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Missing Quest stills.

Base Note: Auguste is the second part of Emilie's Story Quest, Pomum de Ambra Chapter: Act I - Floral Debt, Blood Due.


  1. Pursue Kirya
  2. Question the witness (0/2)
  3. Pursue Kirya
  4. Enter the secret garden
  5. Go further in
  6. Leave the secret garden
  7. Go to the secret garden's entrance
  8. Keep your appointment on the 2nd floor of the Hotel Debord

Gameplay Notes[]

  • During step 5, a trial Emilie joins the party.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


EmilieDendro Lv. 90 C3 E­mi­lie
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 11
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 27,978
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 2,088
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 868
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 145
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 90.2%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 130.3%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


UI Quest Quest Description

The true identity of "Kirya" has finally been exposed... His path of vengeance reaching its end.
Media:vo txslq003 1 inaam 01.ogg Innam: The shadow-like figure ran in the direction of the elevator, and my partner immediately chased after them...
Media:vo txslq003 1 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: ...We should hurry, before they're forced to confront each other.
(Try to enter any hotel room)
(TravelerTraveler): (We need to hurry. Now is not the time to wander.)
(While chasing)
Media:vo txslq003 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Where in the world did he go... Oh, let's ask the merchants nearby!
(Talk to Berbere)
Media:vo txslq003 4 berbere 01.ogg Berbere: G—Ghost! It's a ghost!
Media:vo txslq003 4 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: It's alright, please calm down and take a deep breath... Can you tell us what you saw?
Media:vo txslq003 4 berbere 02.ogg Berbere: *panting* I saw a black shadow... It ran right past me...
Media:vo txslq003 4 berbere 03.ogg Berbere: How could... How could something like that happen in broad daylight...
(Talk to Berbere again, optional)
Media:vo dialog txslq003 berbere 01.ogg Berbere: How could something like that happen in broad daylight...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Berbere, optional)
Media:vo txslq004 17 berbere 01.ogg Berbere: (What was that thing...)
(Talk to Babak)
Media:vo dialog txslq003 babak 01.ogg Babak: A shadow-like figure with an ominous aura?
Media:vo dialog txslq003 babak 02.ogg Babak: Sorry, I didn't see anything. I was busy taking inventory...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Babak, optional)
Media:vo txslq004 16 babak 01.ogg Babak: (...I hope nothing bad happened.)
(On the way to the marker)
Media:vo txslq003 6 citizenmaleb 01.ogg Crowd in Spirited Discussion: This is terrifying...
Media:vo txslq003 7 citizenfemaleb 01.ogg Crowd in Spirited Discussion: No! Don't come any closer!
(Approach the marker)
Media:vo txslq003 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *sigh*... If we go any further, we'll be out of Port Ormos! They'll be hardly any witnesses...
Media:vo txslq003 8 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: It's alright. I can detect a faint whiff of the scent from here. I would say he passed by this location not too long ago.
Media:vo txslq003 8 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: ...Hm, it's this way. Please, follow me.
(Approach the cliffside)
Media:vo txslq003 9 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: The scent is getting stronger. This must be the place.

(Enter the domain)
Media:vo txslq003 10 inaam 01.ogg Innam: Ah! Oguz!
Media:vo txslq003 10 inaam 02.ogg Innam: Are you alright? W—Were you attacked?
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 01.ogg Oguz: Argh... No, no... I'm alright. I was just chasing after that figure, and then, all of a sudden, I didn't feel so hot...
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: Let me take a look.
Media:vo txslq003 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: The air definitely feels heavy... It smells nice, but for some reason, it's hard to breathe...
Media:vo txslq003 10 collei 01.ogg Collei: This feeling... I've encountered it before...
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: Everything looks alright. It was probably just the stress of the chase combined with the impact of the environment. A bit of rest would do you some good.
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 02.ogg Oguz: I can't rest! Mr. Edgar is still in there! He taught my sister how to make perfume...
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 03.ogg Oguz: He's a good man... I can't just abandon him to die by Kirya's hand!
Media:vo txslq003 10 shyam 01.ogg Shyam: Oguz... You need to calm down and listen to me. Edgar is the one we're after. He and Kirya are the same person.
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 04.ogg Oguz: But... How is that possible!? I thought you said Kirya was in his thirties?
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 05.ogg Oguz: Mr. Edgar is seventy something... Changing your appearance to look decades older... That doesn't seem possible!
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: That's precisely why he had to resort to extraordinary measures to age himself.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...A Delusion.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 04.ogg Emilie: Kirya used a Delusion to bring back the Auguste flower, corroding his body in the process... just like his older sister.
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 06.ogg Oguz: No... He couldn't have. Mr. Edgar has been in Port Ormos for years! If someone started impersonating him all of a sudden, we would have noticed!
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 05.ogg Emilie: And what if the impersonation started before he ever set foot in Sumeru?
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 07.ogg Oguz: I... Uh...
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 06.ogg Emilie: ...I've yet to confirm it, but I suspect Kirya killed the real Edgar in Fontaine not long after his release from prison.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 07.ogg Emilie: While Edgar was incarcerated, Kirya started making preparations to replace him, including forcefully aging his body, studying perfumery... and planning the real Edgar's demise.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 08.ogg Emilie: The new "Edgar" then decided to relocate to Sumeru, seemingly out of an innocuous desire to let go of the past. He even left perfume-making in favor of mentoring students... But, these decisions were all for a specific purpose... the need to distance himself from anyone who might see through the facade.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 09.ogg Emilie: And Sumeru fit the bill to a tee. With no one around to question his identity, all he had to do was grow a beard, don a pair of glasses, make a few minor alterations to his appearance... and everyone would believe he was exactly who he claimed — Edgar, a perfumer from Fontaine.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 10.ogg Emilie: As the years went by, he removed his disguise little by little and continued to refine his skills... It would have been a gradual process, one that ensured no one around him would notice anything unusual.
Media:vo txslq003 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: That explains why Sylvain said he barely recognized Edgar back at the hotel...
Media:vo txslq003 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: He aged himself decades beyond his years just so he could accomplish his revenge... Is that even worth it?
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 08.ogg Oguz: I... I need to find Mr. Edgar... He's not that kind of person, he can't be... *coughing*
Media:vo txslq003 10 shyam 02.ogg Shyam: What you really need is to get out of here and rest!
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 09.ogg Oguz: No, I... I can keep going!
Media:vo txslq003 10 collei 02.ogg Collei: Wait... This environment is likely being influenced by the Delusion. Any discomfort, no matter how slight, should not be treated lightly.
Media:vo txslq003 10 collei 03.ogg Collei: I know how to relieve your symptoms, Mr. Oguz... Please, come with me and rest.
Media:vo txslq003 10 collei 04.ogg Collei: I'm sure Kirya... No, Edgar wouldn't want any more innocent people implicated in all this.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 11.ogg Emilie: Collei's right. (TravelerTraveler) and I will take things from here. From our brief exposure to "Auguste," it would seem the substance has little effect on us...
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 12.ogg Emilie: This leads me to believe those blessed with a Vision or capable of wielding elemental power are more resistant to the effects of abnormal elemental energy. In other words, this environment doesn't pose as much of a risk to us.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 13.ogg Emilie: Actually, now that I think about it, this stronghold likely has multiple points of entry. If the target were to escape from a different point of entry, that might allow him to evade capture...
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 14.ogg Emilie: ...I hate to trouble you, but we need people to survey the perimeter...
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 10.ogg Oguz: I...
Media:vo txslq003 10 shyam 03.ogg Shyam: Heh... Thanks.
Media:vo txslq003 10 shyam 04.ogg Shyam: ...Hear that? We're heading out! There's work to be done! Oguz, head back to Port Ormos and start gathering reinforcements!
Media:vo txslq003 10 oguz 11.ogg Oguz: Got it...
Media:vo txslq003 10 collei 05.ogg Collei: (TravelerTraveler), Emilie, Paimon... Please, be careful.
Media:vo txslq003 10 collei 06.ogg Collei: For someone whose only purpose in life is revenge, there's no telling what they'll do when there's no reason to move forward.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 15.ogg Emilie: Don't worry. This isn't the end, not for us... or for Kirya.
Media:vo txslq003 10 emilie 16.ogg Emilie: ...We're not going to let "Auguste" kill anyone else. It's time for the mythos to fade into obscurity.
(Inside the domain)
Media:vo txslq003 13 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: Monsters? Perhaps they were attracted here by the increased level of elemental energy...
Media:vo txslq003 11 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: I've never seen these seeds before... They must also have been created with the power of a Delusion.
Media:vo txslq003 11 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: Hm, it seems to be avoiding us, and there's no other way forward... Perhaps we could try luring it to the edge of the cliff.
(Approach the flower beds)
Media:vo txslq003 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Woah... Look at all the Auguste flowers...
Media:vo txslq003 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: There are so many of them... Paimon can't believe a single person did all this! It must've taken a lot of time...
Media:vo txslq003 14 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: I fear that statement is truer than you know, Paimon. Using a Delusion comes at a cost... not just time, but the time you have left to live...
Media:vo txslq003 14 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: But, why would Kirya need this many Auguste flowers?
Media:vo txslq003 14 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: He only needed a few bottles of "Auguste" to carry out his plan, right?
Media:vo txslq003 14 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: ...Perhaps hatred wasn't the only emotion fueling his obsession with "Auguste."
Icon Dialogue Talk ...What do you mean?
Media:vo txslq003 14 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: Not long ago, he told me he didn't want all the flowers transported to Sumeru to whither away in a foreign land.
Media:vo txslq003 14 emilie 04.ogg Emilie: But, Kirya betrayed Snezhnaya, abandoned Fontaine, and lived his entire life in Sumeru under the guise of someone else...
Media:vo txslq003 14 emilie 05.ogg Emilie: For someone with nowhere to call home... Perhaps dying among a bed of Auguste flowers, just like his sister, is the best homecoming he could ask for.
(If the seed gets destroyed by the purple light)
Media:vo txslq003 12 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: A plant that destroys seeds... Huh, quite the ecological marvel. Let's head back to the place where the seeds first appeared.
(After second dendro seed bridge)
Media:vo txslq003 15 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: The scent of flowers is getting stronger... We're almost at the end.
(Approach the end of the tunnel)
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 01.ogg Kirya: *panting*... *coughing*...
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: The scent... getting stronger... almost at the...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 02.ogg Kirya: ...Did they catch up that fast?
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 03.ogg Kirya: No... my strength is just waning...
The Delusion, having lost its luster, falls to the ground.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 04.ogg Kirya: ...But, it doesn't matter... This is far enough.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 05.ogg Kirya: Hmph...
Kirya takes out "Auguste" and downs it in a single gulp.
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 01.ogg Kirya: Ahh!
Kirya suddenly lifts his head, and sees a sea of fire surrounding him...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 02.ogg Kirya: This is... A garden of Auguste flowers?
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 03.ogg Kirya: ...But, it's not mine... It's the one that was set on fire all those years ago in Fontaine...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 04.ogg Kirya: ...Yelena?
Yelena's silhouette stands still in the sea of fire, and he rushes headlong towards his sister, hugging her tightly.
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 05.ogg Kirya: Yelena!
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 06.ogg Kirya: You tried to hide it from me, but I... I always understood!
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 07.ogg Kirya: The reason why you continued to use the Delusion... The reason why you set your garden on fire... It was all because of me!
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 08.ogg Kirya: ...I shouldn't have listened to you that day. I shouldn't have taken the Mora and ran...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 09.ogg Kirya: But, by the time I realized something wasn't right... there was nothing left. The flowers were gone... and so were you...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 10.ogg Kirya: ...I know I'm almost twenty years too late... I should have come looking for you earlier...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 11.ogg Kirya: I should have... I should have died with you that day...
Yelena: ...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 12.ogg Kirya: ...Yelena?
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 13.ogg Kirya: —!
Yet Yelena abruptly pushes him away.
Kirya keeps stumbling backward, while Yelena continues to stand amidst the raging flames, waving goodbye...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 14.ogg Kirya: Yelena!?
Yelena: ...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 15.ogg Kirya: No... Don't leave me... Please...
Media:vo txslq003 16 kirya 16.ogg Kirya: Yelena!
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 06.ogg Kirya: Uhhh...
Kirya wakens, and finds you and Emilie standing watch by his side...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 07.ogg Kirya: ...Emilie?
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 08.ogg Kirya: I... I'm alive? No, that's not possible. I saw her... Yelena... We were together...
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: ... No. That was an illusion, likely brought about by the residual toxin in your body coupled with the pollen in the air, neither of which are fatal.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 09.ogg Kirya: No, the amount of "Auguste" I drank... It should've been enough...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm sorry to say this, but...
Icon Dialogue Talk That was a fake.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 10.ogg Kirya: ...A fake? But, how...
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: ...We started making the preparations last night with one goal in mind.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 04.ogg Emilie: ...To create a perfect accord.
Emilie explains everything to Kirya...
She had already seen through his plan the night before and had mixed an accord of "Auguste."
Based on the various traces, she had deduced where Kirya had hidden "Auguste" and had switched out the bottles that morning...
(A cinematic plays)
Emilie and Kirya: The accord is the basis of perfume-making
Emilie and Kirya: The product in its most primitive form
(Flashback to Emilie's childhood begins)
Kirya: Ambergris mixed with cedarwood
Kirya: Rounded out with a base note of agarwood...
Emilie: ...This is... the scent of leather?
Kirya: Exactly. We're unable to extract essential oils from leather
Kirya: But by combining other raw materials, we can recreate its essence
Kirya: That is the purpose of an accord
Emilie: Does that mean, you can recreate any scent in the whole world?
Kirya: Haha, I'm afraid not
Kirya: Certain fragrances in this world
Kirya: Are simply one of a kind
Kirya: That quality is what draws people in
Kirya: And fuels their obsessions...
(Flashback changes)
Fontainian Woman A: If I wear "Auguste" to the ball, I'll also be "one of a kind"!
Fontainian Woman B: Our competitor already got their hands on it? We're falling behind!
Various Fontainians: It doesn't matter how much it costs. I have to buy something better!
Perfume is all anyone's talking about. I have to buy some soon...
Who cares about the message? Fork over the Mora and it's yours, am I right?
(Flashback ends)
Emilie: This fragrance... will be "one of a kind" no more
Emilie: "Myths" can be deconstructed
Emilie: "Miracles" can be recreated
Emilie: All it takes is skill, experience
Emilie: Limitless exploration, and a little patience
(Emilie swirls a concoction and holds it up)
Emilie: ...The only thing left is determining where the real "Auguste" is hidden
(Scene changes to show Kirya in his room)
Emilie: ...Pretending to be attacked means he's not free to move around
Emilie: "Auguste" must be hidden within reach...
(Flashbacks to the beginning of Floral Debt, Blood Due begin)
Paimon: ...Paimon took a peek through the window earlier
Paimon: And his house was packed with flowers...
Tighnari: The curator commissioned a flower pot from Kshahrewar
Tighnari: Capable of retaining heat and moisture...
(Flashback to Emilie's childhood begins)
Kirya: ...Perfumes are as beautiful as flowers, and equally as delicate
Kirya: When stored
Kirya: You must take care to control the temperature
Kirya: And keep them away from direct sunlight...
Kirya: Did you get all that, Emilie?
(Scene transitions from young Emilie taking notes to present day Emilie looking into a flower pot)
Young and Present Day Emilie: ...Mhm, I got it
(Emilie, holding a bottle of perfume, reaches into the flower pot and takes out an identical bottle of perfume)
(Scene changes to Kirya coughing in his room)
Crowd in Spirited Discussion Outside: Did you hear? Someone was attacked again last night!
Kirya: So... Sylvain is dead, is that right?
Emilie: ...Yes, Master
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 11.ogg Kirya: ...So, you switched the bottles of "Auguste" and then lied to me about Sylvain's death...
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 05.ogg Emilie: Convincing you that your revenge had been completed... was the easiest way to get you to let down your guard.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 12.ogg Kirya: Impossible... even if you found a way to switch out the bottles, there's no way you could have made an accord!
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 13.ogg Kirya: If "Auguste" was so easy to replicate, Yelena wouldn't have...
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 06.ogg Emilie: It was a combination of Rainbow Roses, Glaze Lilies, and Cecilias... Those ingredients would have conflicted with each other if you tried to combine them in the past.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 07.ogg Emilie: But recently, we found a way for them to work together.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 14.ogg Kirya: ...Rainbow Roses... Glaze Lilies... and Cecilias?
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 08.ogg Emilie: ..."Auguste" was created over ten years ago. All this time, people never stopped analyzing it, never stopped trying to recreate it.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 09.ogg Emilie: Perfumery techniques are advancing day by day. We've found better ways to extract essential oils, separate oils and fats... we even discovered new ways to combine fragrances together.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 10.ogg Emilie: The mythos surrounding "Auguste" may have been untouchable almost twenty years ago... But, now, it's time for it to become a thing of the past.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 15.ogg Kirya: The past...
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 11.ogg Emilie: You've been working as a perfumer for all these years... You should have always known that it is possible to make an accord, even if only in theory.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 12.ogg Emilie: But, the meaning you assigned to "Auguste" became so inflated, you allowed yourself to get lost in it... just like the "Perfume Mania" that captivated the public all those years ago.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 13.ogg Emilie: You believed in its "divinity" and "grandeur"... You believed it was entirely "one of a kind."
Icon Dialogue Talk And, in the process, you forgot...
Icon Dialogue Talk That it was a bottle of perfume, nothing more.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 14.ogg Emilie: Your obsession with "Auguste" is also what allowed us to predict how you intended your plan to end... and to make preparations in advance.
Media:vo txslq003 16 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We just didn't expect it to happen so fast...
Icon Dialogue Talk Or that you would activate the Delusion.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 16.ogg Kirya: Ha... Haha...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 17.ogg Kirya: Well... you hit the nail on the head, now didn't you?
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 18.ogg Kirya: So... Sylvain isn't dead...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 19.ogg Kirya: Since you've been preparing your accord since last night... I assume you've also figured out my method, then?
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 20.ogg Kirya: That means the news of Sylvain's death, the crowd gathered outside the hotel this morning... It was all an act you put on with the Sheriff?
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 15.ogg Emilie: ...Yes. If we hadn't, you might have resorted to the Delusion out of desperation, or continued to use your "Spirit Borneol" and "Auguste" combination to wreak havoc...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 21.ogg Kirya: Who knows... Maybe I would have just offed myself then and there.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 16.ogg Emilie: I know if you had things your way, you would carry the truth of "Edgar's" demise and the secrets of this garden to the grave, but I'm sorry, Master... I don't want to see any more death.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 17.ogg Emilie: Sylvain only inhaled a small amount of poison. He's being detained as we speak.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 18.ogg Emilie: All the crimes he concealed back then will be exposed in a court of law for everyone to see, and all his secrets will be revealed... The same goes for you as well.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 22.ogg Kirya: Is that so... Well, I suppose I'll be spending the rest of my days in a prison cell, then.
Media:vo txslq003 16 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Woah... He accepted that kinda fast...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 23.ogg Kirya: ...I don't feel the need to justify my actions, nor do I intend to repent for them.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 24.ogg Kirya: I did what I set out to do. I may have lost in the end, but it was my choice every step of the way. And if I could do it all over again...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 25.ogg Kirya: Hah... But, there's no going back, is there?
You hear the voices of Collei and the others in the distance...
Media:vo txslq003 16 collei 01.ogg Collei: Be careful, everyone. This environment is dangerous, I'll lead the way...
Media:vo txslq003 16 shyam 01.ogg Shyam: ...Stick close... We can't let Edgar die...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 26.ogg Kirya: Looks like I'm almost out of time... Although, I do have one final question, Emilie.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 19.ogg Emilie: ...Of course, Master.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 27.ogg Kirya: The combination you used to make your accord... How did you figure it out?
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 20.ogg Emilie: ...The scent of "Auguste" is complex and varied, yet the main ingredient consists of a single variety of flower.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 21.ogg Emilie: So, as I was analyzing the sample yesterday, I got to thinking... What if the scent of the Auguste flower was already imbued with that complexity during its cultivation?
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 28.ogg Kirya: You're saying... Yelena designed "Auguste" to have the scent of multiple flowers?
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 22.ogg Emilie: Rainbow Roses, Glaze Lilies, Cecilias... The perfumers of the past knew that if you combined their essential oils directly, they would just cancel each other out. It was a conundrum they could never solve.
Media:vo txslq003 16 emilie 23.ogg Emilie: But, if you cultivate a new flower species that intrinsically carries the unique features of those three scents, you can bypass that issue entirely... It goes without saying, that for the time, this idea was a stroke of genius.
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 29.ogg Kirya: Rainbow Roses, Glaze Lilies, and Cecilias... Hah, those really do seem like flowers you would choose...
Media:vo txslq003 16 edgar 30.ogg Kirya: ...Yelena.
Kirya accepts his fate without saying a word.
Not long after that, the Eremites rush over...
Kirya accepts his fate without saying a word.
(Leave the domain)
And thus, all the turmoil caused by "Auguste" finally comes to an end...
A few weeks later, you receive a letter from Emilie inviting you to catch up in Fontaine...

(Approach the upper floor)
Media:vo txslq003 18 citizenfemalec 01.ogg Crowd in Spirited Discussion: ...Did you know? Miss Emilie's releasing a new perfume!
Media:vo txslq003 18 citizenfemaled 01.ogg Crowd in Spirited Discussion: Ah, right! I heard about that! I think it's called... "Yelena"...
Media:vo txslq003 18 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: ...Seems like everyone in Fontaine is talking about the new perfume you're releasing!
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: I was hoping to release it without such a fuss, but... the news spread way faster than I expected.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: I just hope it won't become the source of some new "myth"... especially after all the work we did to demystify "Auguste."
Icon Dialogue Talk About this perfume...
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you use the accord from back in Sumeru?
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: I did! Although, I made a few modifications to the formula to make the scent more pleasant and long-lasting... I actually brought a few samples with me today. I hope they're to your liking.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 04.ogg Emilie: Also... I was hoping you could try out the fragrance before I officially release it, and tell me your thoughts.
Media:vo txslq003 18 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Of course! A good sense of taste and sense of smell go hand in hand, you know. Just leave it to Paimon!
Media:vo txslq003 18 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: ...*sniff* Ooh, it smells great!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm not sure that's the kind of feedback she had in mind...
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 05.ogg Emilie: Haha, it's alright. All feedback is worth considering.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 06.ogg Emilie: Besides, when it comes to perfume... commenting on whether it smells good is the most straightforward assessment you can ask for. There doesn't always have to be a deeper meaning.
Icon Dialogue Talk Speaking of deeper meanings... Kirya's final question...
Media:vo txslq003 18 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Right... Do those flowers have some special meaning? Hearing their names seemed to have an effect on him...
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 07.ogg Emilie: Hm, if I had to guess... I'd say it probably has something to do with the language of flowers.
Media:vo txslq003 18 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: The language of flowers? Oh, we've heard of that before. Paimon remembers hearing something like... the "Cecilia" represents "the true feelings of the prodigal son"...
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 08.ogg Emilie: What each flower is said to represent varies by person and across different moments in history... the same is true for the flowers that make up the scent of Auguste.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 09.ogg Emilie: After returning to Fontaine, I did some research... and it turns out, the meanings of those three flowers can be reassembled to form a single phrase...
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 10.ogg Emilie: "...Forget the past, and keep on living."
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 11.ogg Emilie: Perhaps that's the legacy Yelena always intended, not the nobility and grandeur most people associate with Auguste.
Icon Dialogue Talk Or maybe... That's what she hoped for her brother...
Media:vo txslq003 18 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Do you think Kirya knew about that?
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 12.ogg Emilie: I paid him a visit before his trial and explained what I found... But, he didn't seem to care.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 13.ogg Emilie: "Who knows? Maybe she didn't mean anything by it at all?" — that was his response.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 14.ogg Emilie: "...Yelena is gone. We'll never know what she was thinking. We can look for meaning all we want, but it'll never be anything but conjecture."
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 15.ogg Emilie: "Even if that is what she was trying to say, I would never be able to forget her."
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 16.ogg Emilie: "...Avenging her death... That was the meaning I chose for my life."
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 17.ogg Emilie: ...Kirya cultivated his revenge like a flower. He was commited to making it bloom, even if, in the end, it didn't bear the fruit he was hoping for...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Kirya.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 18.ogg Emilie: In any case, he did want me to pass along his thanks.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 19.ogg Emilie: "...Thank you for saving my life, for giving me the chance to learn that Auguste... could have carried a very different meaning."
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 20.ogg Emilie: Love and hatred are a privilege of the living.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 21.ogg Emilie: When someone dies, their thoughts, feelings, and intentions die with them. In that sense, what Auguste truly represents in the language of flowers will forever remain a mystery.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 22.ogg Emilie: But... even if it's only a conjecture, I would like to believe my own interpretation.
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 23.ogg Emilie: The meaning we give to flowers, the symbolism we assign to our perfumes... They're constantly twisted and exploited in our imperfect world...
Media:vo txslq003 18 emilie 24.ogg Emilie: And yet, at the very outset, they're born from the simplest and most beautiful desires we hold in our heart.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
29Rainbow CradlesongPelagic PrimaevalityWater Imp's Conjecture (Quest), Miraculous Crown (Quest), Base Note: Auguste
59Hidden SillageThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4Base Note: Auguste (cutscene)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBase Note: Auguste
Hòudiào - Àogǔsīdū
Base Note - Augustus
Hòudiào - Àogǔsīdū
Rasuto Nooto: Augusutusu
Base Note: Augustus
Korean베이스 노트・아우구스투스
Beiseu Noteu - Auguseutuseu
Base Note - Augustus
SpanishNota base: AugustinneBase Note: Augustine
FrenchNote de fond : AugusteBase Note: Auguste
RussianКонечная нота: Август
Konechnaya nota: Avgust
Final Note: Auguste
Thaiกลิ่นพื้นฐาน: Auguste
VietnameseLàn Hương Cuối - Auguste
GermanBasisnote: Auguste
IndonesianAroma Akhir: AugusteFinal Aroma: Auguste
PortugueseNota de Fundo: Auguste
TurkishAlt Nota: Auguste
ItalianNota di fondo: Auguste

Change History[]
