

swMATH ID: 18073
Software Authors: Oseledets, Ivan
Description: TTPY: Python implementation of the Tensor Train (TT) - Toolbox. Python implementation of the Tensor Train (TT) - Toolbox. It contains several important packages for working with the TT-format in Python. It is able to do TT-interpolation, solve linear systems, eigenproblems, solve dynamical problems. Several computational routines are done in Fortran (which can be used separatedly), and are wrapped with the f2py tool.
Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ttpy/
Source Code:  https://github.com/oseledets/ttpy
Related Software: TT Toolbox; GitHub; ALEA; t3f; ITensor; mpnum; FEniCS; Krylstat; Uni10; ALPSCore; Python; SyFi; mps; libtt; Scikit-TT; tntorch; MPyS; TensorLy; evoMPS; PyTorch
Cited in: 6 Documents