Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Maluria (also known as Epsilon Fornacis) was a star with an associated system in Fornax constellation, in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. The system was inside or in the vicinity of the Kandari sector, at coordinates -5527, -903. (ST reference: Star Charts, ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel; ST video game: Star Charts)

History and specifics[]

Maluria was the location of a planetary system, the orbit of which included the Malurian homeworld, Malur. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel)

In the 22nd century, the Malurians kept close to their system. Only the Raldul alignment ventured outside and was ostracized as a result. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novels: A Choice of Futures, Tower of Babel)

Political, economic and military destabilization in the Beta Rigel system, possibly affecting the entire Kandari sector and beyond, threatened the prosperity of Maluria in 2164. The threat was ended when the United Rigel Worlds and Colonies joined the Federation, which decreased crime in the system. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel)

Prior to stardate 3541, Doctor Manway led a Federation science team into the system. At the time, there were four billion Malurians living in the system. One week after Doctor Manway sent a routine report, the Malurians sent a distress call. The Federation Constitution-class starship USS Enterprise responded and found the system cleansed of all life by the probe Nomad. (TOS episode: "The Changeling")

The Enterprise spent 12 days in the system conducting repairs after having engaged the Nomad probe. (TOS - Star Trek: The Manga - Kakan ni Shinkou comic: "Communications Breakdown")

By 2328, this system was home to the Malurian System Medical Station. (TNG episode: "Inheritance")

Alternate realities[]

In the Kelvin timeline 23rd century, the Maluria vicinity was in neutral space unclaimed by major governments, located at coordinates -5479, -1324. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

The system has an ID code of 2876 in the game software and the player is likely to encounter an Orion slaver starship here.

System makeup[]

Epsilon Fornacis (Maluria) system primary star
  • at least four planets:
    • Vost
    • Vaolas
    • Malur
      • Maluria Celestia I
      • Maluria Celestia II



Template:Maluria system

objects of the Fornax constellation
stars and systems Fornax • 65 Fornacis • Alpha Fornacis • Epsilon Fornacis (Maluria) • Kappa Fornacis (Deneva) • Zeta Fornacis • Omega Fornacis (Omega Fornacis A)
planets and planetoids Deneva • Fornax I • Fornax II • Malur • Omega Fornacis I • Omega Fornacis II • Tiburon • Zeta Fornacis VI
Stars, systems and objects of the Cygnus constellation
16 Cygni • 61 Cygni (Tellar) • Alpha Cygni (Deneb) • Beta Cygni (Albireo; Cygnia Minor) • Cygnus Reach • Delta Cygni (Delta Cygnus) • Gamma Cygnet region (Gamma Cygnet planetoid • Gamma Cygni (Sadr, 37 Cygni) • Tree of Life planetoid) • Cygnus system • Epsilon Cygni • Omega Cygni (Maluria • Cygnet) • Theta Cygni • Veil Nebula • Ylva Cygni • Cygnia Miros • Cygni Ora the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Cygnus system Cygnus system primary star: Cygnus III • Cygnus IV • Cygnus VII
Cygni system Cygni system primary star: Cygni I • Cygni II • Cygni III
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (M)
M-370 • M24 Alpha • Maat • Macedon • Mada • Madara • Maddux • Madorax • Madras • Magama • Magefferus • Magistor • Maidana • Maion • Maitor • Makiax • Makiban • Maklin • Makon • Makrecha • Maldara • Malindi • Maliora • Maltharin • Maluria • Malvestia • Mamox • Manak • Manark • Manda Tor • Mandela • Mandrak • Mandylion • Manitoba • Manta • Manu • Manurda • Manutor • MAO • Maq • Mar Daraan • Mara • Marcan • Marcipor • Mardella • Mardelva • Mariem • Mariphasa • Marius • Marja • Mar'koth • Mark'veth • Marram • Marrat • Marr-i-nul • Marris • Martin Singularity • Marzan • Marzana • Mar'zek • Mash'gar • Masir • Masum • Matori • Mat'reth • Mats Daraan • Mau'pek • Mavok • Mav'renas • Maxez • Maxona • Maxor Tor • Mayara • Maynard • Maz • Mazav • Mazda • Mazur • McCarthy • Mecanda • Medero • Med'pek • Meezan • Meir • Mek Daraan • Mekbuda • Mekreb • Meldrar • Melila • Melina • Melona • Menak • Menebis • Menelo • Meneri • Mengen • Menidex • Menith • Mercaniad • Mercenam • Mereez • Merellion Sigma • Meridian • Merisa • Merope • Meruun • Mesanti • Mesarthim • Meslah • Mestrek • Meta • Metaga • Metnor • Mevraan • Mewudoh • Mexar • Mezius • Micara • Mida • Midnight • Midos • Milav • Milia • Milika • Miliok • Milira • Milora • Milro • Milum • Mimion • Minara • Mines • Minidine • Minona • Minorva • Minox • Mira Maj • Miraj • Mirak • Miraso • Mirazh • Mirdonyae • Mirfak • Miridian • Mirin • Mirith • Miros • Mir'tara • Misen • Miskar • Misor • Mith'dex • Mithror Tor • Mitra Tor • Mixtus • Mizav • Moetar • Mokak • Mol'gath • Molinor • Molinus • Molion • Moliul • Molvos • Momiok • Momius • Mondoloy • Monera • Mongo • Monra • Montgomery • Montor • Montrex • Mot'har • Mothren • Mora • Morel • Moriax • Mos'rammi • Mo'teth • Mountjoy • Moussis Vortex • Movor • Moxes • Mozus • Mrang • Mu Herculis • Mudor • Muldor • Munek • Munjeb • Mu'pek • Murakami • Murgoth • Muro • Murobis • Musana • Muuntra • Myral • Myram • Myroan Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (M) Maaz • Makus • Malcor • Maluria • Mantichoras • Mariah • Mathen • Maurer • Maxia Zeta • Megara • Megrez • Melik • Menkalinan • Menzies 216 • Merak • Mirach • Mirish • Mizar • Monac • Moriya • Mu Andromedae • Mu Ceti • Mu Draconis Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (M) M'Char • M43 Alpha • M67 Alpha • Maht-H'a • Makar • Maluria • Mandel • Mandylor • Maranga • M'Char • Mebsuta • Medusa • Mempa • Menk • Menkent • Metron • Miaplacidus • Minkar • Mintaka • Mira Antliae • Miridian • Morska • Moselina • Mu Arae • Mu Horologii • Mu Leonis • Mu Leonis A • Mu Velorum • Mu Virginis • Mutara Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (E)
Ebion • Ebor Tor • Eclosionatu's Depths • Edara • Edela • Ederlyn's End • Edjara • Edmora • Edora • Edrin • Edris • Edvaran • Egara 172 • Eisenhower • Eivox • Eizeb • Ekinus • Ekkoran • El Adrel • Elamin • Elamra • Elba • Eldara • Electri • Elex • Elgard • Elkauron • Ellion • Ellison's Star • Elnon • Elohim • Elona • Elsk'veth • Elthan • Elvada • Elven • Elvros • Elysia Incendae • Elzan • Elzbar • Elzibar • Emben • Emila • Eminiar • Emkaid • Emmeline's Gate • Emrana • Em'vara • Emvatra • Endicor • Endless Maw • Endra • Enkoth • Enoch • Enori • Enra • Entera • Entrunar • Eofaran • Eojur • Ephrata • Epsilon 119 • Epsilon Anubis (Epsilon Anubis A • Epsilon Anubis B) • Epsilon Ballara • Epsilon Beta • Epsilon Ceti • Epsilon Delta • Epsilon Fornacis • Epsilon Ionis • Epsilon Kitaj • Epsilon Lyra • Epsilon Minora • Epsilon Miranda • Epsilon Sierra • Epsilon Sorona • Epsilon Tauri • Epsilon Theta • Epsilon Ursae Majoris • Epsion • Equess • Eramor • Ercola • Erdor • Ereb • Erela Daraan • Eremar • Ergol • Erivek • Erkia • Er'vadi • Ervik • Esabl • Escor • Esinda • Eskiis • Essai • Ess'vara • Estasi • Esto • Estrada • Estron • Estrona Daraan • Eta Seratorn • Eta Tauri • Eta Trianguli • Eth'bernek • Eth'daja • Eth'fera • Eth'kaba • Eth'kina • Eth'mola • Eth'silva • Eth'teo • Eth'vara • Etla • Evadex • Evara • Evek • Excalbia • Exona Daraan • Exor • Eye of Gabriel • Eye of Helia • Ezani Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (E) Edasich • El Nath • Elasi Prime • Eltanin • Ennar • Entelior • Epsilon Aurigae • Epsilon Boötis • Epsilon Cygni • Epsilon Draconis • Epsilon Ophiuchi • Epsilon Serpentis • Eta Cassiopeiae • Eta Coronae Borealis • Eta Draconis • Eta Lyrae • Eta Ophiuchi • Eta Serpentis • Eta Ursae Majoris • Exo • Eye of Ket-Cheleb Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (E) Eden • Edinov • Eisn • Ejul Thelni • Epsilon • Epsilon Canaris • Epsilon Canis Majoris • Edren • Epsilon Carinae • Epsilon Corvi • Epsilon Eridani • Epsilon Geminorum • Epsilon Gruis • Epsilon Hydrae • Epsilon Indi (Andoria) • Epsilon Librae • Epsilon Monocerotis • Epsilon Orionis • Epsilon Pavonis • Epsilon Phoenicis • Epsilon Scorpii • Epsilon Virginis • Eta Antliae • Eta Canaris / Eta Canis Majoris • Eta Corvi • Eta Crucis • Eta Eridani • Eta Horologii • Eta Indi • Eta Lupi • Eta Scorpii • Eta Virginis • Eye of Grun Beta Quadrant icon image.


Although Star Charts makes a definitive placement of this system in the Fornax constellation in Beta Quadrant, calls this an Alpha Quadrant system, and FASA RPG module: The Federation places it in the Cygnus constellation, as one of the systems at Omega Cygni.


External links[]
