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An educational tome written by anonymous early inhabitants who worshiped the wind. It has been blessed by the wind for its faithfulness and influence over the millennia.

Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds is a 5-Star catalyst.

Ascensions and Stats[]

Toggle Ascension Materials

Level Base
2nd Stat
(CRIT Rate)
0✦ 1/20 46 7.2%
20/20 122 12.7%
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Mora 10,000
Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator 5
Chaos Device 5
Slime Condensate 3
1✦ 20/40 153 12.7%
40/40 235 18.5%
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Mora 20,000
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 5
Chaos Device 18
Slime Condensate 12
2✦ 40/50 266 18.5%
50/50 308 21.4%
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Mora 30,000
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 9
Chaos Circuit 9
Slime Secretions 9
3✦ 50/60 340 21.4%
60/60 382 24.4%
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Mora 45,000
Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator 5
Chaos Circuit 18
Slime Secretions 14
4✦ 60/70 414 24.4%
70/70 457 27.3%
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Mora 55,000
Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator 9
Chaos Core 14
Slime Concentrate 9
5✦ 70/80 488 27.3%
80/80 532 30.2%
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Mora 65,000
Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator 6
Chaos Core 27
Slime Concentrate 18
6✦ 80/90 563 30.2%
90/90 608 33.1%

Total Cost (0 → 6)

Mora 225,000 Mora

Gameplay Notes[]

  • The passive triggers depending on whether the wielder is on the field or off the field, rather than whether they are in combat or not.


Scriptures of the ancient winds, passed from generation to generation among the observers of ritual in service of the Anemo Archon.
Countless hands have touched the now-yellowing pages of this book, though any prints they left have since been carried away by the wind.

In the era when the Storm Lord reigned from his tower up high, desperate appeals filled the scriptures.
Then, in the era when the sands of snow thawed, the joy of the sprouting greenery flooded the pages.

In the days of yore, when the ruling aristocracy pulled at puppet strings to control the masses,
The scriptures in the hands of slaves told of their envy and their desire for the thousand winds.

The people of Mondstadt lived, endured, fought, rejoiced, and enjoyed freedom.
As the precious years passed, the scriptures grew thicker and heavier.

When Mondstadt was born anew, and the Church finally unshackled,
The scriptures of the winds could bear no longer being confined to a shelf,
And so the book took flight, left the Church's treasury and was gone.
Like the winds of Mondstadt, and like the people of Mondstadt,
It belonged to freedom and the winds.

The elegant handwriting on the title page reads:

Children of the Anemo Archon, heed these words:
From the winds we have come, and with the winds we shall go.
Never, ever grieve for me.
'Tis but my flesh and bones which rest in the soil:
My soul has become one with the thousand winds.

When flowers bloom, when leaves sway,
That is me who sings the songs of freedom, of the winds.




Weapon Event Wishes[]

Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds has been promoted or featured with a drop-rate boost in 5 Event Wishes:

Wish Featured Duration Version
Epitome Invocation 2020-10-20
Epitome Invocation 2020-10-20
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds
October 20, 2020 – November 10, 2020 1.0
Epitome Invocation 2021-04-06
Epitome Invocation 2021-04-06
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds
April 6, 2021 – April 27, 2021 1.4
Epitome Invocation 2021-06-09
Epitome Invocation 2021-06-09
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds
June 9, 2021 – June 29, 2021 1.6
Epitome Invocation 2022-07-13
Epitome Invocation 2022-07-13
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds
July 13, 2022 – August 2, 2022 2.8
Epitome Invocation 2023-07-05
Epitome Invocation 2023-07-05
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds
July 5, 2023 – July 25, 2023 3.8

Chronicled Wishes[]

Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds has been included in 1 Chronicled Wish:

Wish Designated Item Duration Version
Ode to the Dawn Breeze 2024-03-13
Ode to the Dawn Breeze 2024-03-13
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds Lost Prayer to the Sa­cred Winds
March 13, 2024 – April 2, 2024 4.5

Other Languages[]

Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
Sìfēng Yuándiǎn
Original Text of Four Winds
Sìfēng Yuándiǎn
Shifuu Genten
Original Text of Four Winds
Korean사풍 원서
Sapung Wonseo
The Original Book of the Four Winds
SpanishOración Perdida a los Vientos SagradosLost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
FrenchL'origine des Quatre VentsThe Origin of the Four Winds
RussianМолитва святым ветрам
Molitva svyatym vetram
Prayer to the Sacred Winds
ThaiLost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
VietnameseĐiển Tích Tây PhongAncient Tale of the West Wind
GermanGebete der Vier WindePrayers of the Four Winds
IndonesianLost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
PortugueseOração Perdida aos Ventos SagradosLost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
TurkishKutsal Rüzgarların Kayıp DuasıThe Sacred Winds' Lost Prayer
ItalianOrigine dei venti sacriOrigin of the Sacred Winds

Boundless Blessing

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBoundless Blessing
Wú Biānjì de Juàngù
Wú Biānjì de Juàngù
Hate Shinai Megumi
Endless Blessing
Korean끝없는 은혜
Kkeudeomneun Eunhye
Endless Grace
SpanishBendición infinitaInfinite Blessing
FrenchBénédiction infinieEndless Blessing
RussianОпека ветров
Opeka vetrov
Guarding of the Winds
ThaiBoundless Blessing
VietnameseSự Chăm Sóc Vô BiênBoundless Care
GermanGrenzenlose GunstBoundless Blessing
IndonesianBoundless Blessing
PortugueseBênção Sem Fronteiras
TurkishSonsuz LütufBoundless Blessing
ItalianBenedizione smisurataBoundless Blessing

Change History[]

