Genshin Impact

Secrets, Exploits, and Tricks to Make Your Life Easier

secrets Expoits and Tricks
This is a compilation of all tricks, exploits, and secrets we have found in Genshin Impact. Learn about the hidden beauties of the game, neat secrets, exploitable moves, and more!

Secrets, Tricks, and Exploits List

Use an Air Attack To Avoid Fall Damage

There will be times where you're on the field flying or climbing but a safe place to rest is just not in sight. Stop your current climb or flight (no matter how high it is) and tap the attack button to make a downward strike. Upon reaching the ground, you'll be able to get away unscathed. This cannot be done if you have 0 stamina so make sure to do this before depleting your stamina bar.

Don't wish by 10

The guaranteed 4 star reward from 10 wishes are also counted from doing a single wish. This allows you to immediately stop after obtaining a 5 star from the given banner.

Gacha Pull Rates and In-App Purchases

Attack Trees to Drop Fruits

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Having trouble taking fruits from those tall trees? Give it a good smack to have the fruits fall on the ground! It makes item gathering from trees way easier.

Master Cooking To Activate Auto-Cook

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Mastering cooking a certain dish allows you to auto cook them. This can be done in bulks which can really save you a lot of time while giving you a lot of emergency healing. Master the art of cooking!

How to Cook | Cooking Guide

Secret Achievements

There are hidden achievements in the game. Make sure to be creative and crafty to unlock them. This ranges from bringing down a Ruin Guard to making Timmie cry!

Achievements List and Their Rewards

Always Talk to NPCs

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there are various items that can be obtained from seemingly innocent NPCs. these range from foods to even item recipes! Some can also share valuable info which can be related to hidden quests!

Hold Off On Crafting Things

There are several characters that can offer you a bonus when crafting certain items. If the item is not crucial to you at the moment, make sure not to craft it immediately and wait for a potential character that can give you a bonus when doing so. This can make you save a lot of resources in the long run.

Things Getting Dangerous? Teleport Somewhere Else!

Whenever things get hairy or things aren't looking good for you. Tap that map button and choose a waypoint or anything you can port at and say goodbye to the dangers of your current situation!

Don't Rush While Climbing or Swimming

You can expend some stamina for a short hop while climbing or a short burst of movement while swmming. This can help you reach your destination faster but ultimately, it shortens the total distance you can travel. Do not spend stamina if the distance you're traveling to by swmming or climbing is extremely far!

Deal Bonus Damage to Ores By Using a Plunging Attack

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Plunging attack (the attack from mid-air) can deal more damage to ore points. For characters that deal 0 damage to ore points, this will not prove useful but if your party has some spear users or one-handed sword users, breaking ores with this method may prove faster sometimes.

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3 Deathover 3 years


2 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Not what the guide is saying. It's saying that single pulls are better if you're looking for something specific because then you can just stop once you get it.

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