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This page is about community-derived information, concepts, or terminology.
This page contains unofficial information, concepts, or terminology derived from or based on community discussion, invention, or knowledge. This page may be subjective and contain information or terminology that is not used by miHoYo or in official Genshin Impact communications, and may not be an officially recognized concept.

The Latin-Based Language (unofficial name), popularly known as the Abyss Language (unofficial name), can be found all over Teyvat, usually in non-mundane inscriptions such as those relating to gods, alchemy, astrology, and in association with Ley Lines; it also appears when magical seals appear, such as on some chests. The alphabet is based on Latin letters like the common written language of Teyvat, but the words and grammar are based on Classical Latin instead of English. Although there is no capitalization, there is punctuation.[1] Additionally, some versions of this alphabet are associated with the Abyss Order — and it may be that this was the script of Khaenri'ah.[2][3]

Example Texts[]

Special Forms[]

The glyphs of this alphabet are divided into top and bottom halves by a thin but deliberate gap. Typically, the full glyph is used, however in some cases, only half of the glyph is shown or only half of the glyph is relevant.


  1. The top half of the glyph is changed systematically. Specifically, the alphabet is divided into five-letter sets (with six letters for the last set) and first letter of the set uses an inverted top half of the last letter of the set, the second letter of the set uses an inverted top half of the second-last letter of the set, and so on. This results in, for example, the letters A, B, C, D, and E having an inverted top half of the letters E, D, C, B, and A for their top halves respectively, while the bottom halves remain the same.


  1. NGA: Deciphering of the Khaenri'ah Alphabet (Reddit: English translation)
  2. Archon Quest, Chapter I, Act IV - We Will Be Reunited, Part 2: A Herald Without Adherents
  3. World Quest, The Chasm Delvers: Perils in the Dark

