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Diluc's birthday is celebrated on April 30th.


Have you been well?

This year's fruit harvest is superior to previous ones on every front. I wanted you to experience the fine flavor at the first opportunity, so I have mailed you the choicest Apple Cider. You will find it enclosed.

I trust that your travels are going smoothly? You will undoubtedly encounter the unexpected from time to time, where the most important strength is knowing how to adapt, with having a capable assistant as the second.

I have seen how you handle things — quite simply, it's remarkable... Thus I need not worry about how you are faring.

You have many admirable qualities. In particular, your ability to unite people is awe-inspiring. These days, I often find myself drawing lessons from you when reflecting on myself. This is a novel experience for me, but also an enjoyable one.

I am forced to conclude that I must proceed forward with greater determination.

Though we may not share the same end goals, our paths are intertwined nonetheless. Thus, I shall join you on your journey.


If this opportunity hadn't come, I'm afraid I wouldn't have even thought of it.

The Valberries are at their best right now, crisp, plump, and sweet to the taste.

Unfortunately, they only grow in the humid and windy areas of the mountains and are difficult to cultivate.

There's only so many that grow naturally that they can't be used feasible in the wine industry.

But I digress, I have already taken care of everything without any issues. How are you doing?

If you have time, let's have dinner tonight.

I'd like to make a drink from the Valberries I've freshly picked and share it with you. No expense should be spared on occasions like these.

As for matters that I am unable to say in this letter, I will tell you personally when we meet.

New Drinks...

It's been some time since we last talked. I hope your travels have been smooth.

Things have been going well at Dawn Winery. We received a batch of spices from Sumeru a while back, and I tried making a few new blends with them. It might take a little time to get used to the drinks' initial taste, but I expect them to be well-received overall for their variety of flavors.

Would you like to give them a try before they're officially launched? Your suggestions have always been a great help. I'll prepare a meal that complements the drinks perfectly.

See you tonight.


Thanks to you, our new combination of fine wine and alchemical fragrance has been met with an enthusiastic response indeed, with many clients and customers passing along their personal compliments to me. Though as I see it, the one they should realty be praising is you.

According to etiquette, I should have invited you over to the winery for dinner and thanked you in person by now, but choosing the right gift took longer than I anticipated.

After giving the matter much thought, I decided that it would be most fitting to prepare one myself.

This fragrance is one I created under Adelinde's guidance, and it's one of my personal favorites.

I hope you like it too.


Birthday Artwork[]


A birthday present? ...Hmm. Yes, today is the day. I didn't think you'd remember.
Thanks for your well-wishes.
When you have time, come with me to the Dawn Winery. I have a bottle of apple cider that I brewed personally... This is a fitting moment to open it
Diluc Birthday 2021
Diluc Birthday 2021
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
Art by 悌太
Thank you. I'm not surprised that you are the first person to wish me a happy birthday today...
The Winery staff deliberately asked me to mix drinks in town today, so they must be secretly preparing something...
Forget it, I'll let them be. I've recently squeezed some grape juice and happened to have it bottled to taste. Care to have a drink with me if you don't mind?
If you don't have any other arrangements, please join me at the Winery for a casual dinner.
Thank you for your gift, it's beautifully packaged. That's very kind of you.
Things are pretty quiet at the Guild today. I'm not sure if it happens to be an idle day or if they set aside the day for me.
Well, let's go then. It happens to be the fresh fruit season and there is a beverage recipe I would like to try. Please do me the honor and join me for a drink.
What you think always matters to me.
Diluc Birthday 2023 2
Diluc Birthday 2023 2
Official Ella Musk Twitter
Art by taugeeee
Huh. When it suddenly flew off, I thought it had discovered a hidden foe. Turns out... it was just you.
I guess it really likes you. I hope you don't mind that it took off with the present you brought. Thanks.
Since it's still early, why not take advantage of the time to watch Mondstadt's sunrise together?
Long nights are always followed by a magnificent sunrise. I think you'll enjoy it.
The Winery's grapes have all been ripening these days. I was afraid the staff might be too shorthanded to pick them all themselves, so I came to help out.
Take this bunch of grapes — we can make some juice with them. When they're ripe enough, grapes possess a wonderful sweetness and a strong, fruity fragrance. Your kind of flavor, if I'm not mistaken.
As for the ones that aren't fully ripe yet... Those can be used for fermentation. Don't worry, none of them will go to waste.


Diluc Birthday 2021 - Shorts
Diluc Birthday 2021 - Shorts
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
To Master Diluc:
The threat outside Mondstadt City has been eliminated, so please take some time to relax tonight!
Diluc Birthday 2022 - Shorts
Diluc Birthday 2022 - Shorts
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
"Paimon, if you stand there, I'm afraid the wind will blow you away..."
"One last place to clean! Traveler, after we finish cleaning the leaves, let's go to..."
"Master D—Diluc!"
Diluc Birthday 2023 - Shorts
Diluc Birthday 2023 - Shorts
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
"Hm. Not a bad strategy. Come on. It's your turn."
"Whoa...! The Traveler is in for a struggle now!"
Diluc Birthday 2024 - Shorts
Diluc Birthday 2024 - Shorts
Official Genshin Impact Twitter
"Master Diluc, you look like you're in a good mood today. It's not often that I see you picking grapes!"
"Thank you for keeping me company, Adelinde."
"It's my pleasure, Master Diluc."

Taking Pictures and Recounting Good Times[]

April 30, 2023

Today is Diluc's birthday, let's go and celebrate with him!
Traveler: We're here!
Diluc: Good evening, you two.
Paimon: We brought a whole lot of new ingredients! Now we can make all kinds of new drinks, hehe.
Diluc: You should both be familiar with the basics of drink-making by now.
Paimon: That's right. We got some good reviews from everyone, too.
Diluc: Then feel free to use your creativity. If necessary, I can provide some pointers.
Traveler: Let's try making some cider from these Zaytun Peaches first.
Paimon: Okay! Hmm, why don't we add some Ajilenakh Nuts too? Or maybe some of these Henna Berries... Paimon's never had them before, but it's worth a try, right?
Traveler: Don't get too greedy, Paimon. One step at a time.
Diluc: The "Gray Valley Sunset" you made last time was quite tasty. I look forward to trying out the drinks you'll make today. I'll be sure to savor them properly.
A new photo has been recorded! Let's check it out~
Dialogue Review: "I look forward to trying out the drinks you'll make today. I'll be sure to savor them properly."
Diluc TPRGT 2023 - Aether
Diluc TPRGT 2023 - Lumine

April 30, 2022

Today is Diluc's birthday, let's go and celebrate with him!
Diluc: We've finished up earlier than I expected. Thank you for your help.
Diluc: Elzer has already started to prepare for this evening's dinner party, so I'll head back first.
Diluc: I'll see you then.
A new photo has been recorded! Let's check it out~
Dialogue Review: "Elzer has already started to prepare for this evening's dinner party, so I'll head back first. I'll see you then."
Diluc TPRGT 2022 - Aether
Diluc TPRGT 2022 - Lumine

