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Liffey Region is an area located in Fontaine.


There are 2 subareas in Liffey Region:

Name Description
Fortress of Meropide

Fortress of Meropide is an autonomous stronghold located underwater that serves as Fontaine's de facto prison. It is where criminals and other accused are sent after being convicted in a trial to serve out their sentences and has a notorious reputation in Fontaine. Wriothesley is the prison's Administrator, while Sigewinne works at the prison's infirmary.

Mont Esus East Mont Esus East consists of the eastern foothills of the currently inaccessible Mont Esus.

Points of Interest[]

There are 12 points of interest in Liffey Region:

Name Description
Abandoned Production Zone

The Abandoned Production Zone can be accessed using the lift near the Teleport Waypoint in the Production Zone's Lower Level.

It contains four paths, and the doors to the path are controlled by the Multidirectional Connection Control Drive Valve in the center.

Administrative Area
Bravais' Press Works It contains the Forging Press, which is used to refine Arkhium Stock Arkhium Stock into Arkhium Lumenite Arkhium Lumenite for the Hidden Exploration Objective "Arkhium Forge".
Coupon Cafeteria

The cafeteria is where convicts gather to eat their daily meals. Sigewinne and Cuistot help prepare meals for the cafeteria. Each convict can get one Welfare Meal per day from the cafeteria's robot mek Bran.

Forbidden Zone It is a secretive area of the Fortress of Meropide. It is built over Primordial Water and has a sluice gate designed to prevent the Primordial Water from flooding Fontaine. There is also a large ship in this area that Wriothesley has been secretly building.
Fortress of Meropide Bulletin Board A bulletin board located in the Administrative Area, between the entrance to the Rag and Bone Shop and the elevator to the Dormitory Block. The messages randomly cycle through every time "Continue Reading" is selected.
Geode Mine Shaft The mine is filled with Arkhium crystal and is patrolled by Flying Energy Thieves.
Pankration Ring

It is located in the southwestern part of the Administrative Area, and is accessed by its own separate lift.

Production Zone

It consists of two levels, located below the Administrative Area and connected by a lift located in the east of the Fortress of Meropide. Further below, available via a lift in the Lower Level, is the Abandoned Production Zone.

Rag and Bone Shop

Rag and Bone Shop is a Coupon shop run by Alvard located in the southeast part of the Administrative Area.

Rift of Erosion It is located west of the Fortress' Dormitory Block. It has been described as a "potential danger".[1]
The Duke's Office

The Duke's Office belongs to Wriothesley, and is located in the center of the Administrative Area.

It has three floors, with the basement floor becoming available during the Archon Quest Secret Keepers and Forbidden Zones in Chapter IV: Act IV - Cataclysm's Quickening. The top floor is Wriothesley's office, and features a desk and a sofa with a tea table. The basement contains a lift to the Forbidden Zone, as well as a secret door that leads to a room overlooking a ship. This secret room is only available during select quests.


Archon Quests

Story Quests

World Quests

Hidden Exploration Objectives

Notable Features[]


1 Domain matches the category selection:



Normal Bosses[]

Common Enemies[]

Elite Enemies[]

Local Specialties[]


External Reconstruction Support FAQ[]

This interactable is located on the ground floor of the Qualifications Review Representative Office on a desk.

Required documents and registration information for adventurers (temporary):
Commission resume, income statement, information regarding commission evaluations, commission statistics, total number of stars (rating), proof of adventure qualifications, travel history for the prior 30-day period, and all past and current Adventure Handbooks.
Habitual residence, contact address, contact information, emergency contact, your current name, names you've used in the past, any pseudonyms, and/or aliases.
Statement of good faith, liability notice, obligation notice, and disclaimer notices.
If the adventurer has not brought complete documentation with them, the gaps should be plugged on the spot in a timely manner. Any applicant with a criminal record or who are suspects will be turned over to the authorities immediately.

Project Proposal[]

This interactable is located on the bookshelf of the Qualifications Review Representative Office's ground floor.

To support the development of research at the Fontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering, it has been decided through internal discussions to initiate Phase 2 expansion for the Institute, with Senior Researcher Raimondo Havenport in charge of said project.
After through investigation, argumentation, analysis, and research, it has been concluded that the eastern region of Liffey has favorable geography, excellent transportation conditions, and faces no threat from wild monsters, making it a highly suitable location for the second Fontaine Research Institute.
The project is currently suspended because Raimondo Havenport has been transferred to the position of Senior Technician for the Fontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering.
During Phase 2 of the Fontaine Research Institute expansion project, construction workers discovered an undocumented human-excavated tunnel that led to the private lab of deceased Senior Researcher Bravais. The research facility was found undamaged. The Maison Gestion has been debriefed. Pending further action.

Forging Press Device Operation Standards[]

This interactable is found next to the main terminal of Bravais's Press Works in the Submerged Stony Path underground area.

1. Pre-Startup Preparation
Step 1: Before initiating the pressing process, the operator should wear protective gear at all times and perform a comprehensive equipment inspection.
Step 2: Before starting up the equipment, the operator must ensure the stock has been placed correctly to prevent mechanical damage to the equipment due to idling.
Step 3: Check the equipment's energy supply system to ensure that the equipment can run within normal parameters.
Once the above inspection steps have been completed, the pressing process can be initiated at the terminal.
2. Pressing Process Operation
When the pressing process is activated, the press will cause the stock to enter an activated state. You need to activate the press when the stock is giving off an orange-red light. Operating the press with the hammers can effectively induce deformation, so the operator must pay close attention to the state of the stock at all times during operation and manually operate the press with the hammers with the right timing.
3. Troubleshooting
To facilitate the operator's self-inspection, a fail-safe system has been installed on the base of currently available equipment models. The operator can troubleshoot system problems based on the errors reported by the fail-safe system. For more detailed instructions, please consult the "Emergency Response Handbook: 3rd Edition".

Maintenance Log[]

This interactable is found on a desk at the bottom of Bravais's Press Works in the Submerged Stony Path underground area.

Maintenance Log: "All I can do now is to ty [sic] to stop the cooling system and try to seal the leaking areas. It's just a stopgap measure, however."
Maintenance Log: "If someone did remove the seals and operate the cooling system, the whole room would be instantly filled with a huge amount of water. The Forging Press will be utterly ruined."
Maintenance Log: "Though no one other than Bravais really cares about the devices in here, I suppose a prayer that the emergency drain proves useful couldn't hurt."

Emergency Handbook: Third Edition[]

This interactable is located below the entrance platform of Bravais's Press Works in the Submerged Stony Path underground area.

Common problems and appropriate emergency response measures are listed in this manual. If an error not included in the manual occurs, please contact Senior Researcher Bravais at once.
Common errors include the following:
Insufficient Energy Supply:
This error is usually caused by insufficient pipe pressure, specifically when an indicator gas leak occurs from the valve or exterior surface of the pipe. To address this, adjust the valve by turning the handwheel until the valve is no longer leaking indicator gasses.
System Overheated:
This error indicates the press temperature is too high. In this state, the entire system is more hazardous. Addressing this is a high priority. The recommended method is to decrease the temperature of the press's ventilation window and initiate the cooling program to dissipate the heat.
Water Entering the System:
When this error occurs, abort the process and perform an inspection of the environmental sealing to prevent reoccurrence. In case of emergency, the emergency drainage function can also be activated to temporarily address the unexpected presence of excess water.
Blocked Emergency Drainage Pipe:
This error is normally caused by a foreign substance blocking the drainage pipe. When this error occurs, simply inspect and clear the drainage pipe.
Repair Requests & Feedback Log:
Repair Request: Evidence of leakage on the ground found near the cooling system water intake under the press. Requesting urgent maintenance.
Maintenance Outcome: Temporary sealant has been applied to the water intake to prevent water ingress. Due to the risk of backflow when using the cooling system, its use has been suspended until a permanent solution can be implemented.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
87Sequestered SpringsFountain of BelleauPoisson (underwater), Beryl Region (caves), Liffey Region (caves), Bossuet's Abandoned Laboratory, Erinnyes Forest (caves), Forest of Blessings (underground), Constellation Metropole (underground)
88Le dormeur du valFountain of BelleauPoisson (underwater), Beryl Region (caves), Liffey Region (caves), Erinnyes Forest (caves)
89Trail of ShadowsFountain of BelleauPoisson (underwater), Beryl Region (caves), Liffey Region (caves), Erinnyes Forest (caves)
19La derniere opportunitePelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide (evacuation)
Quests, Domains
33Clockwork WaltzPelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide
Serenitea Pot
34The Rotating RealmPelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide
Quests, Domains, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
35Welcome to the IndustryPelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide
37Le duc sous l'eauPelagic PrimaevalityThe Duke's Office
Event Gameplay
38Crystal CurtainsPelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide (exterior)
39Submerged MeditationPelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide (exterior)
40Whale's WhisperPelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide (exterior)
41No TrespassingPelagic PrimaevalityForbidden Zone
42Restoration Through LaborPelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide (entrance), Rift of Erosion, Kuisel's Clockwork Workshop (Entrance; Lower Level)
Domains, Event Gameplay
43To Each What He DeservesPelagic PrimaevalityFortress of Meropide (entrance), Rift of Erosion, Kuisel's Clockwork Workshop (Entrance; Lower Level)
45Crystalline PathPelagic PrimaevalityBravais' Press Works (before press activation; underwater)
Domains, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
46Refractions of SilencePelagic PrimaevalityBravais' Press Works (after press activation)
49The Faded IdyllPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (day), Liffey Region (day)
50Resonance of LongingPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (day), Liffey Region (day)
51The Drifting BeautyPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (day), Liffey Region (day)
52Huldra's RetreatPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (day), Liffey Region (day)
53Vestige of BelleauPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (day), Liffey Region (day)
54Whispering DewdropsPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (day), Liffey Region (day)
55A Sweet Dream in FontainePelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (night), Liffey Region (night)
Serenitea Pot
56Moonlit TidesPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (night), Liffey Region (night)
57Sink Into SlumberPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (night), Liffey Region (night)
58Floating LullabyPelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (night), Liffey Region (night)
59Gymnopedies of LunePelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (night), Liffey Region (night)
63Truncated VersePelagic PrimaevalityFontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region (night), Liffey Region (night)
Serenitea Pot



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLiffey Region
Liffey Region
Rifii Chiku
Liffey Region
Korean리피 구역
Ripi Guyeok
SpanishCondado LiffeyLiffey County
FrenchRégion de LiffeyLiffey Region
RussianРайон Лиффи
Rayon Liffi
Liffey Region
ThaiLiffey Region
VietnameseKhu Liffey
GermanBezirk LiffeyDistrict Liffey
IndonesianLiffey Region
PortugueseRegião Liffey
TurkishLiffey BölgesiLiffey Region
ItalianRegione di Liffey

Change History[]


  1. NPC Dialogue: Galvana

