Stochastic behavior of outcome of Schur-Weyl duality measurement


We focus on the measurement defined by the decomposition based on Schur-Weyl duality on $n$ qubits. As the first setting, we discuss the asymptotic behavior of the measurement outcome when the state is given as the permutation mixture $\rho_{mix,n,l}$ of the state $| 1^{l} \, 0^{n-l} \rangle := | 1 \rangle^{\otimes l} \otimes |0\rangle^{\otimes (n-l)}$. In contrast, when the state is given as the Dicke state $|\Xi_{n,l}\rangle$, the measurement outcome takes one deterministic value. These two cases have completely different behaviors. As the second setting, we study the case when the state is given as the tensor product of the permutation mixture $\rho_{mix,k,l}$ and the Dicke state $| \Xi_{n-k,m-l} \rangle$. We derive various types of asymptotic distribution including a kind of central limit theorem when $n$ goes to infinity.
Submitted 26 Apr 2021 to Mathematical Physics [math-ph]
Published 27 Apr 2021
Updated 15 Nov 2023
Author comments: The second part of the revised version. The first and third parts are submitted as new items. 45 pages, 5 figures

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1 comment

Māris Ozols Sep 19 2022 16:16 UTC (2 points)

A special case of your formula for the probability distribution $p(x | n, m, k, l)$ was obtained by Montanaro in [arXiv:0903.5466][1]. Namely, when $n = k$ and $m = l$ we have $p(x | k, l, k, l) = \mathrm{Pr}[x|l]$, where $\mathrm{Pr}[x|l]$ is given in Montanaro's Lemma 4. It denotes the probability of obtaining outcome $x$ when performing weak Schur sampling on a $k$-qubit standard basis state of Hamming weight $l$. The outcome $x$ corresponds to partition $(k-x,k)$.
