Representation Theory (math.RT)

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    In this paper, we study the irreducibility of $\mathcal{U}(\mathfrak{g})^{G'}$-modules on the spaces of intertwining operators in the branching problem of reductive Lie algebras, and construct a family of finite-dimensional irreducible $\mathcal{U}(\mathfrak{g})^{G'}$-modules using the Zuckerman derived functors. We provide criteria for the irreducibility of $\mathcal{U}(\mathfrak{g})^{G'}$-modules in the cases of generalized Verma modules, cohomologically induced modules, and discrete series representations. We treat only discrete decomposable restrictions with certain dominance conditions (quasi-abelian and in the good range). To describe the $\mathcal{U}(\mathfrak{g})^{G'}$-modules, we give branching laws of cohomologically induced modules using ones of generalized Verma modules when $K'$ acts on $K/L_K$ transitively.
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    The long root geometry $A_{n,\{1,n\}}(\mathbb{K})$ for the special linear group $\mathrm{SL}(n+1,\mathbb{K})$ admits an embedding in the (projective space of) the vector space of the traceless square matrices of order $n+1$ with entries in the field $\mathbb{K}$, usually regarded as the \em natural embedding of $A_{n,\{1,n\}}(\mathbb{K})$. S. Smith and H. Völklein (A geometric presentation for the adjoint module of $\mathrm{SL}_3(\mathbb{K})$, \em J. Algebra, vol. 127) have proved that the natural embedding of $A_{2,\{1,2\}}(\mathbb{K})$ is relatively universal if and only if $\mathbb{K}$ is either algebraic over its minimal subfield or perfect with positive characteristic. They also give some information on the relatively universal embedding of $A_{2,\{1,2\}}(\mathbb{K})$ which covers the natural one, but that information is not sufficient to exhaustively describe it. The ``if" part of Smith-Völklein's result also holds true for any $n$, as proved by Völklein in his investigation of the adjoint modules of Chevalley groups (H. Völklein, On the geometry of the adjoint representation of a Chevalley group, \em J. Algebra, vol. 127). In this paper we give an explicit description of the relatively universal embedding of $A_{n,\{1,n\}}(\mathbb{K})$ which covers the natural one. In particular, we prove that this relatively universal embedding has (vector) dimension equal to $\mathfrak{d}+n^2+2n$ where $\mathfrak{d}$ is the transcendence degree of $\mathbb{K}$ over its minimal subfield (if $\mathrm{char}(\mathbb{K}) = 0$) or the generating rank of $\mathbb{K}$ over ${\mathbb K}^p$ (if $\mathrm{char}(\mathbb{K}) = p > 0$). Accordingly, both the ``if" and the ``only if" part of Smith-Völklein's result hold true for every $n \geq 2$.
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    We describe the structure of projective indecomposable modules for the subalgebra consisting of the elements of degree 0 in the hyperalgebra of the $r$-th Frobenius kernel for the algebraic group ${\rm SL}_2(k)$, using the primitive idempotents which were constructed before by the author.
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    In this paper we construct primitive idempotents of the hyperalgebra for the $r$-th Frobenius kernel of the algebraic group ${\rm SL}(2,k)$.
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    Given a set $A$ and an abelian group $B$ with operators in $A$, we introduce the Ore group extension $B[x ; \delta_B , \sigma_B]$ as the additive group $B[x]$, with $A[x]$ as a set of operators, the action of $A[x]$ on $B[x]$ being defined by mimicking the multiplication used in the classical case where $A$ and $B$ are the same ring. We derive generalizations of Vandermonde's and Leibniz's identities for this construction, and they are then used to establish associativity criteria. Additionally, we prove a version of Hilbert's basis theorem for this structure, under the assumption that the action of $A$ on $B$ is what we call weakly $s$-unital. Finally, we apply these results to the case where $B$ is a left module over a ring $A$, and specifically to the case where $A$ and $B$ coincide with a non-associative ring which is left distributive but not necessarily right distributive.
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    In an earlier paper of W. Casselman, the theory of local newforms and conductors was initiated. Later, Roberts and Schmidt studied local newforms for the metaplectic group of rank 1. In this paper we define and calculate conductors of irreducible genuine representations of the metaplectic group of rank 1 over non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero and of odd residual characteristic. Moreover, we shall give an explicit formulae for dimensions of spaces of local newforms, and show a compatibility with the local theta correspondence.
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    In [8] V. Gélinas introduced a homological invariant, called \it delooping level (dell), that bounds the finitistic dimension. In this article, we introduce another homological invariant (Dell) related to the delooping level for an Artin algebra. We compare this new tool with other dimensions as the finitistic dimension or the $\phi$-dimension (where $\phi$ is the first Igusa-Todorov function), and we also generalize Theorem 4.3. from [9] to truncated path algebras (Theorem 4.18). Finally, we show that for a monomial algebra $A$ the difference dell($A$) - Findim($A$) can be arbitrarily large (Example 4.22).
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    The Hamiltonian reduction $\mathcal N///T$ of the nilpotent cone in $\mathfrak{sl}_n$ by the torus of diagonal matrices is a Nakajima quiver variety which admits a symplectic resolution $\widetilde{\mathcal N///T}$, and the corresponding BFN Coulomb branch is the affine closure $\overline{T^*(G/U)}$ of the cotangent bundle of the base affine space. We construct a surjective map $\mathbb C\left[\overline{T^*(G/U)}^{T\times B/U}\right] \twoheadrightarrow H^*\left(\widetilde{\mathcal N /// T}\right)$ of graded algebras, which the Hikita conjecture predicts to be an isomorphism. Our map is inherited from a related case of the Hikita conjecture and factors through Kirwan surjectivity for quiver varieties. We conjecture that many other Hikita maps can be inherited from that of a related dual pair.
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    In this article, we study twisted derivations of cyclic group rings. Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity, $G$ be a finite cyclic group, and ($\sigma, \tau$) be a pair of $R$-algebra endomorphisms of the group algebra $RG$, which are $R$-linear extensions of the group endomorphisms of $G$. In this article, we give two characterizations concerning $(\sigma, \tau)$-derivations of the group ring $RG$. First, we develop a necessary and sufficient condition for a $(\sigma, \tau)$-derivation of $RG$ to be inner. Second, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for an $R$-linear map $D: RG \rightarrow RG$ with $D(1) = 0$ to be a $(\sigma, \tau)$-derivation. We also illustrate our theorems with the help of examples. As a consequence of these two characterizations, we answer the well-known twisted derivation problem for $RG$: Under what conditions are all $(\sigma, \tau)$-derivations of $RG$ inner? Or is the space of outer $(\sigma, \tau)$-derivations trivial? More precisely, we give a sufficient condition under which all $(\sigma, \tau)$-derivations of $RG$ are inner and a sufficient condition under which $RG$ has non-trivial outer $(\sigma, \tau)$-derivations. Our result helps in generating several examples of non-trivial outer derivations.

Recent comments

Markus Heinrich Sep 28 2023 07:20 UTC

Very interesting paper and good comment by Jason. I agree that such insights should be clearly written up and simple to find in the literature!

I want to add that the fact that the Pauli group is not complemented within the Clifford group (i.e. there's no group $G$ in Jason's comment) is known from

Jason Saied Sep 27 2023 21:15 UTC

This is very interesting! I am sure the explicit character tables will be helpful in the future.

I just wanted to point out that Conjectures 5.4 and 5.5 are known (or follow directly from known results). In the below, always take $n\geq 3$. The main facts being used are the observation that $\ma

Māris Ozols Sep 19 2022 16:16 UTC

A special case of your formula for the probability distribution $p(x | n, m, k, l)$ was obtained by Montanaro in [arXiv:0903.5466][1]. Namely, when $n = k$ and $m = l$ we have $p(x | k, l, k, l) = \mathrm{Pr}[x|l]$, where $\mathrm{Pr}[x|l]$ is given in Montanaro's Lemma 4. It denotes the probability

Blake Stacey Jun 16 2020 20:57 UTC

I'm going to cautiously advance the opposite of the italicized conjecture on p. 2 and hazard a guess that sets of $2d^2 - d$ equiangular lines will _not_ generally exist in $\mathbb{H}^d$. This inclination of mine is perhaps due to coming to the problem of equiangular lines from quantum theory, and
