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Ashavan Realm is an area located in Dharma Forest, Sumeru.


There are 5 subareas in Ashavan Realm:

Name Description
Apam Woods

Apam Woods is a massive rainforest with trees that stretch towards the sky. After completing the World Quest A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land, the player will be able to operate the Varuna Contraption and control the rain.

Caravan Ribat

A fortified village at the foot of a tall wall that blocks the sandstorms from destroying the Sumeru rainforests. Located at the foot of the Wall of Samiel, Caravan Ribat serves as a thoroughfare for those coming from the forest going to Aaru Village, and vice versa.

Pardis Dhyai

Pardis Dhyai is a research site for Amurta scholars.

Ruins of Dahri
Yasna Monument

Points of Interest[]

There are 4 points of interest in Ashavan Realm:

Name Description
Caravan Ribat Bulletin Board

The messages randomly cycle through every time it is interacted with.

Grove of Dreams

The Grove of Dreams is a place where a way to enter dreams is said to reside.[1] Like Vanarana, it has both a real and a dream version, and players can switch between the two by playing the Rhythm of the Great Dream with the Vintage Lyre at a Silapna.

Memory of Stone (Monument)

The Memory of Stone is a memorial plaque set up by the Aranara for Nara Varuna to leave a visible memory for them that shows that Vana and the Aranara never forget their adventures with the Aranara.[2]

It is cleaned up by the Traveler in Memory of Stone.

The Rain's End

The Rain's End is unlocked during the Varuna Gatha World Quest Series, and is where the player first gains access to the Varuna Contraption.


Archon Quests

Story Quests

World Quests

Hidden Exploration Objectives

Notable Features[]


3 Domains match the category selection:

Local Specialties[]

  • Unknown Unknown


A materially-rich southern region that is covered in hill, wood, and wetland. Mighty ramparts defend its western edge from the corroding power of sandstorms.
Legend has it that many mythical creatures inhabit Sumeru's woods, and only the blessed few are lucky enough to see them.

Expedition description



  • Ashavan (Avestan: 𐬀𐬴𐬀𐬬𐬀𐬥) is a Zoroastrian term for "possessing/mastering truth" or "possessing/mastering righteousness." It can also be a combination of two Sanskrit words, Asha meaning "hope or life" and Van meaning "forest." Ashavan means "hopeful forest or forest with life."
  • In the Chinese name for Ashavan Realm, the term 善见/善見 Shànjiàn is the Chinese translation of Sudarshana (Sanskrit: सुदर्शन), which is derived from two Sanskrit words — Su (Sanskrit: सु) meaning "good/auspicious" and Darshana (Sanskrit: दर्शन) meaning "vision."

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAshavan Realm
Auspicious-Vision Realm
Ashavan Rerumu
Ashavan Realm
Asyaban-ui Ttang
Land of Ashavan
FrenchRoyaume d'AshavanAshavan Realm
RussianЗемля Ашаван
Zemlya Ashavan
Ashavan Land
ThaiAshavan Realm
VietnameseLãnh Địa Ashavan
GermanAshavan-ReichAshavan Realm
IndonesianAshavan Realm
PortugueseReino AshavanAshavan Realm
TurkishAshavan DiyarıAshavan Realm
ItalianRegno di AshavanRealm of Ashavan

Change History[]


  1. World Quest, Varuna Gatha: Slumbering Roots
  2. World Quest, Varuna Gatha: Memory of Stone

