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Water Imp's Conjecture is the only quest in Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Part I: Water Imp's Conjecture.


  1. Go to the Fontaine Fishing Association
  2. Investigate the waters where fish have disappeared from
  3. Investigate the footprints on the shore
  4. Go to Freminet's camp
  5. Talk to "Thelxie"
  6. Test the motherboard
  7. Discuss with Freminet
  8. Go to the body of water Freminet mentioned
  9. Use the Echoing Conch
  10. Look for weapon materials
  11. Return to the camp
  12. Talk to Freminet


UI Quest Quest Description

Word arrives from the Fishing Association that they seem to have encountered some kind of problem...
(Talk to Delaroche)
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 01.ogg Delaroche: That can't be, right? Hmm... But what if they're real after all? No, that can't be... but what if there's a chance?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Greetings, Miss! Is there something that's bothering you?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 02.ogg Delaroche: Oh? No, it's nothing... I'm Delaroche, the representative of the Fontaine Fishing Association. How can I help you?
Icon Dialogue Talk We received your commission request.
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 03.ogg Delaroche: Oh, so you're adventurers! Finally, someone has heard my prayers...
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon could tell you're really bothered by something! Don't worry, you've got two super-experienced adventurers right here. We'll take care of anything and everything for ya as long as you pay us a little bit of Mora!
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 04.ogg Delaroche: Ahh, you're exactly the helpers I need! See, the problem is that the fish around a fishing spot at Erinnyes have just all up and vanished recently!
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 05.ogg Delaroche: They disappeared too quickly for it to have been the work of human anglers. As the representative of the Fishing Association, I had planned to go and investigate the area right away...
Icon Dialogue Talk But?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 06.ogg Delaroche: Ahem... Right... But unfortunately, as the representative of the Fishing Association, there are a few other errands that I absolutely have to run, so...
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So you'd like us to investigate the spot for you?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 07.ogg Delaroche: Exactly! You're right on the Mora! So I thought I could delegate this work to you... Are you two some kind of prophets, knowing exactly what I was going to say like that? Or maybe like the oracles you read about in fairytales...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Nope, we already told you that we're adventurers.
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yeah, we're just really experienced in this kind of thing, that's all!
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 08.ogg Delaroche: Haha, well, I'm glad to hear it! I'll get a good night's sleep knowing the two of you are on the case.
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But don't we just need to investigate the missing fish? It really doesn't sound too difficult...
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 09.ogg Delaroche: No, you mustn't let your guard down. As the representative of the Fishing Association, I have good reason to believe that the fish have gone missing due to an encounter with the Water Imps...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Water Imps?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 10.ogg Delaroche: Yes. You're both outlanders, right? Our local fairytales often speak of a terrifying underwater creature called Thelxie.
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 11.ogg Delaroche: The story our parents would tell us was always the same... If we went to the water alone, then we'd be snatched away and eaten by a Water Imp called Thelxie.
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: A child-eating Water Imp!? Did they tell you what it looked like?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 12.ogg Delaroche: My father would always describe it as a beautiful, multi-colored snake-woman, while my mother said it had a handsome face. It's really strange, though, because you'd also hear other people describe it as just a chubby penguin with a deceptive appearance...
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 13.ogg Delaroche: Even though the tales vary regarding its appearance, everyone agrees that it's really dangerous. It lives in an underwater cave surrounded by pallid bones and uses its sensitive nose to track down lonely children who've lost their way...
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 14.ogg Delaroche: And once it finds a child, it uses its alluring singing voice to lure them into the water before swallowing them whole. Pretty terrifying, isn't it?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Uhh... sounds kinda scary, but isn't that pretty normal for a fairytale? After all, those kinds of stories are usually made up to help keep children away from danger...
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 15.ogg Delaroche: But what if the fairytale was inspired by a real-life tale? Just like how a Water Vein always has a source.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you have any concrete evidence?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 16.ogg Delaroche: Well, I wouldn't call it "evidence," per se, but I've heard some rumors lately... They say that someone recently saw a child walk into the water as if he was possessed by something. Doesn't that sound just like he was responding to the call of a Water Imp?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Huh? So you mean someone really got eaten by a Water Imp?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 17.ogg Delaroche: It's all hearsay, so it's hard to confirm. But still, they all say this happened on Erinnyes! That's no laughing matter if you ask me.
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 18.ogg Delaroche: Both the opera house and the Fountain of Lucine were built there, and the sources of many Water Veins can be traced to the island as well. Combine that with the mysterious mist, the huge tree with expansive underground roots, and the rumor that the vishaps on the island can understand human language...
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 19.ogg Delaroche: Is it really so shocking that an island so shrouded in mystery could harbor a terrifying Water Imp as well?
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Uh, why does Paimon feel like you're pulling our leg... You're just piling on the rumors now. Still, if someone's really been hurt, then we can't just ignore the situation, right (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll go check it out.
Media:vo rpeq001 1 delaroche 20.ogg Delaroche: Marvelous, then I'll just mark the stretch of water on your map! Don't forget that no matter what, safety always comes first.

(Approach the stretch of water in Erinnyes Forest)
Media:vo rpeq001 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Is this the stretch of water Delaroche was talking about? It looks really peaceful... Huh? Look, there are some footprints over there...
(Investigate the footprints)
Fresh footprints: (The footprints extend all the way into the water...)
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: These look pretty fresh... Did the Water Imp get someone again? Let's look around and see if we can find anything else.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, (TravelerTraveler)! Did you hear something just now?
Gurgling noises can be heard coming from the water...
The noises grow louder and louder...
Until something emerges with a loud splash...
(Freminet appears)
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Arghhh!! What is that!? Don't come any closer!
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 01.ogg ???: Paimon? (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Freminet?
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 02.ogg Freminet: I'm sorry... I forgot I was still wearing this...
Freminet removes his diving helmet.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: F—Freminet!?
(If the player has not met Freminet yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Freminet — Yearning for Unseen Depths
Freminet is not a good speaker, but people who are familiar with him know that his distant demeanor hides a pure soul.
He does not enjoy the spotlight. The gazes, reactions, and comments of others risk running his breathing ragged.
As an exceptional diver, he is more used to hiding on the silent seabed, pouring his soul out to, and sharing warmth with, the Romaritime Flowers in that weightless world.
Unlike other divers, this introvert does not accept external commissions. He belongs only to Hotel Bouffes d'ete and to his precious family members who live there.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 03.ogg Freminet: Paimon, are you okay?
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Whew... Paimon nearly mistook you for a Water Imp! Thank goodness, it was just you wearing your helmet...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 04.ogg Freminet: Huh? ...A Water Imp?
Icon Dialogue Talk We're investigating a Water Imp called Thelxie.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 05.ogg Freminet: Thelxie, you say? How surprising...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Huh, you know that name too? Or do you know someone else who's trying to investigate the Water Imp?
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 06.ogg Freminet: No... I think our situations are probably unrelated.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then could you tell us about what's going on with you?
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 07.ogg Freminet: Sure... If that's an order.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 08.ogg Freminet: I know the name because of one of my employers. She noticed the clockwork penguins I brought to the workshop and contacted me through the shop's owner. She has commissioned me to make a special toy.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 09.ogg Freminet: Following her request, I've named the toy "Thelxie."
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Huh? but isn't it a little creepy to name a toy after a Water Imp... Wait, hold on! Freminet, you never take commissions from other people...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 10.ogg Freminet: ...Yeah, but uh... She made a special request, but out of respect for her privacy... I can't really talk about it.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 11.ogg Freminet: It's all right, though. She'll be coming over to check on my progress shortly, and I'll just tell her that you're two of my trustworthy companions. Hearing that, she might be willing to share some information and you'll be able to continue with your investigation.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Huh, even though you seem a little cold and reserved sometimes, you're still really considerate! Our target isn't necessarily the Water Imp, though, we're primarily here to investigate the disappearance of the fish.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 12.ogg Freminet: The fish...?
Freminet nods slightly, and seems lost in thought after you tell him about the commission from the Fishing Association.
Suddenly, his breath catches in his throat...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 13.ogg Freminet: Ah... I think I may have connected the dots...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 14.ogg Freminet: These past few weeks, I've been taking Thelxie for underwater testing every day. The pressure testing makes a lot of noise...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 15.ogg Freminet: So... All that about the disappearing fish... Well, it was probably because of me.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Ehhh!? So that's all it was? That actually... makes a lot of sense... Wait, so could that mean the child we heard about who walked into the water was also...
Icon Dialogue Talk Just Freminet preparing for another day of work?
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 16.ogg Freminet: Yes, I think that's quite likely as well.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Whew, so in the end it was just Freminet! Paimon's spent all this time imagining what a Water Imp from the fairytales might look like, and it all turns out to be just a hoax...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 17.ogg Freminet: I'm sorry... It sounds like I've created a lot of trouble for everyone else as well. I'll try to finish this commission as soon as possible. Once I'm done, the fish should come back.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry about it. It was just a misunderstanding.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 18a 1.ogg Freminet: Thank you...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 11a 1.ogg Paimon: Actually, how much work do you still have left, Freminet? Maybe we could lend you a hand.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, we'd be happy to help. Is there anything we can do?
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 19.ogg Freminet: Ah, thank you for offering... But I can't trouble you any more than I already have.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Hey, it's no trouble at all! Didn't you just call us your trustworthy companions? Companions are all about helping each other, you know!
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 20.ogg Freminet: But... don't you need to report back to your commissioner?
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Nope, that's not how it works! See, Paimon's got these commissioner types all figured out. Even though we were just tasked with finding out why the fish had gone missing...
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: If we tell them now that it was all just a misunderstanding, you can bet they'd just immediately hand us another commission to help them get the fish back.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, we're just really experienced in this kind of thing, that's all!
Media:vo rpeq001 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Exactly! So if we can help you finish up your work and get the fish back, that would save us an extra trip.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 21.ogg Freminet: Is that what you'd like to do as well?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, I think Paimon's right.
Media:vo rpeq001 2 freminet 22.ogg Freminet: Huh... Alright, I'll trust your judgment. Please follow me... I've made a makeshift camp over there.

(Approach Freminet's camp)
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 01.ogg Freminet: I've stored Thelxie in the tent. He can respond to some simple verbal commands. You can try calling his name and see if he'll come over.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa, sounds pretty advanced! Let Paimon give it a try. Hey, Thelxie, are you there?
(Talk to Thelxie)
Thelxie: -.. -... .-- -...?[Note 1]
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So that's Freminet's version of Thelxie. It's also penguin-shaped, just like Pers!
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 02.ogg Freminet: Yep. Had Thelxie lived in Penguin Town, he'd probably have become great friends with Pers.
Icon Dialogue Talk Where's Penguin Town?
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 03.ogg Freminet: ...It's not really anywhere famous or important. Don't worry about it.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hey, Thelxie! Nice to meet you! Do you know how to say hello?
Thelxie: -.. -... .-- -...?[Note 1]
Icon Dialogue Talk So can Thelxie talk?
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 04.ogg Freminet: I wanted to install a language output module, but due to time constraints, I had to give up on the idea.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 05.ogg Freminet: As it stands, Thelxie can only output messages that were pre-written into its motherboard. I haven't given him the ability to convert those messages into discernable words, so... he can't really talk to us just yet.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Uh... no need to get so technical! So basically, you want us to help you complete and install this language module, right?
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 06.ogg Freminet: No, there's no need, that wasn't one of my employer's requests. It was just something I wanted to try...
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 07.ogg Freminet: I have two other things I'd like your help with... The first is to do some integration testing on Thelxie's motherboard to make sure he will be able to function properly in most situations.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: That doesn't sound too hard... And what's the other thing?
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 08.ogg Freminet: The other shouldn't take too long either... You'll need to find Thelxie some colorful shells and coral so I can craft a weapon for him.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: A weapon? Will Thelxie have to fight?
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 09.ogg Freminet: Mm hmm, Thelxie will need to be able to charge forward with a weapon in hand like that brave prince of legend. It's a part of my employer's request.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: What an imaginative employer! Naming Thelxie after a Water Imp, but wanting him to look like a prince...
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 10.ogg Freminet: Well, regardless of his role or species, Thelxie's purpose is the same. Just like Pers, he has come to this world to serve as somebody's companion.
Thelxie: -.. .--. -. --.- -... .... --- .--- ..-.[Note 2]
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Whoa, Thelxie just said something again! Could he understand what we were just talking about?
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 11.ogg Freminet: He can react to certain keywords, but unfortunately, due to the lack of a translation module, he still can't quite communicate with us...
Media:vo rpeq001 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: ...That's a pity, but anyway, the most important thing right now is for us to get to work! Maybe let's start by doing some testing on the motherboard, that sounds like something we can do here in the camp.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 12.ogg Freminet: Sounds good. The motherboard is on my workbench, so please follow me.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 13.ogg Freminet: Ah, here we go. I have this testing manual, so feel free to reference it if you get stuck.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 14.ogg Freminet: Want to give it a try? It's okay if you don't succeed immediately. I've got a lot of backup boards just in case.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll give it a try.
Media:vo rpeq001 3 freminet 15.ogg Freminet: Okay. Knowing you, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.
(Talk to Freminet, optional)
Media:vo dialog rpeq001 freminet 01.ogg Freminet: Please give the testing a try. The motherboard's on the table there.
(Talk to Thelxie, optional)
Thelxie: -.. -... .-- -...?[Note 1]

(Talk to Freminet after debugging the motherboard)
Media:vo rpeq001 4 freminet 01.ogg Freminet: You're doing well... just as I expected.
Media:vo rpeq001 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We've taken on a lot of similar tasks before, you know!
Media:vo rpeq001 4 freminet 02.ogg Freminet: Then let's move on to the underwater part. It's just as I mentioned earlier — we're after colorful shells and coral.
Media:vo rpeq001 4 freminet 03.ogg Freminet: Oh, speaking of which, you're both already pretty used to Fontaine's underwater environment, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...More or less.
Icon Dialogue Talk We're pretty much experts now.
Media:vo rpeq001 4 freminet 04.ogg Freminet: Okay, that's good. Just let me know if you ever feel uncomfortable — I'll make sure to stay right by your side.

(Approach the body of water)
Media:vo rpeq001 5 freminet 01.ogg Freminet: It should be right over there. We'll be able to find something that'll help us with our search.
(Approach the Echoing Conch)
Media:vo rpeq001 5 freminet 02.ogg Freminet: This is it. We call this thing the Echoing Conch. It can detect special reflection waves in the water, and help us with all kinds of underwater exploration and excavation efforts. Here, try it.
(Play the Echoing Conch)
Media:vo rpeq001 5 freminet 03.ogg Freminet: Did you notice any interesting places? The Echoing Conch should have detected some just now. Let's go check them out.
(Interact with Inscribed Shell (I), optional)
Inscribed Shell (I): "Full fathom five Thelxie lies; Of his bones are coral made."
(After obtaining three Material for Thelxie's Weapon Material for Thelxie's Weapon)
Media:vo rpeq001 5 freminet 04.ogg Freminet: Alright, these should be enough. Let's head back to camp... Thank you for staying out here with me all this time.

(Approach Zuria Destree at the camp)
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 01.ogg Zuria Destree: ♪♫♪~
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 02.ogg Zuria Destree: Ah Freminet, you're back! I thought you might have been out diving.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 01.ogg Freminet: I'm sorry, Madame Destree... I must have kept you waiting. I can report, though, that the construction of Thelxie is going quite smoothly.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 03.ogg Zuria Destree: There's no rush. I'm your employer, not your supervisor. And these two are...?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 02a.ogg Freminet: Ah, they are two of my trustworthy companions. They're here to help me work on Thelxie.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 04.ogg Zuria Destree: Yes, I see... I suppose it's only natural for someone responsible like you to have some reliable friends.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's really nice to meet you, Madame Destree! Are you Freminet's employer? Paimon is Paimon, and this is (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 05.ogg Zuria Destree: Greetings, my new friends. Just call me Zuria. You are both so adorable — the sight of you reminds me of little fairies under a cottage roof.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hehe, do you really think so?
Icon Dialogue Talk Do I look like a fairy, too?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 06.ogg Zuria Destree: Of course, if my child had friends like you, then perhaps he wouldn't have become so obsessed with the tales of Water Imps, and I wouldn't have had to trouble Freminet here with this commission.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Obsessed with... the tales of Water Imps?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 07.ogg Zuria Destree: Ah, so you don't know anything about my request yet? I would have thought Freminet had explained to you already.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, Freminet told us that it was a private matter, so he didn't want to just share it willy-nilly.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 08.ogg Zuria Destree: I see, so Monsieur Freminet is even more discreet than I had thought. Hmm... as you are assisting him with the project, I believe it'll be beneficial for you to learn more about its vision and history.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 09.ogg Zuria Destree: But it would be quite impolite of me to simply pile all of my troubles on you without your permission. So... would you like to listen to my story?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Sure, you can tell us anything! You've already said nice things about us, so we'll try our best to help you get through your troubles!
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 10.ogg Zuria Destree: Ah, what a lovely little fairy... Then let me think of a way to put my situation into words. Hmm... I'm sure you are already familiar with the tale of the Water Imps, right?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 11.ogg Zuria Destree: Simply put, parents came up with a story painting Water Imps as scary abductors in an effort to convince their children to stay away from the water. My child is rather special, however. While most other children are terrified of Thelxie... he's infatuated with him.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: In—Infatuated with a Water Imp? What a brave soul!
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 12.ogg Zuria Destree: Yes, he told me that he thought the Water Imp might have just been misunderstood. In his mind, instead of singing to abduct children, the Water Imp actually sang out of a longing for companionship. As a result, he often goes near the water in secret.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Huh... So he wanted to become friends with the Water Imp so it wouldn't be lonely any longer? What a unique way of thinking!
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 13.ogg Zuria Destree: Thank you, little Paimon. He indeed has always stood out from the crowd... He was actually diagnosed with Loneliness Syndrome when he was only eight years old...
Icon Dialogue Talk Loneliness Syndrome?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 14.ogg Zuria Destree: Mhm, it's a type of mental disorder. Those affected by it often feel extremely lonely, and lose interest in many mundane activities. The syndrome is probably what made him so determined to become friends with the Water Imp.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Oh no... Is it a very serious disorder?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 03.ogg Freminet: If you were to become afflicted with the disorder, Paimon, you would only be able to say less than a fraction of the words you're saying to (TravelerTraveler) now.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: No, Paimon won't accept that! We would have to find a doctor to help cure Paimon! Paimon has a 2000-word quota for daily conversations with (TravelerTraveler), and she won't settle for a single word less!
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 15.ogg Zuria Destree: The family doctor has already begun to treat my son... but since the disorder is rare, there aren't many good regimens for treatment. He's also developed some new symptoms lately... such as uncontrollable delusions.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Huh? Uncontrollable what now?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 04.ogg Freminet: Uncontrollable delusions. To put it simply, he can no longer differentiate between fantasy and reality, and spends all his time in his fantasy world...
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Then... Then what is he seeing in his fantasy world?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 16.ogg Zuria Destree: It's a dream that he often mentioned to me when he was younger. I've compiled what I could understand of his recent rambling. It goes a bit like this...
Once upon a time, there was a splendid and magnificent underwater Kingdom of Water Imps on the Salacia Plain, five hundred feet beneath the surface.
Countless lovely Water Imps lived in houses made of rainbow shells and corals, tending to sea animals during the day and singing between fields of golden tidalga during the night.
Everyone led carefree and blessed lives until the Day of the Iridescence Parade, the important festival during which the new king would be crowned...
Before the festival, all Water Imps would select the most precious pearl they owned, wrap it in golden branches and leaves, and offer it to their most beloved prince.
And during the day of the parade, the prince would cross a rainbow bridge made from all the offered shells, and accept the crown from his father amid the applause of his subjects. Finally, the new king would bless everyone with his well wishes.
And as for the prince's name — it's none other than Thelxie.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Amazing... your son came up with all of this? He really crafted a lovely fairytale world for Thelxie. It's like a beautiful dream.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 17.ogg Zuria Destree: But perhaps no beautiful dream can ever last long. You see, the story ended with a twist...
The Day of the Iridescence Parade came as expected, but countless monsters also arrived alongside the prince...
The monsters were evil and cruel, and they struck fear into all the Water Imps' hearts. The Water Imps, adept at singing as they were, could not defend themselves against the monsters. So the kingdom fell, the king was killed, and the Water Imps were locked behind bars. The rainbow bridge lost its color and crumbled away.
The prince was barely able to escape with the help of a mysterious masked individual, but he had already lost everything, and could only spend his days singing mournful songs.
And just as the prince sang out of loneliness, so could his song only be heard by similarly lonely children.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: How could the story end like this...? Is that kind of fantasizing what caused your son to develop his Loneliness Syndrome?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 05.ogg Freminet: Well, it'd be more accurate to say that it was the syndrome that caused such terrible delusions to manifest... But in any case, the biggest problem is the patient eventually loses themselves to the fantasy world of their own creation.
Icon Dialogue Talk What do you mean?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 18.ogg Zuria Destree: My poor child can no longer differentiate between imagination and reality... He's begun to see himself as Thelxie.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 06.ogg Freminet: Perhaps in his mind, the loneliness he felt became the same as that of a prince who lost everything he ever loved or stood for.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: What!? So that's what you mean by "uncontrollable delusions"... Then we have to help him snap out of it!
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 19.ogg Zuria Destree: Alas... Most of the time, he acts as if he can no longer sense or interact with the real world at all. I've had several discussions with the doctor, and we think it is best to try to guide his fantasy.
Icon Dialogue Talk Guide his fantasy?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 20.ogg Zuria Destree: He once wanted to make a picture book of his imaginary world, but since the disorder progressed too quickly, he never quite got past the first page of the book. If we could use this book as a breakthrough for his condition... Here, you can take a look.
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Picture Book 1 Part 1
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Ah, so Zuria's son also saw Thelxie as a penguin... Aw, he looks so sad...
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 21.ogg Zuria Destree: What we should do now is help him complete this picture book. However, we'll lead the story to a different ending... one where the Water Imp Prince is eventually able to restore his kingdom with the help of his friends.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 22.ogg Zuria Destree: We'll need to chase away his loneliness and sorrow and let him perceive a world full of hope again. That's what I mean by "guiding his fantasy."
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: But if we just need to finish the picture book, why does Freminet need to make a Thelxie as well?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 23.ogg Zuria Destree: Because we need to treat the book's story seriously, as if it's a history of things that have really happened. We'll need to go on a journey like Thelxie and help him regain his crown and country.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 24.ogg Zuria Destree: But... my child can no longer go on a journey of his own. This is why I commissioned Freminet here to craft a "Thelxie," and then I'll paint the journey with this Thelxie into the picture book.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Ahh, like a stand-in for your son! Paimon's starting to get it now... You really put a lot of thought into this, Zuria. Paimon still has one question, though — where will we be able to find a Water Imp kingdom?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 25.ogg Zuria Destree: There are some ruins on the seabed of the Salacia Plains. I've already asked Freminet to research them for me. We'll be able to use one of the ruins as the kingdom.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Oh! So we'll just need to act out a performance of, uh, "A Brave Journey Through the Kingdom of Water Imps." As long as we chase away the monsters in the ruins, it'll count as chasing away the monsters in the Water Imp kingdom, right?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 07.ogg Freminet: Sadly no... We won't be just putting on a performance. It's just as Zuria said... We need to take this seriously, and the only way we can take this seriously is if we choose to believe everything that's happening is real.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Uh... So we'll be playing it straight? Or uh... making it a fully immersive experience? Ugh, neither of those really sound right. Ah well, either way, we'll still be able to help, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll try my best.
Icon Dialogue Talk We've got this!
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 26.ogg Zuria Destree: It's alright, there's no need to get that serious. It's not a big deal — I believe in my son, we can just see this as him wanting to stay asleep for a bit longer because he's so enamored with his dream.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 08.ogg Freminet: Zuria...
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 27.ogg Zuria Destree: Keep your spirits up, everyone. If we were to look troubled, my son is sure to become anxious as well... Hmm, I should be heading back right about now to check on my son.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 28.ogg Zuria Destree: We temporarily moved to a place on the hill over there so my son will have a better spot to convalesce. It's not far from the water and there's also a great view. Feel free to come find me if anything urgent comes up.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 09.ogg Freminet: Understood. There's also one last thing... since these two friends were able to help me out, I've made some more progress on Thelxie. I estimate that he should be ready sometime tomorrow.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 29.ogg Zuria Destree: That's great news — I must thank you all. Hmm, with that in mind, how about we meet here in two days' time to head to the Kingdom of Water Imps?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds good.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 zuria-destree 30.ogg Zuria Destree: Alright everyone, let's meet again in another two days.
Media:vo rpeq001 6 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Zuria sure is a brave and optimistic lady... Freminet, do you think her plan will work out?
Media:vo rpeq001 6 freminet 10.ogg Freminet: ...Let's discuss that over by the tent. There were a few things that I didn't bring up because the madame was here.
(Talk to Freminet)
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What is it, Freminet? What did you want to say?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 01.ogg Freminet: Ahem... If you don't mind me asking, I would like the two of you to mentally prepare yourselves...
Icon Dialogue Talk Mentally prepare ourselves? For what?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 02.ogg Freminet: (TravelerTraveler), this is the first time that you've met anyone with this syndrome, right? I know you two are both really strong, and will do everything you can to help the child, but with the syndrome being the way it is, if things don't...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 03.ogg Freminet: If things don't quite turn out as we wish... I hope you'll be able to accept the outcome and not put too much blame on yourselves.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Freminet, why do you bring this up all of a sudden? Didn't we just promise Zuria that we'll be optimistic about everything working out?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 04.ogg Freminet: It's not that I'm not optimistic... It's just...
Icon Dialogue Talk You know this illness really well?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ah, so that's why you looked like you knew exactly what she was talking about! Wait, Freminet, don't tell Paimon that you also...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 05.ogg Freminet: No no... Please don't misunderstand, I never had it. I've just... I've just seen many cases of it at the House of the Hearth, back when we lived under the previous Director.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 06.ogg Freminet: They say there are many factors surrounding the development of this illness... I've heard everything from heredity factors and one's state of mind to environmental factors and even Ley Line disorder effects. Some even say it could be caused by contamination from god remains...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 07.ogg Freminet: And from the cases I've seen, there weren't many positive outcomes. In the worst cases, the patient could even... pass away.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What? It can get that serious? And here Paimon thought they'd just stop talking as much...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 08.ogg Freminet: Yeah, that's just the nature of it. So if you'll find it difficult to cope with the worst-case scenario, I would prefer that you back out right now. I don't want you to help only to feel like you've failed...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry, I've seen all kinds of strange and difficult things in life.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 05a 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah, that's right! Paimon's seen all of those things too... No matter how hard it might get, we won't be scared!
Icon Dialogue Talk You've got a point. I'll give it some thought.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 05b 1a.ogg Paimon: Hey, now's not the time to be joking around! Don't worry, Freminet, no matter how hard it might get, we'll be able to handle it!
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 09.ogg Freminet: Really... Then, in that case, let's see this real-life fantasy adventure together to the end.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Yeah! But Paimon has a question... If this illness can really be as bad as you've described, then do you really think Zuria's method will be able to help?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: After all, we'll just be using a toy as "Thelxie" and some ruins as the "Kingdom of Water Imps." The whole adventure will only be turned into a picture book for her son to read...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 10.ogg Freminet: Well... I think it should be able to do something. To harbor a fantasy means that the child wants to save himself somehow. The only reason he's allowed his dream kingdom to fall is because he's lost control of his heart.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 11.ogg Freminet: But if we can help him regain control and escape from the darkness, we'll be able to change his world... like helping someone who's lost their voice be able to speak again.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Paimon sees what you're saying now... How do you understand all of this so well, Freminet?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 12.ogg Freminet: Hmm... well, maybe because I've also had many of my own dreams in the past. I even had my own fairytale world much like that boy's. I was able to draw a lot of support from it, so I believe in the power of fantasy worlds.
Icon Dialogue Talk So the Penguin Town you mentioned was...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 13.ogg Freminet: Ah, so you remembered...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What Penguin Town? Why doesn't Paimon remember... Is that also a fairytale world? Don't leave Paimon in the dark!
Suddenly, Freminet pulls out a diving helmet and puts it on his head...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Hey, why did you put that on!?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 14.ogg Freminet: Ahem... It's just... One of my personal quirks. Please pay it no mind.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 15.ogg Freminet: Anyway, Penguin Town is a peaceful place with lots of penguin residents. They are all really good at making clockwork toys.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 16.ogg Freminet: And Pers is the town's triumphant hero, as well as the one who quietly protects the whole place.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Pers? But didn't you make Pers yourself?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 17.ogg Freminet: Well, I often think that Pers only came to me because he realized how much I needed him... So it's not so much that I made Pers as Pers chose me as his friend.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Uhh... Freminet, are you sure you're not losing control of your fantasies as well?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 18.ogg Freminet: No I don't think so... I can still differentiate between fantasy and reality, I just believe that the fairytale world of my dreams must also exist somewhere.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 19.ogg Freminet: It might just be hidden, which is why it's difficult to see, or it'll only reveal itself at very specific times...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Specific times? Like when you put on your diving helmet?
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 20.ogg Freminet: Yeah, that's the general idea of it...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Really!? Paimon just said that because you put on your helmet...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 21.ogg Freminet: Have you ever observed the surface world from underwater? It's as if you're viewing a whole different world from the outside. It's a very surreal feeling... both alienating, but also as if you're being protected by something.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 22.ogg Freminet: I have a similar feeling when I put on my diving helmet. In those moments, it's possible to see some... truly wondrous things, as if a fairytale has become reality. It's almost like a sort of miracle...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Really? Like a miracle?
Icon Dialogue Talk Now I want to try on your helmet, too.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 23.ogg Freminet: Well, if that's an order...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm just kidding.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 16a 1.ogg Paimon: Hey, don't you still need some time to work on Thelxie's weapon? We don't want to keep you from finishing your commission.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yep, that's an order.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Hey, now's not the time! Freminet still has Thelxie's weapon to make, we don't want to bother him now.
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 24.ogg Freminet: Right, I still have to collect some tools I'll need to craft the weapon, I've got to finish everything before tomorrow... Thank you for reminding me, Paimon. I'm sure there'll be other opportunities for you to try my helmet...
Media:vo rpeq001 7 freminet 25.ogg Freminet: Thanks for all of your help. I'll be off for now — let's meet up here again in two days.
(Interacting with the door at Zuria Destree's house)
Media:vo dialog rpeq001 jalacan 01.ogg A male voice from inside the room: Who are you? I have a patient here who needs quiet bed rest. Please leave us be unless you have anything urgent to report.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
29Rainbow CradlesongPelagic PrimaevalityWater Imp's Conjecture (Quest), Miraculous Crown (Quest), Base Note: Auguste


  • The texts on the Inscribed Shells throughout this quest series reference a famous stanza in Ariel's song from William Shakespeare's The Tempest, where Ariel sings to Ferdinand about his father's supposed death by drowning.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Morse code for "DBWB." Deciphering the Caesar cipher using a left shift of one results in "CAVA" (French: Ça va ? "How are you?").
  2. Morse code for "DPNQBHOJF." Deciphering the Caesar cipher using a left shift of one results in "COMPAGNIE" (French: compagnie "company").

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWater Imp's Conjecture
Suiyou no Suisatsu
Korean 님프 조사
Mul Nimpeu Josa
SpanishLa conjetura del nixieThe Nixie's Conjecture
FrenchConjecture des DiableautinsWater Imp's Conjecture[• 1]
RussianДогадка о водяном
Dogadka o vodyanom
Vodyanoy's Conjecture
VietnameseSuy Đoán Về Thủy YêuWater Imp's Conjecture
GermanExistenz eines Wasser-Unholds
IndonesianMenerka Sosok Siluman AirGuessing the Figure of the Water Spirit
PortugueseConjectura da SereiaMermaid's Conjecture
TurkishSu İfriti Şüphesi
ItalianLa congettura del folletto dell'acquaThe Water Imp's Conjecture
  1. French: Diableautin is a wordplay between diablotin "imp, little devil" and eau "water."

Change History[]
