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Open Access at Northumbria University

Funder requirements

Due to the benefits of Open Access most major funders now require Open Access publishing

Major policies affecting Northumbria authors are detailed below. Researchers should check if they need to including funding for Open Access in their grant application. Grant holders should check the Open Access requirements of their funder.


Ensure your publications meet funder Open Access requirements.

Authors should continue to follow the requirements of the REF2021 Open Access policy until details of the updated policy are released.


The REF2021 Open Access policy applies to peer reviewed articles or full length conference papers published with an ISSN, accepted for publication since 1st April 2016.

In order to be eligible for submission, the author's accepted manuscript must be uploaded to an institutional repository (Pure) within three months of acceptance for publication. Publisher embargoes on access to manuscripts are permitted, but must not exceed 12 months for outputs submitted to REF Panels A and B or 24 months for REF Panels C and D. Exceptions to this policy are set out in the REF 2021 Guidance on Submissions. At Northumbria University, outputs in scope of this policy should be deposited to Pure within three months of acceptance for publication.

REF2021 guidance on submissions including Open Access policy.

Journals Policy.


Research published in peer reviewed journal articles or conference proceedings with an International Standards Serial Number (ISSN) that acknowledge funding from the Research Councils must be made available in an Open Access format.

UKRI provides the University with an annual open access block grant to support compliance with this policy (the block grant cannot be used for colour and page charges).

  • Publications should be made available immediately, embargo or delayed access is not permitted.
  • A Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence must be used.
  • All funded articles must include a data access statement.
  • Open Access Authors can meet the requirements through the Green or Gold route to Open Access.
  • Applies to journal articles submitted from 1st April 2022.

UKRI Policy on Open Access.

Long-form publications.

Research published in long-form publications after 1st January 2024 must be made Open Access within 12 months of publication.

More information on the long-form policy and support for Northumbria authors.

Policy applies to peer reviewed articles describing NIHR funded research findings submitted on or after 1 June 2022 


  • Outputs must be available through PMC or Europe PMC.
  • CC-BY license must be used.
  • Rights retention statement needed for publication in subscription journals.
  • Funder must be acknowledged.
  • Data access statement must be included.

Support with Open Access fees is available from NIHR. Northumbria publisher agreements can be used for compliance.

Peer reviewed publications funded through the European Commission Horizon2020 programme must be made available through a repository.

Publications should be deposited:

Repository deposit is required for all outputs, even when published through gold Open Access.

  • On publication where the output is published through gold Open Access.
  • Within 6 months of publication for STEM subjects.
  • Within 12 months of publication for social sciences and humanities.

Applications for funding to cover Open Access costs can be made during the life of the grant but not after.

Horizon 2020 Open Access and data sharing policies.

Wellcome Trust
Journal articles

All original, peer-reviewed research submitted for publication from 1st January 2021 must be made freely available through PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC by the final publication date.

  • Must be published under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY) or CC BY-ND by application for exception.
  • Grantholders must grant a CC BY licence to their accepted author manuscript by using a rights retention statement.
  • Wellcome will provide grantholders with funding to cover fair and reasonable article processing charges for articles published in fully Open Access journals or platforms, but they will not cover the cost of publishing in 'hybrid' journals unless a transformative deal is in place.

Wellcome Trust Open Access policy.

University Library publisher agreements.


The Wellcome Trust requires that original published, monographs and book chapters, which arise from Wellcome Trust funding, must be made freely available via the Europe PMC and the NCBI Bookshelf repositories as soon as possible, and no later than six months after publication. Wellcome make funds available for the payment of book, or chapter, processing charges. Where a fee is charged, works must be made available without an embargo using a licence that supports re-use. Wellcome's preference is for Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY), but where this is not available non-commercial or no-derivatives licences such as CC BY-NC or CC BY-NC-ND are permitted.

Wellcome Trust policy for Open Access monographs.