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Genshin Impact Wiki

Freminet can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk.

Favorite Furnishing Sets[]

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.

Freminet has 2 Favorite Furnishing Sets:

Furnishing SetRewards
Furnishing Set Continuous Clockwork Inspiration Display
Continuous Clockwork Inspiration
Primogem 20
Guide to Justice 2
Mora 20,000
Furnishing Set Undersea Merusea's Luster Display
Undersea Merusea's Luster
Primogem 20
Shivada Jade Fragment 1
Mora 20,000

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Clockwork...
Icon Dialogue Idle Pers...
Icon Dialogue Idle The ocean...
Icon Dialogue Idle Home...
Icon Dialogue Idle Silence is bliss...
(When the player is nearby)
Icon Dialogue Idle ...
Icon Dialogue Idle I'm here...


Media:vo freminet mimitomo hello 01.ogg Freminet: ...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo hello 02.ogg Freminet: I'm here.
Icon Dialogue Talk How do you like it here?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 01.ogg Freminet: Mhm.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 02.ogg Freminet: ...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 03.ogg Freminet: I mean, uh... Everything here is really nice. And I'm used to it now, so there's no need to worry about me.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's okay. You don't have to be so polite.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 04a 1.ogg Freminet: Sorry...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 04a 2.ogg Freminet: I'm just worried that if I just say everything on my mind, I might cause unnecessary misunderstandings.
Icon Dialogue Talk You can tell me how you really feel.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 04b.ogg Freminet: Heh... Are you really sure about that?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 05.ogg Freminet: ...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 06.ogg Freminet: ...Alright, then in that case, I'll do as you ask...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 07.ogg Freminet: To tell you the truth, I—I'm actually a little homesick.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 08.ogg Freminet: Even though this place is really comfortable, and the environment here is flawless, I just... can't seem to get used to life here.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 09.ogg Freminet: This is nobody's problem but my own, so... Please don't think I'm upset with you, or unsatisfied about anything in this place.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship1 10.ogg Freminet: ...I hope you can forgive me.
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)
Icon Dialogue Talk Would you like to chat?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 01.ogg Freminet: Mhm... Please go ahead.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why don't we talk about Pers?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 02.ogg Freminet: ...Ah, thank you for remembering its name.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there a story behind Pers's name?
Icon Dialogue Talk Why does Pers look the way it does?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 03.ogg Freminet: To explain it... I'll need to tell you a really, really old story I once read in a picture book.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ooh, I'm listening!
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 04.ogg Freminet: Mhm... So once upon a time, in a faraway seaside town, there lived a black and white bird.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 05.ogg Freminet: Since birth, it spoke with a stutter, walked with a wobble, and was unable to fly, so it was always bullied by the other birds.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 06.ogg Freminet: Until one day, greedy pirates stole a jewel-studded diadem from the underwater palace...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 07.ogg Freminet: In a flash, lightning and thunder engulfed the sea, and a tsunami rose from the depths, threatening to wipe out the entire town...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 08.ogg Freminet: The black-and-white bird tried to leap upwards, but it still couldn't fly... In its recklessness, it crashed against the mast and sank into the ocean alongside the wrecked ship.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 09.ogg Freminet: The seabirds flying overhead thought it would drown right then and there, but to their surprise, it began to swim like the swiftest of fish!
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 10.ogg Freminet: It swam and swam, until its strength finally gave out. It restored the diadem to its rightful place underwater, and immediately, the storms died down, and it was as if nothing bad had ever happened.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 11.ogg Freminet: As you've probably guessed by now... The bird in the story was named Pers. It was a penguin that came to town by accident.
Icon Dialogue Talk What a wonderful story.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ah, I didn't know you were friends with a hero!
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 12b.ogg Freminet: ...Heh, you're right.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 13.ogg Freminet: I've always admired the Pers in the story, but after reading it, what struck me the most was... its loneliness.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship2 14.ogg Freminet: So, I decided to stick close and hug Pers, so we can keep each other warm...
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)
Icon Dialogue Talk Anything you'd like to do?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 01.ogg Freminet: Hmm... Could I trouble you to accompany me to a few places when you're free?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 02.ogg Freminet: I'd like to visit Lepaute Horlogerie, Beaumont Workshop, and the Vasari Passage.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure thing.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there anything in particular you're interested in?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 03.ogg Freminet: Mhm... I'd like to take a look at their clockwork crafts, as well as the variety of small mechanisms they usually have to offer.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 04.ogg Freminet: I'm a regular of Leschots', but whenever I pass by the other shops, I can't help but be curious...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 05.ogg Freminet: What lies hidden deep within those shops? What if there's something there that's both original and exquisitely designed?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 06.ogg Freminet: What I wouldn't give to be able to see everything for myself! If only... *sigh*
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 07.ogg Freminet: See, I'm... not very good at dealing with people, and if I spent a lot of time gawking at the wares without paying a single coin, I'm sure the shopkeepers would get mad at me.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 08.ogg Freminet: So, if you could step in at that point, and help me...
Icon Dialogue Talk Explain on your behalf?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 09a.ogg Freminet: Yeah... Something like that. I know it's might be awkward, but...
Icon Dialogue Talk Pay for the wares?
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 09b 1.ogg Freminet: Eh!? No, no, of course not! That's not what I meant at all...
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 09b 2.ogg Freminet: Just a few words of explanation... should be enough.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 09b 3.ogg Freminet: I'll pay you back, I swear! As long as it's something I can do...
Icon Dialogue Talk No problem.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo friendship3 10.ogg Freminet: Ahh, thank you so much! I'm... not dreaming, am I?
(Between 6:00 and 19:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good morning, Freminet.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo morning 01.ogg Freminet: Good morning.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo morning 02.ogg Freminet: I'm... just going to stay here if you don't have any special assignments.
(Between 19:00 and 6:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good night, Freminet.
Media:vo freminet mimitomo night 01.ogg Freminet: Good night, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo freminet mimitomo night 02.ogg Freminet: "May your dreams be as dazzling as the starry night above the ocean, and your dreamless nights be naught but filled with serene respite."

Special Dialogue[]

When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.

Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.

Undersea Merusea's Luster[]

Media:vo mimitomo fd freminet meruseavillage 01.ogg Freminet: These buildings and those spherical lamps — they use this style in Merusea Village, don't they? I recognize them from a picture album.
Media:vo mimitomo fd freminet meruseavillage 02.ogg Freminet: Legends say that the home of the Melusines is a secluded little village deep under the water, far away from the rest of the world — the kind of village you read about in fairytales. But I've always believed it's real.
Media:vo mimitomo fd freminet meruseavillage 03.ogg Freminet: Um... But please don't tell anyone else I said that. Most people would probably think I'm just being childish...

Continuous Clockwork Inspiration[]

Media:vo mimitomo fd freminet mechworkshop 01.ogg Freminet: With storage heaters like this, adding an extra layer of heating elements makes them more durable than is usually advertized.
Media:vo mimitomo fd freminet mechworkshop 02.ogg Freminet: And the motor in this kind of fan is always running at critical velocity, which poses a safety issue...
Media:vo mimitomo fd freminet mechworkshop 03.ogg Freminet: ...Sorry! I tend to get carried away when I start talking about this kind of stuff. Um, with your permission, though, I could definitely tweak them so they run a lot better! At least, I—I think I could...

Change History[]

Version 4.3

Version 4.0

  • Freminet/Companion was released.

