
Complex quantum networks: a topical review. (English) Zbl 07871238

Summary: These are exciting times for quantum physics as new quantum technologies are expected to soon transform computing at an unprecedented level. Simultaneously network science is flourishing proving an ideal mathematical and computational framework to capture the complexity of large interacting systems. Here we provide a comprehensive and timely review of the rising field of complex quantum networks. On one side, this subject is key to harness the potential of complex networks in order to provide design principles to boost and enhance quantum algorithms and quantum technologies. On the other side this subject can provide a new generation of quantum algorithms to infer significant complex network properties. The field features fundamental research questions as diverse as designing networks to shape Hamiltonians and their corresponding phase diagram, taming the complexity of many-body quantum systems with network theory, revealing how quantum physics and quantum algorithms can predict novel network properties and phase transitions, and studying the interplay between architecture, topology and performance in quantum communication networks. Our review covers all of these multifaceted aspects in a self-contained presentation aimed both at network-curious quantum physicists and at quantum-curious network theorists. We provide a framework that unifies the field of quantum complex networks along four main research lines: network-generalized, quantum-applied, quantum-generalized and quantum-enhanced. Finally we draw attention to the connections between these research lines, which can lead to new opportunities and new discoveries at the interface between quantum physics and network science.
{© 2024 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd}


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