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Arlecchino can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining her and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk.

Favorite Furnishing Sets[]

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.

Arlecchino has 2 Favorite Furnishing Sets:

Furnishing SetRewards
Furnishing Set Perfectly-Drawn Focus Display
Perfectly-Drawn Focus
Primogem 20
Guide to Order 2
Mora 20,000
Furnishing Set Court of Justice's Placid Days Display
Court of Justice's Placid Days
Primogem 20
Agnidus Agate Fragment 1
Mora 20,000

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Home...
Icon Dialogue Idle Secrets...
Icon Dialogue Idle The moon...
Icon Dialogue Idle The children...
Icon Dialogue Idle A stage...
(When the player is nearby)
Icon Dialogue Idle A novel turn of events...
Icon Dialogue Idle You're the host...


Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo hello 01.ogg Arlecchino: It's my turn to play the guest, I see. A novel turn of events.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo hello 02.ogg Arlecchino: I shall follow your lead, and play the good visitor.
Icon Dialogue Talk How do you like it here?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 01.ogg Arlecchino: Thank you for inviting me to this realm. This has proved a fine vacation spot.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 02.ogg Arlecchino: Is a transfer of ownership on the cards, by any chance?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Huh!?
Icon Dialogue Talk You want to buy the Serenitea Pot?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 03.ogg Arlecchino: No need to startle. This is a quiet and secure location, shielded from outside disturbances. It would make for a good backup base.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 04.ogg Arlecchino: Any object that could solve many problems is worth paying a fair price for.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry to disappoint...
Icon Dialogue Talk But this isn't for sale.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 05.ogg Arlecchino: An unfortunate answer, but not an unexpected one.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 06.ogg Arlecchino: This resembles a "home" more than it does a base. Let us keep it that way, then.
Icon Dialogue Talk Speaking of "home"...
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 07.ogg Arlecchino: Is something the matter?
Icon Dialogue Talk Want to hold a "family barbecue"?
Icon Dialogue Talk All the children from the House of the Hearth would be welcome to come.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 08.ogg Arlecchino: A fine suggestion. This space is sufficiently large for a family gathering.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship1 09.ogg Arlecchino: The children will be glad to have the chance to visit and play at a friend's place. It is agreed, then... as for the costs of this gathering, simply leave it to me.
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)
Icon Dialogue Talk Would you like to have a chat?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 01.ogg Arlecchino: That seems agreeable. Is there anything you would like to discuss?
Icon Dialogue Talk Well...
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually, nothing's coming to mind...
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 02.ogg Arlecchino: The children often say so too.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 03.ogg Arlecchino: "I'm not sure what to say to 'Father,' what sort of topic I should go with..." I hear such discussions often.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 04.ogg Arlecchino: In truth, talking to me is not very difficult. I can make conversation on most topics.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Discuss the aquabus's design principles.)
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05a 1.ogg Arlecchino: This is quite a specific engineering question. Your interest is unexpected.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05a 2.ogg Arlecchino: The internal structure of an aquabus contains a number of intricate clockwork components, which allow it to be powered by different energy sources.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05a 3.ogg Arlecchino: I've also heard that during the aquabus's initial trial run, some passengers sent in feedback indicating that they would prefer a more unique look for the vessel.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wow, I would have never guessed...
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05a 4.ogg Arlecchino: Some suggested that the vessels adopt an Angelic Sea Hare-like design, but this was rejected due to considerations for the vehicle's overall capabilities.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05a 5.ogg Arlecchino: If you would like to hear more about the history of the aquabus, I could arrange for a "friend" from the Fontaine Research Institute to explain it to you — during a boat ride, of course.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Discuss the art of selecting desserts.)
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05b 1.ogg Arlecchino: Ah. It appears you quite enjoyed my choice of desserts for Miss Furina's table.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05b 2.ogg Arlecchino: There are many tricks to choosing treats. The key is having a sufficient "understanding" of everything.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05b 3.ogg Arlecchino: The varieties of the treats, their stores of origin, the artisanship of their creators, as well as how they're plated and presented... Each of these factors builds upon the others. Still more intelligence is required if you are making this purchase on the behalf of another.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05b 4.ogg Arlecchino: Their personalities, relationships, current situations, and long-held preferences... There is no one-size-fits-all answer.
Icon Dialogue Talk That sounds... really complicated.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05b 5.ogg Arlecchino: A novice would find it difficult, yes, but experience is cumulative. Start at buying gifts for friends and go from there.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Chat about the latest opera production.)
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05c 1.ogg Arlecchino: "The Unexpected Dream," you mean? I found it a mature production, a tale about love that blossomed through all manner of strange coincidences and circumstances.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05c 2.ogg Arlecchino: I watched the premiere. The actors were not sufficiently rehearsed, and incidents you'd expect from an unpolished production did occur, but the audience laughed and cheered them on all the same.
Icon Dialogue Talk I've heard that they've brought on a famous actress to the upcoming show.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05c 3.ogg Arlecchino: That is indeed the case. If you are familiar with opera, you should know her. She was the protagonist in "Romaritime Romance" as well — you could say that she's at the peak of her career right now.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 05c 4.ogg Arlecchino: The fourth run of performances should start the day after tomorrow. If you're interested, I can invite you to come along.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 06.ogg Arlecchino: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?
Icon Dialogue Talk Wow, you really can hold a conversation on just about anything!
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 07.ogg Arlecchino: But of course. Finding common topics and ground are indispensable assets in building interpersonal relations.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 08.ogg Arlecchino: The work of intelligence gathering merits preparation, but it would be unwise to pin all one's hopes on intel. As such, I try to dabble in as many fields as I can to gain more knowledge.
Icon Dialogue Talk Doesn't that get dry after a while?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 09.ogg Arlecchino: Just the opposite. The more I learn, the more clearly I see how the world operates, and the easier it becomes to lead an elegant life.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 10.ogg Arlecchino: You must first take care of yourself before caring for others. Knowledge and skill broaden your options.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship2 11.ogg Arlecchino: If you have something you wish to share, feel free to come look for me. As long as nothing confidential is involved, I'm sure it will make for a wonderful chat.
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)
Icon Dialogue Talk Anything you want to do?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 01.ogg Arlecchino: The weather is good, as is the wind. Let us go for a walk.
Icon Dialogue Talk Where shall we go?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 02.ogg Arlecchino: There are two sights I enjoy more than most — the sea by day, and the skies by night.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 03.ogg Arlecchino: When I need to think, the former would be my choice. If I am in a good mood, then I will favor the latter.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why do you like the sea?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04a 1.ogg Arlecchino: I've rarely seen a Fontainian, native or adopted, not profess a fondness for the waves.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04a 2.ogg Arlecchino: It is full of mystery and peril, but also accepts all manner of wishes. Furthermore... the sea is vast, vast enough to serve as a repository for many kinds of frustrations.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hmm... so are you saying that gazing at the sea can improve your mood?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04a 3.ogg Arlecchino: No, I meant something more... literal than that. Namely, that the sea can make things that disgust you disappear, never to emerge again.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04a 4.ogg Arlecchino: It is good for secrets that should never see the light of day to sink to the forgotten depths.
Icon Dialogue Talk That sounds ominous...
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04a 5.ogg Arlecchino: Only when your gaze can pierce through the sea's shimmering surface and look into its frigid depths, will you truly understand the truth of this world.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why do you like the night sky?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04b 1.ogg Arlecchino: Hmm... I suppose I could share a story from a long time ago.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04b 2.ogg Arlecchino: When I was young, I once had a dream. In it, I stood on a vast plain, with a red moon hanging in the sky.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04b 3.ogg Arlecchino: The moon rotated gradually, and as I stared at it, it, too, watched me silently.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04b 4.ogg Arlecchino: I cannot describe what it was like to be the object of its gaze, so filled with death and grief... Or was it fear and pity? It has been too long, and my memories of it have faded.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Was that really a dream?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Was that really the moon?
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04b 5.ogg Arlecchino: I wish to know as well, but the truth will not simply present itself to me.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04b 6.ogg Arlecchino: Perhaps I shall one day witness that dreamscape once more, or perhaps I never will. Just as you and I may cross blades one day — or perhaps our relations will remain ever amiable.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo friendship3 04b 7.ogg Arlecchino: The allure of the future lies in its uncertainty. Regardless, let us lay our worries aside and enjoy this fine breeze.
(Between 6:00 and 19:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good morning, Arlecchino.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo morning 01.ogg Arlecchino: And to you. Ah, yes. Before turning in for the night, I noticed some corners of the realm that had not been cleaned for some time.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo morning 02.ogg Arlecchino: You should see to that once the opportunity presents itself.
(Between 19:00 and 6:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good night, Arlecchino.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo night 01.ogg Arlecchino: Indeed. I was getting ready to retire myself.
Media:vo arlecchino mimitomo night 02.ogg Arlecchino: An early night is a balm for exhaustion, and presages a productive tomorrow.

Special Dialogue[]

When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.

Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.

Court of Justice's Placid Days[]

Media:vo mimitomo fd arlecchino residentarea 01.ogg Arlecchino: Many see me as a solitary, mysterious person.
Media:vo mimitomo fd arlecchino residentarea 02.ogg Arlecchino: In truth, I do not mind mingling with the crowd. People-watching is also one of my interests.
Media:vo mimitomo fd arlecchino residentarea 03.ogg Arlecchino: Of course, whether those in the crowd would enjoy seeing me... is a completely different matter.

Perfectly-Drawn Focus[]

Media:vo mimitomo fd arlecchino stagestyle 01.ogg Arlecchino: If the world could be likened to a stage, then everyone must find their own place.
Media:vo mimitomo fd arlecchino stagestyle 02.ogg Arlecchino: I believe myself better suited to the audience stands. What about you?
Media:vo mimitomo fd arlecchino stagestyle 03.ogg Arlecchino: Would you sit by my side, or would you prefer to take the stage?

Change History[]

