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Saurian Indwelling is an exploration mechanic in Natlan. It allows the player to indwell their spirit onto Natlan Saurians and use different skills to assist them in travelling Natlan.


The player can indwell an adult Saurian enemy regardless of whether it is tolerant or aggressive towards the player, though Saurians indwelled this way will not reward any Character EXP, Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials or Mora and will respawn at their original location after 1 minute, even if the player is still indwelling the original spawn.

Spiritsconces can also be found across Natlan, and adult Saurians leave one behind after being killed as enemies. Both naturally occurring Spiritsconces and ones left behind after killing Saurians respawn at their original location after 15 seconds, even if the player is still indwelling a Saurian using the original spawn. Some Saurius like "Half-baked"[1] reject the indwelling.

While in Saurian form, the player cannot interact the following:

A Spiritsconce is also left behind after the player ends an indwelling without killing the Saurian. Up to four Spiritsconces left behind from terminated indwellings, or three if the player is currently indwelling a Saurian, may exist in the world at any given moment. When the limit is exceeded, the oldest Spiritsconce left behind from a terminated indwelling will be removed. The Saurian type does not matter. Indwelling a Saurian has a 4 second cooldown before indwelling another Saurian.

The amount of Fall DMG taken while in Saurian form is significantly reduced and static regardless of how far they fall. Yumkasauri also take 50% reduced Fall DMG compared to other Saurians.

There is no time limit to indwelling a Saurian. The player can increase the Saurian's movement by consuming Phlogiston, of which the individual Saurian and the Spiritsconce have their own bar before it begins consuming the player's own. A Saurian's movement is further impeded by terrain; Tepetlisaurus and Yumkasaurus cannot swim on water and liquid phlogiston and will automatically drown upon being forced to swim, and will take rapid damage from the latter; Yumkasaurus cannot climb up the terrain for too long while Koholasaurus cannot climb at all.

The active character will be automatically ejected from Saurian and Spiritsconce will not be left behind if:

The active character will be automatically ejected from Saurian and Spiritsconce will be left behind if:

  • The player teleports to any teleport waypoint.

The player can manually eject themselves from the Saurian by holding Q if they need to in a manner similar to the Waverider.


All Saurians share identical stats when indwelled:

Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Saurian Indwelling Abilities[]


Icon Ability Input Type Cooldown
Icon Tepetlisaurus Jump Jump Jump N/A
Small jump upwards. When burrowing, consumes Phlogiston to leap.
Icon Tepetlisaurus Attack Normal Attack Normal Attack 1s
Attacks once, dealing 100% ATK as Geo DMG. Can be used on ground and when burrowing.
Icon Tepetlisaurus Drill Enter Burrow Enter Elemental Skill N/A
Start burrowing. While burrowing, movement will continuously consume Phlogiston, and the Tepetlisaurus can climb walls at high speed.
Icon Tepetlisaurus Drill Exit Burrow Exit Elemental Skill N/A
Exit burrowing.
Icon Tepetlisaurus Drill Reenter Burrow Reenter Jump N/A
Propels itself forward while falling. This ability can only be used if the Tepetlisaurus was already burrowing prior to falling.


Icon Ability Input Type Cooldown
Icon Yumkasaurus Jump Jump Jump N/A
Jump into the air.
Icon Yumkasaurus Attack Normal Attack Normal Attack N/A
Attack up to twice while on the ground, dealing 60% ATK, 70% ATK as Dendro DMG.
Icon Yumkasaurus Air Attack Air Attack Normal Attack/Jump N/A
Attack once mid-air, dealing 60% ATK as Dendro DMG. If in posession of a Spore of Repose, also create a temporary Leaf of Repose under the Yumkasaurus which can be stood on.
Icon Yumkasaurus Grapple First Grapple Elemental Skill 4s
Grapple forward a certain distance. Can be held to aim and float in mid air. Can walk while aiming.
Icon Yumkasaurus Air Grapple Second Grapple N/A
After grappling once and before landing, consume Phlogiston to grapple forward a second time. Can be held to aim and float in mid air.
Icon Yumkasaurus Grab Grab Elemental Skill N/A
Grab Flamegranate, Phlogiston Explosive Barrel, or hook. The first two are then placed in the mouth, after which Phlogiston is continuously consumed and Grapple cannot be used until they are ejected or all Phlogiston is consumed. Consuming all Phlogiston will cancel the grabbed Flamegranate or Phlogiston Explosive Barrel.
Icon Yumkasaurus Shoot Shoot Elemental Skill N/A
Shoot Flamegranate or Phlogiston Explosive Barrel stored in mouth, which travels in a straight line and explodes on hit, dealing True Pyro DMG. Hold to aim to shoot in designated direction.


Icon Ability Input Type Cooldown
Icon Koholasaurus Jump Jump Jump N/A
Small jump upwards. Consumes Phlogiston if used in water or Liquid Phlogiston.
Icon Koholasaurus Attack Normal Attack Normal Attack 2s
Performs a dash attack, dealing 100% ATK as Hydro DMG. Can be used on land, in water, in Liquid Phlogiston, and mid-air.
Icon Koholasaurus Aquadash Aquadash Sprint N/A
Continuously consumes Phlogiston to Charge forward while in water and Liquid Phlogiston.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • While indwelling a Saurian, players will receive different dialogue upon talking to NPCs: Saurians become understandable, while all other NPCs will only say "..." unless they currently have dialogue specific to a Quest or Hidden Exploration Objective,‍[preliminary conclusion] in which case it does not matter whether the player is indwelling a Saurian or not.
  • While indwelling a Saurian, other Saurians will not become aggravated upon approach, though they will be alerted of their presence. If attacked, or a non-Saurian enemy near them becomes aggravated, they will become aggravated as normal.
    • Indwelling a Saurian will only cause the player to leave combat if the Saurian they indwelled was the only enemy.


Idle Animations


Saurian Indwelling
Tutorial Saurian Indwelling 1
Through the guidance of a mysterious power, you can now indwell your spirit onto Natlan's Saurians!
Different Saurians have different skills and special traits. Use their powers to get around Natlan and explore it.
When you are in an indwelt state, you will prioritize using up the Saurian's phlogiston before using up your own reserves.

Tutorial Saurian Indwelling 2
Natlan's Saurians are unique life forms that can enter a "Spiritsconce" state under specific circumstances.
Indwell your spirit onto Spiritsconces to activate their power, transforming into and controlling the Saurian's original form.
Tutorial Tepetlisauri 1
After a Tepetlisaurus drills into the ground, it can consume Phlogiston to move in all directions, even digging up cliffs.
Jumping while in this underground drilling state will trigger a short high-speed leap forward.

Tutorial Tepetlisauri 2
Tepetlisaurus can climb solid Phlogiston that cannot be climbed through ordinary means.
Its sharp claws can also be used to slice through obstacles with ease.
Tutorial Yumkasauri 1
Yumkasaurus can spit out Flamegranate Pectin hidden in its cheek pouches and wrap it around heavy objects and sigils before pulling itself toward them to move.
They can even Hold that button to hover and aim to face the direction they wish to go. However, continuous use of such movement in a short period of time requires Phlogiston consumption...

Tutorial Yumkasauri 2
Yumkasaurus can also use Flamegranate Pectin to grab light objects into its mouth before aiming and then spitting them out.
It can also pull mechanisms that require pulling.
Tutorial Koholasauri
Koholasaurus is capable of high-speed swimming. Not only can it leap high above the water's surface to avoid obstacles, but it can also use Aquadash to charge forward swiftly.
Koholasaurs are also the only Saurians capable of moving through liquid Phlogiston after consuming Phlogiston.

Other Languages[]

Saurian Indwelling

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSaurian Indwelling
Lóng zhī Húnfù
Lóng zhī Húnfù
Ryuu Hyoui
Korean용에 빙의
Yong'e Bing'ui
SpanishTransferencia del alma a un saurio
FrenchPossession d'un saurienPossession of a Saurian
RussianВселение души в завриана
Vseleniye dushi v zavriana
Thaiการประทับร่าง Saurian
VietnameseNhập Thể Saurian
GermanSaurier übernehmen
IndonesianSaurian Indwelling
PortugueseHabitação Sauriana
TurkishSürüngen Ele Geçirme
ItalianPossessione saurica


LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
Tamashii no Tou‍[!][!]
Korean영혼 촛불
Yeonghon Chotbul
SpanishAntorcha espiritual
RussianСветоч души
Svetoch dushi
VietnameseNến Linh Hồn
TurkishRuh Mumu

Change History[]

