Econometrics (econ.EM)

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    This paper presents a Bayesian inference framework for a linear index threshold-crossing binary choice model that satisfies a median independence restriction. The key idea is that the model is observationally equivalent to a probit model with nonparametric heteroskedasticity. Consequently, Gibbs sampling techniques from Albert and Chib (1993) and Chib and Greenberg (2013) lead to a computationally attractive Bayesian inference procedure in which a Gaussian process forms a conditionally conjugate prior for the natural logarithm of the skedastic function.
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    We provide a framework for efficiently estimating impulse response functions with Local Projections (LPs). Our approach offers a Bayesian treatment for LPs with Instrumental Variables, accommodating multiple shocks and instruments per shock, accounts for autocorrelation in multi-step forecasts by jointly modeling all LPs as a seemingly unrelated system of equations, defines a flexible yet parsimonious joint prior for impulse responses based on a Gaussian Process, allows for joint inference about the entire vector of impulse responses, and uses all available data across horizons by imputing missing values.
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    We provide a counterexample to the conduct parameter identification result established in the foundational work of Lau (1982), which generalizes the identification theorem of Bresnahan (1982) by relaxing the linearity assumptions. We identify a separable demand function that still permits identification and validate this case both theoretically and through numerical simulations.
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    We introduce a dynamic spatiotemporal volatility model that extends traditional approaches by incorporating spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal spillover effects, along with volatility-specific observed and latent factors. The model offers a more general network interpretation, making it applicable for studying various types of network spillovers. The primary innovation lies in incorporating volatility-specific latent factors into the dynamic spatiotemporal volatility model. Using Bayesian estimation via the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, the model offers a robust framework for analyzing the spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal effects of a log-squared outcome variable on its volatility. We recommend using the deviance information criterion (DIC) and a regularized Bayesian MCMC method to select the number of relevant factors in the model. The model's flexibility is demonstrated through two applications: a spatiotemporal model applied to the U.S. housing market and another applied to financial stock market networks, both highlighting the model's ability to capture varying degrees of interconnectedness. In both applications, we find strong spatial/network interactions with relatively stronger spillover effects in the stock market.
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    This paper analyzes nonlinearities in the international transmission of financial shocks originating in the US. To do so, we develop a flexible nonlinear multi-country model. Our framework is capable of producing asymmetries in the responses to financial shocks for shock size and sign, and over time. We show that international reactions to US-based financial shocks are asymmetric along these dimensions. Particularly, we find that adverse shocks trigger stronger declines in output, inflation, and stock markets than benign shocks. Further, we investigate time variation in the estimated dynamic effects and characterize the responsiveness of three major central banks to financial shocks.
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    This study explores portfolio selection using predictive models for portfolio returns. Portfolio selection is a fundamental task in finance, and various methods have been developed to achieve this goal. For example, the mean-variance approach constructs portfolios by balancing the trade-off between the mean and variance of asset returns, while the quantile-based approach optimizes portfolios by accounting for tail risk. These traditional methods often rely on distributional information estimated from historical data. However, a key concern is the uncertainty of future portfolio returns, which may not be fully captured by simple reliance on historical data, such as using the sample average. To address this, we propose a framework for predictive portfolio selection using conformal inference, called Conformal Predictive Portfolio Selection (CPPS). Our approach predicts future portfolio returns, computes corresponding prediction intervals, and selects the desirable portfolio based on these intervals. The framework is flexible and can accommodate a variety of predictive models, including autoregressive (AR) models, random forests, and neural networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our CPPS framework using an AR model and validate its performance through empirical studies, showing that it provides superior returns compared to simpler strategies.