Author ID: henon.pascal Recent zbMATH articles by "Hénon, Pascal"
Published as: Hénon, Pascal; Hénon, P.
Videos: carmin.tv
Documents Indexed: 6 Publications since 2000
Co-Authors: 11 Co-Authors with 6 Joint Publications
363 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

5 Publications have been cited 59 times in 59 Documents Cited by Year
PaStiX: A high-performance parallel direct solver for sparse symmetric positive definite systems. Zbl 0984.68208
Hénon, P.; Ramet, P.; Roman, J.
A parallel multistage ILU factorization based on a hierarchical graph decomposition. Zbl 1126.65028
Hénon, Pascal; Saad, Yousef
Recycling Krylov subspaces and truncating deflation subspaces for solving sequence of linear systems. Zbl 07467973
Daas, Hussam Al; Grigori, Laura; Hénon, Pascal; Ricoux, Philippe
Reducing complexity of algebraic multigrid by aggregation. Zbl 1413.65444
Gratton, Serge; Hénon, Pascal; Jiránek, Pavel; Vasseur, Xavier
Enlarged GMRES for solving linear systems with one or multiple right-hand sides. Zbl 1496.65045
Al Daas, Hussam; Grigori, Laura; Hénon, Pascal; Ricoux, Philippe
Recycling Krylov subspaces and truncating deflation subspaces for solving sequence of linear systems. Zbl 07467973
Daas, Hussam Al; Grigori, Laura; Hénon, Pascal; Ricoux, Philippe
Enlarged GMRES for solving linear systems with one or multiple right-hand sides. Zbl 1496.65045
Al Daas, Hussam; Grigori, Laura; Hénon, Pascal; Ricoux, Philippe
Reducing complexity of algebraic multigrid by aggregation. Zbl 1413.65444
Gratton, Serge; Hénon, Pascal; Jiránek, Pavel; Vasseur, Xavier
A parallel multistage ILU factorization based on a hierarchical graph decomposition. Zbl 1126.65028
Hénon, Pascal; Saad, Yousef
PaStiX: A high-performance parallel direct solver for sparse symmetric positive definite systems. Zbl 0984.68208
Hénon, P.; Ramet, P.; Roman, J.
all top 5

Cited by 161 Authors

4 Ghysels, Pieter
4 Saad, Yousef
4 Xi, Yuanzhe
3 Claus, Lisa
3 Darve, Eric
3 Li, Xiaoye Sherry
3 Liu, Yang
2 Abgrall, Rémi
2 An, Hengbin
2 Beaugendre, Héloïse
2 Dimakopoulos, Yannis
2 Hogg, Jonathan D.
2 Hou, Thomas Yizhao
2 Li, Ruipeng
2 Luo, Guo
2 Nkonga, Boniface
2 Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran
2 Roman, Jean
2 Stupfel, Bruno
2 Woźniak, Maciej
2 Xu, Xinhai
2 Yang, Xuejun
2 Ye, Shuai
1 Agullo, Emmanuel
1 Aktulga, Hasan Metin
1 Alperen, Abdullah
1 Amestoy, Patrick R.
1 Azizizadeh, Najmeh
1 Bertoluzza, Silvia
1 Bhalla, Amneet Pal Singh
1 Boffi, Daniele
1 Boiteau, Olivier
1 Bollhöfer, Matthias
1 Bolten, Matthias
1 Boman, Erik G.
1 Braconnier, Benjamin
1 Buttari, Alfredo
1 Calo, Victor Manuel
1 Cambier, Léopold
1 Celebi, M. Serdar
1 Chanaud, Mathieu
1 Chatzidai, N.
1 Chen, Chao
1 Chen, Jingrun
1 Chen, Qianqian
1 Chiang, Naiyuan
1 Czarny, Olivier
1 Dalcín, Lisandro D.
1 Davis, Timothy Alden
1 De Martin, Florent
1 de Sturler, Eric
1 Deckers, Elke
1 Desmet, Wim
1 Dillon, Geoffrey
1 Dobrzynski, Cécile
1 Dolean, Victorita
1 Dreier, Nils-Arne
1 Duff, Iain S.
1 Dumitrasc, Andrei
1 Dupros, Fabrice
1 E, Weinan
1 Edwards, Jack R.
1 Eftekhari, Aryan
1 Engwer, Christian
1 Everdij, Frank P. X.
1 Farea, Afrah
1 Faverge, Mathieu
1 Foerster, Evelyne
1 Fukaya, Takeshi
1 Gerest, Matthieu
1 Giraud, Luc
1 Glowinski, Roland
1 Hahn, Camilla
1 Heniche, Mourad
1 Hu, Biao
1 Huysmans, Guido
1 Ikehara, Kota
1 Iwashita, Takeshi
1 Jézéquel, Fabienne
1 Kalantzis, Vassilis
1 Kalogeris, Ioannis
1 Klockiewicz, Bazyli
1 Komatitsch, Dimitri
1 Kruse, Carola
1 Krust, Arnaud
1 Lanteri, Stéphane
1 Lecouvez, Matthieu
1 L’Excellent, Jean-Yves
1 Li, Sherry Xin
1 Li, Zhenyou
1 Liu, Yang
1 Lloberas-Valls, Oriol
1 Lopez, Florent
1 Lu, Zhongjie
1 Luo, Hong
1 Luo, Lixiang
1 Manzini, Gianmarco
1 Mary, Theo A.
1 Maurer, Daniel
1 Mifune, Takeshi
...and 61 more Authors

Citations by Year