Geophysics (physics.geo-ph)

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    We present a fully implicit formulation of coupled fluid flow and geomechanics for fluid injection/withdrawal in fractured reservoirs in the context of CO2storage. Utilizing a Galerkin finite-element approach, both flow and poroelasticity equations are discretized on a shared three-dimensional mesh. The fluid flow is assumed to be single-phase. The hydraulic behaviour of fractures is represented through a double-nodes flow element, which allows to efficiently model longitudinal and transversal fracture permeabilities. In addressing the mechanical subproblem, fractures are explicitly modelled using cohesive elements to account for contact, friction and opening phenomena. The nonlinear set of equations is solved implicitly through an iterative partitioned conjugate gradient procedure, extending its traditional application to continuous problems to those involving explicit discontinuities such as faults and fractures. The model's accuracy is verified against analytical solutions for different geomechanical problems, notably for the growth of a frictional slip rupture along a fault due to fluid injection. Such a particularly challenging benchmark for a critically stressed fault is here reproduced for the first time by a finite-element based scheme. The capabilities of the developed parallel solver are then illustrated through a scenario involving CO2 injection into a faulted aquifer. The original solver code, tutorials, and data visualization routines are publicly accessible.
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    Thermal tides are atmospheric tides caused by variations in day-night insolation, similar to gravitational tides but with key differences. While both result in delayed mass redistribution, energy dissipation, and angular momentum exchanges between the planet and its host star, thermal tides can drive a planet's dynamics away from the rotational equilibrium states predicted by classical tidal theory. In this work, we present a novel closed-form solution for the thermotidal response of rocky planets. This general solution is derived from first principles, assuming either dry or moist adiabatic temperature profiles for the planet's atmosphere, and can be readily applied to study the long-term evolution of exoplanets in the habitable zones of their host stars. Despite relying on a small number of parameters, the model successfully captures the key features of the thermotidal torque predicted by General Circulation Models (GCMs). It also accurately predicts Earth's current semidiurnal thermotidal response and provides new insights into the evolution of the length of day during the Precambrian era.