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An Eye for an Eye is a World Quest in Administrative Area, Fontaine.


  1. Leave the Fortress of Meropide
  2. Talk to Lanoire
  3. Defeat the Gardemeks
  4. Defeat the Gardemeks
  5. Talk to Noailles
  6. Talk to Monglane
  7. Look for Caterpillar and Lanoire
  8. Talk to Estienne
  9. Talk to Caterpillar
  10. Prepare to leave the Fortress of Meropide
  11. Go to the abandoned production zone without being noticed
  12. Use the searchlight to draw away the guards
  13. Use the loudspeaker to draw away the guards
  14. Operate the drive valve to open the passage leading to the Geode Mine Shaft
  15. Go to the Geode Mine Shaft
  16. Acquire the energy storage device and unlock the research terminal ahead (0/3)
  17. Keep moving
  18. Talk to Caterpillar
  19. Defeat Noailles
  20. Talk to Noailles
  21. Leave the Fortress of Meropide

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Get Lanoire out of the Fortress of Meropide...
(Continue from the previous quest)
You follow Estienne out of the Fortress of Meropide...
(Talk to Estienne, optional)
Estienne: Natural wind really feels better, doesn't it?
Estienne: We might have fans down there, but most of the air feels kind of stale.
Estienne: The fans in the Pankration Ring are just like Noailles. The fans are indeed needed there, but when their blades spin, they bring the same misery to everyone no matter who they are.
Estienne: I think you know what I'm talking about.
(Talk to Lanoire or Caterpillar)
Lanoire: (‍Mr.Mr./Ms.Ms.‍) (TravelerTraveler), Ms. Paimon, do you see any walls? I don't see a wall anywhere around here.
Paimon: Walls? There are no walls here.
Lanoire: Then, are the walls somewhere really far away? Cater once told me that if they're too far away to see with your eyes, they'll look like the "horizon."
Lanoire: (‍Mr.Mr./Ms.Ms.‍) (TravelerTraveler), Ms. Paimon, where are we?
Icon Dialogue Talk By the water.
Lanoire: The water here is lying flat, and there's no walls to separate it from us...
Icon Dialogue Talk We're in Fontaine.
Lanoire: Fontaine... It's a blue and green place. The Fortress of Meropide is all yellow and gray.
Icon Dialogue Talk We're on the continent of Teyvat.
Lanoire: The continent of Teyvat... Is it just like the Fortress of Meropide? I can't see its walls anywhere, that must make it a really, really big Fortress, right?
Lanoire: Hm... That thing up in the sky must be the "moon," right? If it were the "sun," it would probably hurt my eyes like the evil sorcerers' magic.
Lanoire: All around me are things I've never seen before... and things I've only seen in books! (‍Mr.Mr./Ms.Ms.‍) (TravelerTraveler), Ms. Paimon, let's go on another adventure!
Lanoire: Cater was right! Adventuring outside is way more fun than in Meropide!
Icon Dialogue Talk That's right. The world outside is vast.
Lanoire: I really envy the two of you...
Caterpillar: Lanoire, let's discuss adventuring later. We really should find your family first...
Noailles: Freeze, all of you! Where do you think you're going? Also, what's with that little girl?
Lanoire: Th—The evil sorcerer found us!
Estienne: What business is it of yours? Weren't you on leave? Patrolling with a Gardemek in your off hours won't get you promoted, you know.
Noailles: I came back as soon as I received the report... Have you gotten yourself mixed up with them? You're making a grave mistake, Estienne.
Estienne: Actually, I think you'll find that I'm rectifying a mistake... and saving everyone a lot of paperwork. Ms. Monglane might even invite me to dinner as thanks.
Noailles: No... No! They're... criminals! Even if the papers with their serial numbers on them are missing, they're still criminals!
Icon Dialogue Talk A little girl like this is a criminal? Are you out of your mind?
Noailles: I'm perfectly sane. Anyone can be a criminal — little girls are no exception.
Paimon: This guy is scary...
Icon Dialogue Talk We've been wrongly accused!
Noailles: If you have objections regarding your verdicts, then you must go through the appeals process. But until your charges are overturned, you're all still criminals.
Paimon: That's completely ridiculous!
Noailles: Those are the rules that everyone must abide by.
Noailles: Whatever other plans you may have had, I must now escort you back to the Fortress of Meropide.
Icon Dialogue Talk How about we go back first and take some time to think it over?
Noailles: You've already dug yourselves a whole lot deeper. When we get back to the Fortress, you'll be held separately and questioned. So, don't get any funny ideas.
Icon Dialogue Talk We only just got out, and now you wanna make us go back? I don't think so!
Noailles: You don't have a choice in the matter. You must comply with the rules and accept your punishment.
Paimon: Then there's no way out of this!?
Estienne: I can see quite a few ways, actually. If a few Gardemeks get scrapped in the process, well, that's also what happens when people break the rules.
Paimon: You mean...
Noailles: It would seem you have no intention of repenting. Then you leave me no choice. Gardemeks show no mercy to recalcitrant criminals.

(During the first wave)
Lanoire: (‍Mr.Mr./Ms.Ms.‍) (TravelerTraveler), Ms. Paimon! Be careful!
Paimon: A simple Gardemek won't even slow us down!
(After defeating the first wave)
Noailles: You really think it's over?
Paimon: What, there's more of them!?
Estienne: Oh, hey! Don't hit me too!
Noailles: You... you vermin! Scum of a guard!
(After defeating the second wave)
Noailles: This isn't over yet! Accept your punishment!
Paimon: Whoa! Did you bring every Gardemek in the Fortress with you!?
Caterpillar: I'm coming to help!
Paimon: Caterpillar? H—How exactly do you plan to help?
(A cutscene plays)
(Caterpillar's arms turn black and Anemo swirls around him)
(He takes the form of an Anemo Hilichurl Rogue)
(After the cutscene)
Caterpillar: The time for magic has ended.
Noailles: Monster... It's just like he said, you're a monster wearing a human form!
Paimon: Caterpillar is a... hilichurl? Is this... an illusion?
(After defeating the second wave)
Paimon: There's just no end...
Noailles: Your comrades are already in our hands, give it up!

(After defeating all the Gardemeks)
Estienne: Good heavens! I'm your colleague, you're not thinking of taking me in too?
Noailles: Since you've thrown your lot in with them, you deserve the same punishment.
Lanoire: Cater... (‍Mr.Mr./Ms.Ms.‍) (TravelerTraveler), Ms. Paimon... *sob*...
Noailles: Gardemeks simply get scrapped, but you... Even if you are monsters, you can still feel pain, right?
Paimon: Is... Is this Hilichurl really Caterpillar? Paimon can't wrap her head around this...
Lanoire: Ms. Paimon, how do you not recognize him? That's Cater...
Caterpillar: I'm... I'm a monster in human skin.
Noailles: A monster... I never imagined such a monster even existed in the Fortress... A Hilichurl that can talk! Who would have thought?
Noailles: Heh, how did you manage to pull the wool over everyone's eyes?
Noailles: What sorcery could allow a mindless creature to worm its way into our midst like a wolf in sheep's clothing...
Noailles: Why haven't you run away yet? Are you pretending to be human? Of course, I will catch you even if you do run.
Noailles: A dangerous monster like you...
Caterpillar: I'm guilty. But she hasn't done anything wrong. She shouldn't be here.
Caterpillar: You won't find her name on any sentencing documents, she is innocent. She only ended up stuck in the Fortress due to a few mishaps.
Caterpillar: I'll return to the Fortress with you, but have Estienne take her back home.
Lanoire: Cater...
Noailles: The monster actually wants to make a deal with me?
Caterpillar: I do indeed. Let her go home. As far as the Fortress of Meropide is concerned, she never existed in the first place. Her absence will not be felt.
Caterpillar: But catching a monster like me should be a big deal, no? Fontaine hasn't seen a monster like me for several centuries now...
Caterpillar: If you pass up this opportunity, I'll put my human skin back on and slip away into the crowd... You'll never get a chance like this again.
Noailles: ...
Noailles: You're right. I've never seen her in the Fortress before, she's completely irrelevant.
Noailles: But you... You're too dangerous. I can't risk... letting an evil monster like you get away...
Noailles: We have a deal. You'll return to the Fortress of Meropide, and the girl can leave.
Icon Dialogue Talk It would achieve your goal, might as well take it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't take the deal, it could be a trick...
Caterpillar: The guilty return to where they should be, and Lanoire returns to her family's side. Everything on the right track, as it should be.
Caterpillar: He is someone who follows the rules. This is also in accordance with the rules.
Noailles: Enough, monster, I've caught you now. You're all coming back to the Fortress of Meropide with me — the girl included.
Paimon: What? But didn't you just...
Noailles: Who would actually make a deal with a monster? Could anyone be sure that the words coming out of his mouth aren't some beguiling incantation to stunt human wisdom?
Noailles: I won't be fooled again, so I've decided to play by my own rules. Your documents are missing? Then you'll stay in the Fortress of Meropide for the rest of your lives.
Icon Dialogue Talk You have no right to bypass a trial.
Noailles: If you want to emphasize that in your written appeal, be my guest. But until then, you don't have a choice.
Icon Dialogue Talk I surrender.
Noailles: A wise decision. I'll make a note of that in your appeal.
You are escorted back to the Fortress of Meropide...
Monglane: ...Welcome back.
Monglane: Noailles filled appeal forms out for you already. But you should stay out of trouble until a final decision has been made.
Monglane: More specifically, do not rile him up.
Monglane: I thought I was getting a coworker who knew what he's doing, so I could be less stressed. But as it turns out, I've only gotten busier since he arrived..
Monglane: I really want to take a vacation in Natlan.
Icon Dialogue Talk I want to go to Natlan too.
Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), this is not the time for chit-chat! Paimon is wondering how Lanoire and the others are doing...
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened to them?
Monglane: They're being kept under strict watch now. If you don't want the same treatment, then follow the rules.
(After the cutscene)
Paimon: In that case... Should we go see how they're doing?
Paimon: Paimon doesn't understand any of this... We'll have to ask him!
Icon Quest Step Step Description

You're back in the Fortress of Meropide yet again. Looks like you've got to find another way...
(Talk to Estienne)
Paimon: It's you!
Estienne: Indeed, it's me!
Estienne: Noailles would probably call it "atoning for my sins." But I've got seniority, so he doesn't get to order me around.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then what are you doing here?
Estienne: Atoning for my sins, what else?
Paimon: Why does Paimon get the feeling you aren't the least bit surprised? Did you already know Caterpillar's, um... do you know his true identity?
Estienne: I only knew that he'd been here a long time. Longer than any of us.
Estienne: As for the rest, is any of it really important? He looks like a human, and he talks like one, too. What can I say? I like chatting with him.
Estienne: Maybe appearances matter more to me than what's inside.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's understandable.
Icon Dialogue Talk I beg to differ.
Estienne: In any case, if you're looking for Caterpillar, he's inside.
Paimon: What about Lanoire? Is she in there with him?
Estienne: She was taken to go fill in some registration form. But don't worry, she'll be back soon.
Paimon: Okay, then let's ask Caterpillar... Just what's going on with him...
(The player is teleported into the closed room)
(Talk to Estienne again, optional)
Estienne: If you're looking for Caterpillar, he's inside. As for Lanoire, she'll be back after she finishes filling out her registration form.
(The player is teleported into the closed room)
(Talk to Caterpillar)
Caterpillar: I'm sorry for dragging you two into this. My plan was to get Lanoire home to her family, then return on my own. But it looks like that plan was a complete failure.
Icon Dialogue Talk There's a lot I want to ask you.
Caterpillar: I imagine so.
Paimon: You... You really are Caterpillar, right?
Caterpillar: I am.
Paimon: Then, um, you're a Hilichurl?
Caterpillar: I am.
Paimon: But.... aren't Hilichurls all, um, kinda dumb? And you looked just like a regular kid before. Ugh... Paimon doesn't know what's real anymore...
Paimon: You said before that you looked like this because you got sick, after all, everyone has things they'd rather not tell anyone... And you're also so good to Lanoire, and she trusts you too...
Paimon: But you're not a human at all... If you're a Hilichurl...
Caterpillar: Then you can't trust me.
Paimon: Well...
Icon Dialogue Talk I want the answers to the questions Noailles asked before.
Caterpillar: I'll answer all your questions truthfully.
Icon Dialogue Talk When did you come to the Fortress of Meropide?
Caterpillar: Over 400 years ago.
Paimon: F—Four hundred years ago!? When you said you'd been here a long time, Paimon thought you meant something like three to five years...
Paimon: But 400 years is, like, several generations, isn't it? Oh, right... You're a Hilichurl...
Icon Dialogue Talk What was your crime?
Caterpillar: If you're interested in history... I was a member of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo. I was found guilty of being an accessory to the master's scheme.
(If the player has encountered the Narzissenkreuz Ordo before)‍[Which quests count for this purpose?]
Paimon: The Narzissenkreuz Ordo... We've heard of that before!
Caterpillar: I'm surprised anyone still remembers it...
Caterpillar: The prophecy of the apocalypse... My master believed that he could stop this future of destruction from coming to pass. We did much to prepare for this. It was a powerful magic, and also an evil plan...
Caterpillar: But perhaps none of this is important now. The plan failed, and the Narzissenkreuz Ordo has essentially ceased to exist. Whether Fontaine is destroyed or not, it no longer has anything to do with me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just who was this master you spoke of?
Caterpillar: Narzissenkreuz, a powerful mage. He taught me human speech and granted me memory and intelligence.
Paimon: Was there really someone who could do something like that? Hmm... But, your appearance aside, you really do seem like an ordinary human...
Caterpillar: Though many details of the past have faded into memory, I remember this very well...
Caterpillar: This was a very, very long time ago. I couldn't change how I appeared to others at will then.
Caterpillar: Many humans — some in finery, others in rags, some with curiosity, others with disdain — would all ask similar questions.
Caterpillar: "Can Hilichurls really talk?" "Are Hilichurls really capable of intelligence?"
Caterpillar: My master raised the Holy Blade of Narzissenkreuz high. It was a ceremonial sword, so the blade wasn't sharp, but still it glistened in the sunlight.
Caterpillar: "Behold," he said, "even a hideous monster such as this can attain wisdom and redemption through my power as the incarnation of Narzissenkreuz."
Caterpillar: I was one of his creations. And as a testament to Narzissenkreuz's power, I once wielded a blade for the Ordo.
Caterpillar: But the sacred sword evidently couldn't save my master from a fate of failure and ruin. And the mystical, magical weapon... no longer exists.
Caterpillar: And there will be no more monsters in human skin like me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why do you want to help Lanoire?
Caterpillar: Because of "compassion"...
Caterpillar: Humanity might be unattainable for me, but at the very least, I can imitate it. Just like how I learned to change how I appear to others.
Paimon: Paimon doesn't get it...
Caterpillar: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, you both innately possess kindness and benevolence. Because of this, you don't need to think twice about helping others. You simply do.
Caterpillar: If you look at their outcomes alone, plenty of actions are indistinguishable from each other. We all agree that Lanoire shouldn't stay in the Fortress of Meropide and that she should return to her family, so we chose to help her.
Caterpillar: Your actions come from an innate benevolence that doesn't require excessive consideration or calculation. For me, however... it is because by doing so, I will be more like a human.
Caterpillar: Funny, isn't it? I'll never truly become human, yet I can't stop mimicking human behavior.
Caterpillar: It's like "atonement"... As far as human law is concerned, I've long since atoned for my sins. But a human... What would a true human do?
Caterpillar: They would never forgive themselves for the mistakes they made, the harm they caused, and the people or things they failed to save...
Caterpillar: So, my sins can never be absolved, and I will forever be my own prisoner.
Icon Dialogue Talk What do you plan to do next?
Caterpillar: I'll bring Lanoire back to her family.
Paimon: Huh? But... Forget about getting out of the Fortress, we can't even get past this door!
Caterpillar: I made a promise to her... so I have to fulfill it. She shouldn't stay here any longer, especially not by my side.
Caterpillar: The Geode Mine Shaft... It's a dangerous route, but it's feasible.
Paimon: The Geode Mine Shaft... That's right, Clynes said that there's an opening there that leads outside...
Paimon: So, the guards asked him to install a locking mechanism like the one at the Rift of Erosion there.
Icon Dialogue Talk He also said something about having prepared a "surprise"...
Paimon: Yikes, there's no way that's anything good! Are you sure you want to go from there? Paimon seems to remember that the research terminal there has to be operated by two people at the same time.
Paimon: And Lanoire's so small, Paimon doesn't think she'll be able to operate it...
Paimon: Why don't we help them, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk I do innately possess kindness, after all.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll do it for you, Paimon.
Paimon: Okay!
Icon Dialogue Talk I have a few more questions about the Ordo, as well...
Caterpillar: I think there are other places better suited to discussing the history of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo. Somewhere that isn't the Fortress of Meropide, for example.
Paimon: Then we'll just have to wait until after Lanoire is reunited with her family... Before any of that, we need to think of a way out of here. And we need to meet back up with Lanoire.
Caterpillar: Estienne will help us open the door. But there's a limit to how much he can help us...
Paimon: He should be at the entrance, right? Let's go ask him!
(Talk to Caterpillar again, optional)
Caterpillar: Let's ask the guards first.
(Knock on the door)
Paimon: Um... Should we try knocking?
Maupoil: ...Going somewhere?
Paimon: Huh? You're not Estienne!
Maupoil: He had something to do, so he asked me to cover for him. *sigh*... When are people finally going to get it into their heads that I have my own work to do, too?
Paimon: Oh... Th—Then can we leave?
Maupoil: You can... but it's dangerous out there. How dangerous, you ask? About as dangerous as the mental state of the new guard, I'd say...
Maupoil: He really is a lunatic. I had no idea that there were so many Gardemeks on the move! Not only that, people actually approve of his methods... Not that I know how serious those people are.
Maupoil: If you want to go, you'd better be prepared... I mean, it would be best if you didn't come back again.
Paimon: But Lanoire's not back yet...
Lanoire: I'm here! Mr. Maupoil just brought me back.
Caterpillar: Then there's no time to lose. Lanoire, I know we lost the last game to the evil sorcerer, but are you ready for a new challenge?
Lanoire: A new game? You mean a new adventure? I'm ready! We can't let the evil sorcerer catch us again...
Paimon: Looks like they're all good. Are you ready then, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yep, let's go.
Caterpillar: Thanks for your help.
(Continues to next section)
Icon Dialogue Talk Not yet, I need a little more time.
Caterpillar: Of course.
(Exits dialogue)
(Knock on the door if "not yet" was chosen)
Maupoil: Ready to leave?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes.
Maupoil: Take care.
(Continues to next section)
Icon Dialogue Talk Not yet.
Maupoil: Stay out of trouble... Though I guess it's a little late to be saying that.
(Exits dialogue)

(Exit the hallway)
(The Fortress is now heavily guarded with guards and Gardemeks with searchlights shine around the area)
Paimon: This feels completely different from before! Is it really necessary to use all this just to deal with four kids...?
Lanoire: I'll protect you, Ms. Paimon! Ms. Paimon, don't be afraid of the hexes of those wicked sorcerers, I'll stop them for you!
Paimon: Doesn't that mean they got Lanoire!? We've gotta be careful, (TravelerTraveler)! We can't be discovered by the guards or seen by the searchlights...
Paimon: Our goal is the Geode Mine Shaft, so we have to go to the abandoned production zone level first. Anyway, let's head in the direction of the lift first!
(If the player is detected by a guard or the searchlight, optional)
To avoid being spotted by guards, you cautiously return to a safe place...
(The player is teleported to the starting point)
(Approach the lift area)
Paimon: Guess the lift's guarded after all... What should we do now?
Paimon: Huh? Why is there a searchlight here... Could it be the one that Clynes fixed before?
Paimon: Paimon doesn't know if he's fixed it yet... Maybe it'll be useful!
(Approach either lift prior to creating a distraction or to the abandoned production zone)
Paimon: Ah! We can't just get out of here, right? We should find a safer way to take Lanoire and the others with us!
(Use the searchlight)
Guard: Whoa! Who did that!?
Guard: Must be someone really new, to do something that dumb! This is why you need to read the operating manual before you use it...
Guard: That new guy... You just wait!
Paimon: He left! Let's get over there while we can!
(Approach the marked area on the Production Zone lower floor)
Paimon: There are guards here, too...
Caterpillar: There's a Rochelle Loudspeaker over there, if we use it to make some noise, maybe it'll attract the guard's attention.
Paimon: Hmm... Why don't we give it a try, (TravelerTraveler)?
(Power the loudspeaker)
Prison Broadcast: Safety first in the production zone! Enjoy your work and get home safely every day.
Guard: What's that noise...
Paimon: Good! Let's get out of here before the guard finds us!

(Approach the Drive Valve)
Paimon: Huh? It feels like it is different from before?
(Enter the pipe beyond the second sluice gate)
Paimon: It's so different from inside the Fortress, there's no traces of human buildings at all...
Paimon: ...Would people really work in a place like this?
(Approach the Geode Mine Shaft)
Paimon: Is this the Geode Mine Shaft? Paimon's heard of it before, but it's a little different than she imagined...
Lanoire: Wooow! What pretty rocks! Are all of these gems?
Caterpillar: It's Arkhium. Arkhium mining operations stopped after the Fontaine Research Institute accident.
Paimon: ...Maybe we should keep our distance then.
Paimon: So, there really is a research terminal here. Hmm... Is that a note next to it? Could Clynes have left it here? Let's see what it says!
This locking mechanism can only be opened by two people simultaneously. The energy storage unit has been removed from the front research terminal.
The Geode Mine Shaft has been equipped with a Flying Energy Thief. Initializing the front research terminal with an energy storage device is not advised unless protective measures have been taken.
The Flying Energy Thief is a trial product that has not undergone internal or peer review. It will pursue any entity carrying an energy storage device and disable said device.
Loss of control or explosions occurring during the trial product's operation will be considered unfortunate accidents for which the manufacturer is not liable.
It is strongly advised not to leave from here. Work in the production zone is arduous, but at the very least, it is not life-threatening.
Turn back now. If there is anything about the Fortress of Meropide that you are unsatisfied with, please see Ms. Monglane and fill out a survey.
Paimon: Is this the "surprise" Clynes was talking about...? More like a shock!
Paimon: Hm... To activate this research terminal, we'll need a mobile energy storage device. But once we have one, we'll get chased by some sort of flying energy thief...
Paimon: Looks like we'll just have to beat this energy thief in a race!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd like to go back and give Clynes a beating.
Paimon: W—We can't blame it all on him...
Icon Dialogue Talk But flying is faster than running...
Paimon: How can you give up before the race has even started?
Lanoire: There's going to be a race? I'll be rooting for you two!
Paimon: Alright, let's leave this terminal to Caterpillar and Lanoire. We'll take care of the rest.
Caterpillar: I'll keep watch. Be careful.
(Talk to Lanoire, optional)
Lanoire: I'll be rooting for you, (‍Mr.Mr./Ms.Ms.‍) (TravelerTraveler) and Ms. Paimon!
(Talk to Caterpillar, optional)
Caterpillar: We'll take care of things here.
(If a Flying Energy Thief is touched while not holding an energy storage device)
Paimon: ...Huh? It seems like nothing happened.
(If a Flying Energy Thief is touched while holding an energy storage device)
Paimon: Whoa, it's coming! Maybe it's because we're holding an energy storage device! Let's split!
(Power the first terminal)
Paimon: This must be how you activate it! But it seems like it's not just this spot...
(Power the second terminal)
Paimon: The terminal lit up! It can be activated now.
(Power the last terminal)
Paimon: If we just activate them at the same time, we should be able to open the path... Hey! Can you hear Paimon?
Lanoire: I can hear you! Let's count down from 3 and turn them on! 3... 2... 1...!
(Break the seal)
Paimon: Now we can finally get out of here! Lanoire, Caterpillar, get over here — the way out is clear!
Lanoire: Okay! C'mon, Cater, faster!
(Approach the marked area)
Paimon: Huh? Why is it off again?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Fontaine Research Institute's tech really is unreliable...
Paimon: Did it malfunction? At least it won't explode this time... probably.
Caterpillar: Maybe someone's catching up to us...
Icon Dialogue Talk Someone sent to catch us?
Caterpillar: Maybe.
Paimon: Sh—Should we go back and take a look then?
Noailles: No need to trouble yourselves, esteemed guests.
Noailles: You're evil, and I represent the side of justice... Even without Gardemeks, I won't let you get away...
Noailles: Lay down your arms and surrender!
(After the cutscene)
Caterpillar: I'll assist you!
(After defeating Noailles)
Noailles: He's... He's just a monster! Why would you help him? Why would anyone help him?
Lanoire: Cater isn't a monster! Why... Why would you call him that, evil sorcerer...?
Lanoire: Ever since Mother left Meropide, Cater's been really nice to me, he's never lied to me...
Lanoire: There are other nice people here too... but none of them are as nice as Cater. He tells me all kinds of stories, and listens to mine, too...
Lanoire: I won't let you call him a monster!
Noailles: Why? Justice should triumph over evil...
Estienne: There's no such thing as good or evil here.
Paimon: Estienne! What are you doing here?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're late.
Estienne: So sorry about that.
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing here?
Estienne: "Atoning for my sins," of course.
Estienne: It took me quite some time to retrieve those Gardemeks he utilized without authorization. Well done, you didn't just break the rules, but also violated regulations.
Estienne: Now it's your turn to accept your punishment. You're coming back with me.
Estienne: As for you guys... If you want to leave, this is your last chance. *sigh* With all the fuss he's been making, who knows what will happen later.
Estienne: Of course, it's also possible that nothing will happen at all.
Caterpillar: Thank you.
Estienne: If you really want to thank me, don't come back again.
Then, with Estienne's help, the path is reopened...
Paimon: Paimon guesses we can go now... We should be in the clear now, right? Hm... Let's get a move on before we run into any more surprises!
Lanoire: We're leaving Meropide again? Will we ever come back?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure, if we do something bad out there.
Lanoire: Oh, then...
Paimon: Hey! Don't go running off causing trouble just to come back for a visit!
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll use the front door next time.
Paimon: Going through the regular channels is safer.
Lanoire: Well then, goodbye, Meropide.
(Approach the marked area and take the Current)
You follow Caterpillar's directions to a secret path leading out of Fortress Meropide...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAn Eye for an Eye
Shaku ni wa Shaku wo
Measure for Measure
Korean자에는 자로
Ja'eneun Jaro
A Ruler for a Ruler
SpanishOjo por ojoEye for Eye
FrenchŒil pour œilAn Eye for an Eye
RussianЗуб за зуб
Zub za zub
A Tooth for a Tooth
Thaiทำอย่างไหน ได้อย่างนั้น
Tham Yang Nai, Dai Yang Nan
Do It However, Get It Like That[• 1]
VietnameseĂn Miếng Trả Miếng
GermanGleiches mit Gleichem vergelten
IndonesianMata Dibayar MataAn Eye for an Eye
PortugueseOlho Por Olho
TurkishGöze Göz Dişe DişAn Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth
ItalianOcchio per occhioEye for Eye
  1. Thai: Equivalent to the phrase "You reap what you sow."

Change History[]
