
Optimal control of stochastic delay differential equations and applications to path-dependent financial and economic models. (English) Zbl 07854558

A class of optimal control problems of stochastic differential delay equations is considered. First, the problem is rewritten in a suitable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Then, using the dynamic programming approach, the value function of the problem is characterized as the unique viscosity solution of the associated infinite-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. Finally, the authors prove a \(C^{1, \alpha}\)-partial regularity of the value function. The optimal control problem at hand being not Markovian due to the delay, in order to regain Markovianity and approach the problem by dynamic programming, following a well-known procedure ([A. Bensoussan et al., Representation and control of infinite dimensional systems. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser (2007; Zbl 1117.93002)] for deterministic delay equations and [A. Chojnowska Michalik, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astron. Phys. 26, 635–642 (1978; Zbl 0415.60057); G. Da Prato and J. Zabczyk, Stochastic equations in infinite dimensions. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2014; Zbl 1317.60077); S. Federico et al., SIAM J. Control Optim. 48, No. 8, 4910–4937 (2010; Zbl 1208.49048)] for the stochastic case, the state equation is reformulated by lifting it to an infinite-dimensional space. The state equation is rewritten using an adequate maximal dissipative operator, the authors introducing an adequate associated operator which is shown to satisfy the weak \(B\)-condition.This is needed to be in the framework of the theory of viscosity solutions to the asscoiated HJB equation. Then estimates for solutions of the state equation, the cost functional and the value function are proven, as well as regularity properties. The value function \(V\) is characterized as the unique \(B\)-continuous viscosity solution to the associated HJB equation, thus providing existence and uniqueness results for fully nonlinear HJB equations in Hilbert spaces related to a general class of stochastic optimal control problems with delays involving controls in the diffusion coefficient. Note that besides the innovative results and so clear a writing, a very nice reliable synthetic introduction to important questions and paths to such issues is here provided. The results are applied to path dependent financial and economic problems, two examples are provided (one is a Merton-like problem with path dependent coefficients, and the other an optimal advertising with delays as in [F. Gozzi and C. Marinelli, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math. 245, 133–148 (2006; Zbl 1107.93035)]) and a section is dedicated to possible applications.


49K45 Optimality conditions for problems involving randomness
49K27 Optimality conditions for problems in abstract spaces
90C39 Dynamic programming
35F21 Hamilton-Jacobi equations
35D40 Viscosity solutions to PDEs
49S05 Variational principles of physics
93E20 Optimal stochastic control
60H15 Stochastic partial differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis)
49L20 Dynamic programming in optimal control and differential games
35R15 PDEs on infinite-dimensional (e.g., function) spaces (= PDEs in infinitely many variables)
49L12 Hamilton-Jacobi equations in optimal control and differential games


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