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Days Beneath the Waves is a Daily Commission in West Slopes of Mont Automnequi, Fontaine.


  1. Talk to Yves
  2. Perform underwater salvage
  3. Give the salvage to Yves



This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Yves, a diver from Fontaine, seems to be busy...

Talk to Yves[]

First Encounter[]

(Talk to Yves)
Yves: Phew... Seriously... What awful luck...
Icon Dialogue Talk You're a diver?
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you just finish your dive?
Yves: That's right. I mean, I'm wearing my divesuit, aren't I? Anyway, do you need some sort of help?
Yves: If that's the case, I'm afraid you're out of luck... I won't be diving anywhere — not for the time being, anyway.
Yves: The waters here are too complicated a maze. Dive even a little deeper, and not only will the current be enormously chaotic, but waterweeds and trash in their swarm will eagerly seize me by the legs.
Yves: All it took was a moment of distraction, and a piece of metal had pierced my divesuit, causing it to leak.
Yves: Fortunately, I wasn't far from shore, and even then it was a life-and-death game I played to get my feet back on dry land. The dive suit was damaged, but thankfully, my leg is mostly fine... I haven't much Mora for medical consultation.
Yves: But I don't think I'll be able to finish the work that Goldman's assigned. In fact, I might even need to pay that stingy fellow. What luck, huh?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's good that you're safe, though.
Yves: Quite the consoling figure you cut... But you're not wrong. Apart from my healthy body, I haven't anything else on my person.
Icon Dialogue Talk Who's Goldman?
Yves: Him? Hmph, he's my boss — a specialist in hiring folks like me with no skills, but plenty of strength to spare in order to make ends meet.
Yves: A real Fonta-for-brains he is, and he's strict and stingy to boot! He insists that we stick to that big, thick work manual while at work...
Yves: Also, even the divesuits we use at work are stuff he "rents" out to us.
Yves: If we violate those stipulations or our divesuits get damaged, we'll have to pay him instead...
Yves: In other words, if I get careless at work even once, not only will I need to pay him a fee, but I'll need to grovel and beg him to keep me on staff! Pah!
Yves: *sigh* Anyway, I won't be able to help you much. I need to get this divesuit patched up and continue trawling underwater trash for Goldman...
Icon Dialogue Talk I can help you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why don't I help you perform some salvage?
Yves: Thanks for your kindness, but diving isn't something just anyone can do. Besides, I don't even have much Mora to pay you with.
Icon Dialogue Talk I know how to dive.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry, I can do this.
Yves: *sigh* Alright, alright. This hole is indeed too large for me to fix immediately, so I can only rely on your help, good (‍sirsir/ladylady‍).
Yves: You've got a good heart. I've hardly any doubt that you must be beloved by all.
Yves: That greedy greaseball Goldman always sends us the worst jobs — if the things he wants found aren't lost in the deepest waters, they're buried underground...
Yves: Let me mark the necessary locations for you one by one...
Yves: Alright, I've marked the various locations out. I'm counting on you, alright? Ugh, I can't believe the divesuit's this badly damaged... How much Mora will I have to fork out?
(Talk to Yves again, optional)
Yves: Pah, that stingy rogue!
Icon Dialogue Talk Could you tell me about this Goldman again?
Yves: He's my boss — real specialist in hiring folks like me with no skills, but strength to spare in order to make ends meet.
Yves: The real Fonta-for-brains he is, and he's strict and stingy to boot! He insists we stick to that big, thick work manual while at work...
Yves: Also, even the divesuits we use at work are stuff he "rents" out to us.
Yves: If we violate those stipulations or our divesuits get damaged, we'll have to pay him instead...
Yves: In other words, if I get careless at work even once, not only will I need to pay him a fee, but I'll need to grovel and beg him to keep me on staff! Pah!
Yves: What do you want to know more about him for, anyways? I'm begging you, please, keep your distance from him — even if it's for your good name's sake!
Yves: Shameless, that's what he is, and he surrounds himself with some of like kind to him, too. Bad eggs, them.
Yves: Don't associate with that fellow — you'd not clean that mud and filth off you hands, not even with a tower's worth of pure water.
Yves: But see, it takes nary any effort to stain a clear pond using dirty mud.
Icon Dialogue Talk You do some really hard work...
Yves: Hah, and isn't that the truth? But this is the only way I can make a living. I'm not smart, and I don't have any other skills, but I'm not going to turn to crime, either.
Yves: If I must do evil to get the bread, then I'd rather go hungry!
Yves: My lot's rough, yes, but I can close my eyes in peace at night. No need to fear if anyone hates me, or might shank me in my sleep.
Yves: If you think about it that way, my life is way better than Goldman's.
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Yves: Sure. I'll leave the salvage work to you, good (‍sirsir/ladylady‍). As for me, I'm going to continue repairing that divesuit of mine.

Subsequent Encounter (Version 1)[]

(Talk to Yves)
Yves: What rotten luck! I'm never going underwater again!
Icon Dialogue Talk What's wrong?
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened this time?
Yves: Ah, it's you. It truly is good to see you! I... I nearly lost my life down there.
Yves: I was doing work underwater, just like I usually do. I submerged, dodged the waterweeds, avoided the trash, and managed to not get cut or pierced by anything.
Yves: But just as I was salvaging things, a group of monsters suddenly emerged from the mud!
Yves: I can't quite remember what creatures they were, only that they came rushing at me — I could only flee and swim upward with all my might.
Yves: But not long after, I ran into a group of strange mechanical fish, and they too began mindlessly charging at me the moment they saw me!
Yves: I don't know how I got ashore, but I did, and seemingly without injury too...
Icon Dialogue Talk If things are so dangerous, you should probably stay away from this area.
Icon Dialogue Talk That sounds way too dangerous. You should find a different spot.
Yves: But I can't, you see! Goldman designated this spot... never mind that quite a few people were injured, or even lost their lives while working here.
Yves: Over time, even his threats and pay dockings could not convince anyone to perform salvage here.
Yves: So he changed tack after a while, claiming that he'd give anyone willing to come here three times the Mora.
Yves: So... I and a few fellows strapped for cash took the work on, and we even bought a few fishing spears for underwater self-defense.
Yves: But not a few days in, our weapons were either broken or lost... The others went into the city to get a new batch, while I'm here holding the fort.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then why did you go into the water just now?
Icon Dialogue Talk You went underwater without any weapons for self-defense?
Yves: They've been gone for ages! If we don't start soon, I don't know how late I'll need to stay up tonight.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let me help you...
Yves: No! That won't do! These are real monsters that'll give you a real fight! Even adventurers can't handle them. Nope, I can't let you do this.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm no ordinary adventurer.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do I look like an ordinary adventurer to you?
Yves: Well... certainly not...
Yves: Alright. If you insist, I'll mark that location out for you... But please, stay safe.
(Talk to Yves again, optional)
Yves: Pah, that stingy rogue!
Icon Dialogue Talk Could you tell me about Goldman again?
Yves: He's my boss — real specialist in hiring folks like me with no skills, but strength to spare in order to make ends meet.
Yves: A real Fonta-for-brains he is, and he's strict and stingy to boot! He insists that we stick to that big, thick work manual while at work...
Yves: Also, even the divesuits we use at work are stuff he "rents" out to us.
Yves: If we violate those stipulations or our divesuits get damaged, we'll have to pay him instead...
Yves: In other words, if I get careless at work even once, not only will I need to pay him a fee, but I'll need to grovel and beg him to keep me on staff! Pah!
Yves: What do you want to know more about him for, anyways? I'm begging you, please, keep your distance from him — even if it's just for your good name's sake!
Yves: Shameless, that's what he is, and he surrounds himself with some of like kind to him, too. Bad eggs, them.
Yves: Don't associate with that fellow — you'd not clean that mud and filth off your hands, not even with a tower's worth of pure water.
Yves: But see, it takes nary any effort to stain a clear pond using dirty mud.
Icon Dialogue Talk You do some really hard work...
Yves: Hah, and isn't that the truth? But this is the only way I can make a living. I'm not smart, and I don't have any other skills, but I'm not going to turn to crime, either.
Yves: If I must do evil to get the bread, then I'd rather go hungry!
Yves: My lot's rough, yes, but I can close my eyes in peace at night. No need to fear if anyone hates me, or might shank me in my sleep.
Yves: If you think about it that way, my life's way better than Goldman's.
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Yves: Sure. I'll leave the salvage work to you, good (‍sirsir/ladylady‍). As for me, I still need a bit of rest...

Subsequent Encounter (Version 2)[]

(Talk to Yves)
Yves: That rapacious rogue...
Icon Dialogue Talk How's your divesuit?
Yves: Ah, it's you! Sight for sore eyes, you are — best I've seen all day.
Yves: I'm sure you don't know what fresh new torture Goldman cooked up for us...
Yves: He hired some number cruncher, real calculating sort, to figure out how many objects each of us can salvage each day.
Yves: Then he forced us to haul salvage ashore based on these calculations!
Yves: But I mean, we get tired, get injured, grow hungry, and sometimes we just don't have energy. We can't simply haul that much out every single time. But does Goldman care? No!
Yves: If we can't match that quota, he scolds us and even docks our pay!
Yves: Not that this is the bean counter's fault. He's a good fellow named Finnegan, a real sympathetic type.
Yves: While he was doing his calculations, he would consult us regarding our daily work. One day, when he'd finished hearing what we had to say and done his sums...
Yves: He then stood up all of a sudden, ran into Goldman's house, and began yelling at that rogue.
Yves: I heard him saying "...This is unreasonable — they're people, not machines!"
Yves: ...He wound up being thrown out by Goldman's underlings and fell into a puddle. We had to help him up and out of it.
Yves: How the fellow apologized — wept, even. I couldn't blame him, none of us could. He's one of Goldman's victims just like us.
Yves: He promised that he'd think of some way to help us get justice.
Icon Dialogue Talk How long more do you still have to work today?
Icon Dialogue Talk How much work have you got left today?
Yves: A ton, I'm afraid. Can't say when I'll be done either. Just gotta do as much as I can, and hope I don't get docked too much Mora...
Icon Dialogue Talk Let me help you out.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let me share your load.
Yves: Really? You'd still help me out?
Yves: You... really are my savior. If only that Goldman had half your good heart! ... Oh, no. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't even have compared that boorish boar to you.
Yves: As before, I'll mark the location of the objects for you, then we'll split up and search.
(Talk to Yves again, optional)
(Same as Version 1)

Subsequent Encounter (Version 3)[]

(Talk to Yves)
Yves: Agh, what terrible luck...
Icon Dialogue Talk Were you able to sell the stuff?
Yves: Ah, it's you. Ugh, forget it. I'd just found a buyer too, and that was when Goldman barged into my house and seized that box of trinkets!
Yves: If he didn't still need me to work for him, I'd have taken a real beating, too... He did deduct two months' salary, though...
Yves: He wants me to pay me only after I've finished this whole year's worth of work.
Yves: *sigh* Forget it. Luck doesn't smile on idiots like me... Wait. Goldman didn't come knocking at your door, did he?
Icon Dialogue Talk No.
Icon Dialogue Talk If he did come to me, I'd have a lesson to teach him.
Yves: Please, don't get involved with that shameless lump of lard! Someone as honorable as yourself shouldn't even be acquainted with him!
Yves: Still, I will need your help today again. My divesuit still hasn't been fixed, but Goldman's been pushing me to make up for the days where I was unable to finish work.
Yves: I had no choice but to borrow someone else's divesuit, but even so, I couldn't finish my work quickly enough... Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to rely on your goodwill again.
Icon Dialogue Talk No issue.
Icon Dialogue Talk Allow me.
Yves: Thank you. I'll mark the locations of the objects in question for you — we'll split up and search... I'll go repair that divesuit of mine after the work is done.
(Talk to Yves again, optional)
Yves: Pah, that stingy rogue!
Icon Dialogue Talk Could you tell me about Goldman again?
Yves: He's my boss — real specialist in hiring folks like me with no skills, but strength to spare in order to make ends meet.
Yves: A real Fonta-for-brains he is, and he's strict and stingy to boot! He insists that we stick to that big, thick work manual while at work...
Yves: Also, even the divesuits we use at work are stuff he "rents" out to us.
Yves: If we violate those stipulations or our divesuits get damaged, we'll have to pay him instead...
Yves: In other words, if I get careless at work even once, not only will I need to pay him a fee, but I'll need to grovel and beg him to keep me on staff! Pah!
Yves: What do you want to know more about him for, anyways? I'm begging you, please, keep your distance from him — even if it's just for your good name's sake!
Yves: Shameless, that's what he is, and he surrounds himself with some of like kind to him, too. Bad eggs, them.
Yves: Don't associate with that fellow — you'd not clean that mud and filth off your hands, not even with a tower's worth of pure water.
Yves: But see, it takes nary any effort to stain a clear pond using dirty mud.
Icon Dialogue Talk You do some really hard work...
Yves: Hah, and isn't that the truth? But this is the only way I can make a living. I'm not smart, and I don't have any other skills, but I'm not going to turn to crime, either.
Yves: If I must do evil to get the bread, then I'd rather go hungry!
Yves: My lot's rough, yes, but I can close my eyes in peace at night. No need to fear if anyone hates me, or might shank me in my sleep.
Yves: If you think about it that way, my life's way better than Goldman's.
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Yves: Sure. I'll leave the salvage work to you, good (‍sirsir/ladylady‍). As for me, I'm going to keep continue repairing that divesuit of mine...

Perform underwater salvage[]

Version 1[]

(Approach the Submerged Box)
Paimon: The stuff we need to retrieve should be nearby! Let's have a look around!
Paimon: There's seagrass everywhere! Be careful, it'll really suck to get your foot stuck!

Version 2[]

(Approach the Submerged Box)
Paimon: There's so many clockwork meka around... Be careful when dealing with them!

Give the salvage to Yves[]

Version 1[]

(Talk to Yves after retrieving the Submerged Box)
Yves: Have you helped me salvage those things?
(Submit Submerged Box Submerged Box)
Yves: That's right, this is what we go trawling for every day. It's just junk, junk, and more junk... Maybe that stingy rogue Goldman eats the stuff...
Yves: Thanks for your help. This is the pay I got as an advance from Goldman — please take it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I can't take this from you.
Yves: But you must! It's your wages for YOUR work. It no longer belongs to me... and if you won't take it, I'm just going to consign this coin pouch to the waters.
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, alright...
Yves: That's the way! If you need anything salvaged in the future, come look for me. I'll get it out for you in one piece, no matter what it is!
Yves: But for now, I've got to continue repairing my divesuit. *sigh* Isn't this hole a little too big...

Version 2[]

(Talk to Yves after retrieving the Submerged Box)
Yves: Have you helped me salvage those things?
(Submit Submerged Box Submerged Box)
Yves: These are... What are all these trinkets? Are these what Goldman really wanted us to salvage?
Yves: Thanks so much for your help! Here... Take this Mora, and don't tell a soul about this.
Yves: If I could sell these, I can purchase a divesuit of my own. No longer would I need to rent from that Goldman!
Icon Dialogue Talk I can't take this from you.
Icon Dialogue Talk My lips are sealed.
Yves: No, no! This is the wages you deserve. I know this is nothing compared to the effort you had to put in, but it's all I have left. I was planning to get a swig of booze with it tonight...
Yves: So please, take it. I'll take care of a few things, and then I'll figure out how to... y'know, sell this on the sly...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDays Beneath the Waves
Shuǐdǐ de Rìzi
Days Underwater
Shuǐdǐ de Rìzi
Suitei no Hibi‍[!][!]
Korean잠수하는 나날
Jamsuhaneun Nanal
Days of Submerging
SpanishDías bajo el aguaDays Under the Water
FrenchLes jours sous les vaguesThe Days Beneath the Waves
RussianПодводные деньки
Podvodnyye den'ki
Underwater Days
VietnameseNhững Ngày Dưới Nước
GermanDie Tage im WasserThe Days in the Water
IndonesianHari-Hari di Dalam LautDays Under the Sea
PortugueseDias sob as Ondas
TurkishDalgaların Altında GünlerDays Beneath the Waves
ItalianGiorni sotto le ondeDays Beneath the Waves

Change History[]

