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Ooshima Junpei (Japanese: 大島純平 Ooshima Junpei) is an open-world NPC who makes an appearance in the "Neko Is a Cat" World Quest series.



He is a craftsman who used to work in Tatarasuna, but after the Mikage Furnace went critical, he was out of a job as the area was evacuated. Even after it was stabilized, many have yet to return and Junpei has not gotten a notice to return yet.

During the Neko is a Cat series, the Traveler sought a craftsman after Neko desired a statue of her likeness to help renovate the shrine. They found Junpei at an encampment on the outskirts of Tatarasuna and hired him. He was initially skeptical but decided to go along to kill some time, and was surprised to find that his employer was a talking cat. Nonetheless, he finished the job and continues to remain in Neko's employment as the shrine's repairman, being paid in antiques. He also decided to spend some time with wood carving for a secondary side income in the event that Neko ran out of antiques to give him. He hopes to find a buyer for his carvings back on Narukami Island and is content to wait for Asase Hibiki to pay him for the shrine upkeep, only knowing of her through Neko's description.


(To be added.)


World Quests


Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Any work will do...
Media:VO Ooshima Junpei 01.ogg "I just need a job. Any work will do."


Ooshima Junpei: Well, looks like I found another job... That's good...
Icon Dialogue Talk So, about your work...
Ooshima Junpei: Oh, it's you, Traveler! Thanks for introducing me to this job.
Ooshima Junpei: As we agreed, the future maintenance of this shrine will become my responsibility.
Ooshima Junpei: As for my payment... ah, the provisional head priestess says that she'll think of something. I just need to take care of the shrine.
Ooshima Junpei: Hmm. Maybe I should try making a few wood carvings in my free time later.
Icon Dialogue Talk You know how to carve wood as well?
Ooshima Junpei: Why, of course! I'll have you know that I'm a dab hand at a few different crafts.
Ooshima Junpei: These wooden carvings here were all made by me using Lady Neko in various poses as a reference.
Ooshima Junpei: These carvings are very small, and can be held and played with in your hand, or displayed in your home as ornaments.
Ooshima Junpei: I've been thinking to get someone to help me bring a batch of these — once I'm done making them, of course — to Narukami Island to see if anyone's willing to buy them.
Ooshima Junpei: If we find willing customers, this might become a decent business venture.
Ooshima Junpei: And if I earn some money, I can spruce this shrine up even further!
Ooshima Junpei: I imagine that the provisional head priestess would be most pleased.
Ooshima Junpei: As for the whole payment, uhh... I guess I'll just wait for that "Hibiki" person to come back and give it all to me at once, eh?
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Ooshima Junpei: See you! You work hard too!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishOoshima Junpei
Dàdǎo Chúnpíng
Dàdǎo Chúnpíng
Ooshima Junpei
Korean오오시마 준페이
Oosima Junpei
SpanishOoshima Junpei
FrenchOoshima Junpei
RussianОсима Дзюмпэй
Osima Dzyumpey
ThaiOoshima Junpei
VietnameseOoshima Junpei
GermanOoshima Junpei
IndonesianOoshima Junpei
PortugueseOoshima Junpei
TurkishOoshima Junpei
ItalianOoshima Junpei

Change History[]

