Algebraic Topology (math.AT)

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    Using the quaternionic formalism for the description of the group of isometries of hyperbolic $5$-space we consider arithmetically defined $5$-dimensional hyperbolic manifolds which are non-compact but of finite volume. They arise from maximal orders $\Lambda$ in the central simple algebra $M_2(D)$ of degree $4$ where $D$ denotes a definite quaternion $\mathbb{Q}$-algebra. The affine $\mathbb{Z}$-group scheme $SL_{\Lambda}$ determines an integral structure for the algebraic $\mathbb{Q}$-group $G = SL_{\Lambda} \times_{\mathbb{Z}} \mathbb{Q}$ obtained by base change. The group $G$ is an inner form of the special linear $\mathbb{Q}$-group $SL_4$. Each torsion-free subgroup $\Gamma \subset SL_{\Lambda}(\mathbb{Z})$ determines a hyperbolic $5$-manifold, to be denoted $X_G/\Gamma$. Given a principal congruence subgroup $\Gamma(\frak{p}^e)$, we determine the number of ends and the dimensions of the cohomology groups at infinity of the manifold $X_G/\Gamma(\frak{p}^e)$.
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    We generalize several basic facts about the motivic sphere spectrum in $\mathbb A^1$-homotopy theory to the category $\mathrm{MS}$ of non-$\mathbb A^1$-invariant motivic spectra over a derived scheme. On the one hand, we show that all the Milnor-Witt K-theory relations hold in the graded endomorphism ring of the motivic sphere. On the other hand, we show that the positive eigenspace $\mathbf 1_\mathbb Q^+$ of the rational motivic sphere is the rational motivic cohomology spectrum $\mathrm H\mathbb Q$, which represents the eigenspaces of the Adams operations on rational algebraic K-theory. We deduce several familiar characterizations of $\mathrm H\mathbb Q$-modules in $\mathrm{MS}$: a rational motivic spectrum is an $\mathrm H\mathbb Q$-module iff it is orientable, iff the involution $\langle -1\rangle$ is the identity, iff the Hopf map $\eta$ is zero, iff it satisfies étale descent. Moreover, these conditions are automatic in many cases, for example over non-orderable fields and over $\mathbb Z[\zeta_n]$ for any $n\geq 3$.
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    We determine the $\tau^n$-torsion in the first 5-lines of the $E_2$ page of the $\mathbb{C}$-motivic Adams spectral sequence using the techniques of Burklund-Xu. In particular, every element in this range is either $\tau^1$-torsion or $\tau$-free. We also show that $\tau^n$-torsion elements can appear only in Adams filtration at least $2n+2$ and give further evidence of a possible $3n$ bound.