Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Xianyun's birthday is celebrated on April 11th.


Mortal Comforts...

After residing for so long in the mountains, one has never paid much heed to the celebration of one's day of birth, much less sought to advertise it.

But Ganyu suggested that it might be a fine occasion to invite some close friends over for a feast, which sounded to one's ears like a rather pleasant idea indeed...

One just so happens to have been working on a mechanism that can create all sorts of snacks and desserts, and thought it was high time to demonstrate its faculties to all of you. In combination with the tea that one recently procured, one worries only that the young ones might get a little carried away.

Many friends have already arrived, both old and new, so why don't you join us for a repast too?

You needn't go to the trouble of preparing a gift — your presence will be sufficient.


Birthday Artwork[]


Xianyun Birthday 2024
Xianyun Birthday 2024
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
Art by tokki
One is surprised to learn that you've kept that mechanical bird on your person all this time.
Had one known that you would cherish it so, one would have given you several.
Today just so happens to be one's off day. So, what other contraptions might you be interested in?
Whatever you fancy, a few simple flicks and it shall be so — such is one's adeptal prowess. You need not lift a finger.


Xianyun Birthday 2024 - Shorts
Xianyun Birthday 2024 - Shorts
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
"Happy Birthday, Cloud— Xianyun!"
"Why, thank you."
"Umm... Hehe... You didn't make any popcorn, did you?"
"Ha, as it just so happens, I was about to make some. It'll be ready before you know it."

