Strongly Correlated Electrons (cond-mat.str-el)

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    We take initial steps towards a general framework for constructing logical gates in general quantum CSS codes. Viewing CSS codes as cochain complexes, we observe that cohomology invariants naturally give rise to diagonal logical gates. We show that such invariants exist if the quantum code has a structure that relaxes certain properties of a differential graded algebra. We show how to equip quantum codes with such a structure by defining cup products on CSS codes. The logical gates obtained from this approach can be implemented by a constant-depth unitary circuit. In particular, we construct a $\Lambda$-fold cup product that can produce a logical operator in the $\Lambda$-th level of the Clifford hierarchy on $\Lambda$ copies of the same quantum code, which we call the copy-cup gate. For any desired $\Lambda$, we can construct several families of quantum codes that support gates in the $\Lambda$-th level with various asymptotic code parameters.
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    The study of undecidability in problems arising from physics has experienced a renewed interest, mainly in connection with quantum information problems. The goal of this review is to survey this recent development. After a historical introduction, we first explain the necessary results about undecidability in mathematics and computer science. Then we briefly review the first results about undecidability in physics which emerged mostly in the 80s and early 90s. Finally we focus on the most recent contributions, which we divide in two main categories: many body systems and quantum information problems.
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    Lattice gauge theories (LGTs) describe a broad range of phenomena in condensed matter and particle physics. A prominent example is confinement, responsible for bounding quarks inside hadrons such as protons or neutrons. When quark-antiquark pairs are separated, the energy stored in the string of gluon fields connecting them grows linearly with their distance, until there is enough energy to create new pairs from the vacuum and break the string. While such phenomena are ubiquitous in LGTs, simulating the resulting dynamics is a challenging task. Here, we report the observation of string breaking in synthetic quantum matter using a programmable quantum simulator based on neutral atom arrays. We show that a (2+1)D LGT with dynamical matter can be efficiently implemented when the atoms are placed on a Kagome geometry, with a local U(1) symmetry emerging from the Rydberg blockade, while long-range Rydberg interactions naturally give rise to a linear confining potential for a pair of charges, allowing us to tune both their masses as well as the string tension. We experimentally map out the corresponding phase diagram by adiabatically preparing the ground state of the atom array in the presence of defects, and observe substructure of the confined phase, distinguishing regions dominated by fluctuating strings or by broken string configurations. Finally, by harnessing local control over the atomic detuning, we quench string states and observe string breaking dynamics exhibiting a many-body resonance phenomenon. Our work paves a way to explore phenomena in high-energy physics using programmable quantum simulators.
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    The surprisingly long-lasting oscillations observed in the dynamics of highly excited states of chains of Rydberg atoms defy the expectation that interacting systems should thermalize fast. The phenomenon is reminiscent of wavepackets in quantum billiards that trace classical periodic orbits. While analogs of the associated scarred eigenfunctions have been found for Rydberg chains, an underlying classical limit hosting periodic orbits has remained elusive. Here we generalize the Rydberg (pseudospin $S=1/2$) system to a chain of arbitrary spin $S$. Its classical limit features unexpectedly stable periodic orbits that are essential to understand the emergence of robust, parametrically suppressed quantum chaoticity, with semi-classical coherence times diverging as $\sqrt{S}$. The classical limit successfully explains several empirical features of the quantum limit.
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    We construct the first integrable models based on the Haagerup fusion category $H_3$. We introduce a Haagerup version of the anyonic spin chain and use the boost operator formalism to identify two integrable Hamiltonians of PXP type on this chain. The first of these is an analogue of the golden chain; it has a topological symmetry based on $H_3$ and satisfies the Temperley-Lieb algebra with parameter $\delta=(3+\sqrt{13})/2$. We prove its integrability using a Lax formalism, and construct the corresponding solution to the Yang--Baxter equation. We present numerical evidence that this model is gapless with a dynamical critical exponent $z\neq 1$. The second integrable model we find breaks the topological symmetry. We present numerical evidence that this model reduces to a CFT in the large volume limit with central charge $c\sim3/2$.
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    Quantum many-body scars (QMBS) represent a weak ergodicity-breaking phenomenon that defies the common scenario of thermalization in closed quantum systems. They are often regarded as a many-body analog of quantum scars (QS) -- a single-particle phenomenon in quantum chaos -- due to their superficial similarities. However, unlike QS, a clear connection between QMBS and classical chaos has remained elusive. It has nevertheless been speculated that in an appropriate semiclassical limit, QMBS should have a correspondence to weakly unstable periodic orbits. In this paper, I present a counterexample to this conjecture by studying a bosonic model with a large number of flavors. The dynamics of out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOCs) suggest that QMBS do not display chaotic behavior in the semiclassical limit. In contrast, chaotic dynamics are expected for initial states not associated with QMBS. Interestingly, the anomalous OTOC dynamics persist even under weak perturbations that eliminate the scarred eigenstates, suggesting a certain robustness in the phenomenon.
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    We propose three transition-metal adatom systems on 3C-SiC(111) surfaces as a versatile platform to realize massless Dirac fermions and flat bands with strong electronic correlations. Using density functional theory combined with the constrained random phase approximation and dynamical mean-field theory, we investigate the electronic properties of Ti, V, and Cr adatoms. The triangular surface lattices exhibit narrow bandwidths and effective two-band Hubbard models near the Fermi level, originating from partially filled, localized d-orbitals of the adatoms. Our study reveals a materials trend from a flat band Fermi liquid (Cr) via a paramagnetic Mott insulator with large local moments (V) to a Mott insulator on the verge to a heavy Dirac semimetal (Ti) showcasing the diverse nature of these strongly correlated systems. Specifically, the flat bands in the Cr and the well-defined Dirac cones in the strained metallic~Ti lattice indicate high potential for realizing topological and correlated phases.
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    We present the properties of a new organic $S=1$ chain system $m$-NO$_2$PhBNO (abbreviated BoNO). In this biradical system two unpaired electrons from aminoxyl groups are strongly ferromagnetically coupled ($|J_\text{FM}| \gtrsim 500$ K) which leads to the formation of an effective $S=1$ state for each molecule. The chains of BoNO diradicals propagate along the crystallographic $a$ axis. Temperature dependence of the $g$ factor and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) linewidth are consistent with a low-dimensional system with antiferromagnetic interactions. The EPR data further suggest that BoNO is the first known Haldane system with an almost isotropic $g$ factor ($2.0023 \pm 2 \unicode{x2030}$). The magnetization measurements in magnetic fields up to $40$ T and low-field susceptibility, together with $^1$H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, reveal a dominant intrachain antiferromagnetic exchange coupling of $J_\text{1D} = (11.3\pm0.1)$ K, and attainable critical magnetic fields of $\mu_0 H_\text{c1} \approx 2$ T and $\mu_0 H_\text{c2} \approx 33$ T. These measurements therefore suggest that BoNO is a unique Haldane system with extremely small magnetic anisotropy. Present results are crucial for a future in-depth NMR study of the low-temperature Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) and magnetic field-induced phases, which can be performed in the entire phase space.
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    Ho$_3$ScO$_6$ harbours a frustrated Maple Leaf Lattice (MLL). It crystalizes in the Mg$_3$TeO$_6$-type structure, and has a centrosymmetric trigonal space group (R$\bar{3}$). This system contains stacked layers of magnetic rings along the c-axis consisting of six magnetic Ho$^{3+}$ ions forming Ho hexagons, which are connected into a 2-dimensional network by equilateral and isosceles triangles to form a rare example of a MLL. Long range magnetic order is reached below $T_N=4.1$ K with a 120$^\circ$ spin arrangement on the equilateral triangles resulting in a positive vector chirality ground state configuration.
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    Spin-orbit coupling in solids is typically a single-body effect arising from relativity. In this work, we propose a spontaneous generation of spin-orbit coupling from symmetry breaking. A spin-dependent electron-phonon coupling model is investigated on a half-filled square lattice, which is solved by sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The phase diagram as function of phonon frequency $\omega$ and coupling constant $\lambda$ is fully investigated. The spin-orbit coupling emerges as an order in the ground state for any $\lambda$ in the adiabatic limit, accompanied by a breathing mode of lattice distortion and a staggered loop spin-current. This phase dominates in the entire range of $\omega$ with $\lambda< \lambda_{\infty}$, a critical value in the $\omega \to \infty$ limit. With increasing $\omega$ and $\lambda > \lambda_{\infty}$, the emergent spin-orbit coupling is suppressed and a phase transition occurs leading to charge-density-wave degenerate with superconductivity order. Our work opens up the possibility of hidden spin-orbit coupling in materials where it is otherwise forbidden by lattice symmetry and paves the way to explore new usable materials or devices in spintronics.
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    In this study, we introduce a novel implementation of density functional theory integrated with single-site dynamical mean-field theory to investigate the complex properties of strongly correlated materials. This comprehensive first-principles many-body computational toolkit, termed $\texttt{Zen}$, utilizes the Vienna $\textit{ab initio}$ simulation package and the $\texttt{Quantum ESPRESSO}$ code to perform density functional theory calculations and generate band structures for realistic materials. The challenges associated with correlated electron systems are addressed through two distinct yet complementary quantum impurity solvers: the natural orbitals renormalization group solver for zero temperature and the hybridization expansion continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo solver for finite temperature. Additionally, this newly developed toolkit incorporates several valuable post-processing tools, such as $\texttt{ACFlow}$, which employs the maximum entropy method and the stochastic pole expansion method for the analytic continuation of Matsubara Green's functions and self-energy functions. To validate the performance of this toolkit, we examine three representative cases: the correlated metal SrVO$_{3}$, the nickel-based unconventional superconductor La$_{3}$Ni$_{2}$O$_{7}$, and the wide-gap Mott insulator MnO. The results obtained demonstrate strong agreement with experimental findings and previously available theoretical results. Notably, we successfully elucidate the quasiparticle peak and band renormalization in SrVO$_{3}$, the dominance of Hund correlation in La$_{3}$Ni$_{2}$O$_{7}$, and the pressure-driven insulator-metal transition as well as the high-spin to low-spin transition in MnO. These findings suggest that $\texttt{Zen}$ is proficient in accurately describing the electronic structures of $d$-electron correlated materials.
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    Electrons in localized 4f orbitals around lanthanide elements in solids are dominated by strong spin-orbit coupling. The resultant J multiplets are further split by the crystalline electric field, where J denotes the total angular momentum quantum number, and hence exhibit anisotropic spatial distribution. The anisotropy of spin-orbit entangled 4f electrons is closely linked to their physical properties. Here, we demonstrate the visualization of 4f electrons in pyrochlore oxides A2Ir2O7 (A = Pr, Nd, and Eu) by combining high-photon-energy X-ray diffraction and valence electron density (VED) analysis based on the core differential Fourier synthesis (CDFS) method. The observed VED distributions around the A site roughly agree with point-charge calculations, considering the relativistic spin-orbit coupling and the trigonal crystal electric field under the LS coupling scheme. The CDFS-based VED observation method can be applied to the analysis of the 4f state of various crystalline materials.
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    We report on a systematic study of the field dependence of the Hall resistivity $\rho _{yx} (B)$ as a function of doping in thin films of electron-doped superconducting cuprate Pr$_{2-x}$Ce$_{x}$CuO$_{4 \pm \delta}$ (PCCO). Across the studied doping range from $x = 0.125$ to $x = 0.20$, we observe a nonlinear dependence of $\rho_{yx}$ with $B$. The leading $B^{3}$ nonlinear term is negative, increases with decreasing temperature and peaks around optimal doping ($x = 0.15$). The observed nonlinear contribution is consistent with the presence of two different types of free carriers (electron-like and hole-like) even for doping with only an apparent hole Fermi surface as observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Based on an analysis using the two-carrier model, this negative nonlinear contribution to $\rho _{yx} (B)$ implies that the density of the charge carriers behaving like electrons is larger than the density of those behaving like holes for all the doping values explored. Combined with the Hall coefficient reaching $R_{H} = 0$ at specific temperatures for selected doping levels, we also conclude that the mobility of hole-like carriers is larger than that of electron-like carriers for doping around $x^{*} \approx 0.165$.
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    Kagome lattice $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$ ($A$ = K, Rb, and Cs) superconductors without magnetism from vanadium $d$-electrons are intriguing because they have a novel charge density wave (CDW) order around 90 K and display superconductivity at $\sim$3 K that competes with the CDW order. Recently, CsCr$_3$Sb$_5$, isostructural to $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$, was found to have concurrent structural and magnetic phase transition at $T^{\ast}\approx$ 55 K that can be suppressed by pressure to induce superconductivity [Liu \textitet al., \href \textbf632, 1032 (2024)]. Here, we use elastic and inelastic X-ray scattering to study the microscopic origin of the structural transition in CsCr$_3$Sb$_5$. Although our elastic measurements confirm the 4$\times$1$\times$1 superlattice order below $T^{\ast}$, its underlying correlation is rather short-ranged. Moreover, our inelastic measurements at the superlattice wavevectors around (3, 0, 0) find no evidence of a significant acoustic phonon anomaly below $T^{\ast}$, similar to the case of $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$. The absence of acoustic phonon anomaly indicates a weak electron-phonon coupling in CsCr$_3$Sb$_5$, suggesting that the structural transition is likely associated with an unconventional CDW order.
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    The global symmetry, either invertible or non-invertible, has been extensively studied in two dimensional conformal field theories in recent years. When the theory is defined on a manifold with open boundaries, however, many interesting conformal boundary conditions will fully or partially break such global symmetry. In this work, we study the effect of symmetry-breaking boundaries or interfaces when the system is out of equilibrium. We show that the boundary or interface symmetry-breaking can be detected by the time evolution of string order parameters, which are constructed from the symmetry operators that implement the symmetry transformations. While the string order parameters are independent of time if the symmetry is preserved over the whole system, they evolve in time in a universal way if the boundary or interface breaks the symmetry. More explicitly, in the presence of boundary or interface symmetry-breaking, the string order parameters decay exponentially in time after a global quantum quench, and decay as a power-law in time after a local quantum quench. We also generalize our study to the case when the string order parameters are defined in a subsystem, which are related to the full counting statistics. It is found there are also universal features in the time evolution of string order parameters in this case. We verify our field theory results by studying the time evolution of these two different types of string order parameters in lattice models.
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    We investigate the fundamental dynamical process of an initial quench of the chemical potential of the two-dimensional $t$-$J$ model. Depending on the ground state phase, sharply different dynamical behavior of the charge distribution and entanglement properties are observed. In the stripe phase, the intertwining of the spin and charge density waves remains stable under time evolution. A ballistic spreading of the charge density is observed with a propagation speed that is only weakly dependent on the coupling ratio, $J/t$. Moreover, in the phase-separated regime for large $J/t$, we report a complete dynamical freezing of charge degrees of freedom within, where even under long time evolution the entanglement entropy remains bounded. Our results are obtained by combining large-scale exact diagonalizations and matrix product state techniques for time evolution.
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    Algebraic spin liquids are quantum disordered phases of insulating magnets which exhibit fractionalized gapless excitations and power-law correlations. Quantum spin liquids in this category include the experimentally established 1D Luttinger liquid, as well as the U(1) Dirac spin liquid (DSL) which has been a focus of recent candidate materials searches. Most notably, several exchange-frustrated Heisenberg materials on the triangular lattice have shown evidence of the U(1) DSL. In this work, we measure the algebraic correlations of spin-singlet excitations in the $J_1$-$J_2$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice, prompting a detailed investigation of this model's stability under spin-phonon coupling using variational Monte Carlo. As seen before in 1D spin chains, we observe a low-temperature transition from a U(1) DSL to valence bond order and predict the parameter regime where the model realizes a stable DSL ground state. To achieve this, we employ a series of finite-size scaling Ansätze inspired by the low-energy DSL's conformal description in terms of quantum electrodynamics, and show that emergent monopole operators drive the instability. We compare the physics of this transition to the 1D Luttinger liquid throughout our analysis. We derive the regime of stability against spin-Peierls ordering and argue that the DSL ground state might still be achievable in candidate materials, despite its tendency to valence bond solid ordering.
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    The interplay between quantum and thermal fluctuations in the presence of quenched random disorder is a long-standing open theoretical problem which has been made more urgent by advances in modern experimental techniques. The fragility of charge density wave order to impurities makes this problem of particular interest in understanding a host of real materials, including the cuprate high-temperature superconductors. To address this question, we consider the quantum version of an exactly solvable classical model of two-dimensional randomly pinned incommensurate charge density waves first introduced by us in a recent work, and use the large-$N$ technique to obtain the phase diagram and order parameter correlations. Our theory considers quantum and thermal fluctuations and disorder on equal footing by accounting for all effects non-perturbatively, which reveals a novel crossover between under-damped and over-damped dynamics of the fluctuations of the charge density wave order parameter.
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    We argue that kagome metals can feature an excitonic condensate of unconventional nature. Studying the recently discovered variant ScV$_6$Sn$_6$, we identify electron and hole pockets due to a pair of van Hove singularities (vHS) close to the Fermi level, with an approximate spectral particle-hole symmetry at low energies. A significant fraction of the Fermi level density of states away from the vHS is removed by the onset of high temperature charge density wave order, and makes the bands more two dimensional, setting the stage for the formation of excitons. We develop a two-orbital minimal model which captures these features, along with the sublattice support of the wavefunctions, and find $s$-wave or $d$-wave excitons depending on the microscopic interaction parameters -- the latter of which exhibits either a charge nematic or time-reversal symmetry breaking flux order depending on strain, offering an explanation of recent STM and transport experiments. The appearance of particle-type and hole-type vHS, and the excitonic resonance associated with it, may be a common thread to understanding nematicity and time-reversal symmetry breaking in kagome metals.
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    Inspired by the discovery of a variety of correlated insulators in the moiré universe, controlled by interactions projected to a set of isolated bands with a narrow bandwidth, we examine here a partial sum-rule associated with the inverse frequency-weighted optical conductivity restricted to low-energies. Unlike standard sum-rules that extend out to $infinite$ frequencies, which include contributions from $all$ inter-band transitions, we focus here on transitions associated $only$ with the $projected$ degrees of freedom. We analyze the partial sum-rule in a non-perturbative but "solvable" limit for a variety of correlation-induced insulators. This includes (i) magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene at integer-filling with projected Coulomb interactions, starting from the chiral flat-band limit and including realistic perturbations, (ii) fractional fillings of Chern-bands which support generalized Laughlin-like states, starting from a Landau-level and including a periodic potential and magnetic-field, respectively, drawing connections to twisted MoTe$_2$, and (iii) integer filling in toy-models of non-topological flat-bands with a tunable quantum geometry in the presence of repulsive interactions. The partial sum-rule in all of these examples is implicitly constrained by the form of the band quantum geometry via the low-lying excitation spectrum, but is not related to it explicitly. For interacting Slater-determinant insulators, the partial sum-rule is related to a new quantity -- "many-body projected quantum geometry" -- obtained from the interaction-renormalized electronic bands. We also point out an intriguing connection between the partial sum-rule and the quantum Fisher information associated with the projected many-body position operator.
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    In twisted van der Waals materials, local atomic relaxation can significantly alter the underlying electronic structure and properties. Characterizing the lattice reconstruction and the impact of strain is essential to better understand and harness the resulting emergent electronic states. Here, we use a scanning single-electron transistor to image spatial modulations in the electronic structure of helical trilayer graphene, demonstrating relaxation into a superstructure of large domains with uniform moire periodicity. We further show that the supermoire domain size is enhanced by strain and can even be altered in subsequent measurements of the same device, while nevertheless maintaining the same local electronic properties within each domain. Finally, we observe higher conductance at the boundaries between domains, consistent with the prediction that they host counter-propagating topological edge modes. Our work confirms that lattice relaxation can produce moire-periodic order in twisted multilayers, demonstrates strain-engineering as a viable path for designing topological networks at the supermoire scale, and paves the way to direct imaging of correlation-driven topological phases and boundary modes.
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    In a well-ordered crystalline solid, insulating behaviour can arise from two mechanisms: electrons can either scatter off a periodic potential, thus forming band gaps that can lead to a band insulator, or they localize due to strong interactions, resulting in a Mott insulator. For an even number of electrons per unit cell, either band- or Mott-insulators can theoretically occur. However, unambiguously identifying an unconventional Mott-insulator with an even number of electrons experimentally has remained a longstanding challenge due to the lack of a momentum-resolved fingerprint. This challenge has recently become pressing for the layer dimerized van der Waals compound Nb$_3$Br$_8$, which exhibits a puzzling magnetic field-free diode effect when used as a weak link in Josephson junctions, but has previously been considered to be a band-insulator. In this work, we present a unique momentum-resolved signature of a Mott-insulating phase in the spectral function of Nb$_3$Br$_8$: the top of the highest occupied band along the out-of-plane dimerization direction $k_z$ has a momentum space separation of $\Delta k_z=2\pi/d$, whereas the valence band maximum of a band insulator would be separated by less than $\Delta k_z=\pi/d$, where $d$ is the average spacing between the layers. As the strong electron correlations inherent in Mott insulators can lead to unconventional superconductivity, identifying Nb$_3$Br$_8$ as an unconventional Mott-insulator is crucial for understanding its apparent time-reversal symmetry breaking Josephson diode effect. Moreover, the momentum-resolved signature employed here could be used to detect quantum phase transition between band- and Mott-insulating phases in van der Waals heterostructures, where interlayer interactions and correlations can be easily tuned to drive such transition.

Recent comments

Nathanan Tantivasadakarn Oct 23 2024 07:53 UTC

Ah yes, we're slightly abusing notation there. If a basis of chains is chosen (in this case simplices) then one can define a basis of dual cochains for each simplex which is a kronecker delta on that simplex.
So Eq.3 means that the cup product of the function that is only non-zero on [ab] and the fu

Tom Scruby Oct 23 2024 07:19 UTC

Ahh, I see. Thanks. A quick follow-up question then. In the next subsection the cup product is defined in terms of a product of R-valued functions on arrays, but in example 2.1 it seems to act directly on the arrays themselves. How should I understand the functions and the ring in this case? Is ther

Nathanan Tantivasadakarn Oct 23 2024 06:41 UTC

f acts on p things, while δf acts on p+1 things, so it is correct. We're defining the coboundary in terms of its action on chains. We're not mapping a function acting on p+1 things to something that acts on p things.

Tom Scruby Oct 23 2024 06:17 UTC

A very minor question where I'm probably missing something basic, but it seems like the coboundary operator at the top of page 8 is mapping a function on a length p+1 array to a linear combination of functions on length p arrays. Wouldn't this make it a boundary operator rather than a coboundary one

Yichen Huang Jul 18 2024 11:33 UTC

This paper is published in New Journal of Physics, an open access journal with an article publication charge (APC) for authors. The journal offers various discounts:

1. The current APC is £1660/€1890/\$2485. According to the rate today, £1660=\$2157 and €1890=$2067. Everyone should choose € to sav

John Nov 14 2023 10:18 UTC

Very similar to the recent publication Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 083601 (2023)

Guanyu Zhu Oct 12 2023 22:26 UTC

I see. Thanks for mentioning this point and your paper to us!

Craig Gidney Oct 12 2023 17:59 UTC

This isn't really core to the paper or anything, but the CX*H*CX*H circuit in fig 16 can be optimized into CX*H*CX*Z because Z has the same action as H on the |Y> state ( as in ). Z is cheaper than H because it can be done in the classical tracking instead of on the

Ryan Babbush Jun 06 2023 17:06 UTC

Usually when constructing no-go criteria one starts from optimistic assumptions so that a pessimistic (“no-go”) conclusion can be reached whenever the criteria is met. However, this work starts from pessimistic assumptions. For example, when analyzing how VQE errors affect energy, a global depolariz

Miles Stoudenmire May 19 2023 15:55 UTC

Hi Bibek,
Thanks for your helpful comments & sorry for the very slow reply. Let me reply to your two questions or points in reverse order.

(1) first of all, we think very highly of your experimental demonstration of Grover's and it's an important milestone in demonstrating how it can be done and
