Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Omega Fornacis A is a type M red dwarf star with an associated system of seven planets and 29 moons located within Federation space near the Klingon Empire in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. It was the home star of the planet Tiburon and the Tiburon civilization. (ST references: Star Trek Maps, The Worlds of the Federation, Star Charts)

History and specifics[]

Omega Fornacis A is the secondary star in the Omega Fornacis binary system, paired with a type B blue star. (ST references: Star Trek Maps, The Worlds of the Federation)

Long ago, the Ucali faction residing on the planet Ucali traveled across Omega Fornacis A's system in sublight spacecraft to the planet Tiburon, where they resettled and conquered its native population. (Last Unicorn RPG modules: Star Trek: The Original Series Core Game Book, Through a Glass, Darkly)

In 2229, Tiburon joined the Federation. (Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual)

In the 2260s, officer Mike Laird attempted to commit suicide following his wife's death by flying his shuttle into Tiburon's sun. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Star Trek: The Original Series Core Game Book)

In the 2270s or 2280s, the R1 Administrator-class space station Resurrection 1 was established near Omega Fornacis A for use as a cemetery. (FASA RPG module: Regula-1 Orbital Station Deckplans)

System makeup[]

Omega Fornacis A secondary star



Star chart images[]



objects of the Fornax constellation
stars and systems Fornax • 65 Fornacis • Alpha Fornacis • Epsilon Fornacis (Maluria) • Kappa Fornacis (Deneva) • Zeta Fornacis • Omega Fornacis (Omega Fornacis A)
planets and planetoids Deneva • Fornax I • Fornax II • Malur • Omega Fornacis I • Omega Fornacis II • Tiburon • Zeta Fornacis VI
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (O)
Oblik • Obora • Obra Daraan • Obsidian Abyss • Oby • Occult • Ochs • Octavius • Octif • Odal • Odib • Ofora • Ogus • Ohniaka • Ohop • Ok'cet • Okerna • Okor'teth • Ol Daraan • Olaria • Olassa • Oldvon • Olio • Olorva • Oltion • Olus • Omega • Omega Centus • Omega-1 Cygni • Omega-2 Cygni • Omega Draconis • Omega Gamma • Omega Maelstrom • Omicron Indi • Omicron Pascal • Omicron Testus • Omicron Theta • Omnaris • Omtose • Onelda • Onelia • Onella • Onena • Onerem • Onyius • Onyx • Onza • Oomaru (Oomaru) • Oorego • Opara • Ophiucus • Opla • Oppidum Frumenti • Ora Minra • Orda-877 • Ordover • Orelix • Orestes • Oridex • Oriens Delta • Orix • Oroness • Orsa • Ortella • Ortexa • Or'vadi • Orveth • Orwell • Osena • Oshima • Osinar • Ossium • Ostellon • Otana • Otanda • Otora • Ova Daraan • Ovellion • Oxira • Oxoma Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (O) Olmerak • Omega Aurigae • Omega Piscium • Omega Sagitta • Omega Sagittarii • Omekla • Omicron Draconis • Omicron Lyrae • Omicron Persei • Orellius • Orias • Osadj Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (O) Ogat • Omega Corvus • Omega Fornacis (Omega Fornacis A) • Omicron Ceti • Omicron Eridani • Omicron Gruis • Omicron Leonis • Omicron Eridani (Omicron-1 Eridani • Omicron-2 Eridani: Omicron-2 Eridani A, Omicron-2 Eridani B, Omicron-2 Eridani C) • Oraco • Organia • Orion • Ossec • Otha Prime Beta Quadrant icon image.


External links[]
