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An ancient longsword discovered in the Blackcliff Forge that cuts through rocks like a hot knife through butter.

Prototype Rancour is a forgeable 4-Star sword. It is part of the Prototype Series.

Ascensions and Stats[]

Toggle Ascension Materials

Level Base
2nd Stat
(Physical DMG Bonus)
0✦ 1/20 44 7.5%
20/20 119 13.3%
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Mora 5,000
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir 3
Mist Grass Pollen 3
Recruit's Insignia 2
1✦ 20/40 144 13.3%
40/40 226 19.3%
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Mora 15,000
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir 3
Mist Grass Pollen 12
Recruit's Insignia 8
2✦ 40/50 252 19.3%
50/50 293 22.4%
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Mora 20,000
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir 6
Mist Grass 6
Sergeant's Insignia 6
3✦ 50/60 319 22.4%
60/60 361 25.4%
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Mora 30,000
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir 3
Mist Grass 12
Sergeant's Insignia 9
4✦ 60/70 387 25.4%
70/70 429 28.4%
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Mora 35,000
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir 6
Mist Grass Wick 9
Lieutenant's Insignia 6
5✦ 70/80 455 28.4%
80/80 497 31.5%
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Mora 45,000
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir 4
Mist Grass Wick 18
Lieutenant's Insignia 12
6✦ 80/90 523 31.5%
90/90 565 34.5%

Total Cost (0 → 6)

Mora 150,000 Mora


Icon_Forging_SmallForging for 10 seconds
Mora 500 Mora
Icon Forging Recipe
Prototype Rancour 1 Pro­to­type Ran­cour


An ancient prototype sword from Liyue's arsenal. The batch number has faded and no records exist to confirm the date of production.
A swirling cloud motif is etched into the body of the blade, which gives it a faint golden glow in the sunlight as it swings through the air.

It is said that the bladesmiths behind this weapon reached the extent of their abilities and were forced to innovate.
Yun Hui, head of the house of Yun's family forge, approached renowned craftsman Han Wu. With the combined expertise from both sides, Han Wu drew up designs for a new series of weapons, simply named "the prototypes."
The very first sword made following this design already had the feel of a formidable weapon.

While trying out the sword at Mt. Tianheng, Han Wu accidentally dropped it on the ground.
The sword responded by unleashing a swirling tornado of energy that cut a twelve-inch-deep hole into the solid mountain rock.
Han Wu took it as a sign from the heavens. He declared, "This sword shall be named Rancour, destroyer of rocks."

This sword shakes mountains at their foundations and possesses the power of a thousand peaks in its tip.
This sword that cuts through rocks like butter became the basis for all subsequent swords made in Liyue.





Other Languages[]

Prototype Rancour

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPrototype Rancour
Shìzuò Zhǎn Yán
Prototype Stonecutter
Shìzuò Zhǎn Yán
Zangan - Shisaku
Stonecutter - Prototype
Korean참암 프로토타입
Chamam Peurototaip
Rock cut Prototype
SpanishPrototipo RencorPrototype Rancour
FrenchTailleur de pierre (prototype)Stone Mason (Prototype)
RussianПрототип: Злоба
Prototip: Zloba
Prototype: Rancour
ThaiPrototype Rancour
VietnameseMẫu Trảm NhamRock Cut Prototype
GermanSteinschneider-PrototypStonecutter Prototype
IndonesianPrototype Rancour
PortugueseProtótipo RancorPrototype Rancour
TurkishPrototip: GarezPrototype: Grudge
ItalianPrototipo del rancorePrototype of Rancour

Smashed Stone

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSmashed Stone
Broken Stone
Iwa Kudaki
Korean부서진 바위
Buseojin Bawi
Broken Rock
SpanishQuebrantarrocasRockbreaker[• 1]
FrenchPierre casséeBroken Stone
RussianРасколотый камень
Raskolotyy kamen'
Split Rock
ThaiCrushed Stone
VietnameseĐá Vụn
IndonesianCrushed Stone
PortuguesePedra Destruída
TurkishKırık TaşBroken Stone
ItalianPietra frantumata
  1. Spanish: Portmanteau of quebranta "it breaks" and rocas "rocks."

Change History[]

