Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL)

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    The classical `decision problem' asks whether a given formula of first-order logic is satisfiable. In this work we consider an extension of this problem to regular first-order theories, i.e. (infinite) regular sets of formulae. Building on the beautiful classification of syntactic classes as decidable or undecidable for the classical decision problem, we show that some classes (the EPR and Gurevich classes) which are decidable in the classical setting are undecidable for regular theories; on the other hand for each we show a subclass which remains decidable in our setting, leaving a complete classification as a challenge for future work. Finally, we observe that our problem generalises prior work on verification of uninterpreted programs, and give a semantic class of existential formulae for which the problem is decidable.
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    In-context learning (ICL) is a powerful technique for getting language models to perform complex tasks with no training updates. Prior work has established strong correlations between the number of in-context examples provided and the accuracy of the model's predictions. In this paper, we seek to explain this correlation by showing that ICL approximates a Bayesian learner. This perspective gives rise to a family of novel Bayesian scaling laws for ICL. In experiments with \mboxGPT-2 models of different sizes, our scaling laws exceed or match existing scaling laws in accuracy while also offering interpretable terms for task priors, learning efficiency, and per-example probabilities. To illustrate the analytic power that such interpretable scaling laws provide, we report on controlled synthetic dataset experiments designed to inform real-world studies of safety alignment. In our experimental protocol, we use SFT to suppress an unwanted existing model capability and then use ICL to try to bring that capability back (many-shot jailbreaking). We then experiment on real-world instruction-tuned LLMs using capabilities benchmarks as well as a new many-shot jailbreaking dataset. In all cases, Bayesian scaling laws accurately predict the conditions under which ICL will cause the suppressed behavior to reemerge, which sheds light on the ineffectiveness of post-training at increasing LLM safety.
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    Autonomous agents often face the challenge of interpreting uncertain natural language instructions for planning tasks. Representing these instructions as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) enables planners to synthesize actionable plans. We introduce CoT-TL, a data-efficient in-context learning framework for translating natural language specifications into LTL representations. CoT-TL addresses the limitations of large language models, which typically rely on extensive fine-tuning data, by extending chain-of-thought reasoning and semantic roles to align with the requirements of formal logic creation. This approach enhances the transparency and rationale behind LTL generation, fostering user trust. CoT-TL achieves state-of-the-art accuracy across three diverse datasets in low-data scenarios, outperforming existing methods without fine-tuning or intermediate translations. To improve reliability and minimize hallucinations, we incorporate model checking to validate the syntax of the generated LTL output. We further demonstrate CoT-TL's effectiveness through ablation studies and evaluations on unseen LTL structures and formulas in a new dataset. Finally, we validate CoT-TL's practicality by integrating it into a QuadCopter for multi-step drone planning based on natural language instructions.

Recent comments

Alex Meiburg Jul 11 2022 18:18 UTC

It seems that our future AI overlords will have us all speaking Pirahã, then. :)