
An expansion formula for type \(A\) and Kronecker quantum cluster algebras. (English) Zbl 1435.81115

Summary: We introduce an expansion formula for elements in quantum cluster algebras associated to type \(A\) and Kronecker quivers with principal quantization. Our formula is parametrized by perfect matchings of snake graphs as in the classical case. In the Kronecker type, the coefficients are \(q\)-powers whose exponents are given by a weight function induced by the lattice of perfect matchings. As an application, we prove that a reflectional symmetry on the set of perfect matchings satisfies Stembridge’s \(q = -1\) phenomenon with respect to the weight function. Furthermore, we discuss a relation of our expansion formula to generating functions of BPS states.


81T10 Model quantum field theories
81P16 Quantum state spaces, operational and probabilistic concepts
13F60 Cluster algebras
05C10 Planar graphs; geometric and topological aspects of graph theory
16G20 Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets




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