Genshin Impact

Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Event Guide

Genshin Impact - Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Event Guide

Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log is a picture taking event in Genshin Impact 4.2! See all photo subjects for days 1 to 6, how to get and exchange sample photos, how to unlock, event duration, and rewards here.

Technology Experiment Log Event Guides
Genshin Impact - Opponents With Wing-Like Structure Locations Day 1 - Winged Opponents Genshin Impact - Basically Ball-Shaped Teyvat Products Locations Day 2 - Ball-Shaped Products Genshin - Basically Blue Wild Creature Locations GuideDay 3 - Blue Wild Creatures
Genshin - Staff-Wielding Opponent Locations Day 4 - Staff Wielding Enemies Genshin - Basically Purple Teyvat Product Day 5 - Purple Teyvat Product Genshin Impact - Legless Wild Non-Fish CreatureDay 6 - Legless Wild Non-Fish

Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Photo Subjects

Experiment Log Day 6 Subjects

Legless Wild Non-Fish Creature
Genshin - Anemo Crystalfly Image Anemo Crystalfly Genshin - Geo Crystalfly Image Geo Crystalfly Genshin - Electro Crystalfly Image Electro Crystalfly
Genshin - Hydro Crystalfly Image Hydro Crystalfly Genshin - Cryo Crystalfly Image Cryo Crystalfly Genshin - Dendro Crystalfly Image Dendro Crystalfly
Genshin - Adorned Unagi Image Adorned Unagi Genshin - Red-Finned Unagi Image Red-Finned Unagi Genshin - Deep Sea Unagi Image Deep Sea Unagi
Genshin - Quicksand Unagi Image Quicksand Unagi Genshin - Flying Serpent Image Flying Serpent

The photo subject for day 6 are Legless Wild Non-Fish Creatures. This includes all of the Crystalfly types, all of the Unagi types, and the Flying Serpent! Use Sayu or Yaoyao to keep the creatures from running away immediately!

Best Subject Location for Day 6: Dawn Winery and Windrise

You can easily get 10 pictures in Mondstadt's Dawn Winery and the giant tree in Windrise. Do take note that some of these creatures may be in the air or perched atop the roofs of Dawn Winery.

Most of these crystalflies are slightly above ground or may likely be seen flying. You can take advantage of the Kamera's feature by zooming in closely and getting pictures from a distance.

Legless Non-Fish Creature Locations Guide

Experiment Log Day 5 Subjects

Basically Purple Teyvat Product
Genshin - Amethyst Lump Image Amethyst Lump Genshin - Wolfhook Image Wolfhook Genshin - Electro Crystal Image Electro Crystal
Genshin - Violetgrass Image Violetgrass Genshin - Horsetail Image Horsetail Genshin - Lavender Melon Image Lavender Melon
Genshin - Naku Weed Image Naku Weed Genshin - Sakura Bloom Image Sakura Bloom Genshin - Crystal Marrow Image Crystal Marrow
Genshin - Onikabuto Image Onikabuto Genshin - Amakumo Fruit Image Amakumo Fruit Genshin - Sango Pearl Image Sango Pearl
Genshin - Sumeru Rose Image Sumeru Rose Genshin - Viparyas Image Viparyas Genshin - Rukkhashava Mushrooms Image Rukkhashava Mushrooms
Genshin - Lumidouce Bell Image Lumidouce Bell Genshin - Pluie Lotus Image Pluie Lotus Genshin - Tidalga Image Tidalga (Purple Only)

The photo subject for day 5 are Purple Products. This includes any Local Specialty, Ingredient, and other materials that have a purple and violet hue!

Note that not all Tidalga found in the wild are colored purple, and only those would count for today's subject.

Best Subject Location for Day 5: Wolvendom

The best location to get 10 Purple Teyvat Products is in Wolvendom in Mondstadt, where Wolfhooks grow in abundance!

Purple Teyvat Product Locations Guide

Experiment Log Day 4 Subjects

Staff-Wielding Opponent
Genshin - Hilichurl Fighter Hilichurl Fighter Genshin - Hilichurl Berserker Hilichurl Berserker Genshin - Wooden Shield Hilichurl Guard Wooden Shield Hilichurl Guard
Genshin - Ice Shield Hilichurl Guard Ice Shield Hilichurl Guard Genshin - Rock Shield Hilichurl Guard Rock Shield Hilichurl Guard Genshin - Hydro Samachurl Hydro Samachurl
Genshin - Anemo Samachurl Anemo Samachurl Genshin - Electro Samachurl Electro Samachurl Genshin - Dendro Samachurl Dendro Samachurl
Genshin - Cryo Samachurl Cryo Samachurl Genshin - Geo Samachurl Geo Samachurl Genshin - Pyro Abyss Mage Pyro Abyss Mage
Genshin - Hydro Abyss Mage Hydro Abyss Mage Genshin - Electro Abyss Mage Electro Abyss Mage Genshin - Cryo Abyss Mage Cryo Abyss Mage
Genshin - Fatui Skirmisher (Geochanter Bracer) Fatui Skirmisher (Geochanter Bracer) Genshin - Treasure Hoarders - Seaman Treasure Hoarders - Seaman Genshin - Eremite - Daythunder Eremite - Daythunder
Genshin - Suppression Specialist Mek Suppression Specialist Mek Genshin - Annihilation Specialist Mek Annihilation Specialist Mek Genshin - Icewind Suite Icewind Suite
Genshin - Frost Operative Frost Operative Genshin - Wind Operative Wind Operative Genshin - Shadowy Husk: Line Breaker Shadowy Husk: Line Breaker
Genshin - Shadowy Husk: Standard Bearer Shadowy Husk: Standard Bearer

The photo subject for day 4 are Staff-Wielding Opponents. Most of the common staff-wielding enemies are the Samachurls, Abyss Mages, and certain other Hilichurls!

Best Subject Location for Day 4: Guyun Stone Forest

The best Staff-Wielding Opponents to take pictures off are the groups of hilichurls found in Liyue's Guyun Stone Forest! There are several camps at the Guyun Stone Forest that can easily account for up to 10 pictures.

Staff-Wielding Opponent Locations Guide

Experiment Log Day 3 Subjects

Basically Blue Wild Creature
Genshin - Emerald Finch Image Emerald Finch Genshin - Flatcrest Fulmar Image Flatcrest Fulmar Genshin - Dusk Bird Image Dusk Bird
Genshin - Bluecrown Finch Image Bluecrown Finch Genshin - Violetgold Angler Gull Image Violetgold Angler Gull Genshin - Snow-Winged Goose Image Snow-Winged Goose
Genshin - Bluethunder Weasel Image Bluethunder Weasel Genshin - Leisurely Otter Image Leisurely Otter Genshin - Blue-Fin Bass Image Blue-Fin Bass
Genshin - Aizen Medaka Image Aizen Medaka Genshin - Lunged Stickleback Image Lunged Stickleback Genshin - Snowstrider Image Snowstrider
Genshin - Venomspine Fish Image Venomspine Fish Genshin - Formalo Ray Image Formalo Ray Genshin - Lazurite Axe Marlin Image Lazurite Axe Marlin
Genshin - Streaming Axe Marlin Image Streaming Axe Marlin Genshin - Rippling Heartfeather Bass Image Rippling Heartfeather Bass Genshin - Hydro Crystalfly Image Hydro Crystalfly
Genshin - Cryo Crystalfly Image Cryo Crystalfly Genshin - Sunny Loach Image Sunny Loach Genshin - Blue Frog Image Blue Frog
Genshin - Ocean Crab Image Ocean Crab Genshin - Blue Horned Lizard Image Blue Horned Lizard Genshin - Marrow Lizard Image Marrow Lizard
Genshin - Adorned Unagi Image Adorned Unagi Genshin - Lucklight Fly Image Lucklight Fly Genshin - Crystalfish Image Crystalfish

The Photo Subject for day 3 are Blue Wild Creatures. This includes blue birds, crystalflies and critters, and even fishes found in Fishing Spots! Use characters with animal calming passives such as Sayu, Kirara, Aloy, and Yaoyao to avoid startling the creatures.

Beginner Friendly Day 3 Subject Location in Falcon Coast

There are several blue Ocean Crabs found on the beaches of Falcon Coast in Mondstadt! Be careful of the Hilichurl enemies nearby, and note that some crabs may be underwater or walking around.

We recommend bringing Sayu or Yaoyao in particular to avoid startling them.

Best Subject Location for Day 3: Fontaine Teleport Waypoints

Easy to Find Hydro Crystalfly Locations

Thalatta Submarine Canyon

Pale Forgotten Glory

Morte Region's Statue of the Seven

Outskirts Area in the Court of Fontaine

The best Blue Wild Creatures to take photos of are the Hydro Crystalflies in Fontaine, which you can find near Teleport Waypoints. Six of these creatures are found under a hollow alcove in Thalatta Submarine Canyon, behind a puzzle!

Blue Wild Creature Locations Guide

Experiment Log Day 2 Subjects

Basically Ball-Shaped Teyvat Product
Genshin - Bird Egg Image Bird Egg Genshin - Apple Image Apple Genshin - Sunsettia Image Sunsettia
Genshin - Pinecone Image Pinecone Genshin - Berry Image Berry Genshin - Wolfhook Image Wolfhook
Genshin - Valberry Image Valberry Genshin - Harra Fruit Image Harra Fruit Genshin - Bulle Fruit Image Bulle Fruit
Genshin - Mist Flower Corolla Image Mist Flower Corolla Genshin - Flaming Flower Stamen Image Flaming Flower Stamen Genshin - Dandelion Seed Image Dandelion Seed
Genshin - Sango Pearl Image Sango Pearl Genshin - Ajilenakh Nut Image Ajilenakh Nut Genshin - Romaritime Flower Image Romaritime Flower
Genshin - Lumidouce Bell Image Lumidouce Bell Genshin - Cabbage Image Cabbage Genshin - Potato Image Potato
Genshin - Tomato Image Tomato

The Photo Subject for day 2 are Ball-Shaped Products. This means that ingredients seen in the overworld that are round like cooking materials or Local Specialties are included, except sprouting or cylindrical items like Jueyun Chili and Lavender Melon!

Best Subject Location for Day 2: Stormbearer Mountains

Stormbearer Mountains has an abundance of produce and Local Specialties that matches this description. This includes Apples, Pinecones, Sunsettias, and Valberries. You can teleport to the waypoint south of the Anemo Hypostasis to accomplish this task!

Ball-Shaped Product Locations Guide

Experiment Log Day 1 Subjects

Opponents with Wing-Like Structure
Genshin - Red Vulture Image Red Vulture Genshin - Consecrated Red Vulture Consecrated Red Vulture Genshin - Consecrated Flying Serpent Consecrated Flying Serpent
Genshin - Aeonblight Drake Aeonblight Drake Genshin - Ruin Drake - Skywatch Ruin Drake - Skywatch Genshin - Jadeplume Terrorshroom Jadeplume Terrorshroom
Genshin - Winged Dendroshroom Winged Dendroshroom Genshin - Winged Cryoshroom Winged Cryoshroom Genshin - Oceanid Oceanid
Genshin - Thunder Manifestation Thunder Manifestation Genshin - Hydro Mimic Mallard Hydro Mimic Mallard Genshin - Hydro Mimic Crane Hydro Mimic Crane
Genshin - Hydro Mimic Finch Hydro Mimic Finch Genshin - Hydro Cicin Hydro Cicin Genshin - Electro Cicin Electro Cicin
Genshin - Anemo Slime Anemo Slime Genshin - Large Anemo Slime Large Anemo Slime Genshin - Cryo Cicin Cryo Cicin
Genshin - Stormterror Dvalin Stormterror Dvalin Genshin - Eremite - Galehunter Eremite - Galehunter Summoned Bird Genshin - Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage Summons
Genshin - Fatui Electro Cicin Mage Fatui Electro Cicin Mage Summons Genshin - Anemo Hypostasis Anemo Hypostasis Crystalfly Form

The Photo Subject for day 1 are Opponents with Wing-Like Structure. This means that birds who cannot harm players are not included, but the Oceanid and its bird Hydro Mimics count!

Best Subject Location for Day 1: Brightcrown Canyon Slimes

An easy to access location to complete this task is at Brightcrown Canyon. Several Slimes can be seen on the west and east side of the waypoint, so drop down from this waypoint and equip your cameras!

Wing-Like Opponents Locations Guide

How to Play Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log

Take Pictures of Photo Subjects and Submit Different Samples

Genshin - How to Play Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log
During the event, use the Image Sampling Kamera to photograph target Photo Subjects in order to receive a special sample. Photo Subjects would change each day.

Maximum 10 Images Per Day

You can take a total of 10 images every day, which will be reset the following day. The Photo-taking phase of the event lasts for six days, from November 17, 2023 to November 22, 2023.

Special Analysis Zoom Lens Gadget Guide

Sample Colors are Randomized

Genshin - Experiment Log Event - Maximum 10 FIlms
Each sample you take will have randomized color characteristics.

Players can choose to take different pictures of the same subject, such as Red Vultures, and still get different colored Samples! This means you don't necessarily have to find a different kind of creature to take a picture of every time.

Exchange Samples with your Friends

Genshin Impact - How to Play Experiment Log - Exchange Samples
If you don't have enough of one Sample type, you can also trade samples with your in-game friends to get them! Players can still exchange samples up to the end of the event on November 27, 2023.

Check out our Co-Op Boards to find people to exchange with:

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Trade Samples for Research Awards

Genshin - Experiment Log Event - Talk to Lepine-Pauline for Rewards

Collect a Maximum of 7 Rewards Anytime During the Event

You can give Lepine-Pauline 5 unique sample colors in exchange for 1 Research Award! You can claim multiple Research Awards in one day if you have enough samples. A total of 7 Research Awards can be obtained during the event.

How to Unlock Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log

Complete Archon Quest Prologue Act 3

Genshin Impact - Archon Quest Prologue Act 3 - The Song of the Dragon and Freedom
To play the Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log event, you must be at least Adventure Rank 20, and have completed the Archon Quest Prologue Act 3 - The Song of the Dragon and Freedom.

Prologue: Act 3 Archon Quest Guide

Complete the Event Unlock Quest

Complete Goal: Counter the ''Phantom Blubberbeast!''

The event unlock quest, Goal: Counter the ''Phantom Blubberbeast!'', will appear in your quest list automatically. Go to the Court of Fontaine and talk to Lepine-Pauline to complete the quest and start the event!

Fontaine Map Guide

Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Event Information

Fontaine Picture Taking Event Duration and Details

Genshin Impact - Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Details

Event Start November 17, 2023
Event End November 27, 2023
How to Unlock Reach Adventure Rank 20+
Complete Archon Quest Prologue Act 3

Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log is a Photo Taking event in Version 4.2. Use the Kamera and Zoom Lens to take images of the target photo subjects in order to randomly obtain a unique ''sample.''

List of Events and Schedule

Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Release Date

Genshin - Version 4.2 Masquerade of the Guilty
Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log was released in Version 4.2 on November 17, 2023!

Version 4.2 Release Date and Banners

Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Event Rewards

Total Adversarial Technology Log Rewards

All Event Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x420 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x210,000 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x21 Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Icon Mystic Enhancement Ore x42

Event Reward Breakdown

Research Awards Claimable Amount
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x30,000

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - List of Events

List of Events

Current Events

Event Guide Date and Rewards
Genshin Impact - Of Thorns and Crowns Event GuideOf Thorns and Crowns 09/20/2024 - 09/30/2024
Genshin - Primogem Image Genshin - Hero Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Genshin - Mora Image
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Genshin Impact - DodocoDodoco's Boom-Bastic Escapades 09/09/2024 - 09/23/2024
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Genshin Impact - A Quest to Kindle Ancient Flames Event GuideA Quest to Kindle Ancient Flames 08/28/2024 - 10/08/2024
+ Free 5-Star Character
Genshin Impact - Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro! Event GuideOff We Go to the Nation of Pyro! 08/22/2024 - 09/24/2024
Genshin - Mora Image
+ Free 4-Star Weapons
+ Weapon Ascension Materials

Upcoming Events

Event Guide Date and Rewards
Genshin Impact - Mementos of Teyvat Event GuideMementos of Teyvat 09/28/2024 - 10/08/2024
Genshin - Primogem Image Genshin - Hero Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Genshin - Mora Image

Permanent/Recurring Events

Event Name Event Period / Rewards
Genshin Impact - HoYoLab Daily Check-In Event GuideDaily Check-In 2021/03/01 - Permanently Available
Genshin - Primogem Genshin - Hero Genshin - Adventurer Genshin - Fine Enhancement Ore
Genshin Impact - List of Hangout Events Hangout Events Permanently Available after Version 1.4
Genshin - Primogem Genshin - Adventure EXP
+ Talent Materials
+ Specialty Dishes
Genshin Impact - Test Run Event GuideTest Run Event Permanently Available
Genshin - Primogem Genshin - Adventurer Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore
+ Ascension Materials
Genshin Impact - Baptism of Song Event Guide Baptism of Song Permanently Available
+ Free Barbara
Genshin Impact - Stellar Reunion Returnee Event Guide Stellar Reunion Returnee Event Permanently Available
Genshin - Primogem Genshin - Hero Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Genshin - Mora
+ Prototype Rancour

Past Events

List of Past Events


20 Anonymous10 months

I just started playing a few days ago and only able to do this event once. I want to save primogems for Neuvillette when he rerun. would appreciate everyone helping if you have any colors spare. in-game name: Aki-O ID: 893494365 Server: Asia Thank you.

19 Anonymous10 months

Can't wait for this event to be review bombed

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