of Phlogiston the player has available is displayed as a meter above the HP meter. Certain devices require the expenditure of Phlogiston to activate.
  • Liquid Phlogiston is a hazard that rapidly depletes the player's HP. Indwelling a Koholasaur or using Mualani's Surfshark Wavebreaker Elemental Skill allows the player to traverse it safely.




Natlan Latin "Motto"

Screenshot from Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail

  • In the trailer Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail, under the title of the quest Incandescent Ode of Resurrection, there is a line written in Teyvat's Latin script. It reads "Surge vir fortis i natam victoriam" roughly meaning "Rise, O strong man, and go to your destined victory."
  • Natlan is the last of the seven regions to be directly mentioned in-game and the only region that does not have any NPCs from the nation prior to its version of release. It was first mentioned by name in Version 2.0 through Tingting, Aikawa Susumu, and Mikawa Akane's dialogues.
    • All other nations have some of their NPCs revealed in Version 1.0.
  • Two bathhouse NPCs in Inazuma, Mikawa Akane in Tenshukaku and Aikawa Susumu in Tenryou, mention that Natlan contains hot-springs created from volcanic activity. As Inazuma does not have natural volcanic hot springs, Snezhnaya lent the Royal Bath Commission a device which would create artificial ones.
  • Shousen mentions that the people of Natlan practice shadowboxing.
  • A sailor in Romaritime Harbor, Lectoure, mentions that there are a few different tribes with different rules in Natlan.
  • Adel, an NPC located in the Bayda Harbor, speaks very highly of the place, stating that its population is energetic and that "their souls are forged for battle from birth", that they love street graffiti, showing off and comparing fashionable trinkets. He also states it's a "contradictory, charming and colorful" place.
  • Ranjit mentions that the people there, especially the warriors, dress in imitation of their Saurians.[10]
  • The Natlan Preview Teaser video was the first regional preview teaser not to reveal the new characters' names. Kachina, Mualani and Kinich appeared, but were not named until Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames.
    • Fauna unique to Natlan was also shown in the Natlan Preview Teaser. A cervid or deer-like animal, as well as a sauropod-like animal were briefly shown.


  • Natlan's name likely derives from Aztlán, the legendary homeland of the Aztecs.
  • Natlan’s name is likely structured of the noun “Na” and the suffix -tlan which is a locative suffix to denote adjacency, distance below or to describe abundance in Classical Nahuatl.

Cultural References[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

Introduced in Version 2.0 • Released in Version 5.0
Version 5.0

Version 2.0

  • Natlan was first mentioned in-game in NPC and Event dialogue.


  1. Traveler's Voice-Over: About Natlan's Adventurers...
  2. Traveler's Voice-Over: About Graffiti...
  3. NPC Dialogue: Mikawa Akane
  4. NPC Dialogue: Aikawa Susumu
  5. NPC Dialogue: Lectoure
  6. Weapon: Talking Stick
  7. Archon Quest, Chapter IV, Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty, Part 6: Finale
  8. NPC Dialogue: Ranjit
  9. Archon Quest, Chapter V, Act II - Black Stone Under a White Stone, Part 5: Past and Future
    Mavuika: Ah, that also comes down to the longstanding effects of the Abyss. Our people's survival is inextricably tied to the Wayob.
    Mavuika: But, their power has its limits. They cannot offer our people the same degree of protection outside our borders. In fact, people who do decide to leave often suffer from memory loss and emotional issues.
    Mavuika: Everyone in Natlan understands this. That's why our people never leave without a good cause. Even if someone is left with no choice, the chief of their tribe must seek approval with the Wayob to grant them leave.
    Mavuika: The Wayob have always been very strict about granting that approval, since extending protection beyond our borders means consuming power reserved for our fight against the Abyss.
  10. Event Specially-Shaped Saurian Search World Quest, Part 1: Search Chronicle: Burning Up!
  11. YouTube: Version 4.4 Special Program.
  12. YouTube: Natlan Preview Teaser - Saurian Wanderings.
  13. YouTube: Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?

