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An ancient humanoid war machine. They are said to be remnants from a lost ancient nation.

Ruin Machines are mechanical war machines created by the lost civilization of Khaenri'ah.


Elite Enemies[]

  • Humanoid Ruin Machines – A sub-group of humanoid Ruin Machines. Their form is limited to what was preengineered.
    • Ruin Guard Ruin Guard – Large machines that guard ruins. They attack with homing missiles and their powerful arms.
    • Ruin Hunter Ruin Hunter – War machines armed with sharp appendages that have propellers instead of legs. They can also fire barrages of missiles, or unleash a beam dealing Pyro DMG.
    • Ruin Grader Ruin Grader – A giant war machine that looks like a larger, stronger Ruin Guard. They are completely silent compared to the other two variants.
  • Ruin Sentinels – A series of unusual machines that take on many forms to attack enemies with a variety of attacks.
    • Ruin Cruiser Ruin Cruiser – A hovering machine composed of multiple interdependent parts, themed after honeybee colonies.
    • Ruin Destroyer Ruin Destroyer – A machine that anchors itself in the ground to attack, themed after a plant, possibly Regisvines.
    • Ruin Defender Ruin Defender – A machine equipped with a shield, themed after an insect, possibly beetles.
    • Ruin Scout Ruin Scout – A hovering machine that sets dangerous energy orbs on the field, themed after jellyfish.
  • Ruin Drakes - A series of machines that can absorb elemental attacks, using them as their own and increasing their resistance to said attacks.
    • Ruin Drake: Earthguard Ruin Drake: Earthguard - An armless bipedal machine resembling a dragon.
    • Ruin Drake: Skywatch Ruin Drake: Skywatch - The airborne variant of the Earthguard. They have large mechanical wings with propulsion systems built in, enabling flight and hovering capabilities.

Normal Bosses[]

  • Perpetual Mechanical Array Perpetual Mechanical Array – A massive ruin unit consisting of four Ruin Sentinels that takes on the form of the Hypostases and bears a similar attack style to them by transforming into various objects.
  • Ruin Serpent Ruin Serpent – A snake-like machine that appears to be a digging machine of sorts, utilizing its mass to crush enemies and generate Dark Mud and Oozing Concretions to weaken enemies.
  • Aeonblight Drake Aeonblight Drake - A massive ruin unit that has functions found in both Earthguard and Skywatch drakes.


Ruin Machines are ancient machines from the lost nation of Khaenri'ah[1] and can be found across Teyvat, particularly in the ruins of ancient civilizations. However, these Ruin Machines do not come from the same source as the ruins they inhabit, with a time difference of up to several thousand years.[2]

Humanoid Ruin Machines take on a Cyclops-like design, though they differ in terms of size and build. Except for Ruin Graders, they speak in an unknown language when attacking. By targeting their weak points — their glowing eyes or, on Ruin Graders, the weak points on their back and feet — they can be stunned, causing them to be temporarily disabled and lie defenseless on the ground. These weak points are immune to attack when circular runes or text appear around them. Ruin Graders are significantly sturdier and are not left as defenseless as their other counterparts.

Ruin Sentinels take on forms of various animals from both real life and in-game. By targeting their weak points — their oculi - they can be stunned, causing them to be temporarily disabled. While not as strong as a Ruin Grader, Ruin Sentinels are more durable than most humanoid Ruin Machines, in that they may need their weak point struck twice, as the first successful hit may simply stagger the machine, whereas a second hit outright disables them like the humanoid ones suffer. Unlike their humanoid counterparts, the Ruin Sentinels willingly expose their weak spot while performing specific attacks.

Ruin Drakes can be find winged or wingless, being modeled on geovishaps. While performing their signature attack, if it is not interrupted, the Ruin Drake will "infuse" the element they were harmed with the most, causing them to gain increased resistance to that element and apply it to their signature attack when they use it again. If no elemental damage had been inflicted, no infusion is made. Like the previous ruin machines, they can willingly expose their weak spot(s); like humanoid ruin machines, a single hit to the weak spot(s) will disable them instantly. This will also remove the infusion should they had done so previously.

Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seekers have a different appearance to other Ruin Machines, having a white coating and are able to float much like Ruin Cruisers and Scouts. They are designed to counter against the use of Nightsoul's Blessing, launching a powerful and prolonged laser burst at the cost of its defensive abilities.

They are usually given distinct letter-number "serial codes," followed by 5 digits. Ruin Guards have a prefix is "Hu-"; Ruin Hunters have a prefix is "Fo-"; Ruin Graders have a prefix is "Ra-"; Ruin Sentinels have a prefix of "Ald-"; Ruin Drakes have a prefix of "Faf-."


The people of Khaenri'ah called them Field Tillers, a codename based on the saying "The land is not to be tilled with farming tools, but rather to be fought for with steel and blood".[1] Following the fall of Khaenri'ah, the Ruin Machines wandered aimlessly across Teyvat for hundreds of years, mostly ending up in the ruins of former civilizations, causing the people of the present era to mistake them as the guardians of the ruins, hence terming them "Ruin Machines". Some have completely broken down, while others remain active and roaming, or inactive until they sense people nearby.

The first known automaton was a prototype Field Tiller, which Dainsleif states to be stronger than the many created after it, despite sharing the same appearance as them. It is unknown if the Ruin Hunters or Graders were variants improved from the mass-produced series.

Interacting with the inactive Ruin Guards in the Record of Serial No. puzzle gives the decoded message: "For the nation, we can't forgo this skyborne power, but we failed." It is unclear whether these Ruin Machines belonged to the main civilization that dwelt there, Sal Vindagnyr, but current Dragonspine lore attributes the fall of Sal Vindagnyr to Celestia and the dropping of the Skyfrost Nail.

Ruin Machines (Ruin Guards and Ruin Hunters at least) were already being made during or before the Archon War, as the realm created by the adepti in Liyue to store "several ancient and evil artifacts" acquired by Guizhong contained Ruin Guards and single Ruin Hunter.[3]

As part of the Fatui's research into The Abyss, the Harbinger Il Dottore built a Ruin Guard research facility in Liyue, which remained operational after he deserted the facility out of boredom. According to Childe, these machines are not built by the Fatui, but have some connection to the Abyss Order. He is not clear if the Abyss Order created them or simply took advantage of them.[4]

Ruin Sentinels are animal-like machines which are particularly prevalent in Inazuma alongside humanoid ruin machines. They were also brought into Enkanomiya by the people of Khaenri'ah.

Ruin Machines also appeared in The Chasm, with both normal and sentinel-type machines being dug up in the area.[5][6]

In Sumeru, massive Ruin Machines known as Ruin Golems once prowled the land, who were sent with the Schwanenritter for reasons unknown. These machines dwarf over all other known models; while most features are unknown, they were manually operated by a human crew and were tedious to maintain in part due to their huge size. Three golems currently exist; one at Devantaka Mountain, another at the Valley of Dahri, and a final one at the Desert of Hadramaveth. In addition to Ruin Golems, Ruin Drakes can be found roaming Sumeru alongside the other models.

In Fontaine, a small group of Ruin Machines can be found in Elynas.

In Natlan, the majority of Ruin Machines found in the nation are Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seekers; designed to counter Phlogiston and Nightsoul's Blessing. A few standard Ruin Machines do exist, though in scarce numbers like Fontaine.


  • According to the description of the third phase of Peculiar Wonderland, Ruin Machines stand 15 meters tall, although the description did not clarify whether this referred to Ruin Guards or Ruin Graders, which differ in height. It's possible that it is referring to the Ruin Grader.
  • Ruin Guards' names are prefixed with Hu-, HU-, or GN/Hu. Ruin Hunters' names are prefixed with Fo-. Ruin Graders' names are prefixed with Ra-. Ruin Sentinels' names are prefixed with Ald-. Ruin Drakes' names are prefixed with Faf-. All prefixes are followed by 5 numbers except for one case of 4 numbers following Hu-. See the individual pages for more details.
  • Ruin Machines bear similarities to living or elemental counterparts - Ruin Drakes being a mechanical version of Geovishaps due to their elemental infusion, the Ruin Serpent being a mechanical version of the Setekh Wenut as both specialize in boring holes and the Perpetual Mechanical Array being similar to the Hypostases.[7]
  • Sandrone, a Fatui Harbinger, is accompanied by what appears to be a modified version of a Ruin Machine; indicated by the similar symbols found in both Automatons.


In-Game Image[]


Change History[]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Archon Quest Act, Chapter I, Act IV: We Will Be Reunited
  2. ↑ Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, Automatons: Ruin Guard
  3. ↑ Level Domain Entrance Description: Voyage to the Sanguine Sky
  4. ↑ Story Quest, Tartaglia, Monoceros Caeli Chapter: Act I - Mighty Cyclops' Adventure!, Part 3: Defender of Childhood Dreams
  5. ↑ Event Thunder Sojourn World Quest: Voyage Prep
  6. ↑ YouTube: Version 2.5 Special Program
  7. ↑ Adventurer Handbook, Enemy Description: Perpetual Mechanical Array

