
A multilevel method for many-electron Schrödinger equations based on the atomic cluster expansion. (English) Zbl 1537.81219

Summary: The atomic cluster expansion (ACE) [R. Drautz, Phys. Rev. B (3) 99, No. 1, Article ID 014104, 15 p. (2029; doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.99.014104)] yields a highly efficient and interpretable parameterization of symmetric polynomials that has achieved great success in modelling properties of many-particle systems. In the present work we extend the practical applicability of the ACE framework to the computation of many-electron wave functions. To that end, we develop a customized variational Monte Carlo algorithm that exploits the sparsity and hierarchical properties of ACE wave functions. We demonstrate the feasibility on a range of proof-of-concept applications to one-dimensional systems.


81V45 Atomic physics
81V70 Many-body theory; quantum Hall effect
78A35 Motion of charged particles
91G60 Numerical methods (including Monte Carlo methods)
35C20 Asymptotic expansions of solutions to PDEs
05D40 Probabilistic methods in extremal combinatorics, including polynomial methods (combinatorial Nullstellensatz, etc.)
34L40 Particular ordinary differential operators (Dirac, one-dimensional Schrödinger, etc.)
65C05 Monte Carlo methods
65N25 Numerical methods for eigenvalue problems for boundary value problems involving PDEs
81-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to quantum theory


Julia; ITensor


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