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Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By is a Daily Commission in Aaru Village, Sumeru.


  1. Talk to Maruf
  2. Talk to Zakariya
  3. Talk to Maruf

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Giving the correct instructions to Maruf for any of the three instructions grants the Wonders of the World achievement Doctor's Handwriting.
    • If the patient has a headache, the instructions are:
      • Mint.
      • Brew on a high flame throughout.
      • Until the ingredients float.
    • If the patient has a stomachache, the instructions are:
      • Henna Berry.
      • Brew on a low flame throughout.
      • Until the ingredients turn mushy.
    • If the patient can't see well, the instructions are:
      • Starshroom.
      • A high flame first, and then a low flame.
      • Until the soup deepens in color.
  • Giving the incorrect instructions to Maruf may trigger the Commission Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make on the next day.


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Maruf from Aaru Village seems to be having some trouble...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Maruf, optional)
Maruf: (*sigh* I must do something to reassure my patients...)
(Talk to Maruf)
Maruf: *sigh* This condition is tricky. I'd better get Dr. Zakariya's help.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is someone gravely ill?
Maruf: Eh? Ah, Traveler! Nobody's gravely ill. It's just that a (patient's got a severe case of headache/patient's got a severe case of stomachache/patient suddenly can't see well).
Maruf: I gave him some medicine, but it didn't really work that well.
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you tried prescribing other medicine?
Maruf: Ahem... That would've been far beyond me. You see, with my limited experience, I can only come up with this many prescriptions...
Maruf: They can treat mild conditions alright, but when it comes to serious ones, they're next to useless.
Maruf: Luckily, Dr. Zakariya at Bimarstan has offered to prescribe medicine and get the ingredients ready for me...
Maruf: Traveler, can I ask you a favor?
Maruf: I've got some patients to attend to, so could you visit Dr. Zakariya in my stead and ask him to prescribe something?
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave it to me.
Maruf: I'm counting on you, Traveler.
Icon Dialogue Talk Does Zakariya ever come to the village?
Maruf: He occasionally has people send herbs and stuff over, but he's too busy to show up in person, really.
Maruf: Anyway, about that prescription — I'm counting on you, Traveler.
(Talk to Maruf again)
Maruf: Anyway, about that prescription — I'm counting on you, Traveler.

(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Zakariya, optional)
Zakariya: (Maruf's really carrying a heavy burden...)
(Talk to Zakariya)
Zakariya: Why am I having more and more patients lately...
Icon Dialogue Talk About Maruf...
Zakariya: Maruf? Did he run into some little-understood illness again?
You describe the condition Maruf is treating...
Zakariya: *sigh* How many times have I told him? He's fully capable of handling something this simple on his own — without needing my help!
Zakariya: I bet the patients are exaggerating their discomfort again, thinking that a mere village doctor is unable to treat their "serious illness."
Zakariya: That's why Maruf wants my prescription to reassure them.
Zakariya: Looking after the villagers for so many years has definitely not been an easy task for Maruf... I'll write up a prescription right away. Please take note, Traveler.
(If the patient has a headache)
Zakariya: Um, I remember Maruf is treating a patient with...
Icon Dialogue Talk A headache.
Zakariya: Ah, I see. To treat headaches, the prescription that I gave him last time will do.
Zakariya: Brew up a herbal soup out of the ingredients listed in the prescription and add three portions of Mint.
Zakariya: After that, keep boiling the soup on a high flame for around... Forget it... Boil it until the ingredients float.
(If the patient has a stomachache)
Zakariya: Um, I remember Maruf is treating a patient with...
Icon Dialogue Talk A stomachache.
Zakariya: Ah, I see. To treat stomachaches, the prescription that I gave him last time will do.
Zakariya: Brew up a herbal soup out of the raw ingredients listed in the prescription and add three Henna Berries.
Zakariya: After that, keep boiling the soup on a low flame until the ingredients become soft and mushy.
(If the patient can't see well)
Zakariya: Um, I remember Maruf is treating a patient...
Icon Dialogue Talk Who can't see well.
Zakariya: Ah, I see. To treat someone with impaired vision, the prescription that I gave him last time would do.
Zakariya: Brew up a herbal soup out of raw ingredients listed in my prescription and add a Starshroom.
Zakariya: After that, keep boiling the soup on a high flame. In fact, I'd suggest a brief high flame first before leaving it on a low flame for a bit longer, until the soup deepens in color.
Zakariya: Um... Just in case you forget, I'll write it down.
Zakariya writes down the prescription...
Zakariya: Please deliver the prescription to Maruf.
Zakariya: To be honest, I wouldn't say what I prescribed is "medicine." Instead, it's more of a... How should I put it...
Zakariya: Well, it's more of a mild, nutritious supplement.
Zakariya: One can be as creative as they want with the prescription. The worst thing they might end up with is a useless soup, that's all.
Zakariya: *sigh* Actually, all Maruf had to do was to adjust his original prescription very slightly. Why couldn't he put more trust in himself?
(Obtain Zakariya's Prescription for Maruf Zakariya's Prescription for Maruf)

(Talk to Maruf)
Maruf: Ah, Traveler, you're back! What did Zakariya say?
Icon Dialogue Talk About Zakariya's prescription...
Maruf: It says to use the soup he prescribed last time as the base? I see... Let me check the instructions more carefully.
Maruf: Eh? His writing is, um, unsurprisingly still so hard to understand.
Maruf: Traveler, he told you how to brew it and what ingredients are needed, right?
Maruf: Could you watch my steps? Let me know if I make any mistakes.
Maruf: The ingredients are... Ugh... Totally unintelligible...
Icon Dialogue Talk Starshroom.
Icon Dialogue Talk Henna Berry.
Icon Dialogue Talk Mint.
Maruf: How do I brew it?
Icon Dialogue Talk Brew on a high flame throughout.
Icon Dialogue Talk Brew on a low flame throughout.
Icon Dialogue Talk A high flame first, and then a low flame.
Maruf: For how long?
Icon Dialogue Talk Until the ingredients float.
Icon Dialogue Talk Until the ingredients turn mushy.
Icon Dialogue Talk Until the soup deepens in color.
Maruf: Got it. Allow me to check the prescription one more time, just in case we missed something.
Maruf starts brewing the medicine...
(If the instructions were not correct)
Maruf: Something feels off about this soup...
Maruf: Anyway, I'll try it first when it's done.
Maruf: Thank you, Traveler. Here, this is for you.
(If the instructions were correct)
Maruf: Hmm, the soup looks nice.
Maruf: Thank you, Traveler. Here, this is for you.
Maruf: When I'm finished, I'll try it myself first.

Video Guides[]

Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By: Doctor's Handwriting

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGood Medicine Is Hard to Come By
Liángyào Nánqiú
Good Medicine Is Hard to Get
Liángyào Nánqiú
Ryouyaku wa Egatai
Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By
Korean좋은 약은 구하기 힘들다
Joeun Yageun Guhagi Himdeulda
Good Medicine Is Hard to Get
SpanishUna medicina difícil de encontrarA Medicine That's Difficult to Find
FrenchRareté de panacéeRarity of Cure-all
RussianХорошее снадобье добыть нелегко
Khorosheye snadob'ye dobyt' nelegko
It's Hard to Obtain a Good Medicament
VietnameseThuốc Tốt Khó TìmGood Medicine Is Hard to Find
GermanGute Medizin ist schwer zu bekommenGood Medicine Is Hard to Come By
IndonesianObat Bagus Susah CarinyaGood Medicine Is Hard to Find
PortugueseBons Remédios são Difíceis de Encontrar
Turkishİyi İlaç Zor BulunurGood Medicine Is Hard to Find
ItalianL'ardua ricerca della giusta medicina

Change History[]

