K-Theory and Homology (math.KT)

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    The first part of the paper explains how to encode a one-cocycle and a two-cocycle on a group $G$ with values in its representation by networks of planar trivalent graphs with edges labelled by elements of $G$, elements of the representation floating in the regions, and suitable rules for manipulation of these diagrams. When the group is a semidirect product, there is a similar presentation via overlapping networks for the two subgroups involved. M. Kontsevich and J.-L. Cathelineau have shown how to interpret the entropy of a finite random variable and infinitesimal dilogarithms, including their four-term functional relations, via 2-cocycles on the group of affine symmetries of a line. We convert their construction into a diagrammatical calculus evaluating planar networks that describe morphisms in suitable monoidal categories. In particular, the four-term relations become equalities of networks analogous to associativity equations. The resulting monoidal categories complement existing categorical and operadic approaches to entropy.
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    We propose a generalization of K-theory to operator systems. Motivated by spectral truncations of noncommutative spaces described by $C^*$-algebras and inspired by the realization of the K-theory of a $C^*$-algebra as the Witt group of hermitian forms, we introduce new operator system invariants indexed by the corresponding matrix size. A direct system is constructed whose direct limit possesses a semigroup structure, and we define the $K_0$-group as the corresponding Grothendieck group. This is an invariant of unital operator systems, and, more generally, an invariant up to Morita equivalence of operator systems. For $C^*$-algebras it reduces to the usual definition. We illustrate our invariant by means of the spectral localizer.
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    We prove a monoidal equivalence, called universal Koszul duality, between genuine equivariant K-motives on a Kac-Moody flag variety and constructible monodromic sheaves on its Langlands dual. The equivalence is obtained by a Soergel-theoretic description of both sides which extends results for finite-dimensional flag varieties by Taylor and the first author. Universal Koszul duality bundles together a whole family of equivalences for each point of a maximal torus. At the identity, it recovers an ungraded version of Beilinson-Ginzburg-Soergel's and Bezrukavnikov-Yun's Koszul duality for equivariant and unipotently monodromic sheaves. It also generalizes Soergel-theoretic descriptions for monodromic categories on finite-dimensional flag varieties by Lusztig-Yun, Gouttard and the second author. For affine Kac-Moody groups, our work sheds new light on the conjectured quantum Satake equivalences by Cautis-Kamnitzer and Gaitsgory. On our way, we establish foundations on six functors for reduced K-motives and introduce a formalism of constructible monodromic sheaves.
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    A typical crystal is a finite piece of a material which may be invariant under some point symmetry group. If it is a so-called intrinsic higher-order topological insulator or superconductor then it displays boundary modes at hinges or corners protected by the crystalline symmetry and the bulk topology. We explain the mechanism behind that using operator K-theory. Specifically, we derive a groupoid $C^\ast$-algebra that 1) encodes the dynamics of the electrons in the infinite size limit of a crystal; 2) remembers the boundary conditions at the crystal's boundaries, and 3) accepts a natural action by the point symmetries of the atomic lattice. The filtrations of the groupoid's unit space by closed subsets that are invariant under the groupoid and point group actions supply equivariant co-filtrations of the groupoid $C^\ast$-algebra. We show that specific derivations of the induced spectral sequences in twisted equivariant K-theories enumerate all non-trivial higher-order bulk-boundary correspondences.
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    This paper is concerned with quantum cohomology and Fukaya categories of a closed monotone symplectic manifold X, where we use coefficients in a field k of characteristic p > 0. The main result of this paper is that the quantum Steenrod operations Q\Sigma admit an interpretation in terms of certain operations on the (equivariant) Hochschild invariants of the Fukaya category of X, via suitable (equivariant) versions of the open-closed maps. As an application, we demonstrate how the categorical perspective provides new tools for computing Q\Sigma beyond the reach of known technology. We also explore potential connections of our work to arithmetic homological mirror symmetry.
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    In this brief note, we present an elementary construction of the first Chern class of Hodge--Tate crystals in line bundles using a refinement of the prismatic logarithm, which should be comparable to the one considered by Bhargav Bhatt. The key to constructing this refinement is Yuri Sulyma's norm on (animated) prisms. We explain the relation of this construction to prismatic Witt vectors, as a generalization of Kaledin's polynomial Witt vectors. We also propose the prismatic Hochschild homology as a noncommutative analogue of prismatic de Rham complex.
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    In any category with a reasonable notion of cover, each object has a group of scissors automorphisms. We prove that under mild conditions, the homology of this group is independent of the object, and can be expressed in terms of the scissors congruence K-theory spectrum defined by Zakharevich. We therefore obtain both a group-theoretic interpretation of Zakharevich's higher scissors congruence K-theory, as well as a method to compute the homology of scissors automorphism groups. We apply this to various families of groups, such as interval exchange groups and Brin--Thompson groups, recovering results of Szymik--Wahl, Li, and Tanner, and obtaining new results as well.
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    Koszul duality is a fundamental correspondence between algebras for an operad $\mathcal{O}$ and coalgebras for its dual cooperad $B\mathcal{O}$, built from $\mathcal{O}$ using the bar construction. Francis-Gaitsgory proposed a conjecture about the general behavior of this duality. The main result of this paper, roughly speaking, is that Koszul duality provides an equivalence between the subcategories of nilcomplete algebras and conilcomplete coalgebras and that these are the largest possible subcategories for which such a result holds. This disproves Francis-Gaitsgory's prediction, but does provide an adequate replacement. We show that many previously known partial results about Koszul duality can be deduced from our results.
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    As part of a program to develop $K$-theoretic analogues of combinatorially important polynomials, Monical, Pechenik, and Searles (2021) proved two expansion formulas $\overline{\mathfrak{A}}_a = \sum_b Q_b^a(\beta)\overline{\mathfrak{P}}_b$ and $\overline{\mathfrak{Q}}_a = \sum_b M_b^a(\beta)\overline{\mathfrak{F}}_b,$ where each of $\overline{\mathfrak{A}}_a$, $\overline{\mathfrak{P}}_a$, $\overline{\mathfrak{Q}}_a$ and $\overline{\mathfrak{F}}_a$ is a family of polynomials that forms a basis for $\mathbb{Z}[x_1,\dots,x_n][\beta]$ indexed by weak compositions $a,$ and $Q_b^a(\beta)$ and $M_b^a(\beta)$ are monomials in $\beta$ for each pair $(a,b)$ of weak compositions. The polynomials $\overline{\mathfrak{A}}_a$ are the Lascoux atoms, $\overline{\mathfrak{P}}_a$ are the kaons, $\overline{\mathfrak{Q}}_a$ are the quasiLascoux polynomials, and $\overline{\mathfrak{F}}_a$ are the glide polynomials; these are respectively the $K$-analogues of the Demazure atoms $\mathfrak{A}_a$, the fundamental particles $\mathfrak{P}_a$, the quasikey polynomials $\mathfrak{Q}_a$, and the fundamental slide polynomials $\mathfrak{F}_a$. Monical, Pechenik, and Searles conjectured that for any fixed $a,$ $\sum_b Q_b^a(-1), \sum_b M_b^a(-1) \in \{0,1\},$ where $b$ ranges over all weak compositions. We prove this conjecture using a sign-reversing involution.
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    Let $G$ be a connected, real semisimple Lie group. Let $K<G$ be maximal compact, and let $\Gamma < G$ be discrete and such that $\Gamma \backslash G$ has finite volume. If the real rank of $G$ is $1$ and $\Gamma$ is torsion-free, then Barbasch and Moscovici obtained an index theorem for Dirac operators on the locally symmetric space $\Gamma \backslash G/K$. We obtain a higher version of this, by constructing an index of Dirac operators on $G/K$ in the $K$-theory of an algebra on which the conjugation-invariant terms in Barbasch and Moscovici's index theorem define continuous traces. The resulting index theorems also apply when $\Gamma$ has torsion. The cases of these index theorems for traces defined by semisimple orbital integrals extend to Song and Tang's higher orbital integrals, and yield nonzero and computable results even when $\operatorname{rank}(G)> \operatorname{rank}(K)$, or the real rank of $G$ is larger than $1$.
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    Given $f: M \to N$ a homotopy equivalence of compact manifolds with boundary, we use a construction of Geoghegan and Nicas to define its Reidemeister trace $[T] \in \pi_1^{st}(\mathcal{L} N, N)$. We realize the Goresky-Hingston coproduct as a map of spectra, and show that the failure of $f$ to entwine the spectral coproducts can be characterized by Chas-Sullivan multiplication with $[T]$. In particular, when $f$ is a simple homotopy equivalence, the spectral coproducts of $M$ and $N$ agree.
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    This paper is intended to present the basic properties of $KO$-theory for real $C^*$-algebras and to explain its relationship with complex $K$-theory and with $KR$- theory. Whenever possible we will rely upon proofs in printed literature, particularly the work of Karoubi, Wood, Schröder, and more recent work of Boersema and J. M. Rosenberg. In addition, we shall explain how $KO$-theory is related to the Ten-Fold Way in physics and point out how some deeper features of $KO$-theory for operator algebras may provide powerful new tools there. Commutative real $C^*$-algebras NOT of the form $C^R(X)$ will play a special role. We also will identify Atiyah's $KR^0(X, \tau ))$ in terms of $KO_0$ of an associated real $C^*$-algebra.
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    We prove a transformation formula for the Goresky-Hingston loop coproduct in string topology under homotopy equivalences of manifolds. The formula involves the trace of the Whitehead torsion of the homotopy equivalence. In particular, it implies that the loop coproduct is invariant under simple homotopy equivalences. In a sense, our results determine the Dennis trace of the simple homotopy type of a closed manifold from its framed configuration spaces of $\leq 2$ points. We also explain how the loop coproduct arises as a secondary operation in a 2-dimensional TQFT which elucidates a topological origin of the transformation formula.
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    The equivariant bootstrap class in the Kasparov category of actions of a finite group G consists of those actions that are equivalent to one on a Type I C*-algebra. Using a result by Arano and Kubota, we show that this bootstrap class is already generated by the continuous functions on G/H for all cyclic subgroups H of G. Then we prove a Universal Coefficient Theorem for the localisation of this bootstrap class at the group order |G|. This allows us to classify certain G-actions on stable Kirchberg algebras up to cocycle conjugacy.
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    We characterize the simplicity of Pimsner algebras for non-proper C*-correspondences. With the aid of this criterion, we give a systematic strategy to produce outer actions of unitary tensor categories on Kirchberg algebras. In particular, every countable unitary tensor category admits an outer action on the Cuntz algebra $\mathcal{O}_2$. We also study the realizability of modules over fusion rings as K-groups of Kirchberg algebras acted on by unitary tensor categories, which turns out to be generically true for every unitary fusion category. Several new examples are provided, among which actions on Cuntz algebras of 3-cocycle twists of cyclic groups are constructed for all possible 3-cohomological classes by answering a question asked by Izumi.
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    This paper proposes a connection between algebraic K-theory and foam cobordisms, where foams are stratified manifolds with singularities of a prescribed form. We consider $n$-dimensional foams equipped with a flat bundle of finitely-generated projective $R$-modules over each facet of the foam, together with gluing conditions along the subfoam of singular points. In a suitable sense which will become clear, a vertex (or the smallest stratum) of an $n$-dimensional foam replaces an $(n+1)$-simplex with a total ordering of vertices. We show that the first K-theory group of a ring $R$ can be identified with the cobordism group of decorated 1-foams embedded in the plane. A similar relation between the $n$-th algebraic K-theory group of a ring $R$ and the cobordism group of decorated $n$-foams embedded in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ is expected for $n>1$. An analogous correspondence is proposed for arbitrary exact categories. Modifying the embedding and other conditions on the foams may lead to new flavors of K-theory groups.
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    We develop the formalism of derived divided power algebras, and revisit the theory of derived De Rham and derived crystalline cohomology in this framework. We characterize derived De Rham cohomology of a derived commutative algebra $A$ over a base $R$, together with the Hodge filtration on it, in terms of the universal property as the largest filtered divided power thickening of $A$. We show that our approach recovers the classical De Rham cohomology in the case of a smooth map $R\rightarrow A$, and therefore in general, recovers the derived De Rham cohomology in the sense of Illusie. Along the way, we develop some generalities on square-zero extensions and derivations in derived algebraic geometry and apply them to give the universal property of the first Hodge truncation of the derived De Rham cohomology. Finally, we define derived crystalline cohomology relative to a general divided power base, show that it satisfies the main properties of the crystalline cohomology and coincides with the classical crystalline cohomology in the smooth case.
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    Given a smooth scheme $X$ over the field $\mathbb{R}$ of real numbers and a line bundle $\mathcal{L}$ on $X$ with associated topological line bundle $L=\mathcal{L}(\mathbb{R})$, we study the real cycle class map $\widetilde{\gamma}_{\mathbb{R}}:\widetilde{\mathrm{CH}}^c(X,\mathcal{L})\rightarrow\mathrm{H}^c(X(\mathbb{R}),\mathbb{Z}(L))$ from the $c$-th Chow-Witt group of $X$ to the $c$-th cohomology group of its real locus $X(\mathbb{R})$ with coefficients in the local system $\mathbb{Z}(L)$ associated with $L$. We focus on the cases $c\in\{0,d-2,d-1,d\}$ where $d$ is the dimension of $X$ and we formulate an analogue of the Hodge conjecture in terms of the exponents of the cokernel of $\widetilde{\gamma}_{\mathbb{R}}$ that is corroborated by the results obtained in those codimensions.
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    We show that for a braided Hopf algebra in the category of comodules over a cosemisimple coquasitriangular Hopf algebra, the Hochschild cohomological dimension, the left and right global dimensions and the projective dimensions of the trivial left and right module all coincide. We also provide convenient criteria for smoothness and the twisted Calabi-Yau property for such braided Hopf algebras (without the cosemisimplicity assumption on $H$), in terms of properties of the trivial module.These generalize a well-known result in the case of ordinary Hopf algebras. As an illustration, we study the case of the coordinate algebra on the two-parameter braided quantum group $\textrm{SL}_{2}$.
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    We generalize several basic facts about the motivic sphere spectrum in $\mathbb A^1$-homotopy theory to the category $\mathrm{MS}$ of non-$\mathbb A^1$-invariant motivic spectra over a derived scheme. On the one hand, we show that all the Milnor-Witt K-theory relations hold in the graded endomorphism ring of the motivic sphere. On the other hand, we show that the positive eigenspace $\mathbf 1_\mathbb Q^+$ of the rational motivic sphere is the rational motivic cohomology spectrum $\mathrm H\mathbb Q$, which represents the eigenspaces of the Adams operations on rational algebraic K-theory. We deduce several familiar characterizations of $\mathrm H\mathbb Q$-modules in $\mathrm{MS}$: a rational motivic spectrum is an $\mathrm H\mathbb Q$-module iff it is orientable, iff the involution $\langle -1\rangle$ is the identity, iff the Hopf map $\eta$ is zero, iff it satisfies étale descent. Moreover, these conditions are automatic in many cases, for example over non-orderable fields and over $\mathbb Z[\zeta_n]$ for any $n\geq 3$.
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    For any given submersion $\pi:X\to B$ with closed, oriented and spin$^c$ fibers of even dimension, equipped with a Riemannian and differential spin$^c$ structure $\boldsymbol{\pi}$, we construct an analytic index $\textrm{ind}^a_k$ in odd $\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z}$ $K$-theory on the cocycle level by associating to every cocycle $(\mathbf{E}, \mathbf{F}, \alpha)$ of the odd $\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z}$ $K$-theory group of $X$ a cocycle $\textrm{ind}^a_k(\mathbf{E}, \mathbf{F}, \alpha)$ of the odd $\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z}$ $K$-theory group of $B$. The cocycle $\textrm{ind}^a_k(\mathbf{E}, \mathbf{F}, \alpha)$ is defined in terms of the twisted spin$^c$ Dirac operators associated to $(\mathbf{E}, \boldsymbol{\pi})$ and $(\mathbf{F}, \boldsymbol{\pi})$, which are not assumed to satisfy the kernel bundle assumption. We prove a Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck type formula in odd $\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z}$ $K$-theory, which expresses the Cheeger-Chern-Simons form of $\textrm{ind}^a_k(\mathbf{E}, \mathbf{F}, \alpha)$ in terms of that of $(\mathbf{E}, \mathbf{F}, \alpha)$. Furthermore, we show that the analytic index $\textrm{ind}^a_k$ and the Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck type formula in odd $\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z}$ $K$-theory refine the geometric bundle part of the analytic index and the Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck theorem in $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ $K$-theory, respectively. An as intermediate result, we give a proof that the analytic indexes in differential $K$-theory defined without the kernel bundle assumption via the Atiyah-Singer-Gorokhovsky-Lott approach and the Miscenko-Fomenko-Freed-Lott approach, respectively, are equal.
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    A field $K$ is $d$-local if there exist fields $K=k_d,\dots,k_0$ with $k_{i+1}$ completely discretely valued with residue field $k_i$, and $k_0$ quasi-finite. We prove a duality theorem for the Galois cohomology of such $K$ with many coefficients, including finite coefficients of any order. Previously, such duality was only known in few cases : as a perfect pairing of finite groups for finite coefficients prime to $\mathrm{char} k_0$ in general, or for any finite coefficients when $k_1$ is $p$-adic ; or as a perfect pairing of locally compact Hausdorff groups for the $\mathrm{fppf}$ cohomology of finite group schemes when $K$ is local. With no obvious reasonable topology available, we abandon perfectness altogether and instead obtain nondegenerate pairings of abstract abelian groups. This is done with new diagram-chasing results for pairings of torsion groups, allowing an approach by dévissage which breaks our results down to the study of pairings $K^M_r(K)/p\times H^{d+1-r}_p(K)\to\mathbb Z/p$ using results of Kato.
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    Given a discrete group $G$ with a finite model for $\underline{E}G$, we study $K(n)^*(BG)$ and $E^*(BG)$, where $K(n)$ is the $n$-th Morava $K$-theory for a given prime and $E$ is the height $n$ Morava $E$-theory. In particular we generalize the character theory of Hopkins, Kuhn and Ravenel who studied these objects for finite groups. We give a formula for a localization of $E^*(BG)$ and the $K(n)$-theoretic Euler characteristic of $BG$ in terms of centralizers. In certain cases these calculations lead to a full computation of $E^*(BG)$, for example when $G$ is a right angled Coxeter group, and for $G=SL_3(\mathbb{Z})$. We apply our results to the mapping class group $\Gamma_\frac{p-1}{2}$ for an odd prime $p$ and to certain arithmetic groups, including the symplectic group $Sp_{p-1}(\mathbb{Z})$ for an odd prime $p$ and $SL_2(\mathcal{O}_K)$ for a totally real field $K$.
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    We outline how the group $K_{-1}( \mathbb{Z}[G] )$ for a finite group $G$ can be computed using the computer language $GAP$ and compile a table of all groups $G$ of order less than $100$ that have torsion in $K_{-1}( \mathbb{Z}[G] )$.
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    For any additive functor from modules (or, more generally, from an abelian category with enough projectives or injectives), we construct long sequences tying up together the derived functors, the satellites, and the stabilizations of the functor. For half-exact functors, the obtained sequences are exact. For general functors, nontrivial homology may only appear at the derived functors. Specializing to the familiar Hom and tensor product functors on finitely presented modules, we recover the classical formulas of Auslander. Unlike those formulas, our results hold for arbitrary rings and arbitrary modules, finite or infinite. The same formalism leads to universal coefficient theorems for homology and cohomology of arbitrary complexes. The new results are even more explicit for the cohomology of projective complexes and the homology of flat complexes.
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    We begin to study Steinberg groups associated with a locally isotropic reductive group $G$ over a arbitrary ring. We propose a construction of such a Steinberg group functor as a group object in a certain completion of the category of presheaves. We also show that it is a crossed module over $G$ in a unique way, in particular, that the $\mathrm K_2$-functor is central. If $G$ is globally isotropic in a suitable sense, then the Steinberg group functor exists as an ordinary group-valued functor and all such abstract Steinberg groups are crossed modules over the groups of points of $G$.
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    Given a self-adjoint operator $H\geq 0$ and (appropriate) densely defined and closed operators $P_{1},\dots, P_{n}$ in a Hilbert space $\mathscr{H}$, we provide a systematic study of bounded operators given by iterated integrals \beginalign\labeloh \int_{ 0≤s_1≤\dots≤s_n≤t}\mathrme^-s_1HP_1\mathrme^-(s_2-s_1)HP_2⋯\mathrme^-(s_n-s_n-1)HP_n \mathrme^-(t-s_n)H\u2009\mathrmd s_1 \ldots \mathrmd s_n,\quad t>0. \endalign These operators arise naturally in noncommutative geometry and the geometry of loop spaces. Using Fermionic calculus, we give a natural construction of an enlarged Hilbert space $\mathscr{H}^{(n)}$ and an analytic semigroup $\mathrm{e}^{-t (H^{(n)}+P^{(n)} )}$ thereon, such that $\mathrm{e}^{-t (H^{(n)}+P^{(n)} )}$ composed from the left with (essentially) a Fermionic integration gives precisely the above iterated operator integral. This formula allows to establish important regularity results for the latter, and to derive a stochastic representation for it, in case $H$ is a covariant Laplacian and the $P_{j}$'s are first-order differential operators. Finally, with $H$ given as the square of the Dirac operator on a spin manifold, this representation is used to derive a stochastic refinement of the Duistermaat-Heckman localization formula on the loop space of a spin manifold.
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    We construct a fundamental theory of the derived category of non-finite bi-filtered complexes.
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    In this paper, we introduce the quantitative coarse Baum-Connes conjecture with coefficients (or QCBC, for short) for proper metric spaces which refines the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture. And we prove that QCBC is derived by the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture with coefficients which provides many examples satisfying QCBC. In the end, we show QCBC can be reduced to the uniformly quantitative coarse Baum-Connes conjecture with coefficients of a sequence of bounded metric spaces.
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    Inspired by the quantitative $K$-theory, in this paper, we introduce the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture with filtered coefficients which generalizes the original conjecture. The are two advantages for the conjecture with filtered coefficients. Firstly, the routes toward the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture also work for the conjecture with filtered coefficients. Secondly, the class of metric spaces that satisfy the conjecture with filtered coefficients is closed under products and yet it is not known for the original conjecture. As an application, we show some new examples of product metric spaces for the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture.
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    We give a Borel-type presentation of the torus-equivariant (small) quantum $K$-ring of flag manifolds of type $C$.
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    It is well known that the $[0,1]$ and $[0,2]$ Postnikov truncations of the units of the topological $K$-theories $\glone KO$ and $\glone \KU$, respectively, are split, and that the splitting is provided by the ($\Z/2$-graded) line bundles. In this note we give a similar splitting for the units of algebraic $K$-theories $\glone K(\Z)$ and $\glone K(\F_\ell)$ for a prime $\ell$. We also give a complete calculation of the connective spectrum of strict units of these $K$-theory spectra.
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    We provide an explicit computation of the topological $K$-theory groups $K_*(C_r^*(\mathbb{Z}^n\rtimes \mathbb{Z}/m))$ of semidirect products of the form $\mathbb{Z}^n\rtimes \mathbb{Z}Z/m$ with $m$ square-free. We want to highlight the fact that we are not impossing any conditions on the $\Z/m$-action on $\mathbb{Z}^n$. This generalizes previous computations of Lück-Davis and Langer-Lück.
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    In this paper, we prove an upper bound on the $\widehat{A}$ genus of a smooth, closed, spin Riemannian manifold using its scalar curvature lower bound, Neumann isoperimetric constant, and volume. The proof of this result relies on spectral analysis of the Dirac operator. We also construct an example to show that the Neumann isoperimetric constant in this bound is necessary. Our result partially answers a question of Gromov on bounding characteristic numbers using scalar curvature lower bound.
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    We build a hermitian Q-construction that extends that of Calmès et al, and compare it with the real S-construction of the current authors. From this, we deduce an equivalence between the real K-theory genuine $C_2$-spaces of the aforementioned works.
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    The elementary action of symplectic and orthogonal groups on unimodular rows of length $2n$ is transitive for $2n \geq \max(4, d+2)$ in the symplectic case, and $2n \geq \max(6, 2d+4)$ in the orthogonal case, over monoid rings $R[M]$, where $R$ is a commutative noetherian ring of dimension $d$, and $M$ is commutative cancellative torsion free monoid. As a consequence, one gets the surjective stabilization bound for the $K_1$ for classical groups. This is an extension of J. Gubeladze's results for linear groups.
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    In this note, we study the $p$-complete topological cyclic homology of the affine line relative to a ring $A$ which is smooth over a perfectoid ring $R$. Denoting by $NTC(A; \mathbb{Z}_p)$ the spectrum which measures the failure of $\mathbb{A}^1$-invariance on $A$, we observe a kind of Quillen-Lichtenbaum phenomena for $NTC(A; \mathbb{Z}_p)$ -- that it is isomorphic to its own $K(1)$-localization in a specified range of degrees which depends on the relative dimension of $A$. Somewhat surprisingly, this range is better than considerations following from a theorem of Bhatt-Mathew and étale-to-syntomic comparisons. Via the Dundas-Goodwillie-McCarthy theorem, we obtain a description of the algebraic $K$-theory of $p$-completed affine line over such rings.
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    The article gives the second part of the treatise on Regular Algebraic $K$-theory (Sections V & VI) of the author. Regular algebraic $K$-theory for groups is a homology theory for discrete groups closely connected to (but different from) ordinary group homology. It also gives a version of algebraic $K$-theory for rings by the simple functorial mapping assigning to the ring $R$ the (perfect) commutator subgroup $E ( R )$ of the infinitedimensional general linear group over $R$.
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    We compute the MU-based syntomic cohomologies, mod $(p,v_1,\cdots,v_{n+1})$, of all $\mathbb{E}_1$-MU-algebra forms of connective Morava K-theory k(n). As qualitative consequences, we deduce the Lichtenbaum--Quillen conjecture, telescope conjecture, and redshift conjecture for the algebraic K-theories of all $\mathbb{E}_{1}$-$\mathbb{S}$-algebra forms of $(2p^n-2)$-periodic Morava K-theory. Notably, the motivic spectral sequence computing $\pi_*TC(k(n))_p$ is concentrated on at most three lines, independently of $n$.
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    We study embeddings $E\to E\times E$ of a directed graph $E$ that induce a *-homomorphism $A\otimes A\to A$, where $A:=C^*(E)^{U(1)}$ is the core of the graph C*-algebra of $E$. Through the external product in K-theory, any such a *-homomorphism induces a ring structure on $K_*(A)$. Our main interest is the C*-algebras $A=C(\mathbb{C}P^{n-1}_q)$ of a quantum projective space. For this C*-algebra, we give a direct proof of some identities in K-theory that classically follow from the ring structure of $K^0(\mathbb{C}P^{n-1})$. The proof of these identities is based on graph C*-algebras and is alternative to the one by Arici, Brain and Landi using index theory, and to the one by the author, Hajac, Maszczyk, Sheu and Zielinski using groupoid C*-algebras.
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    In [Ill79], Illusie constructed de Rham-Witt complex of smooth $\mathbb F_p$-algebras R, which computes the crystalline cohomology of R, a $\mathbb Z_p$-lift of the de Rham cohomology of R. There are two different extensions of de Rham-Witt complex: a relative version discovered by Langer-Zink, and a noncommutative version, called Hochschild-Witt homology, constructed by Kaledin. The key to Kaledin's construction is his polynomial Witt vectors. In this article, we introduce a common extension of both: relative Hochschild-Witt homology. It is simply defined to be topological Hochschild homology relative to the Tambara functor $W(\mathbb F_p)$. Adopting Hesselholt's proof of his HKR theorem, we deduce an HKR theorem for relative Hochschild-Witt homology, which relates its homology groups to relative de Rham-Witt complex. We also identify Kaledin's polynomial Witt vectors as the relative Hill-Hopkins-Ravenel norm, which allows us to identify our Hochschild-Witt homology relative to $\mathbb F_p$ with Kaledin's Hochschild-Witt homology. As a consequence, we deduce a comparison between Hochschild-Witt homology and topological restriction homology, fulfilling a missing part of [Kal19].
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    Derived de Rham cohomology turns out to be important in p-adic geometry, following Bhatt's discovery [Bha12] of conjugate filtration in char p, de-Hodge-completing results in [Bei12]. In [Kal18], Kaledin introduced an analogous de-completion of the periodic cyclic homology, called the polynomial periodic cyclic homology, equipped with a conjugate filtration in char p, and expected to be related to derived de Rham cohomology. In this article, using genuine equivariant homotopy structure on Hochschild homology as in [ABG+18, BHM22], we give an equivariant description of Kaledin's polynomial periodic cyclic homology. This leads to Morita invariance without any Noetherianness assumption as in [Kal18], and the comparison to derived de Rham cohomology becomes transparent. Moreover, this description adapts directly to "topological" analogues, which gives rise to a de-Nygaard-completion of the topological periodic cyclic homology over a perfectoid base. We compare it to topological Hochschild homology over $\mathbb F_p$, and produce a conjugate filtration in char p from our description.
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    This approach is based on the idea used to construct the so-called ${\bf fr}$-language. We construct such functorial languages as the ${\bf fr_{\infty}}$-language and other versions of it on categories of groups using the lower central series of groups of relations. In addition, we compute higher limits of the coinvariants of exterior powers, free Lie powers of modules of relations associated to free representations of groups. We show that such ${\bf fr_{\infty}}$-languages have remarkable properties when restricted to groups of finite homological dimension, torsion-free groups, and groups having no torsion up to $n$. Finally, we show how one can use functorial languages to transform categories/varieties of groups into certain spectra, which we call flux-spectra.
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    We introduce the notion of (strong) subexponential growth for étale groupoids and study its basic properties. In particular, we show that the K-groups of the associated groupoid $L^p$-operator algebras are independent of $p \in [1,\infty)$ whenever the groupoid has strong subexponential growth. Several examples are discussed. Most significantly, we apply classical tools from analytic number theory to exhibit an example of an étale groupoid associated with a shift of infinite type which has strong subexponential growth, but not polynomial.
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    In the tight-binding approximation, an Iwatsuka magnetic field is modeled by a function on $\mathbb{Z}^2$ with constant, but distinct values in the two parts of the lattice separated by a straight line of slope $\alpha\in [-\infty,\infty]$. In this paper, the $K$-theory of the magnetic $C^*$-algebras generated by an Iwatsuka magnetic field for any possible $\alpha$ is computed. One interesting aspect concerns the analysis of the behavior of the system in the transition from rational to irrational $\alpha$. It turns out that when $\alpha$ is irrational, the magnetic hull associated with the flux operator forms a Cantor set. On the other hand, for rational $\alpha$ this set coincides with the two-point compactification of $\mathbb{Z}$. This characterization, along with the use of the Pimsner-Voiculescu exact sequence, is the main ingredient for the computation of the $K$-theory. Once the $K$-theory is known, with the use of the index theory one can deduce the bulk-interface correspondence for tight-binding Hamiltonians subjected to an Iwatsuka magnetic field. Notably, it occurs that the topological quantization of the interface currents remains independent of the slope $\alpha$.
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    It is proven that in the universal splitexact equivariant algebraic $KK$-theory for algebras, the $K$-theory groups coincide with classical $K$-theory in the sense of Phillips. This partially answers a question raised by Kasparov.
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    We prove that a motivic equivalence of objects of the form \beginequation* X/(X-x)≃X^\prime/(X^\prime-x^\prime) \endequation* in $\mathbf{H}^\bullet(B)$ or $\mathbf{DM}(B)$ over a scheme $B$, where $x$ and $x^\prime$ are closed points of smooth $B$-schemes $X$ and $X^\prime$, implies an isomorphism of residue fields, i.e. \[x≅x^\prime.\]For a given $d\geq 0$, $X,X^\prime\in\mathrm{Sm}_B$, $\operatorname{dim}_B X=d=\operatorname{dim}_B X^\prime$, and closed points $x$ and $x^\prime$ that residue fields are simple extensions of the ones of $B$, we show an isomorphism of groups \[\mathrmHom_\mathbfDM(B)(X/(X-x),X^\prime/(X^\prime-x^\prime)))≅\mathrmCor(x,x^\prime),\]and prove that it leads to an equivalence of subcategories. Additionally, using the result on perverse homotopy heart by F.~Déglise and N.~Feld and F.~Jin and the strict homotopy invariance theorem for presheaves with transfers over fields by the first author, we prove an equivalence of the Rost cycle modules category and the homotopy heart of $\mathbf{DM}(k)$ over a field $k$ with integral coefficients.
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    Many products amongst $v_2$-periodic families in the stable homotopy groups of spheres are shown not to vanish and some Toda brackets are shown not to contain zero. This is done by carefully studying the action of Adams operations on topological modular forms. A crucial ingredient is Pstragowski's category of synthetic spectra which affords us the necessary freedom to work with (modified) Adams--Novikov spectral sequences.
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    On (4n + 1)-dimensional (noncompact) manifolds admitting proper cocompact Lie group actions, we explore the analytic and topological sides of Kervaire semi-characteristics. The analytic side puts together two interpretations, one via assembly maps, and the other via dimensions of kernels. The topological side is ensured by the proper cocompact version of the Hodge theorem. The two sides coincide and admit an Atiyah type vanishing theorem.
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    We study a construction of diagrams of dualizable presentable stable $\infty$-categories associated with certain fiber-cofiber sequences over rigid bases, which are sent by localizing invariants, in particular continuous K-theory, to limit diagrams. We apply this to investigate two closely related types of diagrams pertinent to the formal gluing situation; we recover Clausen--Scholze's gluing of continuous K-theory along punctured tubular neighborhoods via Efimov's nuclear module category, and we verify a continuous version of adelic descent statement for localizing invariants on dualizable categories.