

swMATH ID: 23286
Software Authors: Stoudenmire, E. Miles; White, Steven R.
Description: ITensor—Intelligent Tensor—is a C++ library for implementing tensor network calculations. See the list of recent papers using ITensor. Features include: Indices have unique ids: no need to think about index orderingM; Full-featured matrix product state and DMRG layer; Quantum number conserving (block-sparse) tensors; same interface as dense tensors; Complex numbers handled lazily: no efficiency loss if real; Easy to install; only dependencies are BLAS/LAPACK and C++11; Interface only uses friendly, productive subset of the C++ language.
Homepage: http://itensor.org/
Source Code:  https://github.com/ITensor/ITensor
Dependencies: C++
Keywords: arXiv_cs.MS; arXiv_cond-mat.str-el; Computational Physics; arXiv_physics.comp-ph; ITensor; Untelligent Tensor; C++ library
Related Software: GitHub; ALPS; evoMPS; TeNPy; Uni10; Python; TensorOperations.jl; TensorNetwork; NumPy; Julia; TensorFlow; OSMPS; QuSpin; TT Toolbox; t3f; TTPY; mpnum; PyTorch; NCON; SciPy
Cited in: 32 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
The ITensor Software Library for Tensor Network Calculations arXiv
Matthew Fishman, Steven R. White, E. Miles Stoudenmire
all top 5

Cited by 89 Authors

3 Calabrese, Pasquale
2 Alba, Vincenzo
2 Amico, Luigi
2 Casagrande, Heitor P.
2 Chetcuti, Wayne Jordan
2 Itou, Etsuko
2 Kamali, M. Z. M.
2 Modak, Ranjan
2 Muniandy, Sithi V.
2 Osterloh, Andreas
2 Poletti, Dario
2 Polo, Juan
2 Stéphan, Jean-Marie
2 Tanizaki, Yuya
1 Al-Assam, S.
1 Bachmayr, Markus
1 Barfknecht, R. E.
1 Bastianello, Alvise
1 Batchelor, Murray T.
1 Bauer, Bela
1 Begg, S. E.
1 Berti, Anna
1 Bhaseen, Miraculous J.
1 Biella, Alberto
1 Bocini, Saverio
1 Bressan, Stéphane
1 Bridgeman, Jacob C.
1 Carr, Lincoln D.
1 Carusotto, Iacopo
1 Chen, Huajie
1 Chen, YiAn
1 Chubb, Christopher T.
1 Clark, Stephen R.
1 Dolfi, Michele
1 Dubail, Jérôme
1 Ewart, Timothée
1 Fagotti, Maurizio
1 Faridfar, M.
1 Fouladi, A. Ahmadi
1 Giamarchi, Thierry
1 Gopalakrishnan, Sarang
1 Götte, Michael
1 Green, Andrew G.
1 Henry, Robert A.
1 Ho, Cheuk Hin
1 Honda, Masazumi
1 Hoskins, Jeremy G.
1 Huang, Xing
1 Jaksch, Dieter
1 Jaschke, Daniel
1 Kantian, Adrian
1 Kato, Takeo
1 Kawashima, Naoki
1 Keller, Sebastian
1 Khoo, Yuehaw
1 Kosenkov, Alexandr
1 Landi, Gabriel T.
1 Lindsey, Michael
1 Liu, Zi-Zhong
1 Lopez-Piqueres, Javier
1 Maki, Jeffrey Allan
1 Marić, Vanja
1 Matsumoto, Akira
1 Mistakidis, S. I.
1 Miyamoto, Koichi
1 Moharramipour, Amin
1 Morita, Satoshi
1 Motoyama, Yuichi
1 Okubo, Tsuyoshi
1 Ortner, Christoph
1 Pfeffer, Max
1 Piroli, Lorenzo
1 Scaffidi, Thomas
1 Schmelcher, Peter
1 Sehayek, Dan
1 Troyer, Matthias
1 Ueda, Hiroshi
1 Vasseur, Romain
1 Volosniev, A. G.
1 Wall, Michael L.
1 Wu, Zheyu
1 Xu, Jingbo
1 Yang, Sheng
1 Yoshimi, Kazuyoshi
1 Zen, Remmy
1 Zhang, Binchao
1 Zhou, Dexuan
1 Zhou, Huanqiang
1 Zinner, Nikolaj Thomas

Citations by Year