Quantum Algebra (math.QA)

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    In this paper, we provide a construction of a Topological Quantum Field Theory from a Non-Hermitian Ribbon Fusion Category. This is a simple method that does not involve enriching over Fusion Categories, or using other complicated structures. To substantiate this construction, we also prove theorems on the Müger center, braiding, and spherical structure of such a fusion category.
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    We show that for a braided Hopf algebra in the category of comodules over a cosemisimple coquasitriangular Hopf algebra, the Hochschild cohomological dimension, the left and right global dimensions and the projective dimensions of the trivial left and right module all coincide. We also provide convenient criteria for smoothness and the twisted Calabi-Yau property for such braided Hopf algebras (without the cosemisimplicity assumption on $H$), in terms of properties of the trivial module.These generalize a well-known result in the case of ordinary Hopf algebras. As an illustration, we study the case of the coordinate algebra on the two-parameter braided quantum group $\textrm{SL}_{2}$.
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    We quantize Hamiltonian structures with hydrodynamic leading terms using the Heisenberg vertex algebra. As an application, we construct the quantum dispersionless KdV hierarchy via a non-associative Weyl quantization and compute the corresponding eigenvalue problem.
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    We introduce a new family of oriented manifolds with boundaries called the forest biassociahedra and forest bimultiplihedra, generalizing the standard biassociahedra. They are defined as moduli spaces of ascending-descending biforests and are expected to act as parameter spaces for operations defined on Morse and Floer chains in the context of compact Lie group actions. We study the structure of their boundary, and derive some algebraic notions of ``$f$-bialgebras'', as well as related notions of bimodules, morphisms and categories. This allows us to state some conjectures describing compact Lie group actions on Morse and Floer chains, and on Fukaya categories.

Recent comments

Farrokh Labib Mar 22 2024 09:08 UTC

Thank you for the reply and clarifying that your result is the quantum extension of the second kind. Also great to hear that now both quantum extensions to the converse are complete!

Ning Ning Mar 21 2024 14:17 UTC

Thanks a lot to the colleagues that "Scited" this paper and and to those who introduced me to this site last night! This is a great site that we can exchange new research findings and advance quantum theory. Please feel free to reach me regarding quantum extensions of my expertise areas: stochastic

Ning Ning Mar 21 2024 14:07 UTC

Thank you so much for your message, Farrokh! Clearly, I was not aware of your paper; otherwise, I would have certainly cited it. In fact, we did not work on the same results.

As I mentioned in my paper (pages 2 and 3): "The converse of the expander mixing lemma has been articulated in two distinct

Farrokh Labib Mar 19 2024 09:54 UTC

Very nice paper! Are you aware of the results in the following paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.06310.pdf?
I didn't go through all the details of your work, but I think you are proving roughly the same results here with different techniques (which makes it interesting!).

Guanyu Zhu Aug 10 2019 05:16 UTC

Great paper! Non-abelian quantum error correction is still a quite unexplored territory. Needs more attention from the QEC community. Going beyond stabilizer models leads to much more opportunities.