Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Gamma Arietis, also known as Mesarthim or 5 Arietis, was a star system, a trinary star located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants.

History and specifics[]

This system was visible from Earth in the Sol system, some 164 light-years (50 parsecs) distant, in the constellation of Aries. This system was within boundaries of territory claimed by the United Federation of Planets, near the Romulan Star Empire's periphery. The Mesarthim system's orbit was the location of a number of worlds. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: Swordhunt)

The planets Vellurius, Valerian, the Mesarth species's homeworld (Mesarthim), and Starbase 20 are all located in this triple system. (TOS comic: "There's No Space Like Gnomes'!")

The starbase's coordinates placed Gamma Arietis in Starfleet Intelligence sector 3 just within the SI Romulan sector in the general vicinity of Ulindell in the Weymith system. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual)

Since Gamma Arietis is a "real" star system, modern scientists know a few things about its distance and makeup that were not in Star Trek. In reality, it is a binary star, 164 light-years from Earth in a spinward direction (in the Alpha Quadrant), placing it on the far side of the Cardassian Union – outside of Federation space.

System makeup[]



objects of the Aries constellation
stars and systems 5 Arietis • 6 Arietis • 13 Arietis • 56 Arietis • 57 Arietis • 415 Arietis • 780 Arietis • Alpha Arietis • Beta Arietis • Botein • Delta Arietis • El Nath • Gamma Arietis • Hamal • Mesarthim • Orundwiir • Sheratan • SX Arietis
planets and planetoids Botein III • Hamal IV • Mesarthim • Sheratan VII • Valerian • Vellurius
outposts and stations Starbase 18 • Starbase 20
Gamma Arietis star system
orbital landmarks (planets, planetoids, moons & asteroids: Gamma Arietis trinary star: Mesarthim • Vellurius • Valerian Seal of the United Federation of Planets.
space stations & outposts: Starbase 20
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (0-9)
00 Raskae Majoris • 5 Arietis • 6 Arietis • 6-15 • 6-23 • 7 Ursae Minoris • 12 Lyncis • 13 Arietis • 19 Tauri • 22 Hydrae • 22 Ophiuchi • 25 Tauri • 34 Kraol • 37 Cassiopeiae • 43 Aquarii • 43 Geminorum • 47 Draconis • 55 Terae Majoris • 56 Arietis • 57 Arietis • 61 Ursae Majoris • 66 Imora • 74 Tauri • 77 Ursae Majoris • 78.56/3.54/23.44 • 83 Beta • 89 Mell Majoris • 90 Milenae Majoris • 99 Pegasi • 114 Delta • 114 Trianguli • 128 Trianguli • 334 Scorpii • 415 Arietis • 780 Arietis • 4725 Cancri • System 330 • System 7348 the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (0-9) 1 Herculis • 2 Ophiuchi • 3 Coronae Borealis • 4 Aurigae • 5 Coronae Borealis • 6 Delphini • 7 Aurigae • 7 Delphini • 8 Aurigae • 8 Canum Venaticorum • 10 Canum Venaticorum • 10 Lyrae • 11 Lacerti • 12 Canum Venaticorum • 12 Draconis • 13 Aurigae • 13 Draconis • 14 Draconis • 14 Lyrae • 15 Lyncis • 15 Sagittae • 15 Virginis • 16 Boötis • 16 Ceti • 16 Cygni • 17 Andromedae • 17 Aquilae • 17 Piscis Austrini • 18 Cygni • 20 Draconis • 20 Lyrae • 21 Andromedae (21 Andromedae A • 21 Andromedae B) • 21 Boötis • 23 Draconis • 23 Serpentis • 24 Cassiopeiae • 26 Pegasi • 27 Boötis • 27 Herculis • 27 Ophiuchi • 30 Boötis • 31 Aquilae • 33 Aurigae • 33 Draconis • 34 Aquarii • 34 Aurigae • 35 Ophiuchi • 37 Cygni • 37 Serpentis • 38 Sagittarii • 40 Capricorni • 42 Boötis • 43 Andromedae • 44 Persei • 46 Andromedae • 50 Aquilae • 50 Cygni • 50 Serpentis • 51 Pegasi • 53 Aquarii • 53 Aquilae • 56 Aurigae • 57 Andromedae • 57 Serpentis • 59 Aquarii • 61 Cygni • 61 Draconis • 63 Draconis • 65 Herculis • 70 Ophiuchi • 86 Ceti • 92 Herculis • 94 Aquarii • 99 Herculis • 112 Tauri • 218 Persei • 329 Aurigae • 492 Lyncis • 1440 Ophiuchi (1440 Ophiuchi B) • 1616 Ophiuchi • 1865 Serpens • 4408 Trianguli the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (0-9) 1 Centauri • 1 Corvi • 1 Orionis • 2 Corvi • 3 Canis Minoris • 3 Eridani • 4 Leonis • 5 Virginis • 7 Crateris • 8 Monocerotis • 10 Canis Minoris • 11 Hydrae • 13 Crateris • 13 Eridani • 13 Leporis • 14 Cancri • 14 Eridani • 14 Leonis • 15 Leporis • 16 Cancri • 17 Circini • 17 Pavonis • 18 Eridani • 19 Canis Majoris • 20 Librae • 23 Eridani • 24 Geminorum • 24 Leonis • 24 Orionis • 25 Canis Majoris • 26 Monocerotis • 26–27 Crucis • 27 Geminorum • 30 Hydrae • 31 Canaris / 31 Canis Majoris • 32 Pictoris • 34 Crucis • 34 Eridani • 34 Fornacis • 36 Leonis • 38 Eridani • 38 Lyncis • 40 Eridani (40 Eridani A • 40 Eridani B • 40 Eridani C) • 43 Pavonis • 46 Orionis • 54 Geminorum • 54 Orionis • 59 Eridani • 65 Cancri • 65 Fornacis • 66 Geminorum • 67 Eridani • 67 Virginis • 70 Leonis • 70 Ophiucus • 74 Orionis • 75 Geminorum • 78 Geminorum • 78 Pavonis • 82 Eridani • 83 Leonis (83 Leonis A • 83 Leonis B) • 87 Tauri • 88 Eridani • 88 Pavonis • 89 Carinae • 94 Leonis • 111 Pavonis • 113 Pavonis • 127 Scorpii • 128 Pavonis • 128 Trianguli • 198 Eridani • 1020 Octantis • 1212 Muscae • 4403 Pavonis the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (G)
Gabora • Gaelon • Gakora • Galagos • Galar • Galina • Galish • Galiul • Gallonik • Gallos • Galon • Galox • Galra • Galron • Galveth • Galway • Gamma • Gamma 400 • Gamma 7A • Gamma Alpha • Gamma Amar • Gamma Argus • Gamma Arietis • Gamma Caius • Gamma Chrysalis • Gamma Delta • Gamma Demetrius • Gamma Emerata • Gamma Hromi • Gamma Kestra • Gamma Llongo • Gamma Meridien • Gamma Omicron • Gamma Tarses • Gamma Tobin • Gamma Trianguli • Gamma Trilesias • Gamma Trixis • Gamma Vertis • Gamma Xaridian • Gamma Ysalis • Ganarra • Ganiel • Ganidra • Ganiez • Gan'thor • Garis • Garka • Garlath • Garox • Garr • Garriat • Garth • Gasiox • Gaspar • Gastella • Gatara • Gat'tek • Gavira • Gazior • Gealan • Ged'tara • Gekiax • Geldor • Gelok • Gelora • Gelrak • Gemara • Gemet • Gemim • Gemon • Gemsa • Genia • Genovese's Star • Gentariat • Gera • Gerapa • Geredex • Geres • Geries • Gesium • Gesok • Geziul • Gezon • Ghandi • Ghar • Ghomba • Ghondr • Ghulion • Gidana • Gila • Ginar • Gin'srak • Girenon • Giriel • Giva • Gixiak • Gizron • Glarin • Glira • Gobi • Goldex • Golgotha • Goliardh • Golmor • Golumbin 699 • Gombara • Gomin • Gon • Gonal • Gonta • Gorak • Gordar • Gorgon's Demise • Gorla • Gorsach • Gossek • Gottex • Gowok • Goz'pek • Gradientes • Graf • Granicus • Gratorva • Great Ichor • Great Maw • Gregon • Grekora • Grem'pat • Grenfil • Greshik Tyrr • Grevidan • Gribbin • Grisellan • Griswald 3489 • Grom'tor • Groombridge 273 • Gro'pek • Gru Daraan • Grumir • Gruyakin • Guanon • Guldammur • Gunarp • Gura • Gus'Tavi Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (G) Galador • Gallina • Gamma Andromedae (Gamma Andromedae A • Gamma Andromedae B • Gamma Andromedae C) • Gamma Aquarii • Gamma Aquilae • Gamma Aurigae • Gamma Boötis • Gamma Capricorni • Gamma Coronae Borealis • Gamma Cygni • Gamma Draconis • Gamma Lyrai • Gamma Ophiuchi • Gamma Persei • Geilod • Gemma • Gemulon • Gentara • Goralis • Gotanna • Great Pulsar • Grevven • Griffondar • Grovran • Gulvaria Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (G) Gacrux • Gains • Galorndon Core • Galdonterre • Gamma Crateris • Gamma Crucis • Gamma Eridani • Gamma Eridon • Gamma Geminorum • Gamma Hydra • Gamma Leporis • Gamma Mensae • Gamma Orionis • Gamma Pavonis • Gamma Scorpii • Gamma Tucanae • Gamma Xertia • Gamma Zeta 4 • Ganalda • Garadius • Garag • Gasko • Gateway • Gideon • Gliese 526 • Glintara • Gomeisa • Goran • Gorath • Gorn • Gornar • Gotara • Gr'oth • Grun Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (M)
M-370 • M24 Alpha • Maat • Macedon • Mada • Madara • Maddux • Madorax • Madras • Magama • Magefferus • Magistor • Maidana • Maion • Maitor • Makiax • Makiban • Maklin • Makon • Makrecha • Maldara • Malindi • Maliora • Maltharin • Maluria • Malvestia • Mamox • Manak • Manark • Manda Tor • Mandela • Mandrak • Mandylion • Manitoba • Manta • Manu • Manurda • Manutor • MAO • Maq • Mar Daraan • Mara • Marcan • Marcipor • Mardella • Mardelva • Mariem • Mariphasa • Marius • Marja • Mar'koth • Mark'veth • Marram • Marrat • Marr-i-nul • Marris • Martin Singularity • Marzan • Marzana • Mar'zek • Mash'gar • Masir • Masum • Matori • Mat'reth • Mats Daraan • Mau'pek • Mavok • Mav'renas • Maxez • Maxona • Maxor Tor • Mayara • Maynard • Maz • Mazav • Mazda • Mazur • McCarthy • Mecanda • Medero • Med'pek • Meezan • Meir • Mek Daraan • Mekbuda • Mekreb • Meldrar • Melila • Melina • Melona • Menak • Menebis • Menelo • Meneri • Mengen • Menidex • Menith • Mercaniad • Mercenam • Mereez • Merellion Sigma • Meridian • Merisa • Merope • Meruun • Mesanti • Mesarthim • Meslah • Mestrek • Meta • Metaga • Metnor • Mevraan • Mewudoh • Mexar • Mezius • Micara • Mida • Midnight • Midos • Milav • Milia • Milika • Miliok • Milira • Milora • Milro • Milum • Mimion • Minara • Mines • Minidine • Minona • Minorva • Minox • Mira Maj • Miraj • Mirak • Miraso • Mirazh • Mirdonyae • Mirfak • Miridian • Mirin • Mirith • Miros • Mir'tara • Misen • Miskar • Misor • Mith'dex • Mithror Tor • Mitra Tor • Mixtus • Mizav • Moetar • Mokak • Mol'gath • Molinor • Molinus • Molion • Moliul • Molvos • Momiok • Momius • Mondoloy • Monera • Mongo • Monra • Montgomery • Montor • Montrex • Mot'har • Mothren • Mora • Morel • Moriax • Mos'rammi • Mo'teth • Mountjoy • Moussis Vortex • Movor • Moxes • Mozus • Mrang • Mu Herculis • Mudor • Muldor • Munek • Munjeb • Mu'pek • Murakami • Murgoth • Muro • Murobis • Musana • Muuntra • Myral • Myram • Myroan Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (M) Maaz • Makus • Malcor • Maluria • Mantichoras • Mariah • Mathen • Maurer • Maxia Zeta • Megara • Megrez • Melik • Menkalinan • Menzies 216 • Merak • Mirach • Mirish • Mizar • Monac • Moriya • Mu Andromedae • Mu Ceti • Mu Draconis Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (M) M'Char • M43 Alpha • M67 Alpha • Maht-H'a • Makar • Maluria • Mandel • Mandylor • Maranga • M'Char • Mebsuta • Medusa • Mempa • Menk • Menkent • Metron • Miaplacidus • Minkar • Mintaka • Mira Antliae • Miridian • Morska • Moselina • Mu Arae • Mu Horologii • Mu Leonis • Mu Leonis A • Mu Velorum • Mu Virginis • Mutara Beta Quadrant icon image.


External link[]
