Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Makus was a star with an associated star system, in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in Federation space at coordinates 2.18S 0.33E. Makus was located in treaty boundary quadrant 2, near the border of quadrant 1 and quadrant 0, in the general vicinity of Mu Leonis and the Drexler binary star.

The treaty boundary quadrant location for Makus is determined by ST reference: Star Trek Maps, while ST reference: Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library gives the system its placement in the Alpha Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

The star Makus was a yellow/white star, and the system's orbit was the location of 8 worlds, including the third planet Makus III, a habitable planet. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps; DTI novel: Forgotten History)

Makus III had become a Vulcan science colony by the 23rd century. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)

In 2270, during a conflict between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire, the Makus system was occupied by the Klingons, who operated shipyards there. The Klingons used these shipyards to equip a B'rel-class bird-of-prey with the prototype of a new cloaking device. Seeing an opportunity to seize the cloak and use it to investigate the Klingon weapon platform in the Kathra system, Starfleet set up the command post Orpheus at the edge of the system, from which a task force of vessels led by the Constitution-class USS Enterprise were sent to acquire the bird-of-prey. Fighting their way to the shipyards, the Starfleet force successfully managed to disable and tow the bird-of-prey back to Orpheus via tractor beam. (ST video game: Legacy)

System makeup[]

Makus system primary star
  • Makus I
  • Makus II
  • Makus III
  • Makus IV
  • Makus V
  • Makus VI
  • Makus VII
  • Makus VIII



Vulcan stars and star systems
Vulcan home system (40 Eridani, Omicron-2 Eridani, Vulcanis): 40 Eri A • 40 Eri B • 40 Eri C Federation icon image. the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrants icon image. Vulcan icon image.
34 Aurigae • 48 Ursae Majoris • System 6-15 • System 6-23 • 94 Leonis • Abyss Alpha • Aesa • Beta Aurigae • Beta Leonis • Beta Norab • Beta Triaran • Beta Ursae Majoris • Bomelli 709 • Denebola • Draco Minora • Duviniax • Epsilon Ballara • Filtra • Gamma Emerata • Gamma Persei • Harridane 226 • Juris • Laoorby 192 • Latis Cyrtiva • Lexor • Lixis • Luxor 867 • Maklin • Makus • Menkalinan • Merak • Minidine • Mirith • Narcisus • Norassen • Nova Dimora • Piras Zeta • Posara • Primidara • Servitrix • Sigma Beta 443 • Silicasa • Silivar • T'Rill • Valar Majoris • Vistil • Wolf 346 • Zeta Paor
Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system) • Antica IV (Antica) • Antide Prime (Antide system) • Archer IV (Archer system) • Beta Renna system • Beta V (Beta system) • Betazed (Betazed system) • Boreal III (Boreal system) • Canopus Major (Canopus system) • Chalna (Chalna system) • Clarus system • Coalition of Madena • Daled V (Daled system) • Daran V (Daran system) • Delta IV (Delta system) • El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system) • Epsilon Canaris • Gamma Eridon • Gravesworld • Halee system • Hayashi system • Hansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system) • Idran Star Cluster • Ilecom system • Janus VI (Janus system) • Jaros colony (Jaros system) • Lauren III (Lauren system) • Lima Sierra system • Lorenze Cluster • M24 Alpha system • Makus III (Makus system) • Manark IV (Manark system) • Manu III (Manu system) • Maxia Zeta • Melina II (Melina system) • Milika III (Milika system) • Miridian VI (Miridian system) • Nimbus III (Nimbus system) • Ogus II (Ogus system) • Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system) • Organia (Organia system) • Pentarus system • Penthara IV (Penthara system) • Razzbo system • Seiji Major • Septimus Minor • Serlay • Sherman's Planet (Sherman system) • Straleb (Omega Sagitta system) • Strnad solar system • Thasus IV (Thasus system) • T'lli Beta • Torona IV (Torona system) • Turkana IV (Turkana system) • Tycho system • Tyken's Rift • Vandor IV (Vandor system) • Vaytan I (Vaytan system) • Wolf 359 • Zeon Minor • Zeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (M)
M-370 • M24 Alpha • Maat • Macedon • Mada • Madara • Maddux • Madorax • Madras • Magama • Magefferus • Magistor • Maidana • Maion • Maitor • Makiax • Makiban • Maklin • Makon • Makrecha • Maldara • Malindi • Maliora • Maltharin • Maluria • Malvestia • Mamox • Manak • Manark • Manda Tor • Mandela • Mandrak • Mandylion • Manitoba • Manta • Manu • Manurda • Manutor • MAO • Maq • Mar Daraan • Mara • Marcan • Marcipor • Mardella • Mardelva • Mariem • Mariphasa • Marius • Marja • Mar'koth • Mark'veth • Marram • Marrat • Marr-i-nul • Marris • Martin Singularity • Marzan • Marzana • Mar'zek • Mash'gar • Masir • Masum • Matori • Mat'reth • Mats Daraan • Mau'pek • Mavok • Mav'renas • Maxez • Maxona • Maxor Tor • Mayara • Maynard • Maz • Mazav • Mazda • Mazur • McCarthy • Mecanda • Medero • Med'pek • Meezan • Meir • Mek Daraan • Mekbuda • Mekreb • Meldrar • Melila • Melina • Melona • Menak • Menebis • Menelo • Meneri • Mengen • Menidex • Menith • Mercaniad • Mercenam • Mereez • Merellion Sigma • Meridian • Merisa • Merope • Meruun • Mesanti • Mesarthim • Meslah • Mestrek • Meta • Metaga • Metnor • Mevraan • Mewudoh • Mexar • Mezius • Micara • Mida • Midnight • Midos • Milav • Milia • Milika • Miliok • Milira • Milora • Milro • Milum • Mimion • Minara • Mines • Minidine • Minona • Minorva • Minox • Mira Maj • Miraj • Mirak • Miraso • Mirazh • Mirdonyae • Mirfak • Miridian • Mirin • Mirith • Miros • Mir'tara • Misen • Miskar • Misor • Mith'dex • Mithror Tor • Mitra Tor • Mixtus • Mizav • Moetar • Mokak • Mol'gath • Molinor • Molinus • Molion • Moliul • Molvos • Momiok • Momius • Mondoloy • Monera • Mongo • Monra • Montgomery • Montor • Montrex • Mot'har • Mothren • Mora • Morel • Moriax • Mos'rammi • Mo'teth • Mountjoy • Moussis Vortex • Movor • Moxes • Mozus • Mrang • Mu Herculis • Mudor • Muldor • Munek • Munjeb • Mu'pek • Murakami • Murgoth • Muro • Murobis • Musana • Muuntra • Myral • Myram • Myroan Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (M) Maaz • Makus • Malcor • Maluria • Mantichoras • Mariah • Mathen • Maurer • Maxia Zeta • Megara • Megrez • Melik • Menkalinan • Menzies 216 • Merak • Mirach • Mirish • Mizar • Monac • Moriya • Mu Andromedae • Mu Ceti • Mu Draconis Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (M) M'Char • M43 Alpha • M67 Alpha • Maht-H'a • Makar • Maluria • Mandel • Mandylor • Maranga • M'Char • Mebsuta • Medusa • Mempa • Menk • Menkent • Metron • Miaplacidus • Minkar • Mintaka • Mira Antliae • Miridian • Morska • Moselina • Mu Arae • Mu Horologii • Mu Leonis • Mu Leonis A • Mu Velorum • Mu Virginis • Mutara Beta Quadrant icon image.

