? ?
13 June 2021 @ 08:13 pm
*hugs the murderbot even though he hates that except who are we kidding, he loves it*

Two more Murderbot booksCollapse )

StatsCollapse )

The last two books are checked out and have multiple holds, but I've added my name to the lists at the library.

I have had a Kindle for many years but Kindle is not compatible with Canadian libraries, so I only recently just got a Kobo as well. Kobo is sorta the Canadian version of Kindle, and with it I can check out ebooks at the library. This is a wonderful thing! Even more wonderful is that the Kobo was freeeeeee, with money left over from a gift card that I received at my old job about 3 years ago. Yeah! Now I can the Kindle for books I want to buy and for Kindle Unlimited, and the Kobo for library books. Love it.
In The Mood: goodgood
09 August 2019 @ 12:30 pm
I was looking through my icons for something appropriate for this post and then saw that great shot of Bruce and just... THE NOSE, PEOPLE. *fans self*

Aaaaaanyway. My August got off to a less than smashing start. First, I had severe.. let's call it "gastrointestinal distress" to be polite.. that lasted on and off (mostly on) for close to two weeks. So of course this left me totally drained (literally) and I haven't done a lick of writing. ALSO my work is getting a brand new software system and have decided that they want an August 21st start date despite the fact that literally *everything* has to be inputted into the new system and what's the goldanged rush. I've been doing a lot of data entry on my shifts and training for everyone starts next week.

And then. My coworker dropped her bottle of water on my desk, which hit my glass of Pepsi, which spilled everywhere including on my phone and kindle. The phone only got spattered but the kindle was DRENCHED. I've taken it apart, dried it out, and it kinda-sorta works... only two of the four page-turner-buttons work and it seems to only hold a charge for about 8 hours. So yeah, a new kindle is in my future.

I am hopeful that August got all the crappy stuff out of the way and now I can finally get my month started. *crosses fingers*

Also. I have read books.
Books!Collapse )

Books Read: 51/80
Goodreads Reading Challenge: 39/52
Popsugar Reading Challenge: 29/40
Total Pages Read: 18,314

Hope everyone is well!
18 May 2013 @ 08:31 am
PhotosCollapse )

Now I've gotta dash out to the dentist. EEEEEK. Pray for me. ;)
In The Mood: busybusy
16 February 2012 @ 09:48 am
With being sick and then having to work I ended up staying awake for 28 hours on Monday/Tuesday. Finally managed to fall asleep yesterday, only to be woken less than four hours later by the mailman... DELIVERING MY KINDLE WHEEEEE!!!! I went back to bed so I didn't have tons of time to play with it, but I DID manage to register it on amazon and to go to calibre and put four fanfics on it -- which I proceeded to read allll last night at work. OMG I LOVE THE KINDLE ALREADY.

Thank you again to everyone who gave advice, and most especially to court1429 whose detailed step by step instructions were INVALUABLE. *big kisses*

Now I'm supposed to be writing, but I think I'm going to DL more stories. EEEE.

Also, big thank you to reeface for the sparkly heart. *loves*
In The Mood: bouncybouncy
12 February 2012 @ 09:57 am
I am excited. Also nervous. I expect to be bugging you guys when it arrives and I'm all OMG TECHNOLOGY ACK HOW DOES IT WORK *PULLS HAIR OUT* OMG. Thanks to everyone who offered advice!

The best part about this, and the reason I finally took the plunge and did it? I got a substantial raise at work, and basically the raise will pay for the Kindle in just one month wheeee! So. Pressie for meeeeee. After this, I start saving the raise. Potentially for a new computer, since Mr. Willis is still giving me conniptions on start up and also, his DVD burner no longer works.

I haven't done a single word of writing this weekend. This is particularly bad since I'm in a word war. Right. FOCUS.

In The Mood: excitedexcited
11 February 2012 @ 02:28 pm
How is it already February 11th? I feel like I've been soooo busy, when really I've kinda just been a giant slackmonster. Well, and also dealing with a bad cold (that I just got over in time to get another one) and horrible sinus problems (ongoing) and mainlining True Blood like I'm a junkie needing a V-juice fix.

Speaking of that. My online life and fandom stuff are just part of my "real life", you know? Like back in the day everyone knew I wrote QaF fic, these days everyone knows I love Bruce, etc. But sometimes it hits me that these things are not 'normal', you know? Like the other day when, at work, I referred to Alexander Skarsgard as "sex on a stick" and got surprised laughter and CLAPPING from my co-worker. Hmmm.

Randomly: I think I am the only person in existence who does not like Gale's new haircut. It's too short, yo. It's all about the hair, people! And he's got it doing that weird pushed-up-in-the-middle thing that just looks awkward.

I've also been watching too much television. In which I talk about anything that's aired already below the cuts; please don't mention any upcoming spoilers, thanks:

SupernaturalCollapse )

Project Runway All StarsCollapse )

True BloodCollapse )

Aaaaaand Bruce and Emma were out shopping for baby things the other day. It's the first time I've spotted Emma online in a while, and she has just POPPED. Got a little beach ball under there, and they both look faaaabulous:

Bruce, Emma, and the brucebabyCollapse )

I am also seriously considering getting a Kindle, mostly so I can put fanfic on it. Yes, I know. For those of you who have one, how easy is it to put fic on it? I've read the tutorials online and it says it accepts .txt files, so I'm assuming I'd just have to cut-paste a story and save it as a .txt file and then upload it? Also, I don't have wi fi so is it easy to upload it through the usb cable? Technology really DOES hate me, so I need reassurance before I jump in with both feet.

Now I should totally be writing. Yes I should.
In The Mood: contemplativecontemplative