
Light scalars on cosmological backgrounds. (English) Zbl 1384.83071

Summary: We study the behaviour of a light quartically self-interacting scalar field \(\phi\) on curved backgrounds that may be described with the cosmological equation state parameter \(w\). At leading order in the non-perturbative 2PI expansion we find a general formula for the variance \(\left\langle {\widehat{\phi}}^2\right\rangle \) and show for several previously unexplored cases, including matter domination and kination, that the curvature of space can induce a significant excitation of the field. We discuss how the generation of a non-zero variance for \(w-1\) can be understood as a process of self-regulation of the infrared divergences very similarly to what is known to occur in de Sitter space. To conclude, the appearance of an effective mass due to self-interaction is generic for a light scalar in curved space and can have important implications for reheating, vacuum stability and dark matter generation.


83F05 Relativistic cosmology
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein’s, including asymmetric field theories
83C47 Methods of quantum field theory in general relativity and gravitational theory


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