Optimization and Control (math.OC)

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    This paper considers the problem for finding the $(\delta,\epsilon)$-Goldstein stationary point of Lipschitz continuous objective, which is a rich function class to cover a great number of important applications. We construct a zeroth-order quantum estimator for the gradient of the smoothed surrogate. Based on such estimator, we propose a novel quantum algorithm that achieves a query complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{3/2}\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-3})$ on the stochastic function value oracle, where $d$ is the dimension of the problem. We also enhance the query complexity to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{3/2}\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-7/3})$ by introducing a variance reduction variant. Our findings demonstrate the clear advantages of utilizing quantum techniques for non-convex non-smooth optimization, as they outperform the optimal classical methods on the dependency of $\epsilon$ by a factor of $\epsilon^{-2/3}$.
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    Network Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), a popular model for multi-agent control, pose a significant challenge to efficient learning due to the exponential growth of the global state-action space with the number of agents. In this work, utilizing the exponential decay property of network dynamics, we first derive scalable spectral local representations for network MDPs, which induces a network linear subspace for the local $Q$-function of each agent. Building on these local spectral representations, we design a scalable algorithmic framework for continuous state-action network MDPs, and provide end-to-end guarantees for the convergence of our algorithm. Empirically, we validate the effectiveness of our scalable representation-based approach on two benchmark problems, and demonstrate the advantages of our approach over generic function approximation approaches to representing the local $Q$-functions.
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    This work considers infinite-horizon optimal control of positive linear systems applied to the case of network routing problems. We demonstrate the equivalence between Stochastic Shortest Path (SSP) problems and optimal control of a certain class of linear systems. This is used to construct a heuristic search framework for this class of linear systems inspired by existing methods for SSP. We propose a heuristics-based algorithm for finding local solutions to the analyzed class of optimal control problems with positive state and linear dynamics. More fundamentally, the results allow for analysis of the conditions for explicit solutions to the Bellman equation utilized by heuristic search methods.
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    We study the optimal scheduling problem for a Markovian multiclass queueing network with abandonment in the Halfin--Whitt regime, under the long run average (ergodic) risk sensitive cost criterion. The objective is to prove asymptotic optimality for the optimal control arising from the corresponding ergodic risk sensitive control (ERSC) problem for the limiting diffusion. In particular, we show that the optimal ERSC value associated with the diffusion-scaled queueing process converges to that of the limiting diffusion in the asymptotic regime. The challenge that ERSC poses is that one cannot express the ERSC cost as an expectation over the mean empirical measure associated with the queueing process, unlike in the usual case of a long run average (ergodic) cost. We develop a novel approach by exploiting the variational representations of the limiting diffusion and the Poisson-driven queueing dynamics, which both involve certain auxiliary controls. The ERSC costs for both the diffusion-scaled queueing process and the limiting diffusion can be represented as the integrals of an extended running cost over a mean empirical measure associated with the corresponding extended processes using these auxiliary controls. For the lower bound proof, we exploit the connections of the ERSC problem for the limiting diffusion with a two-person zero-sum stochastic differential game. We also make use of the mean empirical measures associated with the extended limiting diffusion and diffusion-scaled processes with the auxiliary controls. One major technical challenge in both lower and upper bound proofs, is to establish the tightness of the aforementioned mean empirical measures for the extended processes. We identify nearly optimal controls appropriately in both cases so that the existing ergodicity properties of the limiting diffusion and diffusion-scaled queueing processes can be used.
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    We propose a GPU accelerated proximal message passing algorithm for solving contingency-constrained DC optimal power flow problems (OPF). We consider a highly general formulation of OPF that uses a sparse device-node model and supports a broad range of devices and constraints, e.g., energy storage and ramping limits. Our algorithm is a variant of the alternating direction method multipliers (ADMM) that does not require solving any linear systems and only consists of sparse incidence matrix multiplies and vectorized scalar operations. We develop a pure PyTorch implementation of our algorithm that runs entirely on the GPU. The implementation is also end-to-end differentiable, i.e., all updates are automatic differentiation compatible. We demonstrate the performance of our method using test cases of varying network sizes and time horizons. Relative to a CPU-based commercial optimizer, our implementation achieves well over 100x speedups on large test cases, solving problems with over 500 million variables in under a minute on a single GPU.
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    This paper investigates the controllability properties of a general class of recurrent neural networks that are widely used for hypothesis generation in theoretical neuroscience, including the modeling of large-scale human brain dynamics. Our study focuses on the control synthesis of such networks using constant and piecewise constant inputs, motivated by emerging applications in non-invasive neurostimulation such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). The neural network model considered is a continuous Hopfield-type system with nonlinear activation functions and arbitrary input matrices representing interactions among multiple brain regions. Our main contribution is the formulation and solution of a control synthesis problem for these nonlinear systems. We provide a proper generalization of the variation of the constants formula that constitutes a novel representation of the system's state trajectory. This representation admits a verifiable condition on the existence of the constant control input to solve a short-time two-point boundary value problem in the state space. This formulation admits a synthesis for the input in question, which can be realized using modern algorithmic optimization tools. In the case of linear activation functions, this analysis and synthesis reduces to the verification of algebraic conditions on the system matrices. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the theoretical findings and demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed control strategies. These results offer a novel control synthesis for an important class of neural network models that may, in turn, enable the design of brain stimulation protocols to modulate whole-brain activity in therapeutic and cognitive enhancement applications.
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    any practical multiobjective optimization (MOO) problems include discrete decision variables and/or nonlinear model equations and exhibit disconnected or smooth but nonconvex Pareto surfaces. Scalarization methods, such as the weighted-sum and sandwich (SD) algorithms, are common approaches to solving MOO problems but may fail on nonconvex or discontinuous Pareto fronts. In the current work, motivated by the well-known normal boundary intersection (NBI) method and the SD algorithm, we present SDNBI, a new algorithm for bi-objective optimization (BOO) designed to address the theoretical and numerical challenges associated with the reliable solution of general nonconvex and discrete BOO problems. The main improvements in the algorithm are the effective exploration of the nonconvex regions of the Pareto front and, uniquely, the early identification of regions where no additional Pareto solutions exist. The performance of the SDNBI algorithm is assessed based on the accuracy of the approximation of the Pareto front constructed over the disconnected nonconvex objective domains. The new algorithm is compared with two MOO approaches, the modified NBI method and the SD algorithm, using published benchmark problems. The results indicate that the SDNBI algorithm outperforms the modified NBI and SD algorithms in solving convex, nonconvex-continuous, and combinatorial problems, both in terms of computational cost and of the overall quality of the Pareto-optimal set, suggesting that the SDNBI algorithm is a promising alternative for solving BOO problems.
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    Model predictive control (MPC) algorithms can be sensitive to model mismatch when used in challenging nonlinear control tasks. In particular, the performance of MPC for vehicle control at the limits of handling suffers when the underlying model overestimates the vehicle's capabilities. In this work, we propose a risk-averse MPC framework that explicitly accounts for uncertainty over friction limits and tire parameters. Our approach leverages a sample-based approximation of an optimal control problem with a conditional value at risk (CVaR) constraint. This sample-based formulation enables planning with a set of expressive vehicle dynamics models using different tire parameters. Moreover, this formulation enables efficient numerical resolution via sequential quadratic programming and GPU parallelization. Experiments on a Lexus LC 500 show that risk-averse MPC unlocks reliable performance, while a deterministic baseline that plans using a single dynamics model may lose control of the vehicle in adverse road conditions.
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    With the emergence of low-inertia microgrids powered by inverter-based generation, there remains a concern about the operational resilience of these systems. Grid-forming inverters (GFMs), enabled by various device-level (primary) and system-level (secondary) control methods, are poised to play a significant role in achieving certain operational objectives, such as the effective utilization of clean energy resources while maintaining stability. However, despite the recent advances in GFMs, there is a lack of suitable controls that can ascertain resilience-constrained operations, like maintaining critical operational safety limits during transients under various cyber-physical disruptions. In this work, we develop decentralized autonomous controllers (DACs) that enforce resilience-constrained operation via local, minimally invasive adjustments (e.g., changes in set-points) while co-existing within the hierarchy of existing (primary and secondary) controls. The DACs work autonomously by sensing only local GFM measurements and act only when operational resilience constraints are violated. The proposed DAC scheme is computationally efficient (only algebraic computations), which enables fast, real-time execution and demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed control framework on GridLAB-D-HELICS-based control-grid co-simulations on the IEEE 123-node networked microgrid. Finally, we show how the developed DACs empower the grid by utilizing the available resources entirely to ensure resilience (maintain frequency safe limits).
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    This article addresses the stabilizability of a perturbed quintic defocusing Schrödinger equation in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ at the $H^1$--energy level, considering the influence of a damping mechanism. More specifically, we establish a profile decomposition for both linear and nonlinear systems and use them to show that, under certain conditions, the sequence of nonlinear solutions can be effectively linearized. Lastly, through microlocal analysis techniques, we prove the local exponential stabilization of the solution to the perturbed Schrödinger equation in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ showing an observability inequality for the solution of the system under consideration, which is the key result of this work.
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    Bayesian optimization relies on iteratively constructing and optimizing an acquisition function. The latter turns out to be a challenging, non-convex optimization problem itself. Despite the relative importance of this step, most algorithms employ sampling- or gradient-based methods, which do not provably converge to global optima. This work investigates mixed-integer programming (MIP) as a paradigm for \textitglobal acquisition function optimization. Specifically, our Piecewise-linear Kernel Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (PK-MIQP) formulation introduces a piecewise-linear approximation for Gaussian process kernels and admits a corresponding MIQP representation for acquisition functions. We analyze the theoretical regret bounds of the proposed approximation, and empirically demonstrate the framework on synthetic functions, constrained benchmarks, and a hyperparameter tuning task.
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    In this paper, for the first time in the literature, we study the stability of solutions of two classes of feasibility (i.e., split equality and split feasibility) problems by set-valued and variational analysis techniques. Our idea is to equivalently reformulate the feasibility problems as parametric generalized equations to which set-valued and variational analysis techniques apply. Sufficient conditions, as well as necessary conditions, for the Lipschitz-likeness of the involved solution maps are proved by exploiting special structures of the problems and by using an advanced result of B.S. Mordukhovich [J. Global Optim. 28, 347--362 (2004)]. These conditions stand on a solid interaction among all the input data by means of their dual counterparts, which are transposes of matrices and regular/limiting normal cones to sets. Several examples are presented to illustrate how the obtained results work in practice and also show that the existence of nonzero solution assumption made in the necessity conditions cannot be lifted.
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    In this work, we consider the convergence of Polyak's heavy ball method, both in continuous and discrete time, on a non-convex objective function. We recover the convergence rates derived in [Polyak, U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. and Math. Phys., 1964] for strongly convex objective functions, assuming only validity of the Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality. In continuous time our result holds for all initializations, whereas in the discrete time setting we conduct a local analysis around the global minima. Our results demonstrate that the heavy ball method does, in fact, accelerate on the class of objective functions satisfying the Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality. This holds even in the discrete time setting, provided the method reaches a neighborhood of the global minima. Instead of the usually employed Lyapunov-type arguments, our approach leverages a new differential geometric perspective of the Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality proposed in [Rebjock and Boumal, Math. Program., 2024].
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    In this paper, we focus on a matrix factorization-based approach for robust low-rank and asymmetric matrix recovery from corrupted measurements. We address the challenging scenario where the rank of the sought matrix is unknown and employ an overparameterized approach using the variational form of the nuclear norm as a regularizer. We propose a subgradient algorithm that inherits the merits of preconditioned algorithms, whose rate of convergence does not depend on the condition number of the sought matrix, and addresses their current limitation, i.e., the lack of convergence guarantees in the case of asymmetric matrices with unknown rank. In this setting, we provide, for the first time in the literature, linear convergence guarantees for the derived overparameterized preconditioned subgradient algorithm in the presence of gross corruptions. Additionally, by applying our approach to matrix sensing, we highlight its merits when the measurement operator satisfies the mixed-norm restricted isometry properties. Lastly, we present numerical experiments that validate our theoretical results and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
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    This paper deals with systems of spherical particles immersed in a viscous fluid. Two aspects are studied, namely the controllability of such systems, with particular attention to the case of one active particle and either one or two passive ones, and the kinetic limit of such systems as the number of particles diverges. The former issue is tackled in the framework of geometric control theory, whereas the latter resorts to Boltzmann-type formulations of the system of interacting particles.
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    We propose a unified view of the polarity of functions, that encompasses all specific definitions, generalizes several well-known properties and provides new results. We show that bipolar sets and bipolar functions are isomorphic lattices. Also, we explore three possible notions of polar subdifferential associated with a nonnegative function, and we make the connection with the notion of alignement of vectors.
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    This paper aims to provide a series of characterizations of the robust isolated calmness of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) mapping for spectral norm regularized convex optimization problems. By establishing the variational properties of the spectral norm function, we directly prove that the KKT mapping is isolated calm if and only if the strict Robinson constraint qualification (SRCQ) and the second order sufficient condition (SOSC) hold. Furthermore, we obtain the crucial result that the SRCQ for the primal problem and the SOSC for the dual problem are equivalent. The obtained results can derive more equivalent or sufficient conditions of the robust isolated calmness of the KKT mapping, thereby enriching the stability theory of spectral norm regularized optimization problems and enhancing the usability of isolated calmness in algorithm applications.
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    Stability theory plays a crucial role in feedback control. However, adaptive control theory requires advanced and specialized stability notions that are not frequently used in standard feedback control theory. The present document is a set of notes for a graduate course. It describes the global stability notions needed in (robust) adaptive control and develops the mathematical tools that are used for the proof of such stability properties. Moreover, the document shows why and how these global stability properties arise in adaptive control. We focus on stability properties for time-invariant systems. Consequently, tracking control problems are not covered by the present document.
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    The Gromov Wasserstein (GW) problem, a variant of the classical optimal transport (OT) problem, has attracted growing interest in the machine learning and data science communities due to its ability to quantify similarity between measures in different metric spaces. However, like the classical OT problem, GW imposes an equal mass constraint between measures, which restricts its application in many machine learning tasks. To address this limitation, the partial Gromov-Wasserstein (PGW) problem has been introduced, which relaxes the equal mass constraint, enabling the comparison of general positive Radon measures. Despite this, both GW and PGW face significant computational challenges due to their non-convex nature. To overcome these challenges, we propose the linear partial Gromov-Wasserstein (LPGW) embedding, a linearized embedding technique for the PGW problem. For $K$ different metric measure spaces, the pairwise computation of the PGW distance requires solving the PGW problem $\mathcal{O}(K^2)$ times. In contrast, the proposed linearization technique reduces this to $\mathcal{O}(K)$ times. Similar to the linearization technique for the classical OT problem, we prove that LPGW defines a valid metric for metric measure spaces. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of LPGW in practical applications such as shape retrieval and learning with transport-based embeddings, showing that LPGW preserves the advantages of PGW in partial matching while significantly enhancing computational efficiency.
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    This paper investigates portfolio selection within a continuous-time financial market with regime-switching and beliefs-dependent utilities. The market coefficients and the investor's utility function both depend on the market regime, which is modeled by an observable finite-state continuous-time Markov chain. The optimization problem is formulated by aggregating expected certainty equivalents under different regimes, leading to time-inconsistency. Utilizing the equilibrium strategy, we derive the associated extended Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations and establish a rigorous verification theorem. As a special case, we analyze equilibrium portfolio selection in a beliefs-dependent risk aversion model. In a bull regime, the excess asset returns, volatility, and risk aversion are all low, while the opposite holds in a bear regime. Closed-form solutions in the CRRA preference regime model of bull and bear markets are obtained, which is expressed by a solution to four-dimensional non-linear ODEs. The global existence of the ODEs is proven and we verify the equilibrium solution rigorously. We show that the equilibrium investment strategy lies between two constant Merton's fractions. Additionally, in our numerical experiment, the equilibrium proportion allocated in the risky asset is greater in a bull regime than in a bear regime and the equilibrium proportion increases with time in a bull regime while decreasing in a bear regime.
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    This paper studies an optimal consumption problem with both relaxed benchmark tracking and consumption drawdown constraint, leading to a stochastic control problem with dynamic state-control constraints. In our relaxed tracking formulation, it is assumed that the fund manager can strategically inject capital to the fund account such that the total capital process always outperforms the benchmark process, which is described by a geometric Brownian motion. We first transform the original regular-singular control problem with state-control constraints into an equivalent regular control problem with a reflected state process and consumption drawdown constraint. By utilizing the dual transform and the optimal consumption behavior, we then turn to study the linear dual PDE with both Neumann boundary condition and free boundary condition in a piecewise manner across different regions. Using the smoothfit principle and the super-contact condition, we derive the closed-form solution of the dual PDE, and obtain the optimal investment and consumption in feedback form. We then prove the verification theorem on optimality by some novel arguments with the aid of an auxiliary reflected dual process and some technical estimations. Some numerical examples and financial insights are also presented.
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    We investigate optimality conditions for the sensor placement problem within optimal experimental design, wherein one must decide on the optimal manner in which a fixed number of sensors can be arranged over a large number of candidate locations. By a subgradient argument, we obtain sufficient and necessary conditions for global optimality of the relaxed problem, and demonstrate how one can take advantage of this optimality criterion to approximate optimal binary designs, i.e.~designs where no fractions of sensors are placed. To demonstrate our optimality criteria-based results, we derive a trace-free, efficient formulation of the gradient of the A-optimal objective for finite element-discretised function space settings, and study globally optimal designs for a Helmholtz-type source problem and extensions towards optimal binary designs.
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    This paper investigates Gradient Normalization Stochastic Gradient Descent without Clipping (NSGDC) and its variance reduction variant (NSGDC-VR) for nonconvex optimization under heavy-tailed noise. We present significant improvements in the theoretical results for both algorithms, including the removal of logarithmic factors from the convergence rates and the recovery of the convergence rate to match the deterministic case when the noise variance \sigma is zero. Additionally, we demonstrate that gradient normalization alone, assuming individual Lipschitz smoothness, is sufficient to ensure convergence of SGD under heavy-tailed noise, eliminating the need for gradient clipping. Furthermore, we introduce accelerated nonconvex algorithms that utilize second-order Lipschitz smoothness to achieve enhanced convergence rates in the presence of heavy-tailed noise. Our findings offer a deeper understanding of how gradient normalization and variance reduction techniques can be optimized for robust performance in challenging optimization scenarios.
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    The Buckminsterfullerene is an inorganic molecule consisting of 60 carbon atoms in the shape of a soccer ball. It was used in [Juhas et al., Nature 2006] to showcase algorithms that find the correct shape of a protein from limited data (length of inter-atomic distances) without any further chemical experiment: in that case, by means of a complicated constructive heuristic based on genetic algorithms. In this paper we show that we can reconstruct the Buckminsterfullerene structure by means of mathematical programming, standard solver software, and little else.
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    The Integrated Timetabling and Vehicle Scheduling (TTVS) problem has extensive applications in all sorts of transit networks. Recently, the emerging modular autonomous vehicles composed of modular autonomous units have made it possible to dynamically adjust on-board capacity to better match space-time imbalanced passenger flows. In this paper, we introduce an integrated framework for the TTVS problem within a dynamically capacitated and modularized bus network, taking the time-varying and uncertain passenger demand patterns into account. The fixed-line modularized bus network operates units that can be (de)coupled and rerouted across different lines within the network at various times and locations to respond to the time-varying demand, providing passengers with the opportunity to make in-vehicle transfers. We formulate a stochastic programming model to jointly determine the optimal robust timetable, dynamic formations of vehicles, and cross-line circulations of these units, aiming to minimize the weighted sum of operational and passengers' costs. To obtain high-quality solutions of realistic instances, we propose a tailored integer L-shaped method coupled with valid inequalities to solve the stochastic mixed-integer programming model dynamically through a rolling-horizon optimization algorithm. An extensive computational study based on the real-world data of the Beijing bus network shows the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Our method outperforms the two-step optimization method involving sequential decision-making for timetables and vehicle schedules. Furthermore, the computational results illustrate that our approaches are able to find timetables and vehicle schedules requiring fewer units and lower operational costs compared with using fixed-formation vehicles.
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    Recent works by Altschuler and Parrilo and the authors have shown that it is possible to accelerate the convergence of gradient descent on smooth convex functions, even without momentum, just by picking special stepsizes. In this paper, we provide a general theory for composing stepsize schedules capturing all recent advances in this area and more. We propose three notions of ``composable'' stepsize schedules with elementary associated composition operations for combining them. From these operations, in addition to recovering recent works, we construct three highly optimized sequences of stepsize schedules. We first construct optimized stepsize schedules of every length generalizing the exponentially spaced silver stepsizes. We then construct highly optimized stepsizes schedules for minimizing final objective gap or gradient norm, improving on prior rates by constants and, more importantly, matching or beating the numerically computed minimax optimal schedules. We conjecture these schedules are in fact minimax (information theoretic) optimal. Several novel tertiary results follow from our theory including recovery of the recent dynamic gradient norm minimizing short stepsizes and extending them to objective gap minimization.
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    We provide a rigorous analysis of implicit regularization in an overparametrized tensor factorization problem beyond the lazy training regime. For matrix factorization problems, this phenomenon has been studied in a number of works. A particular challenge has been to design universal initialization strategies which provably lead to implicit regularization in gradient-descent methods. At the same time, it has been argued by Cohen et. al. 2016 that more general classes of neural networks can be captured by considering tensor factorizations. However, in the tensor case, implicit regularization has only been rigorously established for gradient flow or in the lazy training regime. In this paper, we prove the first tensor result of its kind for gradient descent rather than gradient flow. We focus on the tubal tensor product and the associated notion of low tubal rank, encouraged by the relevance of this model for image data. We establish that gradient descent in an overparametrized tensor factorization model with a small random initialization exhibits an implicit bias towards solutions of low tubal rank. Our theoretical findings are illustrated in an extensive set of numerical simulations show-casing the dynamics predicted by our theory as well as the crucial role of using a small random initialization.
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    Electric vehicles (EVs) play a significant role in enhancing the sustainability of transportation systems. However, their widespread adoption is hindered by inadequate public charging infrastructure, particularly to support long-distance travel. Identifying optimal charging station locations in large transportation networks presents a well-known NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, as the search space grows exponentially with the number of potential charging station locations. This paper introduces a quantum search-based optimization algorithm designed to enhance the efficiency of solving this NP-hard problem for transportation networks. By leveraging quantum parallelism, amplitude amplification, and quantum phase estimation as a subroutine, the optimal solution is identified with a quadratic improvement in complexity compared to classical exact methods, such as branch and bound. The detailed design and complexity of a resource-efficient quantum circuit are discussed.
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    We explore how dynamic entry deterrence operates through feedback strategies in markets experiencing stochastic demand fluctuations. The incumbent firm, aware of its own cost structure, can deter a potential competitor by strategically adjusting prices. The potential entrant faces a one-time, irreversible decision to enter the market, incurring a fixed cost, with profits determined by market conditions and the incumbent's hidden type. Market demand follows a Chan-Karolyi-Longstaff-Sanders Brownian motion. If the demand is low, the threat of entry diminishes, making deterrence less advantageous. In equilibrium, a weak incumbent may be incentivized to reveal its type by raising prices. We derive an optimal equilibrium using path integral control, where the entrant enters once demand reaches a high enough level, and the weak incumbent mixes strategies between revealing itself when demand is sufficiently low.
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    We introduce a novel relaxation strategy for denoising hyperbolic-valued data. The main challenge is here the non-convexity of the hyperbolic sheet. Instead of considering the denoising problem directly on the hyperbolic space, we exploit the Euclidean embedding and encode the hyperbolic sheet using a novel matrix representation. For denoising, we employ the Euclidean Tikhonov and total variation (TV) model, where we incorporate our matrix representation. The major contribution is then a convex relaxation of the variational ansätze allowing the utilization of well-established convex optimization procedures like the alternating directions method of multipliers (ADMM). The resulting denoisers are applied to a real-world Gaussian image processing task, where we simultaneously restore the pixelwise mean and standard deviation of a retina scan series.
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    Control barrier functions (CBFs) are important in safety-critical systems and robot control applications. Neural networks have been used to parameterize and synthesize CBFs with bounded control input for complex systems. However, it is still challenging to verify pre-trained neural networks CBFs (neural CBFs) in an efficient symbolic manner. To this end, we propose a new efficient verification framework for ReLU-based neural CBFs through symbolic derivative bound propagation by combining the linearly bounded nonlinear dynamic system and the gradient bounds of neural CBFs. Specifically, with Heaviside step function form for derivatives of activation functions, we show that the symbolic bounds can be propagated through the inner product of neural CBF Jacobian and nonlinear system dynamics. Through extensive experiments on different robot dynamics, our results outperform the interval arithmetic based baselines in verified rate and verification time along the CBF boundary, validating the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method with different model complexity. The code can be found at https://github.com/intelligent-control-lab/ verify-neural-CBF.
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    This letter explores the implementation of a safe control law for systems of dynamically coupled cooperating agents. Under a CBF-based collaborative safety framework, we examine how the maximum safety capability for a given agent, which is computed using a collaborative safety condition, influences safety requests made to neighbors. We provide conditions under which neighbors may be resilient to non-compliance of neighbors to safety requests, and compute an upper bound for the total amount of non-compliance an agent is resilient to, given its 1-hop neighborhood state and knowledge of the network dynamics. We then illustrate our results via simulation on a networked susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) epidemic model.

Recent comments

Phillip Kerger May 01 2023 18:07 UTC

Very nice result, though I feel the way the statement of the main result in the abstract should be more precise. It seems the result applies to $f$ which has integer points as the extreme points of its solution set, or, better said, any $f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ whose set of minimize

Ivan Savov Dec 19 2021 15:33 UTC

Here is a binder link if you want to try the notebooks: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/vsiddhu/SDP-Quantum-OR/HEAD (this will launch an interactive jupyter-lab environment in the cloud)

GitHub repo is here: https://github.com/vsiddhu/SDP-Quantum-OR

Luke Govia Sep 13 2018 18:58 UTC

I think the supplemental material is the appendices at the back of the paper. Those seem to contain everything the authors refer to.

Ben Criger Sep 10 2018 11:30 UTC

Reference 22 says there's some supplemental material, is this material on the arXiv, or is it just the supplemental material in the back of the paper?

Bin Shi Oct 05 2017 00:07 UTC

Welcome to give the comments for this paper!