
Photon propagator for inflation in the general covariant gauge. (English) Zbl 07917321

Summary: Photon propagator for power-law inflation is considered in the general covariant gauges within the canonical quantization formalism. Photon mode functions in covariant gauges are considerably more complicated than their scalar counterparts, except for the special choice of the gauge-fixing parameter we call the simple covariant gauge. We explicitly construct the position space photon propagator in the simple covariant gauge, and find the result considerably more complicated than its scalar counterpart. This is because of the need for explicitly inverting the Laplace operator acting on the scalar propagator, which results in Appell’s fourth function. Our propagator correctly reproduces the de Sitter and flat space limits. We use this propagator to compute two simple observables: the off-coincident field strength-field strength correlator and the energy-momentum tensor, both of which yield consistent results. As a spinoff of our computation we also give the exact expression for the Coulomb gauge propagator in power-law inflation in arbitrary dimensions.


83Cxx General relativity
81Txx Quantum field theory; related classical field theories
83Fxx Relativistic cosmology




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